inherited ImageForm: TImageForm Width = 209 Height = 179 Caption = 'Image Form' KeyPreview = True PopupMenu = LocalMenu OnActivate = FormActivate OnCreate = FormCreate OnDeactivate = FormDeactivate OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited ChildMenu: TMainMenu object TextMenu: TMenuItem Caption = '&Text' GroupIndex = 3 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = TextMenuClick object TextLeftItem: TMenuItem Caption = '&Left Align' Hint = 'Cursor moves right as you type' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = TextLeft end object TextCenterItem: TMenuItem Caption = '&Center Align' Hint = 'Cursor stays stationary as you type' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = TextCenter end object TextRightItem: TMenuItem Caption = '&Right Align' Hint = 'Cursor moves left as you type' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = TextRight end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object TextFontItem: TMenuItem Caption = '&Font...' Hint = 'Select which for to use with the text tool' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = TextFont end end object ViewMenu: TMenuItem Caption = '&View' GroupIndex = 4 ShortCut = 0 OnClick = ViewMenuClick object ViewZoomInItem: TMenuItem Caption = 'Zoom &In' Hint = 'Increase the zoom factor in the active window' ShortCut = 16457 OnClick = ViewZoomIn end object ViewZoomOutItem: TMenuItem Caption = 'Zoom &Out' Hint = 'Decrease the zoom factor in the active window' ShortCut = 16469 OnClick = ViewZoomOut end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object ViewActualSizeItem: TMenuItem Caption = '&Actual Size' Hint = 'Return the active view to its natural size' ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = ViewActualSize end end end object FontDialog: TFontDialog Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] MinFontSize = 0 MaxFontSize = 0 Options = [] Left = 128 Top = 24 end object LocalMenu: TPopupMenu OnPopup = ViewMenuClick Left = 136 Top = 72 object LocalZoomIn: TMenuItem Caption = 'Zoom &In' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = ViewZoomIn end object LocalZoomOut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Zoom &Out' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = ViewZoomOut end end end