How to report problems or submit comments regarding Integrity Master: Read file QUESTION.TXT to see if your concern may be documented there. If you don't have your own utility, enter "IMVIEW QUESTION.TXT" to read this file. If you have a problem, please gather the following information: 1) Describe the problem. What do you see on your screen? Under what circumstances does it happen? 2) Please describe the steps required to reproduce the problem: 3) Print your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. 4) Print the IMPROC.TXT file you used to install Integrity Master. 5) Please describe your computer: PC type: Video Adapter: Hard disk: DOS Version: Other adapters: Floppies: BIOS version: 6) Do you use special disk partitioning software such as DMdriver? 7) Serial number (from the diskette label) and version number of Integrity Master (You are NOT required to already be a registered user to report a problem) If you have suggestions for improvements, complaints, compliments...whatever, P L E A S E let us know. We'd like to meet your needs! Mail the above information to: Stiller Research 1265 Big Valley Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014 U.S.A. or on CompuServe "GO STILLER" to access our support forum operated in cooperation with the NCSA (National Computer Security Association). or if you are a registered user of Integrity Master, you may call Stiller Research directly for support with Integrity Master or help with a virus related problem. or extract the above points you think may have relevance and send via electronic mail to: 74777,3004 on CompuServe on InterNet, Bitnet, etc. STILLER on GEnie (Registered users have direct telephone access to Stiller Research)