Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER< LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo INSTSRVC InstallService INSTSRVC.DLL password FAXMAKER% FGWMSERV.INI FGWCONFG.INI FAXmaker Gateway Directory FAXmaker Gateway Service FAXmaker FAX Service FAXmaker Intranet Gateway Service FAXmaker for Intranet GFI Fax & Voicea FAXmaker for Intraneta fgwsrvc.exe EVALUATION FAXMAKER CLIENT UNIQSETNAME UNIQSETNAME Welcome to the a& FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 Installation$ . Please select a language $ to continue; English2 FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 Installation" FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 Installation! FAXmaker voor Intranet 4.1 Installatie! APOP Support Does your SMTP mail server support APOP? (If you are not sure select No). APOP! Please enter your Company name, fax number and serial number below. Choose Directory Please choose directory( hlen Sie ein Verzeichnis Geben Sie ein Zielverzeichnis ein oder w hlen Sie eines aus, Kies Directory Typ of kies doel directory Choose Directory Please choose Directory% CLIENT hlen Sie ein Verzeichnis Geben Sie ein Zielverzeichnis ein oder w hlen Sie eines aus, Kies Directory Typ of kies doel directory WIN31 WIN95 WINNT WINNT35 WINNT4 Mail Server Setup &Mail server name: &Scan time (secs): &Fax mailbox account name: &Account password: Please enter mail server name, Scan time (interval to check faxes), Fax-mail account and Password,( password Mail Server Setup &Mail server name: &Scan time (secs): &Fax mailbox account name: &password: Please enter Mail server name, Scan time (interval to check faxes), Fax-mail account and Password, language\chinese, language\english language\german, language\dutch, language\french, INSTALLATION ERROR: Unable to copy language modulesA FGWCONFG.INIR FGWCONFG.INI FAXMAKER.LOGR FAXMAKER.LOG Error creating directory Copying ( Fehler beim Erstellen von Verzeichnis Kopiere , Fout bij aanmaken Kopieren COVERPGE COVERPGE COVERPGE* TEMP* TEMP* OUT\PENDING OUT\PENDING OUT\UNDELIV OUT\UNDELIV IN\TEMP IN\TEMP VMAIL VMAIL PROMPTS PROMPTS ARCHIVE ARCHIVE ARCHIVE\IN ARCHIVE\IN ARCHIVE\OUT ARCHIVE\OUT FAX Server modules... faxsrvr\*.*A faxsrvr\FAXMAKER.FONA Intranet Gateway modules... inetgway\*.*A FAX Server resource files... data.zb8 FAX Gateway coverpages... COVERPGE COVERPGE\*.* data.zb8 PROMPTS PROMPTS\*.*A Dos installation... client\dos\*.*A Win16 installation... client\win16\*.*A drivers\win31\*.*A viewer\*.*A RCVWR_*.DLL data.zb8 install\win16\*.*A Win95 installation... client\win95\*.*A drivers\win95\*.*A viewer\*.*A viewer\32bit\*.*A RCVWR_*.DLL data.zb8 install\win32\*.*A WinNT35 installation... client\winnt\*.*A drivers\winnt\winnt35\*.*A viewer\*.*A viewer\32bit\*.*A RCVWR_*.DLL data.zb8 install\win32\*.*A WinNT4 installation... client\winnt\*.*A drivers\winnt\winnt4\*.*A viewer\*.*A viewer\32bit\*.*A RCVWR_*.DLL data.zb8 install\win32\*.*A Copy files...( Kopieren Dateien..., Kopieren... FAXmakerIntranetGatewayDeinstKeyA FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory. Kann kein Verzeichnis erstellen unter b Bitte pr fen Sie den Schreibzugriff f r dieses Verzeichnis. General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Allgemeiner Fehler bei der Datei bertragung.a: Bitte pr fen Sie den Zielort und versuchen es noch einmal.$ Fehler Nummer:$ Entsprechende Datei: $ FGWCONFG.CPLa FGWCONFG.CPL FGWCONFG.CPL FMSTART.EXEa FMSTART.EXE ACCUISR5.DLLa ACCUISR5.DLL FMSTART.EXEa FMSTART.EXE ACCUISR5.DLLa ACCUISR5.DLL ACCUISR5.DLLa ACCUISR5.DLL MFC42.DLLR MFC42.DLLa MFC42.DLL MFC42.DLLR MSVCRT.DLLa MSVCRT.DLL FAXMAKER.DRVR FAXMAKER.DRVa FAXMAK.OLD PROCHOOK.DLLR PROCHOOK.DLLa PROCHOOK.OLD FGWEXC32.EXELR FGWEXC32.EXEa FGWEXC32.OLD FGWEXC32.EXEa FGWEXC32.EXE FAXMAKER.DRVa FAXMAKER.DRV PROCHOOK.DLLa PROCHOOK.DLL) UNIDRV.DLLR UNIDRV.DLLa UNIDRV.DLL GFIMNTR.DLLR GFIMNTR.DLLa GFIMNTR.OLD FGWEXC32.EXER FGWEXC32.EXEa FGWEXC32.OLD FAXMAKER.DLLa FAXMAKER.DLL GFIMNTR.DLLa GFIMNTR.DLL FGWEXC32.EXEa FGWEXC32.EXE README.TXTa README.TXT USERMAN.DOCa USERMAN.DOC README.TXTa README.TXT USERMAN.DOCa USERMAN.DOC README.TXTa README.TXT USERMAN.DOCa USERMAN.DOC README.TXTa README.TXT USERMAN.DOCa USERMAN.DOC All files have been copied( Alle Dateien sind kopiert, Alle files zijn gecopieerd ENGLISH Startup( GERMAN Autostart, DUTCH, FRENCH FAXMAKER FAXMAKER FAXMAKER% FGWMSERV.INI FGWCONFG.INI Intraneta UseAPOPa Intraneta MailServerb Intraneta MailAccountNameb Intraneta MailAccountPasswordb Intraneta MailPollTimeb Directoriesa BaseDirb# TEMP% Directoriesa BaseTempDirb8 fgwconfg.exe% Directoriesa ConfigPathb8 Directoriesa GatewayInb8 Directoriesa GatewayOutb8 COVERPGE% Directoriesa CoverDirb8 VMAIL% Directoriesa Voicemailb8 PROMPTS% Directoriesa Promptsb8 Directoriesa Clientb$ Misca Languageb Misca MailSystema FAXmaker for Intranet% Misca MailServera Registrationa Numberb Registrationa Companyb Uninstalla Installeda Allowed Extensionsa Print% Allowed Extensionsa Print% FAXmaker Mservera ThreadPriorityFaxa Faxmaker Line Cb LocalIdb HeaderIdb ARCHIVE\IN% ArchiveInDirb8 ARCHIVE\OUT% ArchiveOutDirb8 FAXmakera Directoryb8 WIN.INI% Debuga OutputToa WIN.INI% PORTSa file% WIN.INI% PRINTERPORTSa FAXmakera FAXMAKER,GFI, 15, 45 FMPROG.INI% FAX.FMK% Generala FaxNameb9 SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\GFI FAXmaker Porta GFIMNTR.DLLQ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\GFI FAXmaker Porta DriverA DOCCVT32: FAXmaker Document Converterb8 DOCCVT32.EXE -service SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runa Doccvt32A Loading DLL '%s' failed, error: %d FAXmaker FAX Service Install FAX Service Please enter a name for the FAX Service Name: Installing FAX Service... Unable to install the service. Most probably, the name you entered already exists. Please enter another name FGWMSERV.EXE Loading DLL '%s' failed, error: %d FAXmaker Intranet MTA Service Install Intranet Gateway Service Please enter a name for the Gateway Service Name: Installing Intranet Gateway Service... Unable to install the service. Most probably, the name you entered already exists. Please enter another name FGWINET.EXE Creating Program Folder and Icons.... Readme Register Diagnose Configuration unInstall Services FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 FAXmaker FAX Server Configuration FAXmaker Fax Server Monitor FAXmaker FAX Service Help FAXmaker FAX Server( Liesmich About GFI FAX&Voice Register FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 FAXmaker FAX Server Konfiguration FAXmaker Fax Server Monitor FAXmaker FAX Dienst Hilfe FAXmaker FAX Server, Leesmij About GFI FAX&Voice Register FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 FAXmaker FAX Server Configuratie FAXmaker Fax Server Monitor FAXmaker FAX Service Help FAXmaker FAX Server FMUSRMAN.EXE: FAXmaker User Configurationb8 FGWCONFG.EXE: FAXmaker Fax Server Configurationb8 FGWMSERV.EXE -desktop: FAXmaker Fax Serverb8 FGWINET.EXE -desktop: FAXmaker Intranet MTAb8 FGWMON.EXE: README.TXT: REGISTER.WRI: FAXINTRA.DOC: FAXmaker Manualb8 FAXINTRA.HLP: FAXmaker Helpb8 FGWDIAGN.EXE: unInstallShieldb FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 InstallationA FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 InstallationA FAXmaker voor Intranet 4.1 InstallatieA SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Setup Printer$ ATTENTION: The FAXmaker printer driver must be installed on this machine. Please install the printer driver using the PRINTER.INF file located in $ YES, I will install the FAXmaker printer driver. ( Setup ist vollst ndig$ Setup hat die Installation von a& FAXmaker for Intranet 4.1 Installation$ auf Ihren Computer beendet. ACHTUNG: Der FAXmaker Druckertreiber mus auf diesem Computer installiert werden. $ Bitte installieren Sie den Druckertreiber mit der Datei PRINTER.INF, die sich unter$ befindet. JA, ich mochte den FAXmaker Druckertreiber installieren. Setup was succesful. YOU NEED TO REBOOT TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION.A Setup Complete$ FAXmaker for Intranet was installed succesfully. To continue installation you need to complete the following steps: 1) Reboot your PC. 2) If using Windows NT, install the FAXmaker printer driver as described in the readme. 3) Startup the FAXmaker server configuration and configure a Port. 4) Startup the FAXmaker user configuration and create user accounts. 5) Startup the FAXmaker Intranet MTA. 6) Startup the FAXmaker FAXserver. For more information check the README. Press OK to cancel the installation( Kies OK om Setup af te breken, Kies OK om Setup af te breken Copy file failed) Kann Verzeichnis %s nicht erzeugen.b Unable to create directory %s.b Zuwenig Arbeitsspeicher. Setup kann mit dem Kopieren der Dateien nicht forfahren., Not enough memory. Zuwenig freieer Festplattenspeicher. Setup kann mit dem Kopieren der Dateien nicht forfahren., Not enough disk-space. Setup kann die Quelldatei '%s' nicht ffnen.b8 Unable to open sourcefile '%s'.b8 Datei '%s' konnte nicht erzeugt werden.b8 Unable to create file '%s'.b8 Datei '%s' konnte nicht erzeugt werden (nur lesen).b8 File '%s' is read-only. Unable to write to this file.b8 Fehler beim Kopieren von '%s' nach '%s'.b8 An error occured while copying file '%s' to '%s'.b8 edit( SETUPSTR862R8 Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb9 _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! 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