INNER SPACE ORDER FORM To order by phone, call 1-800-30SPACE (North America only) or 403-240-0103 with your credit card handy. Otherwise, fill out the form below to mail, fax, or email us your order. If you include your serial number from the order dialog, we will send a registration code by voice, fax, or email as soon as we receive your order. ORDERED BY Name ____________________________ Company ______________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State/Prov ___________________ Zip/Postal Code _________________ Country ______________________ Email ID: _______________________ Fax phone # __________________ Serial # _____________ Voice phone # ________________ PRICE LIST PRODUCT PRICE Operation: Inner Space $29.95 each (USD) (with full color manual, reference cards, etc.) Executive black T-shirt $12.95 each (USD) Executive black sweatshirt $16.95 each (USD) Inner Space coffee mug $6.95 each (USD) Truly Amazing Mousepad $7.50 each (USD) SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Get any two or more items and receive 20% off your total order (not including the game). For example, an Inner Space coffee mug and T-shirt (regular $19.90) are yours for just $15.92. What a deal! ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE EACH TOTAL ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ SUBTOTAL |__________ Shipping & Handling (see below) |__________ Canadian Residents add 7% GST |__________ TOTAL PAYABLE |__________ PAYMENT Check ___ Money Order (US funds) ___ MasterCard ___ VISA ___ Name as shown on credit card: ____________________________________ Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiry: ____/_____ SHIPPING COST The shipping & handling cost is $4 USD for the first item. Add $1 US for each additional item. SENDING YOUR ORDER IN Fill in the order form and send it to us by mail, fax, or email as listed below. Software Dynamics, Inc. 84 Coach Gate Way SW Calgary, AB CANADA T3H 1Z7 Fax: (403) 240-0105 CompuServe: 71621,1163 INTERNET: 71621,