Samples and tutorial paper for "Using Borland Delphi and C++ Together" (C) 1996 Copyright Borland International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Last updated: August 8, 1996 [ckh] This distribution package includes classes and two examples for using Borland C++ and OWL with Delphi Forms. The original presentation was made at the Borland Developer's Conference in July 1996. The slides and example code have been updated since the BDC conference CD to use the new factory function that returns an IUnknown. Roadmap ------- The paper describing the techniques for using BC++ and Delphi together is an HTML file named BC360.HTM as well as a WinWord document named BC5_D2.DOC. The presentation slides are in BC360.PPT, which is a Microsoft PowerPoint32 file. View the WinWord documents by downloading the MS Word Viewer from There are four directories: two examples: SAMPLE and MDISAMP, one Delphi Form DLL project TESTDLL, and a DATA directory. Building the examples --------------------- All of the examples are already built. However, they also include an .IDE file if you wish to rebuild the examples yourself. The C++ examples can be built with BC++ 5.01 and OWL 5.01; the Delphi form DLL can be built with Delphi 2.01. Files ----- The files included on this distribution are listed below. readme.txt - this file 723_O.HTM - a brief outline of the Borland Developer Conference presentation BC360.HTM - the presentation paper BC360.PPT - the PowerPoint slides CODE\TESTDLL.H - header file for the DLL, in C++ CODE\DATA\SITES.DB - A Paradox database containing some data that CODE\DATA\SITES.DOF TESTDLL will display CODE\DATA\SITES.DPR CODE\DATA\SITES.FAM CODE\DATA\SITES.MB CODE\DATA\SITES.PX CODE\DATA\SITES.RES CODE\DATA\SITES.TV CODE\SAMPLE\DLCTL.IDE - SDI sample project CODE\SAMPLE\DLCTL.CPP - SDI sample source code CODE\SAMPLE\DLCTL.EXE - SDI sample application CODE\SAMPLE\TESTDLL.DLL - Form runtime DLL CODE\SAMPLE\DLCTL.INI - Together C++ display file CODE\SAMPLE\DLWRAP.H - Wrapper header files for C++ CODE\SAMPLE\TESTDLL.H - Form DLL header file CODE\SAMPLE\TESTDLL.LIB - Import library for the Form DLL CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.IDE - MDI sample project CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.CPP - MDI sample source code CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.EXE CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.H CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.INI CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.RC CODE\MDISAMP\MDIFILE.RES CODE\MDISAMP\DLWRAP.H - Wrapper header files for C++ CODE\MDISAMP\TESTDLL.H - Form DLL header file CODE\MDISAMP\TESTDLL.LIB - Import library for the Form DLL CODE\TESTDLL\TESTDLL.DPR - Form DLL Delphi project CODE\TESTDLL\EMBFORM.PAS - TEmbeddedForm source code CODE\TESTDLL\TESTDLL.DLL - Form runtime DLL CODE\TESTDLL\TESTDLL.dof CODE\TESTDLL\TESTDLL.LIB - Import library for the Form DLL CODE\TESTDLL\TESTDLL.RES - Sample Form resource file CODE\TESTDLL\unit2.dfm - Sample Form file CODE\TESTDLL\unit2.pas - Sample Form source code