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Cursor movement
  Character left                   ^S  or  .
  Character right                  ^D  or  .
  40 characters left               ^A  or  ^.
  40 characters right              ^F  or  ^.
  Line up                          ^E  or  .
  Line down                        ^X  or  .
  Page up                          ^R  or  PgUp
  Page down                        ^C  or  PgDn
  Start of file                    Home  or  ^Home
  End of file                      End  or  ^End
Function keys
  Help             F1           Search            F7
  ASCII / Hex      F4           Continue search   Shift + F7
  Wrap / Unwrap    F5           Quit              F10 or Esc

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson