1501 Export 1502 Transfer complete, do you want to export another file ? 1503 File error. 1504 Unable to open file. 1505 Unable to create file. 1506 Not Sidekick Cardfile 3.0 format. 1507 Not enough memory. 1508 Invalid file format. 1509 Invalid source file name! 1510 Invalid target file name! 1511 Source file does not exist! 1512 Overwrite existing file? 1513 complete 1514 Working ... 1515 Search Index 1516 SideKick 1517 DATA 1518 sidekick.ini 1519 sidekick.hlp 1521 *.skcard 1522 *.dbf 1523 *.dbf 1524 *.db 1525 *.dif 1526 *.crd 1527 *.txt 1528 *.csv 1531 Sidekick Cardfile (*.skcard) 1532 dBase III (*.dbf) 1533 dBase IV (*.dbf) 1534 Paradox (*.db) 1535 Data Interchange (*.dif) 1536 Microsoft Cardfile (*.crd) 1537 Tab Delimited (*.txt) 1538 Comma Delimited (*.csv)