Chapter 1
Why Publish with WebSite?
You have information--product literature, technical specs,
financial data, customer and employee records, employment
opportunities, schedules of events, reports. The information is in
a variety of formats--text, graphics, video, audio. People want
that information--customers, vendors, colleagues, friends, family.
How do you get this varied information into the hands of the right
people (and keep it out of the hands of the wrong people)? Publish
it with WebSite, the powerful, fully featured, easy-to-use Web
server from O'Reilly & Associates.
With WebSite you can publish your information directly on the
Internet and reach the millions of people who use the World Wide
Web every day. Or, you can use WebSite to publish on an internal
network and share important company information with the people who
need it most. You can even use WebSite's virtual server capability
to publish in both environments with a public web connected to the
Internet and a private web running on your internal LAN.
To administer, build, and manage your web, WebSite comes with a
complete set of tools. WebView lets you see and develop your web in
a graphical environment. The HotDog Web Editor lets you create HTML
files with ease, while MapThis! makes creating clickable image maps
a breeze. WebIndex lets you create search indexes for all or any
parts of your web. With Server Admin you configure your server
through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
This book is dedicated to showing you how WebSite works and how you
can use it to meet your information goals. This first chapter sets
the stage with ideas for using WebSite, some background on the Web,
an overview of the WebSite server and tools, and a look at some of
WebSite's key features.
How Can I Use WebSite?
Running a Web server is essentially a new way to publish
information. Publishing on the Web differs from traditional
paper-based publishing by giving you the ability to include
multimedia elements, to link information from many locations, to
update and distribute information quickly, and to create virtual
documents from other sources and applications. Taking these general
capabilities as a jumping-off point, let's look at some ways you
might want to use WebSite in publishing your own information.
Whether your business is a global corporation or an independent consultancy,
WebSite lets you tell other people on the Internet about your
business. Product and service information, competitive analyses,
philosophy of business, biographies of key people, employment
opportunities, press releases, and pricing data are topics you may
want to include. WebSite's powerful Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
lets you create forms for interactive contact with visitors to your
web. Links to and from other webs bring more traffic to your own web.
In a department or office, WebSite is an easy way to make data
readily available to others on the local area network. For example,
you have employee records, accounting information, sales
projections, project plans, and customer data that coworkers need
to use on a regular basis. You can easily create and maintain web
documents for these valuable records. If you have existing
databases and spreadsheets of data to share, you can use WebSite's
CGI to generate virtual documents with current data from those
applications. Instead of making a request directly to the
application, the user gives information to the CGI program through
a browser. The CGI program makes the request of the application and
displays the information in a web document. WebSite's full 32-bit
framework for developing CGI programs to execute Windows
applications is a powerful tool in building a web. Note, too, that
this particular application of WebSite is an internal use and does
not require access to the Internet.
WebSite's virtual server capability lets you host webs for other
clients, departments, or individuals. Each web has its own IP
address and is completely separate from the other webs, yet all
share one copy of WebSite. WebSite's Identity wizard and graphical
setup of virtual servers is a new feature of Version 1.1.
Often, large companies have frequently updated procedural
information to share among employees. If you are responsible for
updating and distributing this information, you know how difficult
it is to keep track of multiple copies. If you receive updates
regularly, you know how time-consuming it is to file the new
procedures and dispose of the old. Putting procedures (or other
frequently updated information) on a WebSite server solves both
the updating and distribution problems. Updates are completed once,
and when the files are added to the WebSite server the distribution
is complete. The files don't even have to be in HTML; simply
configure your users' browsers to correctly display or download
other file types such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. For
sensitive information, WebSite lets you restrict access to
particular users or groups of users. This solution works well for
companies with only one location or with many locations around the
world, since the Internet is an existing global network.
A company with business partners in different buildings, cities,
states, or around the world can use WebSite to exchange product
designs, specs, reviews, and progress reports. For example, at
company headquarters in California, product managers can post
designs and specs for a manufacturer in Singapore to review and
download. The factory in Singapore can post responses, revised
designs (based on capability), and progress reports on their
WebSite for the company to review and respond to. Exchanging
information on products under development takes full advantage of
WebSite's access control restrictions.
Managers required to write and distribute weekly or monthly status
reports will find WebSite a great time saver. They can write the
report and make it available on the server. Those who need to read
it can retrieve it at their convenience, completely eliminating the
copying and distributing steps.
Setting up a WebSite server can be a great solution for busy
educators. You can create a web with links to course descriptions,
current assignments, summer reading lists, and class schedules.
Your web can also have links to external resources such as
libraries or databases that your students need for research. A CGI
program for pulling students' grades from your electronic grade
book allows your students to always know where they stand in your
class. Of course, you want to restrict the CGI program's URL to
require user authentication. Including a mailto URL on a web page
leaves your students no excuse for not communicating with you.
Clubs, civic organizations, and church groups have information that
is valuable to members and non-members alike. WebSite is a perfect
vehicle for publishing that information. You can include the
history, current events, and biographies of officers and leaders.
News about special projects or needs can be set up in a What's New
page. Including links to other sites and resources on the Internet
helps your members find other useful information. A CGI program can
be used for collecting and posting comments from members. If the
club members are far apart, you can use your web for electing
officers by creating a forms-based ballot requiring user authentication.
If you just want to have fun, use WebSite as a personal server. Put
up a web about your interests and your life philosophy. Include
photos, artwork, audio, and video clips. Write a weekly newsletter
and post it for your family and close friends. Like-minded (or
possibly unlike-minded) readers will gather around your WebSite and
create a virtual community. Changing your WebSite often and making
it interesting (as is true of interactions in any community) is the
key for a successful personal web.
These are just a few ideas; you probably have many more for
publishing your information. This list referred to several features
of the Internet, the World Wide Web, and WebSite. Read on to learn
more about them.
How Does It Work?
The Internet, the World Wide Web, WebSite. How do they all fit
together? How do users find your information? To answer these
questions, take a few minutes to look at the big picture and some
basic concepts.
An Overview
Figure 1-1 depicts the components of the Internet and
particularly the World Wide Web.
Figure 1-1: The World Wide Web
In this illustration, you can see that
The Internet is a network of networks that spans the globe.
The World Wide Web is a collection of linked information on the Internet.
Web browsers, such as Spyglass Mosaic or Netscape Navigator, find
and display information from the Web.
Web servers, such as WebSite, house that information and send it to
the browser when requested.
Your information in text, graphic, or multimedia format is the most
important piece of this picture. Publishing your information is why
you are setting up a Web server.
Figure 1-2 seems quite similar to Figure 1-1.
It shows the same Web components but on an internal network,
such as a local area network, instead of the Internet--sometimes
called an intranet. You can use WebSite in either situation: on the
Internet for public, global use; or on an internal network for
local, private use.
Figure 1-2: An Internal Web
Basic Concepts
Whether you plan to run a public or a private WebSite server, you
should be familiar with the few basic concepts that make it work.
As you use WebSite and explore its capability, these concepts will
become clear. This section describes the concepts, gives you a bit
of history, and introduces the specifications on which the Web relies.
When Tim Berners-Lee decided to use hypertext technology in
developing the World Wide Web, he did away with the typical linear
approach to published material. You're familiar with that: you open
a book, skim the table of contents, and go to a specific topic. To
find similar information in the same book, you may have to check
the index (or a cross-reference) and turn there.
Hypertext, on the other hand, allows for many relations within a
document and between documents. Hypertext links in a web document
allow the reader to instantly find additional information, which
may be text, graphics, video, or audio and may be located half a
world away! ``Web'' is an apt term to picture how hypertext works
on the Internet, where links can span computers around the globe.
By using hypertext as a navigational system, users can move freely
from one document to another, regardless of where the documents are
Web browsers
The Web is based on client/server architecture. Simply put, a
server holds documents that a client requests. On the Web, the
client is called a browser. A Web browser takes a user's request
(in the form of a URL, explained below), retrieves the document
from the proper Web server, interprets the contents, and presents
it to the user.
A graphical Web browser, such as Mosaic, can display text and GIF
graphics. Web browsers have varying capabilities of manipulating
the display of text. We recommend you test your web documents on
several browsers to verify their proper appearance.
A Web browser can also be configured to automatically call external
viewers, such as Lview, Wham, and MPEGPlay, or other applications
to properly display specific types of documents. Web browsers are
becoming more sophisticated every day with built-in capabilities.
It is important that you keep up on browser improvements so that
the documents on your web take full advantage of new features.
Web servers
The other half of the client/server relationship is the server. On
the Web, a server houses documents and returns them to a Web client
when requested. As its name implies, a server ``serves'' up the
document to the client. The WebSite server is a fully featured Web
server providing support for multiple IP addresses (virtual
servers), mapping capabilities, basic user authentication and
access control, automatic directory listing, and logging. These
topics are discussed in detail in Section 3 of this book.
Web servers not only return text and multimedia documents to
browsers, they can also execute special programs that enable them
to act as gateways to other applications or information resources.
These programs are called Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs.
WebSite supports CGIs for the Windows environment, the standard
(POSIX) environment, and the DOS environment.
For example, a WebSite Windows CGI program can execute a request
for data from a Microsoft Access database or a calculation from a
Lotus 123 spreadsheet and return the results to the browsers in an
HTML document. WebSite's full 32-bit support for Windows CGIs makes
it unique among Web servers. Windows CGIs for WebSite can be
written with a variety of tools including Visual Basic 4, Visual
C++, and Delphi. Section 4 of this book provides a detailed
discussion of CGIs.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Text documents on the Web are ASCII (plain text) files that contain
codes of a special tagging language called Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). HTML describes the structure of a document but not
its exact formatting. That is, you can identify some text as a
top-level heading with a special tag:
<H1>Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)</H1>
However, how that text looks to the user depends on the browser.
The head will certainly stand out, but it doesn't mean it will
appear as 18-point Helvetica boldface while the body text is
12-point Times Roman. Working with HTML means adjusting your
thinking away from WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) desktop
publishing to deciding what role an element plays in your document.
Is it a head? Is it text? Is it a list? In many ways, HTML
formatting simplifies the life of an author because if concentrates
on content, not format.
The most powerful part of HTML is the ability to embed hypertext
links in documents. As you guessed, links have special tags. HTML
also includes tags that ask the user for input, either with simple
questions or complex forms.
The current version of HTML is version 2.0. It is based on some of
the concepts of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language,
which is an ISO standard used for marking up documents for both
print and online publication. The next version of the HTML
specification, HTML 3, will move HTML into full SGML compliance and
provide more tags. WebSite supports both HTML 2.0 and HTML 3.
Chapter 5, HTML Tutorial and Quick Reference, covers HTML
in detail, and also covers HotDog, the HTML editor shipped with WebSite.
Global addressing: URLs
With documents residing on Web servers around the world, how do Web
browsers know where to find a specific document? Every document on
the Web has a unique address called a Uniform Resource Locator, or
URL. You can think of URLs as a global addressing system that
provides several pieces of information to the Web browser.
Let's look at the URL for the list of external viewers at the NCSA
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
The first part of the URL, http://, tells what protocol is used to
reach the target server. In this URL the protocol is HTTP, which
means this is a Web server. (Yes, you can reach FTP servers and
Gopher servers by using URLs with the correct protocol.) The rest
of the URL is the path for the document. The server name is first
(, followed by the full URL path of the document
The URL path is not necessarily the same as the physical path of
the file on the server. The URL path is determined by how the web
is mapped on the server. Chapter 9, Mapping, covers mapping
in detail; the important thing to remember now is that the physical
path and the URL path may have absolutely no correlation to each other.
Often URLs don't include filenames. For example, the URL for
WebSite Central, the web site dedicated to WebSite information and
support is:
With this URL, the browser can locate the server and a directory
within the server's web, but not a specific document. Which
document to return is up to the server. If the server has a default
home page or index file defined, and a file by that name exists in
the specified URL directory, the server returns that document. If
the file doesn't exist, the server returns a directory listing. The
server can also be configured to return nothing to protect
sensitive information. Automatic directory listing, with its many
features, is discussed in Chapter 11, Automatic Directory Listings.
The ``glue'' that holds the Web together is the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). Web browsers and Web servers use HTTP when
requesting and returning documents. In HTTP, every document request
from a Web browser to a Web server is a new connection. For
example, when a Web browser requests an HTML document from a Web
server, the connection is opened, the document is transferred, and
the connection is closed.
The current version of HTTP is 1.0 (often written as HTTP/1.0).
WebSite meets the HTTP/1.0 specification and includes all the
required features. If you're interested, the HTTP/1.0 specification
is available through the Tech Center at WebSite Central
A Brief History of the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web originated in 1989 at the European Particle
Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. Tim Berners-Lee,
an Oxford University graduate who came to CERN with a background in
text processing and real-time communications, wanted to create a
new kind of information system in which researchers could
collaborate and exchange information during the course of a
project. He saw the need for physicists to collaborate in real
time, and not just on one project, but on many.
Tim used hypertext technology to link together a web of documents
that could be traversed in any manner to seek out information. In
cooperation with others at CERN, Tim defined an Internet-based
architecture using open, public specifications and free, sample
implementations for both clients and servers. The team at CERN
implemented a line-mode browser, which is the lowest common
denominator among browsers and can be used from almost any kind of
terminal. Lynx, a browser with a full-screen interface, was later
developed at the University of Kansas. Although these browsers
supported the hypertext environment, they did not support graphic
or multimedia elements.
The widespread appeal of the Web did not come until 1993 with the
release of Mosaic, a graphical browser. Marc Andreessen, a student
at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (UIUC), was
working part-time at the National Center for Supercomputing
Applications (NCSA) at the university. His job was to build tools
for scientific visualization. Out of that work came Mosaic, a Web
browser with an easy-to-use interface that lets you click on a link
to navigate the Web, as well as the ability to display graphics.
Extending Mosaic with external viewers added multimedia capability.
The World Wide Web and graphical browsers have made the Internet
important beyond the scientific or educational community. Most
references you see to the Internet in consumer or business-oriented
settings are to the World Wide Web. Generally you'll see a picture
of a Web browser showing a home page. The Web has made an exciting
contribution to the information age. We will continue to see
refinements to Web servers and browsers and a major shift in the
information publishing paradigm.
What Comes with WebSite?
WebSite includes the Web server and a full range of tools to manage
the server and develop your web. This section briefly describes
those components and also touches on security and performance
issues, topics which may be of concern to you.
WebSite Server and Tools
WebSite Server
The heart of WebSite, the server handles requests from clients
(browsers) for documents, whether they be text, graphic, multimedia, or
virtual. The WebSite server is a full 32-bit, multi-threaded HTTP server
that runs under Windows NT or Windows 95. The server takes full
advantage of the operating system's Registry and multithreading
support. Under NT, the server can run as an application or
as a service. Usually the server appears as an icon on
your desktop or task bar with the status shown as either idle
or busy. Configuring the server is the job of Server Admin.
Server Admin
Server Admin lets you configure the WebSite server to meet the needs of
your environment. Although the install program handles the basic
configuration, you will probably want to enhance your server by changing
some settings. Mapping, identities for virtual servers, automatic
directory listings, access control, and logging parameters are set
through Server Admin. The General settings in Server Admin are covered
in Chapter 3, Installing WebSite;
the other settings are covered in Section 3 (Chapters 9 to 14).
WebView helps you build and manage your web by graphically depicting it.
WebView shows all hypertext links between and within documents-internal
or external, broken or complete. WebView not only lets you see your web
from a bird's eye view, it also lets you edit individual files. In
WebView you can launch an appropriate editing application based on the
file's type, or you can drag a file into the desired application using
WebView's drag and drop capability. If you're building a new web, start
with WebView. If you are managing an existing web, use WebView to make
improvements and fix problems. WebView diagnoses HTML coding problems
and lets you see activity reports on any part of your web. WebView works
on any web, not just the local one. WebView also includes HTTP proxy
support to work behind a firewall. WebView is the subject of Chapter
4, Managing Your Web Using WebView.
WebIndex and WebFind
WebIndex and WebFind work together to provide full-text
search capability for users of your web. WebIndex appears in
the WebSite program group or program list while WebFind is
a CGI program. WebIndex lets you create the indexes used
in WebFind searches. Before WebFind can work, you must
run the WebIndex program and indicate which portion of
your Web is to be searchable. You can create multiple
indexes with WebIndex and keep them separate or merge
them. A variety of preferences allow you to tailor index
contents. When users click on a WebFind hypertext link in
one of your documents, WebFind first displays a search form
for the user to complete and then executes the search.
WebIndex and WebFind are covered in Chapter 6, Indexing
and Searching Your Documents.
Map This!
Clickable image maps-images that have hotspots that send
the user to other locations-are a great addition to any web.
Many webs use clickable image maps on the home page to
help users navigate through the contents of the Web.
Map This! lets you create clickable image
maps easily, in a graphical environment. Map
This! supports both NCSA-file based maps and client side
image maps supported by some browsers. Map This! is the topic
of Chapter 7, Working with Image Maps.
Performance and Security Issues
Before you make your web available to users either on the Internet
or on a local area network, you probably have some questions about
performance and security. How much load can the server handle? Will
it handle requests fast enough in a busy environment? What will
cause performance degradation? Will the rest of my files be safe if
browsers have access to my web? Can I impose additional security?
If you've asked any of these questions, take a few minutes to read
this section.
The WebSite server is as robust as any Web server currently in use.
Given the same basic hardware setup (network connection, disk
capacity, disk speed, CPU type and speed), the WebSite server
performs as well as any other NT- or UNIX-based Web server (and,
historically, UNIX has been the platform of choice for Internet
servers). In an equal hardware environment, WebSite is as fast or
faster and can handle an equal load.
In addition, WebSite fully supports symmetric multi-processing.
Running on a computer with multiple 486 CPUs, the server can
saturate a T1 line. Running the server on a single Pentium with a
fast bus would have the same effect. In short, server performance
is limited only by the hardware being used. To improve performance,
we recommend upgrading your hardware--both the computer system
(particularly RAM) and your Internet connection.
For a more detailed discussion of WebSite's performance capability
and the results of performance tests, see the Performance White
Paper in the Developer's Corner of the Tech Center at WebSite
Security is certainly an issue of concern for server
administrators. Unauthorized access to computers and files on the
Internet can range from annoying to disastrous depending on the
intruder's intent and abilities. Even if your web is on a private
network or otherwise protected, you may still have some security
Although no Internet service is 100% safe, the World Wide Web is
safer by design. If you think of the Web as a web, the limited
nature of what a user can see or have access to becomes clear. The
Web has boundaries, defined by the document links. A Web browser
doesn't have the capability to freely browse a server; it can only
view documents that are part of the document tree, beginning with
the document root. This limitation is controlled by mapping, which
is the topic of Chapter 9.
In addition, WebSite provides two standard (basic) methods of
access control, which can be applied to the whole Web or any URL in
your web:
Class restrictions, which allow or deny access to the Web (or
portions of the Web) based on the Internet address or hostname of
the Web browser. Class restrictions are often referred to as IP or
hostname filtering.
User authentication, which allows or denies access to the Web (or
portions of the Web) based on a username and password. Usernames
and passwords are specific to the server and are not related to
usernames and groups established on your system. Making someone a
user on your server does not give them an account on your computer.
Perhaps the best advice we can give to deal with security issues is
to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity on your server. You
should also regularly check WebSite Central for security updates.
You may need greater security than the basic security
provided with WebSite 1.1. For example, if you want to conduct
credit card transactions over the Web, you may want to use
encryption-based security. Two protocols provide this enhanced
security for Web transactions: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and
S-HTTP (Secure HTTP). Both of these protocols are available in
WebSite Professional. Please contact O'Reilly & Associates
Customer Service at 800-998-9938 for information on upgrading to
WebSite Professional.
What Are Some WebSite Features?
As you use WebSite, you'll discover many powerful, easy-to-use
features. The following list covers some of those features and
should give you some ideas for using WebSite to meet your
information publishing needs.
Some of the features you'll see in WebSite Version 1.1 include:
Full support for multiple virtual servers (multiple home pages,
each with its own IP address) through graphical administration and
in all the WebSite tools
Server has a pause feature to allow for maintenance and more
elegant shutdowns
The WebSite server can run as a ``service'' under Windows 95,
allowing the server to run continuously when no one is logged in.
Under Windows 95, the server icon can appear in the Tray or on the
Task Bar (regardless of whether you run it as a service or an
Server supports the Connection: Keep Alive feature implemented by
the Microsoft Internet Explorer and supported by most other
browsers, including Spyglass Mosaic (This feature permits browsers
to reuse connections for fetching inline graphics and other
elements that are referenced in an HTML document. The Keep Alive
feature makes transfer of documents more efficient and less time-consuming.)
A manual switch for Keep Alive is available on the General page of
Server Admin. If the server experiences problems with Keep Alive,
we recommend you turn off the feature.
Preferences in WebView including HTTP proxy support for working behind a
WebView supports incremental display of trees and interrupts the
display of a tree at any point; also tests links in virtual
documents and automatic directory lists created on the local server
WebIndex creates multiple indexes, merges indexes, and accepts a
variety of preferences for tailoring index contents
Map This! image map editor works with both NCSA file-based image
maps and client side image maps (processed by the browser)
Server-side includes allow you to splice into an HTML document the
contents of another HTML document or the value of a variable, such
as the date or time (WebSite includes a special set of page counter
server-side includes that indicate how many users have visited your web.)
Server-side include processing operates on normal CGI output and on
documents resulting from local redirects. To enable SSI processing
of CGI output, simply use the content type wwwserver/html-ssi
instead of text/html in the CGI program.
Automatic directory listings can use the HTML 3 table format
Automatic directory listings can be disabled on a per-URL basis
Access control can be applied when both user authentication and
class restrictions are met or when either are met
wsauth utility lets you manage users and groups from a browser or
the command line, including adding users from a flat file database,
providing a mechanism for self-registration, and allowing users
to change their own passwords via the browser
You can create separate access logs for virtual servers
Access logs can be generated in one of three formats. The older
NCSA/CERN format includes basic information (and was used in
previous versions of WebSite). The combined NCSA/CERN format
includes fields for the referring URL and the browser type. The
Windows log format lets you import access log data directly to many
Windows programs for processing and analysis.
Remote administration is supported by all the WebSite tools
A new Windows CGI 32-bit framework with full support for Visual
Basic 4.0, Visual C++, and other 32-bit programming tools, such as
Borland's Delphi. (The CGI chapters in this book have been
significantly reworked to provide more conceptual underpinning.
Windows CGI examples are given in Visual Basic 4.0, and a new
chapter on using Visual C++ for writing Windows CGIs has been
Support for server-push CGI applications
Support for forms-based uploading to the server
Go to Chapter 2, Before You Start
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