------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IntraBuilder Sample Snippets Version 1.01 SAMPLES.TXT Updated 10:00 PM 11/06/96 This file contains information about the sample snippets that come with IntraBuilder Version 1.01. The files in the Samples directory, are meant to demonstrate the general functionality of the IntraBuilder designer and to provide small samples of JavaScript programming techniques. IntraBuilder also includes several prebuilt business solution applications. These applications can be found in the Apps directory. For more information about the prebuilt business solutions, see the README.TXT file in the Apps directory. For general information about IntraBuilder see the README.TXT file in the main program directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\Borland\ IntraBuilder). Server installation issues are addressed in the file SERVER.HLP, which is also located in the main program directory. General installation and uninstallation issues are addressed in the file INSTALL.TXT, which remains on your installation disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE FILE SETUP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation program will take care of all configuration items so that your web server can communicate with the IntraBuilder server. The exception to this is when your web server is WebSite. To run IntraBuilder applications with WebSite, you need to make two configuration settings in the WebSite Properties dialog. This is described in the SERVER.HLP file in your main program directory. If you encounter any problems getting the sample files to run, see the SERVER.HLP file to make sure that the web server has been configured correctly to interact with the IntraBuilder server. After installing IntraBuilder, you can follow these steps to run the sample files. 1. Make sure that your web server is running. 2. Load the IntraBuilder Server on the same machine as the web server. 3. Load this page in the browser: /svr/intrasrv.isv?samples/samphome.jfm 4. From the samples home page, you will find links to each of the individual sample forms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several sample tables in the samples directory so that you can begin trying out the IntraBuilder features right away. These tables include: BIOLIFE.DBF - This is just for fun. It contains pictures and descriptions BIOLIFE.DBT of various marine animals. CUSTOMER.DBF - This is similar to many business tables. It contains the CUSTOMER.DBT name, address, and other general information for a set of CUSTOMER.MDX customers. ORDERS.DBF - This table contains order information for the customers in ORDERS.MDX CUSTOMER.DBF. The two tables can be related based on the CUSTOMER_N field. LINEITEM.DBF - This table contains line item information for the orders in LINEITEM.MDX ORDERS.DBF. The two tables can be related based on the ORDER_NO field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE PAGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few files in the samples directory that demonstrate some of the capabilities of the Form Expert and Form Designers. These forms can be launched within IntraBuilder by double clicking the file icon in the IntraBuilder Explorer. They can be run across the web by following the setup instructions above and then loading a URL such as: /svr/intrasrv.isv?Samples/SampHome.jfm This loads the Sample Home page, which contains links to each of these IntraBuilder sample form pages. ACTIVEX.JFM - This form demonstrates the use of an ActiveX control on an IntraBuilder form. The control used comes standard with the Internet Explorer 3.0, so no codeBase property is set. If this were a non-standard control, the codeBase would point to the URL containing the ActiveX control. The Back button on this form is only intended for use in a browser; it will produce an error when used in the IDE. BIOLIFE.JFM - This is a simple form that was generated by the Form Expert. Then the Form Designer was used to add comments and set properties such as background. The navigation buttons were created automatically by the Expert. CUSTORD.JFM - This form demonstrates the use of server-side and client-side JavaScript. Changing the value of either Select control launches client-side code that then reloads the form to show the desired value. Notice the use of the hidden control to tell the server what event caused the form to reload. Note that the onChange event may not fire immediately on your browser. Older Netscape browsers will not execute the onChange until the select control loses focus. Navigator 3.0 correctly fires the onChange as soon as the change is made. JAVA.JFM - This page demonstrates the use of a Java Applet on an IntraBuilder form. The control used resides on a server at Sun, so the codeBase property contains the URL to the Sun server. The form's onServerLoad traverses the Orders table and stores the total orders per state values to the control's params object. The Back button on this form is only intended for use in a browser; it will produce an error when used in the IDE. MSSQLPUB.JFM - This form demonstrates the use of IntraBuilder with MS SQL Server. In order to run this form, you must already have an MS SQL Server up and running. One of their sample databases is PUBS. You must have a user name and password that gives you write access to this database. Once you have access to the server, you need to create a BDE alias so that IntraBuilder will be able to access the server. To do that you need to follow these steps: 1. Click the BDE Configuration icon in the IntraBuilder program group. 2. Select the Aliases tab and then press the New Alias button. 3. The alias name needs to be PUBS. 4. The alias type needs to be MSSQL. 5. Press the OK button. 6. Set the Database Name parameter to "pubs". 7. Set the Server Name parameter to the name of your MS SQL Server. The server administrator has this information. 8. You may optionally set the User Name parameter to your user name on the server. 9. Select File|Save and then File|Close. After following these steps to create the BDE alias, you should be able to run the sample form. When you first run the form it will prompt you for a user name and password. These must match the account name and password on the MS SQL Server. Take special note of the image2_onImageServerClick() method. The majority of this code was copied from the codeblock that was assigned to the event by the expert. The codeblock was turned into a method in order to use the try/catch blocks. This is the technique used to catch errors from the database server. Notice the simple checks to find primary key conflicts and column constraint failures. NETINFO.JFM - This form simply displays the properties of the NetInfo object. A NetInfo object contains information about the browser that made the HTTP request to the IntraBuilder server. This information can be used to IP address based access privileges or to customize a form based on what browser is being used. SAMPHOME.JFM - This page was generated by the Home Page Form Expert. It contains links to each of the other pages. The page was modified in the Form Designer as well. The links (to the other pages) that were generated by the Expert were modified to be relative to the main installation directory (since you can install this to any directory). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The image files are provided so that you can test out IntraBuilder capabilities with a variety of images. BIO90030.JPG - JPEG Image BIO90080.BMP - Windows BMP Image BIO90090.XBM - XBM Image BIO90110.GIF - GIF 89 Image BIO90120.PCX - PCX Image BIO90140.TIF - TIF Image (no compression) BIO90150.TIF - TIF Image (compressed) BIO90160.XBM - XBM Image BIO90210.GIF - GIF 87 Image BIO90220.PCX - PCX Image BIO90230.BMP - Windows BMP Image BIO90260.JPG - JPEG Image BORLND22.GIF - GIF file EXPINAVH.GIF - GIF file (created by form expert) EXPIROWH.GIF - GIF file (created by form expert) IBSPLASH.BMP - Windows BMP Image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SAMPLE FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVEX.URL - This is a Windows URL file. Double clicking on this file icon in either the IntraBuilder Explorer or in any Windows folder will launch your default web browser and load the page: http://activex.microsoft.com/. At this site you can get information about ActiveX technology. There are links to several ActiveX vendors. BORLAND.URL - This is a Windows URL file. Double clicking on this file icon in either the IntraBuilder Explorer or in any Windows folder will launch your default web browser and load the page: http://www.borland.com/. At this site you can get information about Borland products and technology. You can also find updated information about IntraBuilder. COUNTER.CC - This is a custom control file use to display a hit counter on a form. This control is used in the SAMPHOME.JFM file. NETSCAPE.URL - This is a Windows URL file. Double clicking on this file icon in either the IntraBuilder Explorer or in any Windows folder will launch your default web browser and load the page: http://www.netscape.com/. At this site, you can get information about Netscape products and technologies. You can also find Netscape's documentation on the JavaScript language. SAMPLES.TXT - This file. STRUCMEM.DLL - A function library for working with structures in IntraBuilder. The functions are prototyped in STRUCMEM.JS. A brief sample in shown in STRUCSAM.JS. STRUCMEM.JS - IntraBuilder function prototypes for the functions in STRUCMEM.DLL. After running this script you can use the functions in STRUCMEM.DLL just like built-in JavaScript functions. STRUCSAM.JS - A small sample of using the functions in STRUCMEM.DLL. Note that the samples make use of some files that are stored in other directories. Header files are stored in the Include directory (right under your main installation directory). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1996 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved.