1 DATE 2 Airfare/Rail 3 Car Rental 4 Transportation 5 Parking/Tolls 6 Mileage 7 Gas 8 Lodging 9 Phone/Fax 10 Employee Meals 11 Tips 12 Business Meals 13 Entertainment 14 Miscellaneous 15 (Cash Advance) 16 Account 17 Total 18 Date 19 Expense Type 20 None 21 Less Amount Advanced 22 Due Employee 23 Choose Expense Type: 24 Date: 25 City: 26 Description: 27 Attendees: 28 Vendor: 29 Currency: 30 Payment Type: 31 Miles: 32 Mileage Rate: 33 Account: 34 Amount: 35 Origin/Destination: 36 Airline/Agency: 37 Rental Agency: 38 Gas Station: 39 Hotel: 40 Carrier: 41 Restaurant: 42 Location: 43 Remark: 44 TRANSPORTATION 45 EMPLOYEE 46 OTHER 47 Account: 48 49 Name: 50 Department: 51 Purpose: 52 Account 53 Airline/Agency 54 Carrier 55 City 56 Gas Station 57 Hotel 58 Location 59 Payment Type 60 Rental Agency 61 Restaurant 62 Vendor 63 Currency 64 Organization: 65 Exchange Rate: 66 custtype.dat 67 SKExpense.setup 68 exchrate.dat 69 picklist.dat 70 expdefst.dat 81 Subtotal: 82 VAT: 83 GST: 84 PST: 85 Total 86 Subtotal 87 VAT 88 TOTAL GST: 89 TOTAL PST: 201 (Cash Advance) 202 Airfare/Rail 203 Business Meals 204 Car Rental 205 Employee Meals 206 Entertainment 207 Gas 208 Lodging 209 Mileage 210 Miscellaneous 211 Parking/Tolls 212 Phone/Fax 213 Tips 214 Transportation 301 Undefined 302 By: 303 Range 304 Week 305 Folder 306 Modify Expense Folder 307 Expense File Properties 308 Default Working Directory 309 Sidekick 310 InstallDir 311 userdata 1000 .SKExpense 1001 .ETF 1002 SkwExp 100 1003 (Untitled) 1005 Open 1006 Save As 1007 Expense find has reached the end of the file. Do you want to continue searching from the beginning? 1008 Sidekick 1009 Cannot find "%s". 1010 Edit 1011 Richedit 1012 New 1013 Open 1014 Print 1015 Go to Receipt View 1016 Go to Report View 1017 Cut 1018 Copy 1019 Paste 1020 Find 1021 Add 1022 Save All 1023 Calculator 1024 Quick Letter 1025 Contact Manager 1026 Preference 1027 ExpenseToolBar 1028 Preview 1029 Preferences 1030 No receipt 1031 receipts 1032 receipt 1033 Show By: 1034 TOTAL 1035 TOTALS 1036 Remark: 1037 Origin/Destination: 1038 Not enough disk space. 1039 Error 1040 Not enough memory. 1041 Cannot create file. 1042 EXPLANATION OF BUSINESS MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES 1043 EXPLANATION OF MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 1044 Period Ending: 1045 Purpose: 1046 Name: 1047 Department: 1048 Account: 1049 Date 1050 Description 1051 Attendees 1052 Account 1053 Amount 1054 Authorization: 1055 Approved by: 1056 Employee: 1057 Date: 1058 UserName 1059 Company 1060 Deluxe 1061 SkwExp 101 1062 1063 Sidekick Expense File (*.SEE, *.SKExpense)|*.SEE;*.SKExpense|| 1064 Sidekick Expense File (*.SEE)|*.SEE|| 1065 .SEE 1066 .EFT 1067 The current expense file is not up to date. Would you like to recover the last unsaved changes or discard them by opening the original file. Yes to recover changes or No to open the original file. 1068 Deleting this folder will delete all the receipts included in it. Do you want to Continue? 1069 DATA 1070 Internet Sidekick