TELNET ANSI COLOR SUPPORT TELNET supports ANSI color mode in addition to video attribute color mapping. Video attribute color mapping is mapping of colors to normal VT320 monochrome attributes such as bold, reverse video, and underline. Video attribute mapping is configured through the Screen Setup Menu. ANSI color support allows the character, character cell, and screen background colors to be selected directly by sending control sequences from the host. ANSI colors are selected through extensions to the VT320 Set Character Attributes control sequence. The following table describes the control sequences supported. Ps;Ps...m Set Character Attributes and ANSI Colors Character Attributes Ps = 0 Resets all colors and video attributes to defaults Ps = 1 Bold on. If the text color has been changed using an ANSI color control sequence, bold will be the intensified text color. Otherwise bolded text will display as configured in the Screen Setup Menu. Ps = 4 Underscore on. Always uses the colors selected in the Screen Setup Menu. Ps = 5 Blink on Ps = 7 Reverse video on. Always uses the colors selected in the Screen Setup Menu. Ps = 22 Bold off, normal intensity Ps = 24 Underscore off Ps = 25 Blink off Ps = 27 Reverse video off, positive image Character Colors (low intensity unless bolded) Ps = 30 Black Ps = 31 Red Ps = 32 Green Ps = 33 Yellow (displays as brown unless bolded) Ps = 34 Blue Ps = 35 Magenta Ps = 36 Cyan Ps = 37 White Ps = 39 White Ps;Ps;...m Set Character Attributes and ANSI Colors Character Cell Color (always low intensity colors) Ps = 40 Sets the cell color to the current background color Ps = 41 Red Ps = 42 Green Ps = 43 Yellow (displays as brown) Ps = 44 Blue Ps = 45 Magenta Ps = 46 Cyan Ps = 47 White Ps = 49 Sets the cell color to the current background color Direct Index Control Using a Prefix < index Specifies the character color index = index Specifies the character cell color index > index Specifies the screen background index ANSI Color Indexes 0 = black 1 = red 2 = green 3 = yellow 4 = blue 5 = magenta 6 = cyan 7 = white The following examples use the emulator command DISPLAY to locally test the character attributes and colors. Example 1: CMD> DISPLAY "1;35mBold magenta characters0m" or CMD> DISPLAY "1;<5mBold magenta characters0m" Displays the character string in bold magenta characters at the current cursor position. Example 2: CMD> DISPLAY "5;7mReverse blinking characters25m" Displays the character string using the blink attribute, 5, and the reverse video attribute, 7. After the characters are displayed, the blink is turned off, 25. Subsequent characters display in reverse video. Example 3: CMD> DISPLAY "1;33;43mYellow chars in brown cell0m" Displays the character string using the bold attribute and character color 33 to give yellow characters. The character cell color, 43, shows as brown directly around each character.