Readiris 3.95 CD-ROM version = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Contents - CD-ROM contents - When to use the 32 bit and 16 bit software - Important note concerning foreign languages - Connect macros for Word, Excel and WordPerfect - Important note for users of Readiris 32 bit - Reverse (negative) images with Twain compatible scanners * CD-ROM contents --------------- This CD-ROM contains the following software packages: * Readiris 32 bit version (in folder "Read32") * Readiris 16 bit version (in directory "Read16") * Cardiris LE (16 bit software) (in folder "Cardiris") To install each software package, go to the corresponding folder or directory and run the "Setup" program. Before installing these scanning applications, you should install the software supplied with the scanner. * When to use the 32 bit and 16 bit software ------------------------------------------ Readiris is supplied in a 32 bit and a 16 bit version on this CD-ROM. The 32 bit version can be used on the platforms Windows 95 and Windows NT. The 16 bit version should always be used on the platforms Windows 3.1x. You should realize that the 32 bit version is not only fast- er but offers more powerful OCR than the 16 bit version does. The reason for this is the Readiris 32 bit software incorporates I.R.I.S.' latest OCR kernel - which only runs in 32 bits! However, in some cases your scanner driver may not work in the 32 bit mode. In that case, you are limited to the 16 bit version of Readiris. Such a phenomenon should never occur with Twain drivers, as the Twain standard accounts for 32 bit support. See also the note below on Twain drivers and 32 bits! * Important note concerning foreign languages ------------------------------------------- Because of internal reasons - Windows 95 and 3.x use only 8 bit character tables, not so-called "Unicode" tables -, the document language you select with Readiris must be sup- ported by your localized version of Windows. Simply put, Readiris can read Greek, Cyrillic etc. com- fortably, but your Windows licence may not be able to hand- le Greek, Cyrillic etc. characters. This becomes clear in two ways: (1) Windows may be unable to represent these special characters on your screen, even if Readiris recognized them correctly, (2) the learning phase may prompt you to respond to recognized "special" charac- ters, and here again it only works when Windows is able to display and accept input of these special characters. - Windows 95 Windows 95 can be easily adjusted to support extra languag- es. The technical info on the I.R.I.S. web site contains a lengthy document which details extensively what you can do to support more languages with Windows 95. - Windows 3.1x Windows 3.1 does not have this flexibiity. To recognize the Eastern-European languages - we mean Croa- tian, Czech,Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Slovak, Slovenian - you need the localized Eastern-European version of Windows 3.1x. To recognize the Cyrillic languages - we mean Bulgarian, By- elorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukranian - you need the localized Russian version of Windows 3.1x. To recognize Turkish, you need the localized Turkish version of Windows 3.1x. Again, the technical info on the I.R.I.S. web site contains a lengthy document which details extensively what you can do to get a Windows version that support the required languag- es. * Connect macros for Word, Excel and WordPerfect ---------------------------------------------- Readiris' installation procedure automatically installs the necessary files in the Readiris folder: - CONWRD97.DOT for Word 97 (Office 97) - CONNECT7.DOC for Word 7.0 (Office 95) - CONNECT7.XLM for Excel 7.0 (Office 95) - CONNECT6.DOC for Word 6.0 - CONNECT5.XLM for Excel 5.0 - CONNECT6.WCM for WordPerfect 6.0 - CONNECT.DOC for Word 2.0 - CONNECT4.XLM for Excel 4.0 - CONNECT.WCM for WordPerfect 5.0 However, there are some additional steps needed to conclude the installation, steps no installation program can take care of. The on-line help system of Readiris details those steps. To make this information more accessible, the corresponding topic of the on-line help system is displayed automatically towards the end of the installation program. To add the Connect features to the programs mentioned above, follow the instructions provided of the Readiris help system closely. Be sure that you use the correct files each time! * Important note for users of Readiris 32 bit ------------------------------------------- If your scanner is only shipped with a 16 bit Twain driver and no 32 bit driver is available, your computer system re- quires a special software component that allows a 32 bit ap- plication to communicate with the 32 bit version of Readir- is. This special interface is called "twunk"; it is not always installed by the drivers shipped with the scanner. To verify if the "thunk" software is present on your system, check if the following files are present in your Windows folder or directory: TWUNK_16.EXE TWUNK_32.EXE TWAIN.DLL TWAIN_32.DLL If one of these files is missing, you will find the neces- sary files in the folder "Twunk" (short for "Twain thunk") on this CD-ROM. That folder or directory also contains a README.TXT file which clarifies how to install this software module. Be sure to copy all *.EXE and *.DLL files to the Windows fol- der or directory. * Reverse (negative) images with Twain compatible scanners -------------------------------------------------------- Readiris and Cardiris have been designed to interpret cor- rectly the image of the Twain source. However, in some cases, the image recieved by the I.R.I.S. application is "negative" or "inverted": black pixels on the page are white on the screen and the white backgound shows up black on the screen. In this case, you have to edit the file WIN.INI file under the Windows folder or directory, search for the entry "[Twain]" and add the following lines: [Twain] invert = 1 This information will instruct Readiris and Cardiris to re- verse the image when it is being transferred from the Twain source. Contact I.R.I.S. for more information. I.R.I.S. Image Recognition Integrated Systems Rue du Bosquet 10, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Tel: 32-10-45 13 64 Fax: 32-10-45 34 43 E-mail sales: E-mail support: Web site: (8/8/97)