#include <owl\applicat.h> #include <owl\dialog.h> #include <owl\framewin.h> #include <owl\edit.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <mem.h> #include "valedit.rh" class TNameEdit : public TEdit { public: TNameEdit(TWindow* parent, int resourceID, TModule* module = 0); void EvChar(UINT key, UINT repeatCount, UINT flags); DECLARE_RESPONSE_TABLE(TNameEdit); }; DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(TNameEdit, TEdit) EV_WM_CHAR, END_RESPONSE_TABLE; TNameEdit::TNameEdit(TWindow* parent, int resourceID, TModule* module) : TEdit(parent, resourceID, 31, module) { } void TNameEdit::EvChar(UINT key, UINT repeatCount, UINT flags) { if (key == VK_BACK) { TEdit::EvChar(key, repeatCount, flags); return; } char Buffer[255]; memset(Buffer, 0, 255); GetText(Buffer, 255); int Len = strlen(Buffer); if (Len==0 && isalpha(key)) { Buffer[0]=toupper(key); SetText(Buffer); SetSelection(1,1); } else if (Buffer[Len-1]==' ') { Buffer[Len]=toupper(key); SetText(Buffer); SetSelection(Len+1,Len+1); } else TEdit::EvChar(key, repeatCount, flags); } class TCreditCardNo : public TEdit { int IsValidCard(); char Card[17]; public: static int Lookup[10]; TCreditCardNo(TWindow* parent, int resourceID, TModule* module = 0); void EvChar(UINT key, UINT repeatCount, UINT flags); void CmPostEdit(); DECLARE_RESPONSE_TABLE(TCreditCardNo); }; int TCreditCardNo::Lookup[] = {0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9 }; DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(TCreditCardNo, TEdit) EV_WM_CHAR, EV_EN_KILLFOCUS(-1, CmPostEdit), END_RESPONSE_TABLE; TCreditCardNo::TCreditCardNo(TWindow* parent, int resourceID, TModule* module) : TEdit(parent, resourceID, 17, module) { } int TCreditCardNo::IsValidCard() { int CheckSum = 0; int Len = strlen(Card); for (int i=0; i<Len; i++) { if (Len == 16) CheckSum += (i&1) ? (Card[i]-'0') : Lookup[Card[i]- '0']; else CheckSum += !(i&1) ? (Card[i]-'0') : Lookup[Card[i]- '0']; } return (CheckSum%10); } void TCreditCardNo::CmPostEdit() { GetText(Card, 17); if (strlen(Card)==0) return; if (IsValidCard()==0) return; else { MessageBox("Invalid Card Number - Try Again!"); SetText(""); SetFocus(); } } void TCreditCardNo::EvChar(UINT key, UINT repeatCount, UINT flags) { if (key == VK_BACK) { TEdit::EvChar(key, repeatCount, flags); return; } if (key >= 0x30 && key <= 0x39) TEdit::EvChar(key, repeatCount, flags); else { MessageBeep(-1); return; } memset(Card, 0, 17); GetText(Card, 17); if (strlen(Card)==16 || (strlen(Card)==15 && Card[0]=='3')) { Parent->PostMessage(WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)0, FALSE); return; } } class TEditDialog : public TDialog { public: TEditDialog(TWindow* parent, TResId resId, TModule* module = 0); }; TEditDialog::TEditDialog(TWindow* parent, TResId resId, TModule* module) : TDialog(parent, resId, module) { TCreditCardNo *pint1 = new TCreditCardNo(this, 101,0); TNameEdit *pint2 = new TNameEdit(this, 102); } class TEditsApp : public TApplication { public: void InitMainWindow(); }; void TEditsApp::InitMainWindow() { TDialog *pd = new TEditDialog(0, DIALOG_1); MainWindow = new TFrameWindow(0, "TEdit Classes", pd, TRUE); MainWindow->Attr.Style &= ~WS_THICKFRAME&~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; EnableBWCC(); } int OwlMain(int, char *[]) { return TEditsApp().Run(); }
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