// Description: Implements the WinG // window class // // References: WinG help file, Game // Developer Magazine #include "WinG.HPP" void WinGWindow::InitWinG ( HWND ActiveWindow ) { // Create a buffer to match the size of // the active window: RECT ClientWin; HDC ScreenHDC; PALETTEENTRY SysPalette [ 256 ]; short int N; GetClientRect ( ActiveWindow, &ClientWin ); WinWidth = ClientWin.right - ClientWin.left; WinHeight = ClientWin.bottom - ClientWin.top; // Calculate the buffer's width (which must // be evenly divisible by 2): BufWidth = ( WinWidth + 3 ) & ( ~3 ); // Initialize the width and height of buffer: BufInfo.Header.biWidth = WinWidth; BufInfo.Header.biHeight = WinHeight; BufInfo.Header.biClrUsed = 0; BufInfo.Header.biBitCount = 8; BufInfo.Header.biPlanes = 1; BufInfo.Header.biSize = sizeof BufInfo.Header; BufInfo.Header.biCompression = BI_RGB; BufInfo.Header.biSizeImage = 0; if ( WinGRecommendDIBFormat ( ( LPBITMAPINFO ) &BufInfo ) ) { BufInfo.Header.biWidth = WinWidth; BufInfo.Header.biHeight *= WinHeight; // Get the DC of the active window: ScreenHDC = GetDC ( ActiveWindow ); // Check for error: if ( ScreenHDC ) { GetSystemPaletteEntries ( ScreenHDC, 0, 256, SysPalette ); // Store the system palette in structure: for ( N = 0; N < 256; N++ ) { BufInfo.ColorTable [ N ].rgbRed = SysPalette [ N ].peRed; BufInfo.ColorTable [ N ].rgbGreen = SysPalette [ N ].peGreen; BufInfo.ColorTable [ N ].rgbBlue = SysPalette [ N ].peBlue; BufInfo.ColorTable [ N ].rgbReserved = 0; } // Release the active window device context: ReleaseDC ( ActiveWindow, ScreenHDC ); } // Create the off-screen DC: BufDC = WinGCreateDC (); // If an error did not occur.... if ( BufDC ) { // ..create the off-screen, WinG bitmap: BufBitmap = WinGCreateBitmap ( BufDC, ( LPBITMAPINFO )&BufInfo, ( void * * ) &WinBuffer ); if ( BufBitmap ) { // Check for bottom-up bitmaps: if ( BufInfo.Header.biHeight > 0 ) { WinBuffer += ( WinHeight - 1 ) * BufWidth; BufWidth = -BufWidth; } // Prepare the WinG bitmap: OldMonoBitmap = ( HBITMAP ) SelectObject ( BufDC, BufBitmap ); } // If an error occured.... else { // ...deallocate device context: DeleteDC ( BufDC ); BufDC = 0; WinBuffer = NULL; } } } } WinGWindow::WinGWindow ( HWND ActiveWindow ) { // Initialize the WinG bitmap to the // dimensions of the // application's active window: InitWinG ( ActiveWindow ); } WinGWindow::WinGWindow () { // Get the handle of the application's // active window: HWND ActiveWindow = GetActiveWindow (); // Initialize the WinG bitmap to // the dimensions of the active window: InitWinG ( ActiveWindow ); } WinGWindow::~WinGWindow () { // Delete the offscreen bitmap, // selecting back in the original bitmap: if ( ( BufDC ) && ( BufBitmap ) ) { SelectObject ( BufDC, OldMonoBitmap ); DeleteObject ( BufBitmap ); } // Delete the offscreen device context: if ( BufDC ) DeleteDC ( BufDC ); } void WinGWindow::DispBuffer () { // Get the handle of the application's // active window: HWND ActiveWindow = GetActiveWindow (); DispBuffer ( ActiveWindow ); } void WinGWindow::DispBuffer ( HWND ActiveWindow ) { // Make sure the application has a valid // active window: if ( ActiveWindow ) { // Get the device context of the // active window: HDC ActiveDC = GetDC ( ActiveWindow ); // Check for error: if ( ActiveDC ) { // Call WinG to blit the buffer (if you // wanted to add scrolling background, // this would be the place): WinGBitBlt ( ActiveDC, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, BufDC, 0, 0 ); // Release the device context: ReleaseDC ( ActiveWindow, ActiveDC ); } } }
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