May 1, 1995 (c) Copyright 1994 Palindrome Corporation. All rights reserved. PALSHELL.TXT PALSHELL.NLM allows you to perform operations at the server console that you would normally perform from the Windows interface. SYNTAX The syntax for PALSHELL.NLM is: LOAD PALSHELL.NLM /OP= [options] BACKUP OPERATIONS ================= Operation Code --------- ---- Automatic Backup CC Archive Resource AA Archive Files (list) AL Backup Files (list) BL Full Backup (Resource) BF Incremental Backup BI Differential Backup BD Migrate Resource MA Migrate Files (list) ML Database Maintenance DM Database Verification DV Options Code ------- ---- Clear Archive Bit /B=Y Do Not Clear Archive Bit /B=N File List /C Include File /F+ Wildcard files to include /FW+ Exclude File /F- Media to use (Label) /L Managed Media (options) Copy fully protected files already in set /MM=YY Copy fully protected not already in set /MM=YN Copy files not fully protected already in set /MM=NY Copy files not fully protected, not in set /MM=NN Non-Managed Media (options) Append and track backup session /MN=AT Append and do not track backup session /MN=AX Erase sessions and track backup session /MN=ET Erase sessions and do not track backup session /MN=EX Perform backup in Unattended mode /Q Source name space /SN Logical Device name /U Verify sessions /V Calculate and Verify sessions /VC Verification off /VN SCSI Device Trace /W Backup Operation Examples ========================= Perform Automatic Backup LOAD PALSHELL /OP=CC /Q (backs up entire Protected Resource List in unattended mode) Full Backup of Resource LOAD PALSHELL /OP=BF FS1\SYS: /Q (backs up FS1\SYS: in unattended mode) RESTORE OPERATIONS ================== Operation Code --------- ---- Restore Full Resource RRA Restore All Files on Resource RRF Restore the System Control Database RC Restore a File History Database RH Restore files to original location RO Restore directory structure of resource RD Restore files without restoring directories RF Restore and redirect files RR Option Code ------ ---- Files to include /F+ Wildcard files to include /FW+ Files to exclude /F- Media to use (Label) /L Never overwrite files on collision /PN Always overwrite files on collision /PA Prompt on overwrite if file collision /PP Overwrite files if file on disk is older /PO Name space of target resource is DOS /RNDOS Name space of target resource is AFP /RNAFP Name space of target resource is NFS /RNNFS Target Resource (e.g. FS1\SYS:) /RR Target path /RP Perform restore in Unattended mode /Q Source name space /SN Logical Device name /U Verify sessions /V Verification off /VN SCSI Device Trace /W Restore Operation Examples ========================== Perform Full Resource Restore: LOAD PALSHELL /OP=RRA FS1\SYS: /Q (restores FS1\SYS: in unattended mode) Restore file to original location: LOAD PALSHELL /OP=RO FS1\SYS: /F+\TEST.FIL (restores TEST.FIL to the root of FS1\SYS:) UTILITY OPERATION CODES ======================= Operation Code --------- ---- Copy Media MC Journal Media MJ Format Media MF Retension Media MT Secure Erase Media MS Verify Media MV Short Test on Device DST Long Test on Device DLT Media Changer Test (autoloaders only) DMT Autoloader unload request LU Autoloader load request LL Autoloader export request LE Autoloader import request LI Option Code ------ ---- Session Name /D Media to use (Label) /L Perform utility operation in Unattended mode /Q Target Device Name /TD Logical Device Name /U Verify sessions /V SCSI Device Trace /W Utility Operation Examples ========================== Format specific media LOAD PALSHELL /OP=MF /LADMIN:A:1 /Q Copy media LOAD PALSHELL /OP=CM /UTAPEDRIVE /TDOPTICAL_DRIVE /Q (where TAPEDRIVE is the source device containing the media to be copied and OPTICAL_DRIVE contains the target media) Translate History Database /XH /N LOAD PALSHELL /OP=XH /NFS1\SYS: (translates FS1\SYS: File History Database)