What's New in the Network Associates 3103 DAT Files Copyright (c) 1992-1998 by Network Associates, Inc., and its Affiliated Companies. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for using Network Associates products. This What's New file contains important information regarding the current data (.DAT) files. Network Associates strongly recommends that you read the entire document. Network Associates welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the information provided in this file to contact us. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - What are .DAT files? - New Features - Known Issues - Installation - Additional Information - Contacting Network Associates ____________________ WHAT ARE .DAT FILES? DAT files contain up-to-date virus signatures and other information that Network Associates anti-virus products use to protect your computer against the thousands of computer viruses in circulation. New .DAT files are released each month to provide protection against the 100 to 300 new viruses that are discovered each month. To ensure that you are protected against the latest virus threats, download and install the latest .DAT files every month. ____________ NEW FEATURES * NEW VIRUSES DETECTED * The 3103 .DAT files are compatible with Network Associates and McAfee anti-virus products that use v3.x or later scan engines only. For optimal detection, Network Associates recommends that these .DAT files be used with v3.1.7 or later scan engines. These .DAT files are not intended for use with McAfee v2.x scan engines. These .DAT files detect the following 139 new viruses. Locations that have experienced particular problems with specific viruses are also identified. ALLIANCE.H ANAK.D ANGUS.A ANTISR1.A (INTENDED) ANTISR1.B AOS.A (Requires v3.1.7 engine or later) APPDER.Q ATTENTION.B BARRETT.TROJAN BISMARK.F BUERO.B:DE CAMILA.2126 (Paraguay) CAP.CY CAP.CZ CAP.DA CAP.DB CAP.DC CAP.DD CAP.DE CAP.DF CAP.DG CAP.DH CAP.DI CAP.DJ CAP.DK CAP.DL CAP.DM CAP.DN CONCEPT.CF CONCEPT.CG COUP.2260 COUP.2260 (MBR) DISCO.B DISCO.C DIVINA.O DIVINA.P DIVINA.Q DRAZIL.2869 (Switzerland) DRAZIL.2869 VXD (Switzerland) FUNFUN.A GOZAR GRASS.A:DE GSIS.B GURRE.A HARK.A (Texas) HLLT.5330 (Peru) HLLT.5696 HLLT.KRILE.4537 HLLT.KRILE.4592 HLLT.KRILE.5504 HLLT.KRILE.5696 (Internet) HLLT.KRILE.5762 (Internet) HOODLUM.777 INNUENDO.A JACK.A:INTENDED MDMA.AR MDMA.AU MDMA.AV (Brazil) MINIMAL.V MUCK.AQ MUCK.AR MUCK.AS NICEDAY.R NIGHTSHADE.B (California) NJ-WMVCK2.J NJ-WMVCK2.L NOP.K NOP.R:BR NOP.S:ES NOP.T:IT NOPRINT.B NOTTICE.B NOTTICE.C NPAD.FZ NPAD.GA NPAD.GB NPAD.GC NPAD.GD NPAD.GE NPAD.GF NPAD.GG NPAD.GH NUCLEAR.Z REDTEAM.5145 (NE) ROETVIR.1876 SC.A SEMISOFT.59904 (New Zealand) SEMISOFT.59904-B (New Zealand) SEMISOFT.60416 (Texas) SERBU.3322 SHOWOFF.CT SHOWOFF.CU SHOWOFF.CV SHOWOFF.CW SIDOR.A SKULLBONE.A SMMD.A SPELL.A STEPH.A STEROID.A STEROID.B SWLABS.F (Word97) SWLABS.K (US/Canada) TABULA.A:DE TAMANNA TELEFOON TROJAN (Netherlands) TEMPLE.M THEATRE.D:TW TMC:LEVEL42 (Czech Rep./Slovak) (TMC:LEVEL42 requires v3.1.7 engine or later) TROUT.6787 (Canada/Chicago) TROUT.6787.B (Canada/Chicago) TROUT.6804 (Canada/Chicago) (Trouts require 3.1.7 engine or later) TWNO.AF:TW TWNO.AG:TW TWNO.AH:TW TWNO.AI:TW UKA.B UKA.C UNHAS.A URCHIN.A WAZZU.DS WAZZU.DT WAZZU.DU WAZZU.DV XM/LAROUX.BD XM/LAROUX.BF XM/LAROUX.BI XM/LAROUX.BM XM/LAROUX.BO XM/LAROUX.BR XM/LAROUX.BS XM/LAROUX.BU XM/LAROUX.BV XM/LAROUX.BW XM/LAROUX.BX XM/LAROUX.BY XM/LAROUX.BZ XM/YOHIMBE.B XRES.786 * NEW VIRUSES CLEANED * The 3103 .DAT files clean the following 109 new viruses: ALLIANCE.H ANAK.D ANGUS.A ANTISR1.A (INTENDED) ANTISR1.B AOS.A (Requires 3.1.7 engine or later) APPDER.Q ATTENTION.B BISMARK.F BUERO.B:DE CAMILA.2126 (Paraguay) CAP.CY CAP.CZ CAP.DA CAP.DB CAP.DC CAP.DD CAP.DE CAP.DF CAP.DG CAP.DH CAP.DI CAP.DJ CAP.DK CAP.DL CAP.DM CAP.DN CONCEPT.CF CONCEPT.CG COUP.2260 COUP.2260 (MBR) DISCO.B DISCO.C DIVINA.O DIVINA.P DIVINA.Q FUNFUN.A GOZAR GRASS.A:DE GSIS.B GURRE.A HARK.A (Texas) HOODLUM.777 INNUENDO.A JACK.A:INTENDED MDMA.AU MDMA.AV (Brazil) MINIMAL.V MUCK.AQ MUCK.AR MUCK.AS NICEDAY.R NIGHTSHADE.B (California) NOPRINT.B NPAD.FZ NPAD.GA NPAD.GB NPAD.GC NPAD.GD NPAD.GE NPAD.GF NPAD.GG NPAD.GH NOTTICE.B NOTTICE.C NUCLEAR.Z ROETVIR.1876 SC.A SERBU.3322 SHOWOFF.CT SHOWOFF.CU SHOWOFF.CV SHOWOFF.CW SIDOR.A SKULLBONE.A SMMD.A SPELL.A STEPH.A STEROID.A STEROID.B SWLABS.F (Word97) SWLABS.K (US/Canada) TABULA.A:DE TELEFOON TROJAN (Netherlands) TEMPLE.M THEATRE.D:TW TROUT.6787.B (Canada/Chicago) (Trouts require v3.1.7 engine or later) TWNO.AF:TW TWNO.AG:TW TWNO.AH:TW TWNO.AI:TW UKA.B UKA.C UNHAS.A URCHIN.A WAZZU.DS WAZZU.DT WAZZU.DU WAZZU.DV XF/PAIX.A (Requires v3.1.7 engine or later) XM/LAROUX.BF XM/LAROUX.BO XM/LAROUX.BS XM/LAROUX.BU XM/LAROUX.BV XM/LAROUX.BW XM/LAROUX.BX XM/LAROUX.BY XM/LAROUX.BZ * HOSTILE JAVA AND ACTIVEX OBJECTS DETECTED * The following products use the file INTERNET.DAT: WebScanX v3.1.2 and WebShieldX Proxy v3.1.0. The 3103 .DAT files detect the following 95 hostile Java applets when used with Network Associates and McAfee anti-virus products enabled by INTERNET.DAT: ALLTARGETS.CLASS ANIMATIONSOURCEAPPLET.CLASS APPLETKILLER.CLASS APPSTATUS.CLASS ATTACKER.CLASS ATTACKTHREAD.CLASS BEGINNER.CLASS BENCHMARKAPPLET.CLASS BLUESCREEN.CLASS BUMCHANGE.CLASS CALCULATOR.CLASS CONSUME.CLASS COOLBOARD_APPLET.CLASS COSMO.CLASS DELETEFILE.CLASS DIMENSIONS.CLASS DOMYWORK.CLASS DOUBLETROUBLE.CLASS DUPE.CLASS EI.CLASS ERRORMESSAGE.CLASS EXAMPLEO.CLASS EXECTEST.CLASS EXITTEST.CLASS FILEINFO.CLASS FIXJAVA.CLASS FORGER.CLASS FTPUSERSAPPLET.CLASS HIJACKER.CLASS HOSEMOCHA.CLASS HOSTILETHREADS.CLASS HUGOBANE1.CLASS HUGOBANE3.CLASS HUGOBANE5.CLASS IMAGEBANK.CLASS INTRO.CLASS IRRITANT.CLASS JFSAPPLET.CLASS LETTERBOARD.CLASS LETTERBUTTON.CLASS LOADLIBRARY.CLASS LOGIN.CLASS LOGINSERVERSOCKET.CLASS MANDELTEST.CLASS MOUSECHASE.CLASS MOUSECHASEEXCEPTION.CLASS MUTATOR.CLASS MYTIMER.CLASS NERVOUSIMAGE.CLASS NEWLOADER.CLASS NOISYBEAR.CLASS OWNNET.CLASS PENPAL.CLASS PLAYERAPPLET.CLASS PORT25.CLASS PUBLICENEMY.CLASS READFILE.CLASS REPLACEPROPERTIESFILE.CLASS REPORT.CLASS REPORTSERVERSOCKET.CLASS RM.CLASS SCANALYZER.CLASS SCAPEGOAT.CLASS SEETHEWEB.CLASS SELLDRUGS.CLASS SENDMAILAPPLET.CLASS SENDTEST.CLASS SEXY.CLASS SILENTTHREAT.CLASS SIMPLETEXT.CLASS SLOWERKILLER.CLASS SOLARVENGEANCERT.CLASS SPARKS.CLASS STARFIELD3.CLASS STARSMENU.CLASS STEALSTUFF.CLASS TARGET.CLASS TELESCRIVENTE.CLASS TELNET.CLASS TELNETGUI.CLASS TICKET.CLASS TICKETHOLDER.CLASS TICKETREADER.CLASS TOURGUIDE.CLASS TRIPLETHREAT.CLASS TUMBLINTEXT.CLASS TURNTRICKS.CLASS UNGRATEFUL.CLASS VALUEBOX.CLASS WASTEFUL.CLASS WEBMAILER.CLASS WIDGET.CLASS WORDMANAGER.CLASS WORDMEISTER.CLASS WRITEFILE.CLASS The 3103 .DAT files detect the following four malicious ActiveX controls when used with Network Associates anti-virus products that use INTERNET.DAT: EXPLODER.OCX NETLIST.CAB NETLIST.OCX RUNNER.OCX ____________ KNOWN ISSUES 1. Due to the size of Virus List, it is too large to load into memory under the following circumstances: when using these .DAT files with McAfee VirusScan v3.x for Windows 3.1x after a virus is detected and cleaned, viewing the Virus List more than once may cause your system to run out of memory. 2. An invalid page fault may occur on some systems when the 3103 .DAT files are used with McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95 v3.0.0. If you encounter this problem, Network Associates recommends that you upgrade to the current version of McAfee VirusScan for Windows 9x by contacting Network Associates sales or connecting to the Network Associates website. Contact information appears at the end of this document. ____________ INSTALLATION * INSTALLING THE PRODUCT * DAT file updates are stored in a compressed format to reduce transmission time. To install your update, create a temporary directory and copy the downloaded file to the directory. Unzip the files, then copy them to the appropriate permanent directories, replacing your existing files. * PRIMARY PROGRAM FILES FOR VIRUS DEFINITIONS * Files located in the Install directory: ======================================= CLEAN.DAT = Data file for virus cleaning POLYSCAN.DAT = Data file for advanced polymorphic virus detection NAMES.DAT = Data file for virus names SCAN.DAT = Data file for virus scanning INTERNET.DAT = Data file to detect hostile Java/ActiveX objects * TESTING YOUR INSTALLATION * The Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by anti-virus vendors throughout the world to come up with one standard by which customers can verify their anti-virus installations. To test your installation, copy the following line into its own file and name it EICAR.COM. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* When done, you will have a 69- or 70-byte file. When McAfee VirusScan is applied to this file, Scan will report finding the EICAR-STANDARD-AV-TEST-FILE virus. It is important to know that THIS IS NOT A VIRUS. However, users often have the need to test that their installations function correctly. The anti-virus industry, through the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research, has adopted this standard to facilitate this need. Please delete the file when installation testing is completed so unsuspecting users are not unnecessarily alarmed. ______________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Macro viruses are named using this standard: The first of a family is given "name.A". For each subsequently discovered variant, the suffix letters progress until .Z is reached. The next is given .AA until .AZ is reached. The next is given .BA, etc. until .ZZ is reached. The next would then be given .AAA and so on. A macro virus name given without a variant notation means a non-specific variant is being referenced. _____________________________ CONTACTING NETWORK ASSOCIATES * FOR QUESTIONS, ORDERS, PROBLEMS, OR COMMENTS * Contact the Network Associates Customer Care department: 1. Corporate-licensed customers, call (408) 988-3832 Monday-Friday, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time Retail-licensed customers, call (972) 278-6100 Monday-Friday, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time 2. Fax (408) 970-9727 24-hour, Group III fax 3. Fax-back automated response system (408) 988-3034 24-hour fax Send correspondence to any of the following Network Associates locations: Network Associates Corporate Headquarters 2805 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051-0963 Network Associates Canada 139 Main Street, Suite 201 Unionville, Ontario Canada L3R 2G6 Network Associates Europe B.V. Gatwickstraat 25 1043 GL Amsterdam The Netherlands Network Associates International Ltd. Minton Place, Victoria Street Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1EG United Kingdom Network Associates France S.A. 50 rue de Londres 75008 Paris France Network Associates Deutschland GmbH Industriestrasse 1 D-82110 Germering Germany Network Associates Japan Co, Ltd. Toranomon 33 Mori Bldg. 3-8-21 Toranomon Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105 Japan Network Associates Korea 135-090, 18th Fl., Kyoung Am Bldg. 157-27 Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Ku Seoul, Korea Network Associates South East Asia 7 Temasek Boulevard The Penthouse #44-01, Suntec Tower One Singapore 038987 Network Associates Australia Level 1, 500 Pacific Highway St. Leonards, NSW 2065 Australia Network Associates Latin America 150 South Pine Island Road, Suite 205 Plantation, FL 33324 USA Or, you can receive online assistance through any of the following resources: 1. Bulletin Board System: (408) 988-4004 24-hour US Robotics HST DS 2. Internet e-mail: support@nai.com 3. Internet FTP: ftp.nai.com 4. World Wide Web: http://www.nai.com 5. America Online: keyword MCAFEE 6. CompuServe: GO MCAFEE Before contacting Network Associates, please make note of the following information. When sending correspondence, please include the same details. - Program name and version number - Type and brand of your computer, hard drive, and any peripherals - Operating system type and version - Network name, operating system, and version - Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and system LOGIN script - Microsoft service pack, where applicable - Network card installed, where applicable - Modem manufacturer, model, and baud, where applicable - Relevant browsers/applications and version number, where applicable - Problem - Specific scenario where problem occurs - Conditions required to reproduce problem - Statement of whether problem is reproducible on demand - Your contact information: voice, fax, and e-mail Other general feedback is also appreciated. Documentation feedback is welcome. Send e-mail to documentation@nai.com. * FOR ON-SITE TRAINING INFORMATION * Contact Network Associates Customer Service at (800) 338-8754. * FOR PRODUCT UPGRADES * To make it easier for you to receive and use Network Associates products, we have established a Resellers program to provide service, sales, and support for our products worldwide. For a listing of resellers, see the file RESELLER.TXT, where applicable, or contact Network Associates Customer Service for a reseller near you. * NETWORK ASSOCIATES BETA SITE * Get pre-release software, including .DAT files, through http://beta.nai.com. You will have access to Public Beta and External Test Areas. Your feedback will make a difference.