WELCOME TO SMARTDRAW 3 for Windows INSTALLATION FOR ZIPPED FILE 1) Create a directory for Smartdraw . "\SDRAWTRL" is a good choice. 2) Copy the Zipped SmartDraw file into the new directory. 3) You need to unzip the file using a utility such as PKWare's PKZIP or WINZIP (available from http://wwww.winzip.com). 4) Install SmartDraw by double-clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager. REQUIREMENTS SmartDraw requires a normal installation of Windows 95. It also requires a 386 based PC (or better), 8 MB RAM and 10 MB hard disk. SmartDraw Software Inc. 9974 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #35 San Diego, CA 92131 1-800-501-0314 619-549-0314 Fax 619-549-2830 http://www.smartdraw.com mail@smartdraw.com