:TITLE Microsoft Win32 SDK :INDEX Microsoft Win32 SDK = win32sdk.hlp :INCLUDE WIN32SDK.CFG :BASE win32sdk.HLP 1 About the Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit 2 Legal Information=_win32_Legal_Information_sdk 2 Introduction to the Win32 SDK=_win32_Introduction_to_the_Win32_SDK 2 Using the Documentation=_win32_Using_the_Documentation 2 Navigating=_win32_Navigating 2 Search Features=_win32_Search_Features 2 Using the Keyword Index=_win32_Using_the_Keyword_Index 2 Using Full-Text Search=_win32_Using_Full_Text_Search 2 Finding New Topics=_win32_Finding_New_Topics 2 Printing the Win32 SDK=_win32_Printing_the_Win32_SDK :INCLUDE WIN32.MST :INCLUDE 95GUIDE.MST :INCLUDE KBASE.MST :INCLUDE MAPI.MST :INCLUDE MIDL.MST :INCLUDE MISAPI.MST :INCLUDE MMEDIA.MST :INCLUDE MSTOOLS.MST :INCLUDE OLE.MST :INCLUDE OPENGL.MST :INCLUDE PDH.MST :INCLUDE PENAPI.MST :INCLUDE PROGTECH.MST :INCLUDE RC.MST :INCLUDE RPC.MST :INCLUDE SETUPAPI.MST :INCLUDE SOCK2.MST :INCLUDE TAPI.MST