InContext FlashSite Quick Tutorial

What can you do with InContext FlashSite?

InContext FlashSite speeds up your Web browsing by downloading all or any part of a Web site to your hard drive for a customized power-browsing experience. FlashSite gives you three different downloading options for every bookmarked URL or page that you happen to be viewing in your browser — Page, Site and Site Map. You can also schedule downloads for any number of Web sites while you're away from your computer. Once you've downloaded your favorite sites, you can view, visualize and update them.

InContext FlashSite's WebHelper

InContext FlashSite's exclusive WebHelper is a floating tool bar that you can keep on your screen to perform many of your most common downloading, scheduling and viewing functions. While you're browsing, you can simply go to the site you want to download, click on the Download button and select the option you want. Similarly, if you want to download a site you've discovered on a regular basis, just click on the Schedule button to setup your scheduling options. When you're ready to view your downloaded Web sites, click on the Local button to select from your list of local sites to automatically launch your browser. The Status area always updates you on the progress of your download and notifies you when it's complete.

Downloading Web pages, sites and site maps

  1. Launch InContext FlashSite. If you already have your browser running, FlashSite will automatically integrate with it for downloading. You can use FlashSite with Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  2. In the Bookmark section, either select one of the great sites bookmarked for you, or, if you've added your own cool sites, select one of them.

HOT TIP: To add new selections to your bookmark list, go to the desired Web site or page in your browser and click on the Bookmark button in the WebHelper. You can also right click on a container (or folder) in the Bookmark view in FlashSite and then select New Bookmark from the submenu. Type in a name for your bookmark in the Bookmark list.

  1. Right click on the bookmark URL that you want to download. In the submenu, click on the Download option. You can now select one of four possible downloading options: Page, Site, Site Map and Custom.
  2. Select the Page option if you want to download only the page for the URL you selected.
  3. Select the Site option if you want to download the entire Web site, including all HTML, image and media files.
  4. Select the Site Map option if you want to download the complete structure of the Web site without any of the file data. In other words, you'll be downloading a map of the site that you can examine later in FlashSite's WebViz view.
  5. Select the Custom option to customize your downloads to request specific information and to set your downloading options.
  • In the Fetch Depth section, indicate how deep you want FlashSite to go when it downloads your selected URL. Click on the Page Only option to download only the current page or click on the All Links Down option if you want FlashSite to download the entire site. Select Limited Depth and enter a value in the Depth box for the number of link levels you want to download.
  • In the Data to Fetch section, select the data types that you want Flashsite to download. You can choose from any combination of: HTML, Picture, Audio, Video, and Other.
  • In the Limit Disk Space Used section, click inside the check box and type a value for the number of megabytes you want FlashSite to download.
  1. Click on the OK button when you're ready to begin your download.
  2. When your download is complete, right click its URL reference in the Local Site view and then select the View option from the submenu to launch it in the browser you configured. If you want to use the WebHelper, click on the Local button and select the local site you want to browse. You can now browse through the Web site on your hard drive.
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Automating and scheduling downloads

FlashSite's scheduling options give you the freedom download any number of Web sites at different times according to your own schedule. This is particularly useful if you want to track a Web site's development on a regular basis, or if you want to download Web sites when your online rates are the lowest.
  1. In FlashSite's Bookmark view, right click on the URL bookmark for the Web site you want to download. If you're currently working in your browser and want to schedule a download for its current URL, click on the Schedule button in the WebHelper.
  2. Select the Schedule option from the menu and then select one of four options: Page, Site, Site Map or Custom.
  3. Select the Page option to schedule a download for the selected page, the Site option to schedule a download for an entire Web site or the Site Map option to create an overview of Web site contents (without the data). In either case, the Download Options dialog box appears containing the Schedule folder.
  4. In the Run section, select the downloading frequency for the selected Web site: Never, Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
  5. In the Start At section, use the Time, Date and Calendar features to specify the exact downloading start times.
  6. If you select the Custom option from the submenu, the Downloading Options dialog box appears with both the Schedule and the Custom folders. Once you've specified your scheduling options as described in step 5, you can click on the Custom folder to customize the type and amount of data you want to download.
  7. Click on the OK button when you've completed your scheduling setup.
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Updating your Web site downloads

InContext FlashSite also lets you update your local Web sites so they are always current. Instead of downloading the entire site all over again, FlashSite compares your previous download with your new one and only pulls down revised and new data. Once you've updated you can also view a report that details the changes.
  1. In FlashSite's Local Web site view (where all your downloads are listed), right click on the URL bookmark for the Web site you want to update.
  2. Select the Update option from the menu. In the WebHelper, you'll now notice that InContext FlashSite is updating your file. When the updating is complete, the Status area will notify you.
  3. If you want to view the updated local site, right click on its URL reference in the Local Web site view and select the View option, or click on the Local button in the WebHelper and then select its URL there. FlashSite will now launch your local site in the browser you've configured.
  4. If you want to view a report of any changes and updates to the Web site you downloaded, right click on it again in the Local Web site view and then select the View Report option.
  5. Toggle over to your browser in the task bar to view the report. If any pages have been changed or added, they will listed and detailed so you can compare the results.
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