Borland Online And The Cobb Group Present:
March, 1995 - Vol. 2 No. 3
Validator review
Borland ships several validator classes with
Borland C++ that you can use to verify user input in an edit control.
Each class derives from a common base class, TValidator.
Figure A illustrates the inheritance relationships of the validator
Figure A - Each validator class derives from the TValidator base class and inherits some of its default behavior.
The TValidator class declares four member functions that
define the primary interface between the validator classes and
the TEdit interface class:
Here, we'll review the behavior of each member function
in the TValidator base class and the behavior of each
class's derived versions of these functions.
All of these functions are virtual, except for the Valid()
member function. Because this function isn't virtual, you
won't be able to override its behavior in derived classesyou'll
only be able to hide it. (This means the corresponding TEdit
object will always call the TValidator version of the
Valid() function.)
TValidator is the base class for all validator classes.
- Valid()This
function calls the IsValid()
member function to determine whether the current edit data is
valid. If it is, this function returns True. Otherwise, the function
calls the Error() member function
and returns False.
- IsValid()This
version returns True.
- IsValidInput()This
version returns True.
- Error()This
version does nothing.
The TFilterValidator class derives directly from the
TValidator class.
- IsValid()This
version checks characters as the user enters them. If a character
belongs to the valid character set, it returns True. Otherwise,
it returns False.
- IsValidInput()This
version checks characters as the user enters them. If a character
belongs to the valid character set, it returns True. Otherwise,
it returns False.
- Error()This
version loads the IDS_VALINVALIDCHAR
string resource and displays this string in a message box.
The TRangeValidator class derives directly from the TFilterValidator
class (to prevent nonnumeric input).
- IsValid()This
function returns True if the numeric value in the edit control
is within the range of the validator.
- Error()This
version loads the IDS_VALNOTINRANGE
string resource and displays this string in a message box along
with the maximum and minimum values.
The TLookupValidator class derives directly from the
TValidator class and will serve as a base class for any
validator class that needs to search a table, list, or database
for valid input.
- IsValid()This
function returns the result of a new Lookup()
member function. By default, the Lookup()
member function simply returns True.
The TStringLookupValidator class derives directly from
the TLookupValidator class and overrides the TLookupValidator::Lookup()
member function to search a sorted array of strings.
- Error()This
version loads the IDS_VALNOTINLIST
string resource and displays this string in a message box.
The TPXPictureValidator class derives directly from the
TValidator class.
- IsValid()This
function returns True if the edit control is empty or if the edit
text matches the pattern of the picture string.
- IsValidInput()This
version returns True if the edit control is empty or if the text
is valid for each position so far. If the suppressFill
parameter (the second parameter) is False and the autoFill
option of the validator is set to True, this function will automatically
fill in literal characters. Otherwise, it will add only the character
the user enters.
- Error()This
version loads the IDS_VALPXPCONFORM
string resource and displays this string and the current picture
string in a message box.
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