1 Dashboard 95 2 Do you want to remove 3 from your system? This will delete all 4 related files in the 5 folder. 6 will not be removed from your system. 7 will be removed from: 8 has been removed from your system. 9 has been partially removed. Some files remain in the 10 folders. 11 Files still remain in the 12 \nfolders. Would you like to\n select files to remove? 18 200,211 19 20,65 20 dash.hlp 21 dashgrp.exe 22 dbapps.dlm 23 dbapps.rdb 24 dbclock.dlm 25 dbedit.dll 26 dbfile.dlm 27 dbgroup.dll 28 dbgames.dlm 29 dblib.dll 30 dbprint.dlm 31 dbprog.dlm 32 dbqlgrp.dlm 33 dbscreen.dlm 34 dbsvc.dll 35 dbsys.dlm 36 dbtask.dlm 37 default.cfg 38 digital.wav 39 dog.wav 40 fogblast.wav 41 laugh.wav 42 meow.wav 43 readme.wri 44 rec.wav 45 dash.exe 46 dash.cnt 47 bell.wav 48 b_thanks.gif 49 mailform.ctl 50 pipedlg.dat 51 pipeline.dll 52 pipeline.ini 53 r_intro.gif 54 register.exe 55 regprint.ctl 56 regrmdr.exe 57 remind.exe 58 remind.sch 59 slidshow.fss 60 sslib.dll 61 dbsvc16.dll 62 modem.id 63 dash.gid 64 dash.dat 65 dash.fts 66 data\ship.pcx 67 data\us-flag.pcx 68 data\valentin.pcx 69 data\wheel.pcx 70 data\xmasbell.pcx 71 data\launch.skw 72 data fnote.skw 73 data\sklayout.skw 74 data\skwlb2.skw 75 data\skwnv2.skw 76 data\skwph2.skw 77 data\useng.spl 78 data\country.txt 79 samples\winelist.rpt 80 samples\800nmbrs.skcard 81 samples\useful.skcard 82 samples\wine list.skcard 83 samples\reports.tpt 84 empty 85 data\rfnote.skw 86 data\btbstdnt.bar 87 readme.wri 88 data\btbbar.old 89 btbexp.old 90 btbnote.old 91 btbrpt.old 92 data\btb_ct.old 93 actvclks.dat 94 data\cityinfo.dat 95 etwin.dll 96 template\anniversary congratulations.rtf 97 template\Advertising Proposal.rtf 98 template\Appointment.rtf 99 template\compaint.rtf 100 template\cover letter #1.rtf 101 template\cover letter #2.rtf 102 template\general congratulations.rtf 103 template\gift thank you.rtf 104 template\information enclosed.rtf 105 template\wedding thank you.rtf 106 b_thanks.gif 107 mailform.ctl 108 pipeline.dll 109 pipeline.ini 110 r_intro.gif 111 register.exe 112 regprint.ctl 113 slidshow.fss 114 sslib.dll 115 untitled.SKTmpExpense 116 printing.pak 117 pipedlg.dat 118 data\btbnote.old 119 data\btbrpt.old 120 template\interview thank you.rtf 121 template\invitation.rtf 122 template\letter outline.rtf 123 template\meeting thank you.rtf 124 template\moving notice.rtf 125 template\product complaint.rtf 126 template\sales letter.rtf 127 template\sympathy.rtf 128 template\vacation information.rtf 129 template\baby announcement.rtf 130 template\complaint.rtf 131 template\meeting confirmation.rtf 132 samples\helpful resources.skcard 133 samples\winelist.skcard 134 data\btbstdex.bar 135 data\skexpense.setup 136 regrmdr.exe 137 remind.exe 138 remind.sch 200 userdata\sidekick tips.skcontent 201 userdata\template.skcontent 202 userdata\sidekick tips.sknoteheader 203 userdata\template.sknoteheader 204 userdata\sidekick tips.skwrite 205 userdata\template.skwrite 206 userdata\business.skcard 207 userdata\personal.skcard 208 userdata\FgAcsca.skw 209 userdata\templates.skcontent 210 userdata\templates.sknoteheader 211 userdata\templates.skwrite 300 Data Samples Userdata Template 500 Remove 501 OK 502 Delete 503 Yes 504 No 600 Removing the remaining files in the 601 The folder you typed does not exist. 602 Dashboard has not been installed in that folder. 603 Removing files in 604 Dashboard is running. \n Close it and uninstall. 605 Can't remove the file: 700 Dashboard 95 Uninstall 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC