December, 1994 - Vol. 1 No. 12
In the July 1994 issue of Borland C++ Developer's Journal, we introduced you to iterator classes in C++ programming (C++ Programming - An introduction to iterator classes). In the August 1994 issue, we then showed how Borland implemented iterator functionality in the iterator classes the company created in the Object-based Container class library that ships with Borland C++ 3.1 (C++ Programming - More on iterator classes).
However, many Borland C++ programmers are now starting to use the Borland International Data Structures (BIDS) library classes instead of the ones that were part of the Container class library. There are a number of reasons for this, but the overwhelming reason is that Borland designed the BIDS classes around the C++ template class conceptwhich makes them more flexible for you to use.
In this article, we'll show how you can use the BIDS iterator
classes to traverse the BIDS-derived container classes. In addition,
we'll examine some of the changes Borland made to these
iterator classes when it released version 4.0.
If you're using the Container class library to supply the container classes for a C++ program, you'll notice that there are some compromises to the library's design. One of these compromises is that the classes themselves don't provide a general container interface.
For example, if you decided to keep a list of String objects in a stack structure (Last In, First Out), you could implement this using the List class (a simple linked list). However, if you later wanted to change the implementation to an array of strings, you'd have to make some significant changes to your code.
Instead, you could use the BIDS template class StackAsVector
or StackAsList in a typedef statement for a
StringStack type by writing
typedef StackAsVector<String> StringStack;
typedef StackAsList<String> StringStack;
In either case, Borland has provided identical public member functions for both stack implementations. Therefore, whatever functions you use from the StackAsVector class will also exist in the StackAsList class.
When discussing iterators in previous issues, we've described them as intelligent indexes you use to traverse an array from beginning to end. When you're talking about iterators for array classes, this is an accurate picture. However, for the non-array classes (where there is no concept of a fixed index for a given item), it's more accurate to think of an iterator as a parasitic data structure that moves from item to item in a container.
First of all, without a host (a container to iterate), an iterator is a meaningless construct. Also, an iterator generally has little, if any, effect on the behavior of its host container. Finally, a container iterator "knows" enough about the structure of its host container to move between items using the container's ordering rules.
Within the BIDS class library, Borland has defined several general types of containers: arrays, associations, bags, sets, dequeues, dictionaries, queues, and stacks. For each of the containers except associations, which can have only two elements anyway, Borland has also defined corresponding types of iterators.
To clarify our discussion, we'll review here only the queue,
dequeue, and stack classes and their iterators. (In previous issues,
we've discussed associations and dictionaries. We'll
skip the array, bag, and set classes because they're relatively
easy to understand.)
A queue is simply a container that lets you extract only the item that was placed in the container first. You can remove a given item from a queue only after you've removed all the items you added before the desired one.
In general, a queue is said to have a head (the item you're about to remove), and a tail (the item you just added). To add an item to the queue, you'll use the put( ) function. To retrieve the first item placed in the queue, you'll use the get( ) function.
A queue iterator begins at the tail of the queue and moves toward the head. However, typically, if you put items in a queue or get items out of a queue after you've created an iterator for that queue, the iterator won't work correctly. To work correctly in this situation, the queue would need to keep track of all the current iterators you've attached to it and inform them of the content changes.
In the BIDS library, Borland has defined queue classes that use
vector (a C-style array) and double-list implementations. For
each type of queue, Borland defined a corresponding queue iterator
A double-ended queue, or dequeue (pronounced "deck"), is simply a queue that lets you add, or put, items at either end. You can also remove, or get, items from either end of a dequeue. While this makes a dequeue very flexible, it can also make the dequeue's operation difficult to follow.
In some situations, you can use a dequeue as a simple high/low priority queue. To do this, you'd simply put low-priority items in the tail of the dequeue, put high-priority items in the head of the dequeue, and always get items from the head of the dequeue.
A dequeue iterator begins at the tail of the dequeue and moves toward the head. As with a queue iterator, a dequeue iterator probably won't work correctly if you put items in or get items from the dequeue after you've created the iterator.
In the BIDS library, Borland has defined dequeue classes that
use either vector and double-list implementations. For each type
of dequeue, Borland defined a dequeue iterator class.
Most programmers are acutely aware of how the stack region of memory operates in a C++ program. A stack container is based on the same principle of extracting only the most recent addition to the container.
In general, a stack is said to have a top (where you add and remove items) and a bottom (which you don't access directly). To add an item to a stack, you'll call a push( ) function. To remove an item from a stack, you'll call a pop( ) function.
A stack iterator begins at the bottom of the stack (the first item you pushed on the stack) and moves toward the top (the next item to pop off the stack). As with the queue and dequeue iterators, a stack iterator may not work properly if you change the stack's contents after you create the iterator.
In the BIDS library, Borland has defined stack classes that use
both vector and list implementations. For each type of stack,
Borland defined corresponding iterator classes.
In designing the iterator classes that work with the stack, dequeue, and queue classes, Borland has provided consistent class interfaces. Appropriately, the interfaces for these classes will help you understand how you can use the iterator objects.
For each iterator class, there are five major member functions
or operators:
Once you become familiar with the iterator class for one type of container, you can manipulate any of the other iterator classes using the same syntax.
In most situations, you'll want to use the container iterators to monitor or modify the items in a container. However, if you try to use the container iterators to add items to or remove items from the corresponding container, you'll get unpredictable (and possibly disastrous) results.
In the BIDS library, Borland defines these iterator classes based
on the underlying implementation. For example, for the BI_QueueAsVector
class, the corresponding BI_QueueAsVectorIterator class
is a derivation of the BI_VectorIteratorImp class (the
iterator class for all vector-based implementations). Because
of this, you'll need to create typedef statements
for your container iterator classes that parallel the typedef
statements for your container classes.
To see how the BIDS container iterator classes work, let's build a simple container application. To demonstrate how you can use a container iterator to perform a test on various items in a container, we'll create an iterator and a simple function that uses the iterator to test each item in the container.
To begin, launch the Borland C++ 3.1 DOS Integrated Development Environment (IDE). When the IDE's main window and menu bar appear, choose New from the File menu and enter the code from Listing A.
Listing A: I2.CPP
#include <iostream.h> #include <stacks.h> #include <queues.h> typedef double basetype; typedef BI_StackAsVector<float> Group; typedef BI_StackAsVectorIterator<float> Iterator; //typedef BI_QueueAsVector<basetype> Group; //typedef BI_QueueAsVectorIterator<basetype> Iterator; void displayMatches(Iterator &i) { i.restart( ); while(i) { basetype temp = i.current( ); if((temp > 1) && (temp < 3)) { cout << "Item " << i.current( ); cout << " is between 1 and 3" << endl; } ++i; } } int main( ) { // Create a container for 5 numbers Group numbers(5); basetype num = 1.01; int count = 0; while(!(numbers.isFull( ))) { ++count; num = num * count; numbers.push(num); // numbers.put(num); cout << num << endl; } cout << endl; Iterator it(numbers); displayMatches(it); cout << endl; while(!(numbers.isEmpty( ))) { cout << numbers.pop( ) << endl; // cout << numbers.get( ) << endl; } return 0; }
When you finish entering the code, choose Save from the File menu and enter I2.CPP in the Save File As entry field. Click OK to save the file.
Next, choose Application... from the Options menu. In the Set Application Options dialog box, click DOS Standard and click OK.
To build and run I2.EXE, choose Run from the Run menu. When the IDE finishes compiling and linking the new application, it will run the application (you'll see a DOS screen appear briefly) and then redisplay the IDE's main window.
Now, choose Output from the Window menu to view the output of
the application. In this window, you'll see
1.01 2.02 6.06 24.24 121.2 Item 1.01 is between 1 and 3 Item 2.02 is between 1 and 3 121.199997 24.24 6.06 2.02 1.01
As you can tell, the stack container removes items in the reverse
order of how you inserted them. In addition, you'll notice
that the stack iterator begins at the bottom of the stack (the
oldest item) and moves toward the top as the displayMatches( )
function increments the iterator.
Now, return to the editor window for the I2.CPP file and make
the following changes:
numbers.push(num);and remove the comment tokens from the next line. This changes the push( ) function call to a call to the put( ) function for a queue container.
cout << numbers.pop( ) << endl;and remove the comment tokens from the next line. This changes the pop( ) function call to a call to the get( ) function for a queue container.
To rebuild and run the new version of I2.EXE, choose Run from the Run menu.
When the program runs and the IDE main window reappears, choose
Output from the Window menu again. In the Output window, you'll
1.01 2.02 6.06 24.24 121.2 Item 2.02 is between 1 and 3 Item 1.01 is between 1 and 3 1.01 2.02 6.06 24.24 121.2
This time, you'll notice that the queue container removes items in the same order that you inserted them. You'll also notice that the queue iterator begins at the tail of the queue (the last item inserted) and moves toward the head of the queue as the displayMatches( ) function increments the iterator.
Notice that even when you changed the container class dramatically,
the function names you use to manipulate the container iterator
stay the same. To close the IDE, choose Exit from the File menu.
Iterators are valuable programming tools you can use to view or
manipulate the items in a container. By learning to use the container
iterator classes that Borland provides in the BIDS class library,
you can easily view and manipulate items in these containers.
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