They refused {8/to speak} to me. 1Please, be quiet. I'm trying {16/to concentrate}. 2He learnt {8/to play} the piano when he was young. Where do you want {6/to go}? *I've forgotten {8/to send} her a postcard. !The tenants refused {9/to leave}. He promised {6/to be} on time. Don't pretend {6/to be} angry. $We've decided {8/to leave} tomorrow. We would like {8/to meet} him. speak leave concentrate become concentrate leave leave leave send show Infinitive @Zagl dnij do s ownika.@ #Consult a dictionary.# )@Uzupe nij zdania. U yj jednego ze s w:@5#Complete the sentence using one of the given words.# )@Uzupe nij zdania. U yj jednego ze s #Complete the sentence:# I hope {6/to see} you soon. $The rooms {12/are tidied} every day. !My car {12/was stolen} yesterday. I {12/am paid} $1000 a month. 1These houses {12/were built} about 200 years ago. 0This programme {12/is shown} on TV every Friday. 5Three houses {12/were damaged} in the fire last week. .Many different languages {12/are spoken} here. "I {12/was born} in London in 1951. Butter {12/is made} from milk. %They {12/were woken} up by the noise. steal build damage speak make Passive voice @Budowa strony biernej:@ #Forming the passive voice:# 3_ - somebody asks him - he is asked3_ - somebody asked him - he was asked3_ - somebody has asked him - he has been asked3_ - somebody will ask him - he will be asked (@Uzupe nij zdania. U yj strony biernej.@:#Complete the sentence. Use the passive form of the verb.# (@Uzupe nij zdania. U yj strony biernej.@.#Complete the sentence. Use the passive form.# damage2 3This car {11/was damaged} in an accident yesterday. ,It is {9} to explain some grammatical rules. the last difficult sorry surprised "That ladder isn't {8} to stand on. polite sorry safe the last 1I was {9} to find a complete stranger in my room. polite difficult surprised ,I'm {6/sorry} to hear that your wife is ill. sorry polite (Your handwriting is almost {10} to read. difficult impossible surprised It was {9} of them to invite me. sorry surprised difficult 6It wasn't {10} of you to leave without saying goodbye. difficult polite surprised the last impossible $It was {10} of you to offer me help. sorry impossible difficult surprised They {7/started} dancing but he {7/slipped} and {4/fell} down. I like {3} flowers. 8Your garden is beautiful. {3/The} flowers are very nice. I don't like {3} coffee. 5{3/The} English are famous for their sense of humour. 1"Where is {3/the} coffee?" " It's on the table." #Taking {3} photographs is my hobby. CI must show you {3/the} photographs I took when we were on holiday. I don't like {3} windy weather. #{3/The} weather is very nice today. &Do you think {3} English is difficult? Articles 7@`the' - gdy rzeczownik jest wyr niony przez kontekst@:#`the' - when the noun is a specified person, thing, etc.# "@Inne przyk ady:@#Other examples:# %the radio, the cinema, -- television, -- lunch, -- breakfast, the sea, the country, 4-- hospital (when ill), the hospital (when visiting) A@Wstaw `the' gdy jest to potrzebne, a gdy nie to naci nij Enter.@3#Put in `the' if necessary. Otherwise press Enter.# $@Wstaw `the' gdy jest to potrzebne.@ #Put in `the' if necessary.# Do you like {3} coffee? She {3/is} sorry. They {3/are} right. You {3/are} calm. I {3/am} pleased. He {3/is} annoyed. It {3/is} all right. We {3/are} late. You {3/are} surprised. They {3/are} ready. It {3/is} too bad. BE as an ordinary verb I am you, we, they are he, she, it is @Wybierz w form #Choose the correct form.# @Wybierz w form #Choose the correct form.# He {3} late. I had enough money to buy two. 4{15/I didn't have/I hadn't} enough money to buy two. He had a red car last year. ,{15/Did he have/Had he} a red car last year? They had the kind they wanted. 1{15/Did they have/Had they} the kind they wanted? They had the kind they wanted. 7{20/They didn't have/They hadn't} the kind they wanted. We had some cigarettes. '{15/Did we have/Had we} any cigarettes? We had some cigarettes. -{20/We didn't have/We hadn't} any cigarettes. I had some money on me. &{15/Did I have/Had I} any money on me? I had some money on me. ,{20/I didn't have/I hadn't} any money on me. You had a camera yesterday. -{15/Did you have/Had you} a camera yesterday? You had a camera yesterday. 3{18/You didn't have/You hadn't} a camera yesterday. @zaprzeczenie@#negative# @pytanie@#question# @pytanie@#question# @zaprzeczenie@#negative# @pytanie@#question# @zaprzeczenie@#negative# @pytanie@#question# @zaprzeczenie@#negative# @pytanie@#question# @zaprzeczenie@#negative# #Question#@Pytanie@ _ Did she have ... ? _ Had she ... ? #Negative#@Zaprzeczenie@ _ She did not have ... _ She didn't have ... _ She had not ... _ She hadn't ... 7@Napisz pytania lub zaprzeczenia. U yj kr tkiej formy.@0#Write questions or negatives. Use short forms.# :@Napisz pytanie lub zaprzeczenie u tkiej formy.@0#Write questions or negatives. Use short forms.# @zaprzeczenie@#negative#2 He had a red car last year. ({14/He didn't have} a red car last year. #You live in London, {12/don't you}? Tom can drive, {12/can't he}? You'll help me, {12/won't you}? %They're on holiday, {12/aren't they}? You smoke, {12/don't you}? $It's a beautiful day, {12/isn't it}? %You locked the door, {12/didn't you}? .Those flowers are very nice, {12/aren't they}? He was angry, {12/wasn't he}? )You were ill last week, {12/weren't you}? Question tags @Przyk ady:@#Examples:# !_ They are nice, aren't they? _ It is fun, isn't it? G@Doko cz zdania zwrotem pytaj cym odpowiadaj cym polskiemu "nieprawda tkiej formy.@&#Add a question tag. Use short forms.# #@Doko cz zdania zwrotem pytaj cym.@ #Add a question tag.# It's a lovely hat, {9/isn't is}? She came early. {15/So did I.} They were late for the concert. {15/So were you.} We need a holiday. {15/So do I.} (They spent the whole day playing bridge. {15/So did I.} We should smoke less. {15/So should I.} We've never been to China. {15/Neither have I.} They don't like bananas. {15/Neither do I.} We didn't know that she was ill. {15/Neither did I.} I'd love a cup of coffee. {15/So would I.} We arrived last night. {15/So did they.} they Additions @Przyk ad:@#Example:# 8I'm tired. - So am I. ( = I'm tired, too)(I passed the exam. - So did Mary.+I haven't got any change. - Neither have I.._ - I haven't either.(_ - Nor have I. cz swoj wypowied c `so' lub `neither'.@7#Add to the following remarks using `so' or `neither'.# cz swoj do nast cych wypowiedzi.@ #Add your remarks.# Mary likes tea. {8/So do I.} *The children were asleep half an hour ago. They {20/are still asleep.} *The children were asleep half an hour ago. 6They {30/haven't woken up yet./have not woken up yet.} 'Tom was looking for a job one weak ago. #He {30/is still looking for a job.} 'Tom was looking for a job one weak ago. 8He {30/hasn't found a job yet./has not found a job yet.} *They were having their dinner one our ago. (They {40/are still having their dinner.} *They were having their dinner one our ago. PThey {40/haven't finished their dinner yet./have not finished their dinner yet.} Jane was at school one hour ago. She {30/is still at school.} Jane was at school one hour ago. 5She {30/hasn't come back yet./has not come back yet.} It was raining half an hour ago. It {30/is still raining.} It was raining half an hour ago. @It {30/hasn't stopped raining yet./has not stopped raining yet.} still yet / wake up still yet / find still yet / finish still yet / come back still yet / stop Adverb @still - w dalszym ci gu, nadal@@#still - something is the same as before - the action continues# ,@yet - do teraz@#up to the time of speaking# $@Napisz zdania z podanymi wyrazami.@'#Write sentences. Use the given words.# $@Napisz zdania z podanymi wyrazami.@'#Write sentences. Use the given words.# still2 #Mary was on holiday three days ago. She {20/is still on holiday.} They spent their money. H{40/They foolishly spent their money./They spent their money foolishly.} Please answer my letter. &{40/Please answer my letter promptly.} He opened the door. @{40/He opened the door carefully./He carefully opened the door.} Simon washed the windows. #{40/Simon washed the windows well.} &He denied that he had stolen the bike. 3{50/He angrily denied that he had stolen the bike.} She speaks French. {30/She speaks French well.} They looked at me. D{40/They looked at me suspiciously./They looked suspiciously at me.} He paid for us all. #{40/He generously paid for us all.} 'He paid us. We have a lot of money now. 7{30/He paid us generously.} We have a lot of money now. He solved the problem. @{40/He easily solved the problem./He solved the problem easily.} foolishly promptly carefully angrily suspiciously generously generously easily Position of Adverbs #Adverb of*_ manner - medial or final position# @Przys wek#_ sposobu - koniec lub rodek@ )@Wstaw przys wek w odpowiednim miejscu.@+#Insert the adverb in the proper position.# )@Wstaw przys wek w odpowiednim miejscu.@+#Insert the adverb in the proper position.# easily2 The boy climbed the tree. %{33/The boy easily climbed the tree.} 2It {20/would have broken} if he had not caught it. 1He would have told her if she {20/had asked} him. >If she {20/had known} that, she would not have made a mistake. #With countable nouns use `fewer', with uncountable - `less'.#.@Z rzeczownikami policzalnymi u ywamy `fewer', _a z niepoliczalnymi - `less'.@ +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# 'There are {5} jobs available this year. fewer the door/the house {25/the door of the house} the top floor/the house {30/the top floor of the house} the decision/the goverment {25/the goverment's decision} the house/Mary and John {25/Mary and John's house} birthday/Charles ){25/Charles' birthday/Charles's birthday} car/Mr Jones !{20/Mr Jones' car/Mr Jones's car} intervention/America {25/America's intervention} plays/Shakespeare {25/Shakespeare's plays} wives/Henry the Eight {30/Henry the Eight's wives} the result/the match {30/the result of the match} Noun - Possessive Case @0Dla s w nie ko cych si na `s' dodajemy -'s.0Dla s w w liczbie mnogiej ko cych si na `s'#dodajemy tylko apostrof ' na ko ,`of' stosujemy dla przedmiot w nieo ywionych (z pewnymi wyj tkami). #=For singular and plural words not ending with `s' we add -'s.9For plural nouns ending with `s' we add the apostrophe '. F`of' is the normal possesive for objects other from people and animals (with some exceptions). *#Join two nouns. Use 's or ' if possible.#<@Po cz dwa rzeczowniki u c 's lub ' je li to mo liwe.@ *#Join two nouns. Use 's or ' if possible.# cz dwa rzeczowniki.@ the umbrella / my mother {21/my mother's umbrella} brushes {8/brush} ladies {8/lady} women {8/woman} children {8/child} halves {8/half} churches {8/church} libraries {8/library} knives {8/knife} flies {8/fly} roses {8/rose} Noun - singular/plural @8W liczbie mnogiej na og dodajemy ko `s' lub `es'*ale niekt re rzeczowniki s nieregularne.@ #,Usually we form plural by adding `s' or `es' but some nouns are irregular.# @Zmie na liczb pojedyncz #Put into singular.# @Zmie na liczb pojedyncz #Put into singular.# balls {4/ball} =I {12/was walking} over the bridge when I {12/saw} a monster. 7He {12/came} in when we {12/were eating} our breakfast. :We {12/drank} coffee every day when we {12/were} in Italy. :I {12/was digging} in the garden when I {12/found} a coin. 8She {12/was looking} into the mirror when it {12/broke}. drink break Past Continuous and Past Simple @Mamy dwie przesz e czynno ci:C_ jedna rozci ga si ugim okresie czasu - u yj Past Continuous@_ inna zachodzi w mi dzyczasie - u yj Simple Past@ #We have two past actions:C_ one extends over a longer period - use the Past Continuous tense@_ other takes place meanwhile - use the Past Simple tense# 5@Uzupe nij zdanie w Simple Past lub Past Continuous.@E#Put the verb into the correct form: Past Simple or Past Continuous.# 5@Uzupe nij zdanie w Simple Past lub Past Continuous.@&#Put the verbs into the correct form.# cross $When I {12/was crossing} the street, I {3/saw} the red car crash. (I went to sleep after you {12/had gone}. 1She died after she {12/had been} ill a long time. 4He {15/had just left} when they called at his house. :I was surprised to hear that she {12/had passed} the exam. :She went to the doctor after I {12/had told} her to do so. DThey wondered why I {15/had not visited/hadn't visited} them before. 7The burglar {12/had escaped} before the police arrived. @After it {12/had been} dry for a long time, it rained yesterday. 9They {15/had finished} their homework before I came back. @She discovered to her horror that she {15/had swallowed} a ring. leave (just) not visit escape finish swallow Past Perfect Tense @Budowa czasu Past Perfect:F_ przesz a forma czasownika `to have' - I had, you had, he had, etc. _ + imies w czasu przesz ego@##The Past Perfect form consists of:;_ the past form of `to have': I had, you had, he had, etc. _ + the past participle# __ (I had gone) @Uzupe nij zdania.@3#Complete the sentence. Use the Past Perfect form.# @Uzupe nij zdania.@ #Complete the sentence.# leave2 $I went to bed after he {8/had left}. (Could you {6/fill} in this form, please. !The firemen {6/put} the fire out. -{6/Switch/Turn} off TV. Nobody's watching it. If you don't know the word -you have to {6/look} it up in the dictionary. '{6/Turn} down the radio. It's too loud. ICan you {6/turn/switch} the radio on? I would like to listen to the news. 2I like that dress. I'm going to {6/try/put} it on. )This newspaper is old. {6/Throw} it away. ,A cat was {6/run} over by a car on our road. You must {6/give} up smoking. Phrasal verbs @Zagl dnij do s ownika.@ #Consult a dictionary.# +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# /I will need this page. Don't {5/throw} it away. "Have you ever {20/seen that film?} _%{40/I've seen that film three times.} 'Have you ever {25/climbed Mount Blanc?} _${40/I've never climbed Mount Blanc.} "Have you ever {20/ridden a horse?} _${40/I've ridden a horse many times.} !Have you ever {20/met the Queen?} {40/I've never met the Queen.} ,Have you ever {30/tried this new detergent?} _({50/I've just tried this new detergent.} see, that film three times climb, Mount Blanc never ride, a horse many times meet, the Queen never try, this new detergent Present Perfect Tense ywamy `I have', `he has'... + imies w czasu przesz ego@0#We use `I have', `he has'... + past participle# %_ (I have read, he has written,...). (@W pytaniach zmieniamy porz dek wyraz w@(#In questions we change the word order.# (_ (have I read ?, has he written ?...). owa takie jak `never', `ever' ... id rodka pomi `have' i imies w@1#Words like `never', `ever' ... go in the middle,'between `have' and the past participle# _ (I have never been ...) tka forma:@#Contractions:# _ have = 've _ has = 's @@Doko cz pytanie i daj pe odpowied tkiej formy.@C#Complete the question and give a full answer using contractions. # %@Doko cz pytanie i odpowiedz na nie.@'#Complete the question and answer it. # buy a new car once2 $Have you ever {17/bought a new car?} _ {27/I've once bought a new car.} Where are the children? -They {12/are playing} football in the garden. #Look! Susan {12/is riding} a horse. Can I speak to David, please? 5He {12/is having} a shower at the moment, I'm afraid. $I {12/am working}. Please, be quiet. Where are you Jane? +In the bathroom. I {12/am washing} my hair. 'Take your umbrella. It {12/is raining}. Look out! A car {12/is coming}. &Auch! You {12/are standing} on my toe! /The telephone {12/is ringing}. Will you get it? $Listen, Jane {12/is singing} a song. stand Present Continuous Tense ywamy w ciwej formy czasownika `to be' i formy `ing'.@A#We use the proper form of `to be' + the `ing' form of the verb.# _ I am + smiling _ you are + sitting _ ... -@Zagl dnij do s ownika aby wybra czasownik.@,#Consult the dictionary to choose the verb.# D@Uzupe nij zdania jednym z czasownik w w czasie Present Continuous.@K#Fill in the sentence with the Present Continuous form of a suitable verb.# /@Uzupe nij zdania w czasie Present Continuous.@4#Fill in the sentence using the Present Continuous.# stand wash2 Listen! Jill {10/is singing}. 4We {18/have been waiting} for you since one o'clock. 1He {18/has been learning} French for three years. -They {18/have been swimming} since 4 o'clock. 5She {18/has been lying} on the grass for three hours. 7The dog {18/has been sitting} by the fire since supper. 4What {24/have you been doing} while I have been out? =She has a headache because she {18/has been typing} too long. =My grandfather's clock {18/has been standing} here for longer than I can remember. +How long {24/have you been learning} Latin? 2How long {24/has he been teaching} in that school? learn do (you) stand learn (you) teach (he) Present Perfect Continuous Tense @Budowa@#Forming#: _ I have _ you have _ he has been doing _ she has _ ... =@Uzupe nij zdania u c czasu Present Perfect Continuous.@M#Complete the sentence with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb.# 7@Uzupe nij zdania w czasie Present Perfect Continuous.@ #Complete the sentence.# wait2 3We {17/have been waiting} for you for half an hour. he {8/tries} she {8/lies} he {8/lays} he {8/studies} he {8/buys} she {8/may} he {8/ought} to he {8/must} it {8/can} it {8/flies} study ought to Simple Present Tense @:Dodajemy `s' lub `es' (z wyj tkiem czasownik w modalnych), `y' zamieniamy na `ies'. #@We add `s' or `es' (except modals) and we replace `y' by `ies'.# ?@Napisz trzeci osob liczby pojedynczej od danego czasownika.@4#Write the third person singular form of this verb.# *@Napisz trzeci osob liczby pojedynczej.@'#Write the third person singular form.# carry2 he {7/carries} @Ann and I {10/are doing} something different this summer. We are @at a learning centre. People {10/come} here to learn English. We :{10/get} up at 8 and {10/have} lessons from 9 to half past Btwelve. We {10/have} lunch at one and then there are more lessons. ;It is hard work but I {10/like} it here. We {10/are having} Ba wonderful time. It is evening now and we {12/are sitting} out on Lthe grass. Most of us {10/are doing} homework but I {10/am writing} letters. _ Love, Julia. write%Present Tense - Continuous and Simple @ Czynno 9codzienna, cz sta, powtarzaj ca si yj Simple Present>bie ca (teraz) - u yj Present Continuous@ ##Complete the text using the correct form of the given verbs.# 6@Uzupe nij tekst u ciwej formy czasownika.@=#Complete the text. Use the correct form of the given verbs.# spend2 -I {11/am spending} summer in Spain this year. It never {5/rains} there. "I was bored {6/during} the lesson. during while /I wrote a lot of letters {6/during} my holiday. during while 1I read a lot of books {6/while} I was on holiday. during while -Somebody broke a window {6/during} the night. during while 1Somebody broke a window {6/while} we were asleep. during while 0She went to sleep {6/while} she was watching TV. during while 'She learnt a lot {6/during} the course. during while &She went to sleep {6/during} the film. during while (They talked {6/while} they were dancing. during while #Mary phoned {6/while} you were out. during while Prepositions 2_while + #verb#@czasownik@: while I was on holiday.during + #noun#@rzeczownik@: during my holiday +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# +@Uzupe nij zdania.@#Complete the sentence.# #He worked very little {6} the term. during while %Put on {5/your} coat when you go out. @Tom and Sally live in England but {5/their} son lives in France. Thank you for {5/your} letter. -We will see all {5/our} friends at the party. -John is a doctor and {5/his} wife is a nurse. 5I gave Mary the ticket and she put it in {5/her} bag. 4This car is small but {5/its} seats are comfortable. .I like skiing. This is {5/my} favourite sport. 2Jane and {5/her} husband are coming to us tonight. 3Do you know Mr Jones? {5/His} wife works in a bank. their Pronouns I - my you - your he - his she - her it - its we - our you - your they- their ,@Uzupe nij zdania u c jednego ze s w:@.#Complete the sentence with one of the words:# ,@Uzupe nij zdania u c jednego ze s w:@.#Complete the sentence with one of the words:# He put on {3/his} hat. Emma has got {8} friends. much a lot of little I haven't got {8} money. much a lot of little I have got {8} money. some a lot of little She spent {8} time studying. much a lot of little {8} people agree with him. Much A lot of Little Do {8} people agree with him? much a lot of little #She didn't spend {8} time studying. much a lot of little !They didn't ask me {8} questions. much a lot of little There is {8} food in the fridge. much a lot of little (There are {8} old buildings in the town. much a lot of little Quantifiers @81) Wyra enia `much', `a lot of', `little' i `a little'-stosuje si do rzeczownik w niepoliczalnych.@ #I1) We use `much', `a lot of', `little/a little' with uncountable nouns.# 8_@ little = ma o a little = troch @A_# little = nearly nothing/no a little = some but not much# @02) Wyra enia `many', `a lot of', `few' i `a few'7stosuje si do rzeczownik w policzalnych w l. mnogiej.@ #J2) We use `many', `a lot of', `few/a few' with countable (plural) nouns.# 9_@ few = ma o, niewiele a few = kilku, par @?_# few = nearly no a few = some but not many# K@Wybierz wszystkie poprawne odpowiedzi (spacj i kursorami, potem Enter). @D#Choose all proper answers. Use [Space] and [Arrows], then [Enter].# %@Wybierz wszystkie dobre odpowiedzi.@ #Choose all proper answers.# I've got {8} friends. little I'm writing. )What {25/are you writing?/are you doing?} I don't like Tom. Why {25/don't you like Tom?} They will be here. When {25/will they be here?} We live in Oxford? Where {25/do you live?} I broke my arm. How {40/did you break your arm?} I went to bed early. !What time {25/did you go to bed?} I visit my mother regularly. (How often {40/do you visit your mother?} We spent a lot of money. "How much money {25/did you spend?} They are going to stay here. *How long {40/are they going to stay here?} I like beer. #What kind of beer {25/do you like?} Questions Zmieniamy porz dek s w.,Stawiamy czasownik posi kowy przed podmiot.@ We change the word order..We put the auxiliary verb before the subject.# _ Do you live in a city? _ Are you ready? _ Did you arrive on time? !@Zadaj pytania.@#Ask a question.# !@Zadaj pytania.@#Ask a question.# We need some money. _ How much money {12/do you need?} Do you know {4/who} did it? (I'll try to do the best {4//that} I can. 4Tell us {5/what} you want and we'll try to help you. *I agree with everything {4//that} he said. 'I agree with {4/what} he has just said. 1She is the only woman {4/who/that}understands me. ?Why do you always blame her for everything {4/that} goes wrong? Did you hear {4/what} I said? 8I wasn't interested in {4/what} they were talking about. DI wasn't interested in the things {4//that} they were talking about. &He is the man {4/who} lives next door. Relative clauses @#Nie mo na opu `that' ani `who',!je eli wyst w roli podmiotu. %Nie mo `that' zamiast `what'. _ `what' = to, co...@ #.Remember: You cannot leave out `that' or `who' when it is a subject. (You cannot use `what' instead of `that'.$_ `what' = the thing(s) that....# @Przyk ady:@#Examples:# ._ I gave him all the money (that) I had.)_ I'll tell everybody what she did. 0@Uzupe nij zdania tam, gdzie jest to konieczne.@>#Complete the sentence if necessary; otherwise press [Enter].# 0@Uzupe nij zdania tam, gdzie jest to konieczne.@%#Complete the sentence if necessary.# Do you know {4/what} happened? "I've lost my passport." +He said that {30/he had lost his passport.} "I haven't been to Paris." JShe told me that {30/she had not been to Paris./she hadn't been to Paris.} "I've got a lot of money." CHe said that {30/he had got a lot of money./he had a lot of money.} "I can drive a car." )She said that {30/she could drive a car.} "I was in London yesterday." @i ten sam czas powinien by yty w pozosta ej cz ci zdania@;#the same tense should be used in the rest of the sentence# _ `He said that he was stupid.' _ "I was stupid"0_ `He said' - @to Simple Past@#is Simple Past#>@czynno jest w dalszej przesz ci i w drugiej cz ci zdaniaDzmieniamy czas o jeden krok w stron przesz ci czyli w tym wypadku na Past Perfect:@:#the action is in the past and in the rest of the sentence8we change one step into past which is the Past Perfect:# %_ `He said that he had been stupid.' @Uzupe nij zdania.@ #Complete the sentence.# @Uzupe nij zdania.@ #Complete the sentence.# "I've just returned." _'He said that {22/he had just returned.} HAt 7.07 pm Peter Parker {16/was cycling} south along Oxford Road. At the Kcorner of West Avenue a red van {16/did not stop/didn't stop} at the `STOP' Fsign. As it {16/was turning/turned} into Oxford Road it {16/hit} Peter )Parker and {16/knocked} him off his bike. :The bike {16/was} damaged but he {16/was not/wasn't} hurt. EThe lorry driver {16/reported} the accident. He {16/had been driving} Dfor ten years and he {16/had not had/hadn't had} an accident before. cycle stop (not) knock be (not) report drive have (not)7Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect (Continuous) =@Simple Past stosujemy gdy podana jest chwila w przesz ci.@=#The Simple Past is used when we specify the time of action.# %_ (I went to the cinema yesterday.) @>Past Perfect stosujemy gdy opowiadaj c o wydarzeniach w czasieASimple Past opisujemy co co zasz o wcze niej (w stosunku do tych wydarze #BThe Past Perfect is used when in the story told in the Simple Pastffff< 0``|```0 lllll ||||||| ability power to do sths having power to do sths about concernings above higher thans abroad in another countrys absence not being somewheres absent not presents abstract not concretes accident#(bad) thing that happened by chances accompany to go withs accordingly in consequences across from one side to anothers act)to do sth, to play in the theatre, behaves action doing sths active full of action, vigorouss actor person who acts in the theatres actress%female person who acts in the theatres to join, to make a totals addition addings additional furthers address details of where someone livess adjective word used to describe a nouns admire to look at with pleasures admit to accepts adventure exciting experiences adverb word used to describe a verbs advice$suggestion as to what should be dones advise to suggest what should be dones advisor person who gives advices aeroplane machine that fliess affirmative agreeings afford#to have enough money to pay for sths afraid frighteneds after next, laters afternoon after 12 o'clocks again once mores age!number of years someone has liveds in the pasts agree to say yes to a suggestions agreement ack of saying yess air&mixture of gases surrounding the earths airport(the place where planes land and take offs everythings allow to let someone do sths almost nearlys alone with no one elses along following a roads already by nows as wells although in spite of the fact thats always all the times a form of the verb `to be's ambulance van for carrying sick peoples indefinite article; ones alsos angry very annoyeds animal living creature (not a plant)s annoy make angry, irritates another a different ones answer replys some, arbitrarys anybody some persons anyone anybodys anything does not matter whats anywhere does not matter wheres apologize to say you are sorrys apostrophe sign: 's appear to come, to be presents applause clapping and cheerings apple common fruit growing on a trees apply to ask for (a job)s appreciate to feel the value of sths appropriate suitables April 4th month of the years a form of `to be's measure of the surfaces arm*part of the body between hand and shoulders all the soldiers of a countrys around surroundings arrange to put in orders arrangement agreements arrest to put in jails arrival reaching a places arrive to reach a places painting, music, sculptures article#part of speech, clause in agreements artist'person who draws, paints or plays musics likes ashamed sorry because of sth wrongs to put a questions ask for to requests asleep sleepings nears past form of `to eat's attention careful thought about sths aunt,wife of an uncle, sister of mother or fathers author person who writes books etc.s authority powers auxiliary verb used to form another verbs available which can be obtaineds avenue wide road in a citys not heres awful very unpleasants very young childs opposite part to the fronts not goods badminton(game played with rackets and shuttlecocks thing to carry sth ins baggage luggages round object for playing gamess banana long yellow fruits institution for keeping moneys nakeds large container for washings bathroom room with a baths battle fight s to exists beach&stretch of side by the side of the seas to carry; a large animals beard hair on man's faces regular sounds beaten a form of `to beat's beautiful pleasing to look ats because for the reason thats become to change into sths piece of furniture to sleep ons bedroom room for sleeping ins bedsit bedroom and living room in ones form of `to be's alcoholic drink made from malts before earliers began form of `begin's begin to starts begun form of `begin's behave to acts behind afters believe to feel sure of sths bell+metal cup-shaped object which makes a sounds belong to be somebody's propertys below lower thans belt strap that goes round your waists curves besides other thans better than anybody elses better of higher qualitys between in the middles bicycle$two-wheeled vehicle driven by pedalss larges bicycles biology study of living thingss animal with wingss birthday day on which you were borns biscuit small hard cakes form of `bite's to cut with teeths blackmail to demand money by threatenings blame criticisms blank empty places coloured like the skys white hard piece of a bodys printed pages with a covers bored fed ups form of `to bear's borrow to take for a whiles two objects togethers bottle glass container for liquidss bought form of `to buy's bounce jumps container with a lids male childs bracket [, ], (, )s branch limb of a trees brave feeling no fears bread baked food made from flours break splits break down to go wrongs breakfast first meal of the days brick block of clay used for buildings bridge construction across a rivers briefly shortlys bright having a vivid colour; clevers bring to take to this places broke form of `to break's broken in piecess brother.male person of the same parents as another ones brought form of `to bring's brush hair with handles build to constructs building constructings built form of `to build's hit sths burglar"person who enters a house to steals to destroy by fires burnt form of `to burn's vehicle for carrying passengerss occupieds onlys butcher person who sells meats butter yellow fat made from creams to get by paying moneys cooked sweet foods calf young cows shouts quiets form of `to come's camera machine for taking photoss to be able tos cannot not be able tos capital main city of a countrys private motor vehicles careful cautiouss carefully with cares carry to lift sth and move its carry on to continues way in which sth happenss castle large fortified buildings furry domestic animals catch to grab hold of sths caught form of `to catch's large underground holes centre middles certain sures certainty surelys chair a piece of furniture to sit ons change difference from what was befores chapter a part of a books character a specific feature of a persons charming attractives cheap not expensives cheese solid food made from milks chemistry)science of substances and their reactionss chess a board games chiefly mainlys child young persons childhood state of being a childs children plural of `child's chocolate sweet food made from cacaos choice thing you chooses choose to decide to do one things chose form of `to choose's chosen form of `to choose's Christmas December 25ths church+building for Christian religious ceremoniess cigarette tobacco rolled in thin papers cinema theatre for showing filmss large towns claim demands Scottish family tribes beating of handss class a group of pupils at schools classical elegant, serious (music)s classroom room in which a class is taughts clause part of a sentences clean to remove dirts cleaner someone who cleanss clever intelligent, wises cleverness wisdoms climb to go ups clock machine for telling the times close_1 end, shuts close_2 near, not fars clothes thing you wears cloud mass of vapour in the airs large stick, group of peoples long piece of outdoor clothings coffee&drink made from roasted tropical beanss piece of metal round moneys low temperature, not hots colleague person who works with yous colour"eg. white, black, yellow, red etc.s colourful full of colour, interestings colourless uninterestings to arrive heres comedian a man who tells jokess comedy a play that makes you laughs comfortable giving eases command orders common typicals company being together with other peoples comparative form of an adjectives compare to see how things differs comparison act of comparings competent able to do sths complain to grumbles complete to finishs completely fullys compound made of several partss computer)a machine you are sitting in front of nows concentrate to pay great attention to sths concern interests concert programme of musics condition state, terms confirmation making sures conjunction#word that links parts of a sentences consider think about sths consist to be made up ofs consonant a letter which is not a vowels construction act of buildings consult to ask for advices contact touchs contain to hold insides context phrase in which a word occurss continue to go on doing sths continuous without interruptions contraction shortened forms contrary opposites conversation talks convert turn into sth elses a person who prepares foods imitation, reproductions corner#angle made by two lines or surfacess correct trues amount you have to pay for sths cough8sending air of the lungs suddenly because of sore throats could form of `can's count add s countable that can be counteds country a unit of lands countryside the land outside townss courage braverys course series of lessonss female bull which gives milks crackle small explosive sounds crash accidents cross&to go across, to the other side of sths crossing intersection of roadss crouch bend down lows crowd large group of peoples act of making tearss cunning clever, slys cup$bowl with a handle to drink tea froms current ot the present times cut&to make an opening (using sharp blade)s cycle to go on a bicycles daily every days damage,harm (done to things); to spoil or harm sth.s dance1evening entertainment; to move (in time to music)s dangerous which can cause injurys to be brave enough (to do sth.)s with little or no lights darts6game where people throw small arrows at a round targets daughter female childs period of time lasting 24 hourss to hand outs dealt %form of `deal's December 12th month of the years decide to make up your minds decision making up your minds decorate e.g. to paint, to put up flagss which goes down a long ways define to give the meaning ofs definite very clears degree&division of an angle or scale; diplomas demand,asking for sth.; to ask insistently for sth.s demonstrative showings dentist a doctor who looks after teeth s to say that sth is not trues department section of a large organizations depend to rely on sths describe to say what sth is likes description picture in words of sths table for writings detergent chemical used instead of soaps determine to decide finallys detest to hate, dislikes dialogue talk, conversations dictionary+book which lists words giving their meanings form of `to do's to stop livings different not the sames difficult not easy, requiring some efforts difficulty thing which is not easys to make a hole in the grounds dining-room room where people eats dinner main meals dirty not cleans disagree do not agrees disagreement lack of agreements disappoint to set someone downs discover to find sth news disease serious illnesss large plates dishwasher machine for washing dishess dislike do not likes distance space from one point to anothers distinguish tell the differences divide to cut into partss divorce to separate wife and husbands to work, to makes doctor!a person who looks after patientss dog#an animal which barks kept as a pets toy which looks like a babys form of `to do's door barrier which closes an entrances double multiply by 2s doubtful not sures at the bottoms drank form of `to drink's to make a pictures dread great fears dream lovely things dress piece of woman's clothings drink to swallow liquids drive ride in a motor vehicles driven form of `to drive's driver person who drives (a car)s to let falls drove form of `to drive's drown to die in waters drug!medicine which affects the nervess drunk excited because of alcohols not wets common water birds during whiles dry dirts what one has to dos everys early before certain times the direction of the rising suns Easter Christian festival in the springs not difficults to swallow foods eaten form of `to eat's education system of teachings effect results egg-hard-shelled cell produced by a bird (a hen)s eight eighteen either one or the others elder older (person)s eldest oldest (of a group)s electricity form of energys elephant!big animal with a trunk and tuskss else otherwises empty with nothing insides enable to make it possibles encourage to give the confidence to do sths final parts engine machine which produces powers enjoy to take pleasure in sths enough sufficients enter to go insides equal the same ass escape to run aways essay piece of prose writing about sths regular, flats evening late part of the days event happenings at any times every eachs everybody each persons everyday each days everyone each persons everything all thingss everywhere at all placess very wickeds exact precises written or spoken tests examination written or spoken tests example case selected to show sths excellent very goods except other thans exception thing not includeds excite to make emotionals excuse to pardons exercise use of physical or mental powerss exhaust to wear out, to finishs exhibition displays exist to bes way outs expect$to think that sth is going to happens expensive costing a lot of moneys experience wisdoms explain to make clears explore investigates express to put into wordss expression phrases extend to make longers eye part of the head used for seeings front part of the heads thing that is trues vanish, disappears drops fallen form of `to fall's family(group of people that are closely relateds famous well knowns fantastic wonderfuls remotes land used for growing cropss farmer man who looks after a farms farther more distants farthest most distants quicks grease; overweights father male parents favourite most likeds February the 2nd month of the years form of `to feed's to give foods touch (with fingers)s feeling emotions plural of `foot's form of `to fall's form of `to feel's ferry,a boat which carries goods and people acrosss fetch go and brings not manys fifty to make fulls fill in complete a forms moving pictures final lasts to discovers nices finger*one of the five parts at the end of a hands finish bring to an ends thing that is burnings solid, strong, decisives first at the beginnings animal which lives in waters to be the right sizes mends levels form of `to fly's floor surface on which you walks flour powder used for making breads to move along smoothlys flower colourful part of a plants flown form of `to fly's fluently easilys float in the airs thick mists foggy mistys follow to come afters pleaseds substance you eats a stupid persons foolishly in a silly ways part of a leg (the bottom end)s football game with ball which is kickeds used ass forbid not to allows forbidden form of `to forbid's force powers foreign from abroads forest wood, area covered with treess forget not to remembers forgive to pardon, stop being angrys forgot form of `to forget's forgotten form of `to forget's shapes formal regular, following some patterns formula equation, statements fortnight two weekss found form of `to find's fox;an animal with red fur and a long tail which lives in woodss not occupied, not imprisoneds freeze9to change from liquid to solid because of low temperatures frequency rate at which sth happenss frequently oftens Friday the fifth day of the weeks fridge machine for keeping thing cools friend"person whom you like and know wells frighten to make afraids according to, sent bys front part which faces forwards froze form of `to freeze's frozen form of `to freeze's fruit part of a plant which is eatens fuel"substance to give power when burnts fulfil to completes completes function dutys funny which makes people laugh; odds furniture tables, beds, chairs etc.s further more distants furthest most distants future time which has not happened yets profits gallery room in which pictures are hungs game!contest played according to ruless garden(piece of ground used for growing flowerss form of `to give's geese plural of `goose's general universals generous willing to give a lots obtains get up to leave beds ghost spirit of a dead persons ginger reddishs female childs to transfer to someones give up surrenders given form of `to give's content, pleaseds glass transparent substances glove article of clothing worn on hands go!to move from one place to anothers precious yellow metals form of `to go's having the right qualitiess goose water birds form of `to get's govern to rules government!group of people running a countrys grammar science of a languages grammatical"conforming to the rules of grammars grandfather father of a parents grandmother mother of a parents grass low green plants great larges green colour of grass and leavess ground soil, earths group"number of people gathered togethers to increase in sizes grow up to become an adults guest visitor, invited persons habit custom, regular way of doing sths form of `to have's long thread growing on skins hairdresser person who styles hairs halves plural of `half's hammer#heavy metal tool for knocking nailss hand'part of the body at the end of each arms handwriting writing done by hands to attach above the grounds happen to take places happy full of joys difficult, toughs hardly almost nots form of `to have's hat"piece of clothing worn on the heads strongly dislikes to possesss he"pronoun referring to a male persons headache pain in the heads headmaster man in charge of a schools to sense sounds heard form of `to hear's heart&organ which pumps blood round the bodys to warm s heavy weighing a lots height measurement of how sth is talls form of `to hold's aid, assistances female birds form of `she's in this places form of `she's herself form of `she's form of `to hide's hidden form of `to hide's to be out of sights high far aboves highlight to draw attention tos hill'rise in the land, lower than a mountains form of `he's himself form of `he's clues form of `he's to knock againsts hobby things done as a relaxations to have in your hands opening, spaces holiday period when you do not works place where you lives homework work to be done at homes honest truthfuls jumps expectations horror feeling of being very frighteneds horse3large animal with hooves, used for pulling vehicless hospital#place where sick people are treateds hot very warms 60 minutess house building in which people lives in what ways humour general feelings form of `to hang's hungry needing to eats hurry up do things quicklys to give pains husband'a man who is married to a certain womans that is YOUs frozen waters thoughts if$conjunction to say what might happens ignore not to notice on purposes sick, not feeling wells immediately right nows imperative obligatorys important seriouss impossible that cannot happens insides include to contains indefinite vague, not definites indicate point ats individually by oneselfs industry factoriess infinitive form of the verb using `to's inform tell officiallys information knowledge, detailss injure hurts small hotel, pubs insert to put sth ins inside in the interiors instant moment, immediates instead in place ofs insult to say rude thingss intelligent wise, clevers intend to want to do sths intention aim, purposes interest to attract attentions interrogative questionings interrupt to stops intervention coming betweens towards the insides introduce to bring ins introductory which introducess invent to create, to think ups inversion change of orders invitation askings invite to ask to do sths common metals irregular not regulars form of `to be's pronoun referring to a things form of `it's itself form of `it's January the first month of the years works to bring togethers thing said for amusements great happinesss juice liquid from fruits leaps sixth month of the years almosts to possesss form of `to keep's kettle,metal container with a lid for boiling waters key piece of metal for turning lockss type, polites kingdom land ruled by a kings touching with the lipss kitchen room in which food is cookeds kite(toy made of paper which flies in the airs knee!joint between thigh and lower legs kneel to go on your kneess knelt form of `to kneel's form of `to know's knife cutting blade with a handles knives plural of `knife's knock to strike with a hard blows to be informeds known form of `to know's ladder object used for climbings elegant womans form of `to lay's form of `to lie's inland stretch of waters object which produces lights language way of speaking of a countrys large at the ends at a time after that decideds Latin%language spoken by the ancient Romanss laugh#to make sounds expressing amusements law$rules by which a country is governeds area of grass in the gardens to put, to places not wanting to do any works to be aheads learn to gain knowledges learnt form of `to learn's least the smallests leave to go aways lecture to give a talk on a subjects form of `to lead's form of `to leave's leg!part of a body on which one walkss leisure time to do what you wants lend!to give to somebody for some times length measurement of how long sth iss form of `to lend's smaller quantitys lesser smallers lesson*period of time during which you are taughts to allows letter5written symbol to represent a sound, piece of writings who tells liess library place where books are storeds plural of `louse's license official permission to do sths to say sth which is not trues state of being alives light brightness; to start to burns like+to have pleasant feeling about sth; similars likely probablys limit border, ends line thin marks connections list!number of items one after anothers listen!to pay attention in order to hears form of `to light's little not much, smalls to be alives piece of breads loaves plural of `loaf's lock$device for closing a door with a keys lonely with no peoples long not shorts to stare ats look out to be careful ofs look up&to try to find sth in a reference books lorry vehicle for carrying goodss to stop havings form of `to lose's set of thingss loud(having a sound which is too easily heards louse0small insect which lives on human or animal bodys great liking for someones lovely wonderfullys lower form of `low's luggage2suitcases, bags for carrying thing when travellings lunch midday meals machine0device in which power from a motor drives wheelss mackintosh rainproof coats form of `to make's magazine illustrated paper, journals postal servicess chiefs do, produce sths male persons manage to direct, arranges manner way of doing thingss a lot ofs diagram of a town, country s March 3rd month of the years marry to become a husband, wifes match game, to be equal tos matter substances it is possibles form of `I's food taken at a sittings middle; to signifys meant form of `to mean's meanwhile during this times meat!flesh of an animal which is eatens medial middles medicine'liquid or pill taken to cure an illnesss to come togethers meeting gathering of peoples memory ability to remembers plural of `man's to fixs mention to refer to sths form of `to meet's plural of `mouse's middle in the centres midnight 12 o'clock at nights might form of `to may's 1.61 kilometerss milk'white liquid produced by female mammalss memory, power of thinkings form of `I's minister member of a governments minute 60 secondss mirror glass which reflect an images miss-fail to hit; to regret the absence of someones mistake errors modern of the present days modify to changes mole*small black mammal which lived undergrounds moment very short space of times Monday 1st day of the weeks money coins or notes to pay for goodss monkey tropical mammal similar to a mans monster horrible creatures month%one of the twelve periods in the years extra, additional amounts morning'early part of the day before 12 o'clocks the largest numbers mother female parents motor machine which causes motions mountain very high lands mouse small rodent with long tails to change places to cut (grass)s mower machine which cuts grasss a lot ofs mumble to speak not clearlys museum4building containing a collection of valuable objectss music"sounds made by playing instrumentss it is necessarys silents form of `I's myself form of `I's nail$hard covering at the ends of fingerss word you use to call peoples narrow not wides national/belonging to the people of a particular countrys closes nearly almosts necessary what must be dones necessity needs necklace#string of beads worn round the necks to requires negative meaning nos negotiations arrangements by discussions neighbour"person who lives in a nearby houses neighbourhood district and its peoples neither not either of two things nervous easily upsets never not at any times completely differents information about eventss newspaper"daily paper containing informations coming afters pleasants night%last part of each day when it is darks no%opposite of yes, showing the negatives nobody no ones noise loud sounds noisy louds not anys 12 o'clocks not eithers normal ordinarys north*one of the directions shown by the compasss northern referring to the norths not"(used to make the action negative)s music sounds nothing not anythings notice to pay attention tos noun(word used as a name of a person or things novel long fictional storys at the present times nowadays recentlys nowhere in no places nuisance troubles number name of a figures nurse person looking after the sicks object things obligation dutys oblige to force to do sths obvious easy to be understoods ocean large expanse of seas stranges belonging tos aways offer to say that you will do sths office+room where business activity is carried outs often frequentlys having great ages touching the top surface of sths for one times onion strong smelling vegetables singles not closeds opinion what a person thinks about sths opportunity chances opposite&belonging to completely different types or the others order obeying the rules or lawss ordinary normals other differents otherwise in the other cases ought shoulds form of `we's form of `we's ourselves form of `we's not ins outside not insides higher thans to possesss owner person who ownss pace"step, distance covered in one steps page$one of the sides of a sheet of papers form of `to pay's sensation of being hurts paint/liquid in various colours, to cover with colours painter one who paintss painting pictures panic terror, frights paper thin material used for writings parcel package to be sent by posts parents mother and fathers park>to leave a car in particular place, place with trees and grasss parlour sitting rooms piece, bits participle part of a verbs party social meeting of several peoples to get through, to go pasts passive not actives passport7official document allowing you to go to another countrys time which has gone bys narrow way for walkings patient person who is in hospitals pattern model, example to copys pavement hard path at the side of a roads to give money for sths writing instrument using inks pencil0instrument for writing made of wood and graphites people persons, human beingss perfect*without any mistakes, past tense of a verbs performance public shows perhaps may bes period length of times permission%freedom which you are given to do sths permit allows person human beings personal referring to a persons persuade0te get someone to do what you want by explainings petrol liquid used as a fuel for carss philosophy'study of the meaning of human existences phone to call by telephones photo photographs photograph picture taken by a cameras phrase expression, short sentences physics study of matter and energys piano musical instrument with keyss pick up"to take sth which is on the grounds picture painting, drawing s heaps pillow$soft bag you put your head on in beds colour like pale reds pipe$tube, instrument for smoking tobaccos place locations plain ordinarys schemes plane aircrafts plant thing which grows in the grounds way of amusing yourselfs player person who playss pleasant nices please$polite expression: if you would likes pleased contents plenty a lot ofs purple fruits plumber person who installs water pipess plural$form of a word showing more than ones pocket small bag attached to a coats piece of writing with rhymes one who writes poemss poetry writing of poemss point dot, sharp ends police&group of people who keep law and orders policeman person who keeps law and orders polite kinds politics study of how to govern a countrys pollute make dirtys small lakes having little or no moneys populars popular well-knowns portrait painting of a persons position way of standing, sitting; places positive greater than zero, meaning yess possess to haves possibility chances possible which can happens to mails postcard card which you send by posts poster large notice stuck up on a walls postman man who delivers letters postpone to put off until laters to transfer liquids practically way in which sth really workss practice habits practise to do repeated exercisess to ask God for sths precise exacts prefer to like sth better than sth elses pregnant carrying an unborn childs prepare to get readys preposition7word used to show how nouns are linked with other wordss present shows preserve keep in order, maintains press to push downs pretend)to make believe so as to deceive somebodys pretty beautifuls previous former, earliers price$quantity of money to be paid for sths prime the first, most importants prison3place where people found guilty of a crime are kepts probable likelys probably likelys problem questions procession group of people marching in lines professor chief teacher at a universitys profit money gaineds programme show on TV or radios prohibition forbiddings project plans promise&to give your word that you will do sths promotion advancement to a better jobs promptly right aways pronoun#word that stands in place of a nouns proper suitable, corrects propose put forward, suggests prove demonstrate, shows public house, inns pupil person learning from a teachers clean s purse small bag for carrying moneys to places put out extinguishs queen(woman ruler of a country, wife of a kings question!sentence which requires an answers queue line of people, carss quick fasts quiet calms quite completelys race%competition to see who is the fastests radio9apparatus which receives messages using atmospheric wavess rain"drops of water falling from cloudss rainbow&coloured arch which appears in the skys form of `to run's form of `to ring's rapid fast, quicks very unusuals rather relatively, quites reach to stretch outs form of `read's understanding written wordss ready prepared tos genuines reason cause, explanations receive to get sth which has been sents recently not long agos recognize'to know because you have seen it befores recollect remembers recommend to advise to do sths colour like blood or fires refer to mentions refuse deny someone's requests regret to be sorrys regular usuals relate to connect, to concerns relation links relative which is compared to sths relax#to rest from work, decrease tensions release set frees relevant importants relief helps remark notices remember do not forgets remind recall sths remove to take aways renew to start agains repair to fixs repeat do sth agains replace to put in place of sth elses reply answers report+to write a description of what has happeneds report description of what has happeneds reporter person who writes reportss request demands require to demands resist to opposes responsible reliables responsibly in a reliable ways to sleep, to do nothings restaurant place where you can buy a meals result outcomes return to come backs reverse opposite directions reword put in different wordss rewrite copy, write agains ribbon long thin piece of materials common tropical cereals having a lot of moneys ridden form of `to ride's riddle puzzles to go on a bicycle, a horses right correct, goods circular piece of metals ready to eats ripen to become ready to eats movement upwardss dangerous chances river!large stream of water which movess path for carss to steals form of `to ride's room*one of the divisions inside a house, places red flower; form of `to rise's routine experiences to make a boat go using oarss impolites strict orders rulerexpression of pleasure with the mouth turned up at the cornerss smoke gas given off when sth burnss snack light meals snake long reptile without legss snore=noise in the throat made by breathing air when you are asleeps snow4water vapour which freezes and falls in white flakess in this ways material used for washings covering for the foots not hards form of `to sell's soldier member of the armys solve to find an answers certains somebody a particular unknown persons someone somebodys something a particular unknown things sometimes at timess somewhere at some particular unknown places male child of a parents words and music to be sungs in a very short times sorry regretting sths kinds sound noises south"the direction of the sun at middays space place, empty areas spare extra, not useds speak to say words and phrasess speaker person who speakss specific particulars specify!to state clearly what is requireds spectacles"glasses worn in front of your eyess form of `to speed's speech spoken languages speed rate of movement, to go fasts spell magic curse; to say alouds spelt form of `to spell's spend"to pass time, to pay money for sths spent form of `to spend's spill to pour liquid out by mistakes spite)-in spite of sth: without bothering abouts spoke form of `to speak's spoken form of `to speak's sport#game such as football, tennis, etc.s sprang form of `to spring's springRseason of the year when plants begin to grow; jump; water coming out of the grounds sprung form of `to spring's to sees square,shape with four equal sides and right angless staff people working in a firms stairs series of stepss stampNsmall piece of paper to stick on the envelope, object for making a mark on sths stand to be in an upright positions shining body in the skys start to begins state independent countrys statement declarations station place where trains stops time which you spend in a spaces steal%take sth which does not belong to yous steely made of metals step"single movement of the foot, stairs sth somethings stick piece of woods still quiet, up until this moments stolen form of `to steal's stood form of `to stand's to come to a halts story tale of what has happeneds straight not curveds strange stranger unknown persons straw dried stalks of plantss street road in a towns strike strong tough, powerfuls student$person who is learning at universitys study to examine sth in details stupid not intelligent, dulls subjectJthing which is being studied, word which shows a person who does an actions substance matters succeed to do wells success%doing what you have been trying to dos like, similars sugar white sweet substances suggest to proposes suggestion proposals suit9two or three pieces of clothing made of the same materials suitable appropriate, convenients suitcase&box with a handle for carrying clothess summer the warmest season of the years sun/a very hot body around which the earth revolvess Sunday last day of the weeks form of `to sing's super wonderfuls superlative of the best qualitys supermarket1large store selling food where you serve yourselfs supper evening meals supply to provides suppose to assume sth to be corrects supposition guesss reliables surprise unexpected events suspect$to think that sth wrong has happeneds suspicion feeling that sth is wrongs suspiciously as if suspecting sths swallow(to make sth pass down you throat; a birds form of `to swim's sweet tasting like sugars sweets sweet foods swim move in water using arm and legss swimmer person who swimss switch0device for starting or stopping electric currents switch off to stop an electric currents switch on to start an electric currents sympathy,feeling of pity because someone has problemss table,piece of furniture with legs used for eatings labels tail*part of an animal sticking out at the backs to hold, to grasp, to carrys take off to fly into the airs taken form of `to take's conversations highs target thing you aim ats taste flavour of foods taught form of `to teach's car which can be hireds tea/drink made by pouring hot water on dried leavess teach to give informations teacher person who teachess group of peoples to pull to piecess teeth plural of `tooth's telephone.device for speaking to someone over a distances television)system of sending pictures by radio wavess to say to someones temper moods tempt to attracts tenant#person who rent a room, flat, houses tennis8game played with rackets where you hit a ball over a nets tense0form of verb showing when the action takes places condition, length of times terrible frightenings terribly in a terrible ways terror extreme fears to try out; examinations main written part of a books textbook(book which students read for informations than6(word used to introduce the second part of comparison)s thank to show gratitudes that"(word indicating sth further away)s (definite article)s theatre%building in which plays are performeds their belonging to thems theirs belonging to thems form of `they's themselves form of `they's next, sos there in that places these plural of `this's they"(pronoun referring to many people)s thick denses thief person who stealss thing objects think to use your minds third referring to 3s thirsty wanting to drinks thirty this#(pronoun used to indicate sth near)s those plural of `that's thought form of `to think's three threw form of `to throw's thriller exciting films through0going in at one side and coming out at the others throw send through the airs throw away dispose ofs thrown form of `to throw's ticket%piece of paper allowing you to travels in good orders up to (a time)s period between two happeningss timetable(list which shows the times of trains etcs to become weary,s title name of a book, films to+(preposition showing direction or position)s large frogs today this present days toe:one of the five parts like fingers at the end of your foots form of `to tell's tomato red fruit used in saladss tomorrow day after todays tonight this nights more than necessarys form of `to take's tooth;one of a bony white structure in the mouth, used for bitings toothache pain in a tooths summit, highest points topic subjects form of `to tear's touch to feel, to come into contacts tour'journey which goes round various placess tower tall buildings town*place where people live with houses, shopss thing which children play withs traffic movement of vehicless train$series of wagons pulled by an engines transform to change completelys translate to put into another languages transport movement of goods and peoples travel!to move from one place to anothers large plant with wooden stems trick'clever action which can deceive someones trousers"outer clothes which cover the legss correct, reals trunk long nose (of an elephant)s trust confidences truth thing which is trues to attempts try on&to put (clothes) on to see if they fits Tuesday 2nd day of the weeks melodys turkey large domestic birds to go rounds turn down to reduce, to refuses turn up to arrives twelve twenty twice two times, doubles little branchs sort, kinds typical characteristics not pleasant to look ats umbrella0round shade of folded cloth to keep off the rains uncertain not sures uncle brother of your mother or fathers uncountable which cannot be counteds under belows understand to know, to see the meanings understood form of `to understand's unfriendly not like a friends unhappy union to join togethers unique'very special, the only one of that kinds unite to join togethers university place of high learnings unknown not knowns unless except ifs untidy in disorders until up to a certain moments towards a higher places upstairs on the upper floors of a houses urgently immediatelys form of `we's usage method of usings to put to a purposes useful which helpss usual ordinarys vague not clears uselesss van small vehicle for carrying goodss vanish disappears verb'part of speech which shows how sth actss to a high degrees scene, what one can sees village$small group of houses in the countrys violin-stringed musical instrument played with a bows visit short stays voice sounds made by a person speakings vowel2sound made without using the teeth, tongue or lipss to stay until sth happenss stop sleepings to go on foots wall6structure of brisk forming a side of a room, house etcs wallet-small leather case used for holding banknotess to wish, to desires wardrobe!large cupboard to hang clothes ins warm quite hots to tell of possible dangers form of `to be's to clean with waters wash up to clean dishes with waters waste to use badlys watch small clock worn on the arms water%liquid that is in rain, rivers, lakess road, method of doing sths we(referring to the people who are speakings not strongs weapon object with which you fights wear)carry on your body as a piece of clothings weather)state of the atmosphere at a certain times Wednesday 3rd day of the weeks period of seven dayss weekend/period from Friday evening until Sunday evenings welcome to greets in a good ways form of `to go's form of `to be's direction where the sun setss covered or soaked with waters that whichs wheel"circular frame which turns around s at what time?s whenever as soon ass where in what place?s whether if, eithers which what thing, person?s while length of times white colour of snows which person?s whole completes whose of who?s for what reason?s broads woman to whom a man is marrieds free to live naturallys will6strength of mind; to wish; (used to form future tense)s to defeat someone in a contests movement of the air outdoorss window opening in a walls windy having much winds wine+alcoholic drink made of the juice of grapess winter coldest season of the years to wants witch"woman believed to have evil powerss accompanied bys without not withs wives plural of `wife's woken form of `to wake's woman female persons women plural of `woman's form of `to win's wonder amazing thing, to want to knows wonderful fantastics wood5large group of trees, material that a tree is made ofs unit of speechs form of `to wear's work(to have a job, to use energy to make sths world the earths form of `to wear's worry to be upsets worse more bads worst most bads worth of values would form of `to will's write to put down words on papers written form of `to write's wrong bad, not rights wrote form of `to write's yacht sailing boats enclosed space behind a houses year9period of 12 months between 1st January and 31st Decembers expression of agreements yesterday day before todays up till nows you7(pronoun referring to a person to whom we are speaking)s young not olds form of `you's yours form of `you's yourself form of `you's yourselves form of `you' ability zdolno zdolny, %w stanie (co zrobi about above ponads abroad za granic absence nieobecno absent nieobecnys abstract abstrakcyjnys accident wypadeks accompany towarzyszy accordingly zgodnie z tym, odpowiednios across przez, w poprzeks act)czyn; dzia , zachowywa , wyst action akcja, dzia anies active aktywnys actor aktors actress aktorkas addition dodatek, dodawanies additional dodatkowys address adres; zwraca do kogo adjective przymiotniks admire podziwia admit przyzna adventure przygodas adverb przys advice radas advise radzi (komu advisor doradcas aeroplane samolots affirmative twierdz afford pozwoli sobie na co afraid przestraszony, niespokojnys after po, zas afternoon udnies again znowus wieks temus agree zgadza , umawia agreement zgoda, umowas powietrze; wietrzy airport lotniskos wszystek, ca , wszystkos allow pozwoli almost prawies alone along already although chocia always zawszes %forma czasownika `be's ambulance karetka pogotowias %rodzajnik nieokre lonys angry zagniewanys animal zwierz annoy dokucza , dra another inny, jeszcze jedens answer odpowied ; odpowiada dowolny, jakikolwieks anybody ktokolwieks anyone ktokolwieks anything cokolwieks anywhere gdziekolwieks apologize usprawiedliwia , przeprasza apostrophe apostrofs appear pojawi applause aplauzs apple apply stosowa appreciate docenia appropriate odpowiednis April kwiecie %forma czasownika `be's powierzchnia, okolicas armias around naoko o, dooko arrange zorganizowa arrangement ad, umowas arrest aresztowa arrival przybycies arrive przyby sztukas article artyku ; rodzajniks artist artystas jak, jako %gdy; poniewa ashamed zawstydzonys ask for prosi asleep %pogr ony we przy, u, ws %forma czasownika `eat's attention uwagas ciotkas author autors authority autorytet, w adzas auxiliary pomocniczys available galny, dost avenue aleja, %szeroka ulicas poza; preczs awful strasznys dzidziu plecy; z powrotems badminton kometkas torba, woreks baggage banana banans banks piels bathroom azienkas battle bitwas beach ; nosi , znosi beard brodas beaten %forma czasownika `beat's beautiful because poniewa become stwa bedroom sypialnias bedsit garsonieras %forma czasownika `be's piwos before przeds began %forma czasownika `begin's begin zaczyna , zacz begun %forma czasownika `begin's behave zachowywa behind believe wierzy dzwon, dzwoneks belong below zgina besides poza tyms best najlepszys better lepszys between dzy, pomi bicycle rowers rowers biology biologias ptaks birthday urodzinys biscuit herbatniks bit)kawa ek, troch ; %forma czasownika `bite's blackmail szanta blame wina; wini blank %puste miejsces blue niebieskis bored znudzonys born"urodzony, %forma czasownika `bear's borrow (od kogo obydwajs bottle butelkas bought %forma czasownika `buy's bounce podskakiwa opiecs bracket nawiass branch brave bread chlebs break przerwa; przerwa break down zepsu breakfast niadanies brick bridge most, bryd briefly tko, zwi bright jasny; zdolnys bring przynie broke %forma czasownika `break's broken"z amany, %forma czasownika `break's brother brats brought %forma czasownika `bring's brush szczotka; szczotkowa build budowa building budyneks built %forma czasownika `build's %uderzy townie o co burglar w amywaczs burnt!spalony, %forma czasownika `burn's autobuss butcher butter kupowa , kupi przy, u, przezs ciastkos , nazywa spokojnys %forma czasownika `come's camera aparat fotograficznys cannot %forma przecz ca od `can's capital stolicas autos careful ostro carefully ostro carry carry on kontynuowa case przypadeks castle zameks catch caught %forma czasownika `catch's jaskinias centre centrum, rodeks certain pewnys certainty pewno chair krzes change zmiana; zmienia chapter rozdzia character charakters charming uroczys cheap tanis cheese chemistry chemias chess szachys chiefly wnies child dzieckos childhood dzieci stwos children dziecis chocolate czekoladas choice choose wybiera chose %forma czasownika `choose's chosen %forma czasownika `choose's Christmas e Narodzenies church cigarette papieross cinema kinos miastos claim klans trzaska , klepa class klasas classical klasycznys classroom klasas clause %zdanie podrz clean ; czystys cleaner sprz taczs clever dry, sprytnys cleverness climb wspina clock zegars close_1 zamyka close_2 bliski; bliskos clothes ubranies cloud chmuras klubs aszczs coffee kawas monetas zimny; zimnos colleague pracowniks colour kolors colourful kolorowys colourless bezbarwnys przyj , pochodzi comedian komiks comedy komedias comfortable wygodnys command komenda; rozskazywa common pospolity, cz company towarzystwos comparative %stopie compare wnywa comparison wnanies competent kompetentnys complain complete uzupe ny, sko czony;s completely kowicies compound computer komputers concentrate koncentrowa concern dotyczy concert koncerts condition waruneks confirmation potwierdzenies conjunction jniks consider rozwa consist consonant harmonijny; sp oskas construction konstrukcjas consult radzi contact styczno ; kontaktowa contain zawiera context konteksts continue kontynuowa , trwa continuous contraction %forma skr conas contrary przeciwnys conversation rozmowas convert zmienia kucharz; gotowa kopia; kopiowa , przepisywa corner correct poprawia ; poprawnys cost kosztowa cough kaszel; kaszle could %forma czasownika `can's count liczy countable policzalnys country kraj; wie countryside krajobrazs courage odwagas course kurss krowas crackle chrz crash zderzy cross przekroczy crossing skrzy owanies crouch zgina crowd um; t krzyk, p acz; p cunning sprytny, chytrys cup fili ankas current , kroi cycle peda daily codziennys damage szkoda; uszkodzi dance taniec; ta dangerous niebezpiecznys miela ciemny; ciemnos darts rzutki (gra)s daughter do czynienias dealt %forma czasownika `deal's December grudzie decide decydowa decision decyzjas decorate dekorowa %(np. malowa bokis define definiowa definite okre lonys degree stopie demand danie; , wymaga demonstrative %wskazuj dentist dentystas zaprzecza department departaments depend describe opisywa description opiss biurkos detergent detergents determine decydowa , okre detest nienawidzi dialogue dialogs dictionary owniks %forma czasownika `do's umrze different inny, r difficult trudnys difficulty trudno dining-room jadalnias dinner obiads dirty brudnys disagree nie zgadza disagreement niezgodas disappoint rozczarowa discover odkry disease chorobas naczynie; posi dishwasher zmywarka do naczy dislike nie lubi distance odleg distinguish divide dzieli divorce rozwodzi doctor lekarzs piess lalkas domino dominos %forma czasownika `do's drzwis double podwoi doubtful tpliwys na doles drank %forma czasownika `drink's rysowa dread strachs dream marzy dress sukienkas drink , nap drive kierowa (samoch driven %forma czasownika `drive's driver kierowcas drove %forma czasownika `drive's drown narkotyks drunk pijanys suchys kaczkas during podczass kurzs duty obowi early Easter Wielkanocs atwys eaten %forma czasownika `eat's education wykszta cenies effect efekts jajkos eight osiems eighteen osiemna either albos elder starszy (w rodzinie)s eldest najstarszy (w rodzinie)s electricity elektryczno elephant cz tegos empty pustys enable umo encourage koniecs engine silniks enjoy przyjemno z czego enough wystarczys enter equal escape uciecs essay esejs wny, nawets evening wiecz event wydarzenies zawszes every everybody everyday codziennys everyone kazdys everything wszystkos everywhere dzies exact adnys egzamins examination egzamins example przyk excellent wspania except z wyj tkiems exception excite podnieca excuse wybaczy exercise wiczenies exhaust wyczerpa exhibition pokazs exist istnie expect oczekiwa expensive kosztownys experience wiadczenies explain explore express wyrazi expression wyra enies extend rozszerzy twarzs fakts zanika upada fallen %forma czasownika `fall's family rodzinas famous awnys fantastic fantastycznys daleki, odleg farmas farmer farmers farther dalszys farthest najdalszys szybkis gruby, t uszczs father ojciecs favourite ulubionys February lutys %forma czasownika `feed's karmi feeling uczucies stopas %forma czasownika `fall's %forma czasownika `feel's ferry proms fetch przynie niewiele, troch fifty dziesi fill nape fill in formularzs films final ostatnis znale przyjemny, dobrys finger palecs finish firm stanowczys first pierwszys rybas pasowa fix naprawia askis %forma czasownika `fly's floor flour flower kwiats flown %forma czasownika `fly's fluently ynnies foggy follow zadowolonys jedzenies upiecs foolishly upios stopas football ka no forbid zabroni forbidden %forma czasownika `forbid's force foreign zagranicznys forest forget zapomina forgive wybacza forgot %forma czasownika `forget's forgotten %forma czasownika `forget's formas formal formalnys formula fortnight dwa tygodnies found %forma czasownika `find's czterys uwoni freeze zamrozi frequency czesto frequently Friday fridge friend przyjaciels frighten przestraszy z, ods front froze %forma czasownika `freeze's frozen %forma czasownika `freeze's fruit owoces paliwos fulfil function funkcjas funny zabawny, dziwnys furniture mebles further dalszys furthest najdalszys future przysz zysks gallery galerias garden %forma czasownika `give's geese general generous szczodrys dosta get up wstawa ghost duchs ginger rudys dziewczynas give up podda given %forma czasownika `give's zadowolonys glass glove kawiczkas %forma czasownika `go's dobrys goose %forma czasownika `get's goverment govern grammar gramatykas grammatical gramatycznys grandfather dziadeks grandmother babcias grass trawas great wielkis green zielonys ground ziemias group grupas grow up dorasta (dzieci)s guest habit zwyczajs %forma czasownika `have's hairdresser fryzjers halves hammer oteks handwriting pismo r cznes wiesza happen zdarza happy liwys twardy, trudnys hardly ledwie, prawie wcales %forma czasownika `have's kapeluszs nienawidzie headache b headmaster dyrektor szko heard %forma czasownika `hear's heart serces podgrzewa heavy height wysoko %forma czasownika `hold's pomocs kuras jej; %forma zaimka `she's tutajs jej; %forma zaimka `she's herself ona sama, %forma zaimka `she's %forma czasownika `hide's hidden %forma czasownika `hide's ukrywa wysokos highlight wietli jemu; %forma zaimka `he's himself on sam; %forma zaimka `he's hint wskaz jego; %forma zaimka `he's uderzy hobby ulubione zaj trzyma dziuras holiday wakacjes homework zadanie domowes honest uczciwys skaka nadziejas horror przera enies horse hospital szpitals godzinas house humour humors %forma czasownika `hang's hungry odnys hurry up pospieszy zrani husband pomys ignore ignorowa chorys immediately natycmiasts imperative rozkazuj important impossible niemo liwes include zawiera indefinite nieokre lonys indicate wskazywa individually indywidualnies industry przemys infinitive bezokoliczniks inform informowa information informacjas injure zrani gospodas insert wstawi inside instant chwila, natychmiastowys instead zamiasts insult obrazi intelligent inteligentnys intend zamierza intention zamiars interest zainteresowanies interrogative pytaj interrupt przerywa intervention interwencjas introduce wprowadzi introductory wprowadzaj invent inversion inwersjas invitation zaproszenies invite zaprosi elazos irregular nieregularnys %forma czasownika `be's jego; %forma zaimka `it's itself ono samo; %forma zaimka `it's January stycze pracas juice skoks czerwiecs asnies trzyma %forma czasownika `keep's kettle sagans kluczs rodzaj; uprzejmys kingdom kr lestwos kitchen kuchnias latawiecs kolanos kneel knelt %forma czasownika `kneel's %forma czasownika `know's knife knives knock wiedzie known %forma czasownika `know's ladder drabinas panis %forma czasownika `lay's %forma czasownika `lie's jezioros lampas language large ostatni; trwa Latin acinas laugh prawos trawniks leniwys lead prowadzi learn uczy learnt %forma czasownika `learn's least najmniejszys leave opuszcza , wyje lecture %forma czasownika `lead's %forma czasownika `leave's nogas leisure czas odpoczynkus (komu length %forma czasownika `lend's mniejs lesser mniejszys lesson lekcjas pozwoli letter lists amcas library bibliotekas wszys license licencjas ycies light jasny; o; zapala , podobny dos likely prawdopodobnes limit granicas linias czenies listas listen %forma czasownika `light's little mieszka bocheneks loaves bochenkis zameks lonely samotnys patrze look out look up szuka owa w s owniku)s lorry traci %forma czasownika `lose's louse weszs kocha lovely cudownes lower luggage lunch obiads machine maszynas mackintosh aszcz nieprzemakalnys %forma czasownika `make's magazine magazyns pocztas man m czyznas manage sobie rad manner wieles mapas March marzecs marry match mecz; dopasowa matter sprawas mnie; %forma zaimka `I's znaczy meant %forma czasownika `mean's meanwhile dzyczasies medial rodkowys medicine lekarstwos spotka meeting spotkanies memory men m mend naprawia mention wspomnie %forma czasownika `meet's myszys middle rodeks midnight might %forma czasownika `may's milas mlekos moje; %forma zaimka `I's minister ministers minute minutas mirror lustros , min mistake modern czesnys modify modyfikowa krets moment chwilas Monday poniedzia money pieni monkey monster month miesi morning ranos most najwi mother matkas motor motors mountain mouse myszs rusza mower kosiarkas wieles mumble mamrota museum muzeums music muzykas musie niemys moje; %forma zaimka `I's myself sam; %forma zaimka `I's nail paznokie narrow national narodowys bliskos nearly prawies necessary koniecznys necessity konieczno necklace naszyjniks potrzebowa negative przecz negotiations negocjacjes neighbour siads neighbourhood siedztwos neither adens nervous nerwowys never nigdys nowys wiadomo newspaper gazetas night dziewi nobody nikts noise noisy ha asliwys adens udnie (12 godzina)s normal normalnys north noc (kierunek)s northern nocnys nutas nothing notice zauwa rzeczowniks novel powie terazs nowadays ostatnios nowhere nigdzies nuisance opots number liczbas nurse gniarkas object obiekt; dope nienies obligation zobowi zanias oblige zobowi obvious oczywistys ocean oceans dziwnys od, zs offer ofiarowa office biuros often starys jedens onion cebulas tylkos otwartys opinion opinias opportunity okazjas opposite przeciwnys order ordinary other innys otherwise w przeciwnym przypadkus ought powiniens nasz; %forma zaimka `we's nasz; %forma zaimka `we's ourselves my sami; %forma zaimka `we's poza, zas outside pozas ponads posiada owner ciciels kroks stronas paid"zap acone; %forma czasownika `pay's paint farbas painter malarzs painting malowid o, obrazs panic panikas pants majtkis paper papiers parcel paczkas parents rodzices park, parkowa parlour salas participle imies party przyj przej passive biernys passport paszports przesz patient pacjents pattern pavement chodniks pencil people ludzies perfect bezb performance przedstawienies perhaps period okress permission zezwolenies permit pozwala person osobas personal osobistys persuade przekona petrol benzynas philosophy filozofias phone telefon; telefonowa photo photograph phrase fraza, zwrots physics fizykas piano fortepians pick up podni picture obrazs stoss pillow poduszkas fajkas place miejsces plain plans plane samolots plant linas , gra player graczs pleasant przyjemnys please prosz pleased zadowolonys plenty stwos liwkas plumber hydrauliks plural liczba mnogas pocket kiesze wierszs poetas poetry poezjas point punkts police policjas policeman policjants polite uprzejmys politics politykas pollute zanieczyszcza staws biednys pop popularnys popular popularnys portrait portrets position pozycjas positive dodatnis possess posiada possibility mo possible liwes poczta; wys poczt postcard kartka pocztowas poster plakats postman listonoszs postpone (na p niej)s practically praktycznie, faktycznies practice praktykas practise wiczy modli precise adnys prefer pregnant prepare przygotowa preposition przyimeks present prezentowa , przedstawia preserve zachowa , konserwowa press , naciska ; prasas pretend udawa pretty adnys previous poprzednis price cenas prime pierwszy, najwa niejszys prison wi zienies probable liwy, prawdopodobnys probably prawdopodobnies problem problems procession procesja, poch professor profesors profit zysks programme programs prohibition zakazs project projekts promise obietnica; obiecywa promotion promocja, awanss promptly niezw ocznies pronoun zaimeks proper ciwy, odpowiednis propose proponowa wiadcza prove udowadnia knajpas pupil czystys purse portmonetkas , postawwi put out zgasi queen lowas question pytanie; pyta queue kolejkas quick szybki, szybkos quiet spokojny, spokojnies quite kiems radio radios deszcz; padacs rainbow %forma czasownika `run's %forma czasownika `ring's rapid szybkis rzadkis rather raczejs reach , dosi czyta ready gotowys real prawdziwys reason d, racjas receive otrzymywa recently ostatnios recognize rozpoznawa recollect wspomina , przypomina sobies recommend poleci czerwonys refer odnosi , zwraca refuse regret regular regularnys relate , odnosi relation stosunek; pokrewie sswo, krewnys relative dny, stosunkowys relax rozlu , odpr release uwolni relevant stosowny, odnosz cy si relief ulgas remark uwaga, spostrze enie; zauwa remember remind przypomina remove renew odnowi repair naprawa; naprawia repeat powtarza replace reply opdowied ; odpowiady report zdawa spraw , donosi report raport, sprawozdanies reporter reporters request ba, popyt; prosi require , wymaga resist opiera responsible odpowiedzialnys responsibly odpowiedzialnies reszta; odpoczynek; odpoczywa restaurant restauracjas result wyniks return t; wraca reverse&przeciwny, odwrotny; zmienia kieruneks reword przeformu rewrite przepisa ribbon bogatys ridden %forma czasownika rides riddle zagadkas right,racja, s uszno ; prawy, prawid owy, s usznys ; dzwoni dojrza ripen dojrzewa rise2podwy ka, wsch ca); wstawa , podnosi ryzyko; ryzykowa river rzekas drogas rob obrabowacs forma czasownika `ride's j, %miejsces a; %forma czasownika `rise's routine rutynas row wios rude ordynarnys a, zasadas ruler adca; linijkas biecs run over przejecha smutnys bezpieczny, pewny; sejfs safety bezpiecze stwos %forma czasownika `say's agiel; eglowa salary pensjas taki sams sandwich kanapkas %forma czasownika `sing's %forma czasownika `sit's Saturday sobotas oszcz %forma czasownika `see's powiedzie schedule schemats school science naukas scissors yczkis scratch podrapa scream piszcze morzes search poszukiwa seaside wybrze season sezons siedzenie, miejsces second drugis secret sekrets widzie wydawa %forma czasownika `see's select wybiera sprzedawa sense sens, zmys sensible %forma czasownika `send's sentence zdanies separately osobnos serious serve service ustali settle osadzi , osi seven siedems seventies lata siedemdziesi several kilkas shall$%s y do tworzenia czasu przysz shape kszta sharp ostrys sharpen ostrzy shopas sheep owcas shelf shine b yszcze shirt koszulas shock szoks shoot strzela skleps shopping zakupys short shorten %forma czasownika `shoot's should powiniens shout krzycze show pokazywa shower prysznic, przelotny deszczs shown %forma czasownika `show's zamyka shy nie stronas znak; dawa znaki, podpisa silly similarity podobie stwos simple prostys since od, odk d; poniewa piewa singer piewak, piosenkarzs single pojedynczy, oddzielnys singular*pojedynczy, szczeg lny; %liczba pojedynczas sister siostras siedzie , siada situation sytuacjas sixteen szesna rozmiars narta; je na nartachs przeskakiwa , opu skirt dnicas niebos sleep spa ; sens slept %forma czasownika `sleep's wolnys slow down zwolni small smash uc, pogruchota smell zapach; pachn smelt %forma czasownika `smell's smile miech; u miecha smoke dym; pali , dymi snack przek snake snore chrapa nieg; so tak, wi skarpetas %forma czasownika `sell's soldier nierzs solve rozwi , rozpu pewien, niekt ry, troch somebody someone something sometimes czasamis somewhere gdzie piosenka, piews sorry smutny, zmartwionys rodzajs sound south udnie; po udniowys space przestrze spare oszcz ; zapasowys speak speaker specific swoistys specify specyfikowa , wyszczeg spectacles okularys %forma czasownika `speed's speech mowas speed"spieszy , pospiesza spell1czar, urok; literowa - %czyta litera po literzes spelt %forma czasownika `spell's spend , wydawa spent %forma czasownika `spend's spill rozlewa spite z %(in spite of=pomimo)s spoke %forma czasownika `speak's spoken %forma czasownika `speak's sport sports sprang %forma czasownika `spring's spring wiosna; o; spr yna; skaka sprung %forma czasownika `spring's szpieg; szpiegowa square kwadrat; kwadratowys staff personel, sztab; tworzywos stairs schodys stamp2znaczek pocztowy, piecz tka; piecz , nadepn stand gwiazdas start start; rozpocz state stwos statement stwierdzenie, o wiadczenies station stacjas zosta ; pobyts steal steely stalowys krok; stopie stick laska, patyks still ci gle, jeszcze; cichy, spokojnys stolen %forma czasownika `steal's stood %forma czasownika `stand's zatrzyma , przesta ; przystaneks story opowiadanie, historias straight prosty; prostos strange dziwny, obcys stranger obcys straw street ulicas strike uderzy strong mocnys student students study studiowa ; gabinet; studiums stupid subject#podmiot, temat, przedmiot; podleg substance substancjas succeed odnie sukcess success sukcess takis sugar cukiers suggest sugerowa suggestion sugestias nadawa , odpowiada suitable odpowiednis suitcase walizkas summer latos Sunday niedzielas %forma czasownika `sing's super supers superlative$nieprze cigniony; %stopie najwy supermarket supermarkets supper kolacjas supply dostawa; dostarczy , zaopatrzy suppose przypuszcza supposition przypuszczenies pewny, niezawodnys surprise niespodziankas suspect podejrzewa suspicion podejrzenies suspiciously podejrzliwies swallow ka; po %forma czasownika `swim's sweet odki, mi sweets odyczes swimmer ywaks switch wy czniks switch off switch on sympathy czucies table przyczepkas ogons take off wystartowa (samolot)s taken %forma czasownika `take's rozmowa; rozmawia wysokis target taste smak; smakowa taught %forma czasownika `teach's herbatas teach , naucza teacher nauczyciels teeth telephone telefon; telefonowa television telewizjas powiedze temper usposobienie; agodzi tempt dziesi tenant lokators tennis teniss tense czas(gram.); napi termin; waruneks terrible strasznys terribly strasznies terror groza, strachs test; testowa teksts textbook czniks thank dzi %rodzajnik okre lonys theatre teatrs their theirs im, ich, jes themselves siebie; oni samis wtedy, nast pnie, wi there these thick gruby, g thief odziejs thing rzeczs think third trzecis thirsty spragnionys thirty trzydzie ten, ta, tos those tamtes thought %forma czasownika `think's three trzys threw %forma czasownika `throw's thriller dreszczowiecs through przezs throw rzuca throw away wyrzuca thrown %forma czasownika `throw's ticket bilets schludny; uporz dkowa do (a do)s czass timetable.%rozk ad czasu (podzia godzin, rozk ad jazdy)s title ropuchas today dzisiajs palec u nogis %forma czasownika `tell's tomato pomidors tomorrow jutros tonight wiecz r, dzi w nocys zbyt, za; tak %forma czasownika `take's tooth toothache szczyt, wierzchs topic temat, przedmiots %forma czasownika `tear's touch dotyka tura; obje tower miastos zabawkas traffic ruchs train transform przekszta translate t umaczy transport#przewozi , transportowa ; transports travel ; podr drzewos trick!figiel, sztuczka; zwie , podej trousers spodnies true prawdziwys trunk onia); skrzynias trust zaufanie; ufa truth prawdas try on przymierzy Tuesday wtoreks melodia; stroi turkey indyks zmiana; obraca , zmienia turn down sciszy turn up twelve dwana twenty dwadzie twice dwukrotnies typ; pisa na maszynies typical typowys paskudny, brzydkis umbrella parasols uncertain niepewnys uncle uncountable niepoliczalnys under understand rozumie understood %forma czasownika `understand's unfriendly nieprzyjazny s unhappy nieszcz liwys union unia, zwi unique jedyny, unikalnys unite , jednuczy university uniwersytets unknown nieznanys unless chyba untidy nieporz until (do)s upstairs na pi trze, w g po schodachs urgently nam, nass usage ycias ytek, zastosowanie; u useful u ytecznys usual vague niejasnys furgonetkas vanish znika verb czasowniks bardzos widoks village violin skrzypces visit odwiedza ; wizytas voice vowel samog oskas czeka budzi spacerowa cianas wallet portfels chcie wardrobe szafas warn ostrzega %forma czasownika `be's wash up pozmywa (naczynia)s waste marnowa watch zegareks water wodas drogas weapon weather pogodas Wednesday rodas tydzie weekend koniec tygodnias welcome powita dobrzes %forma czasownika `go's %forma czasownika `be's mokrys wheel kiedys whenever gdy tylkos where gdzies whether which while podczass white whole whose czyjs dlaczegos szerokis dzikis will*wola; %s y do tworzenia czasu przysz wygra wiatrs window oknos windy wietrznys winos winter zimas yczenie; (sobie)s witch without wives woken %forma czasownika `wake's woman kobietas women kobietys %forma czasownika `win's wonder cud, dziws wonderful cudownys drewno, lass %forma czasownika `wear's pracowa world wiats %forma czasownika `wear's worry martwi worse gorszys worst najgorszys worth warts would!m by, %forma czasownika `will's write written %forma czasownika `write's wrong wrote %forma czasownika `write's yacht jachts yesterday wczorajs jeszces young j; %forma zaimka `you's yours j; %forma zaimka `you's yourself ty sam; %forma zaimka `you's yourselves wy sami; %forma zaimka `you' abstrakcyjny abstracts adres addresss akcja actions aktor actors aktorka actresss aktywny actives eithers aleja avenues aparat fotograficzny cameras aplauz applauses apostrof apostrophes aresztowa arrests armia armys artyku articles artysta artists autobus autor authors autorytet authoritys awans promotions (do) untils babcia grandmothers explores baggages banan bananas banks bardzo verys bawi plays benzyna petrols withouts bezbarwny colourlesss bezb perfects bezokolicznik infinitives bezpiecze safetys bezpieczny safes whites biblioteka librarys beats biedny poors bierny passives currents bilet tickets biologia biologys bitwa battles biurko desks biuro offices bliski close_2s blisko close_2s prays yszcze shines bochenek loafs bochenki loavess bogaty richs e Narodzenie Christmass pains headaches ba toothaches takes brothers broda beards weapons brudny dirtys bridges brzydki uglys budowa builds budynek buildings budzi wakes shoes butelka bottles perhapss quites kowicie completelys kisss wholes cebula onions bricks targets prices centrum centres charakter characters chcie wants chemia chemistrys chleb breads opiec chmura clouds chocia althoughs chodnik pavements choroba diseases chory chrapa snores chrz crackles chwila instants chyba unlesss chytry cunnings ciastko cakes stills continuouss draws cichy stills calfs ciemno darks ciemny darks warms heavys lorrys ciotka aunts presss whats codzienny dailys cokolwiek anythings somethings daughters wonders cudowne lovelys cudowny wonderfuls cukier sugars spells times czas odpoczynku leisures czas(gram.) tenses czasami sometimess czasownik verbs czeka waits czekolada chocolates czerwiec Junes czerwony czesto frequencys frequentlys commons parts cztery fours feels whethers whoses czysty cleans cleans czyta reads wiczenie exercises wiczy practises gives sobie rad manages daleki dalszy farthers znaki signs decydowa decides decyzja decisions definiowa defines dekorowa decorates dentysta dentists departament departments deszcz rains detergent detergents dialog dialogues dlaczego longs lengths do (a tills dobry fines dobrze wells docenia appreciates dodatek additions dodatkowy additionals dodatni positives dodawanie additions dojrza ripes dojrzewa ripens exacts dokucza annoys homes domino dominos donosi reports dooko arounds dopasowa matchs nienie objects doradca advisors dorasta (dzieci) grow ups dosi reachs dosta dostarczy supplys dostawa supplys pny availables wiadczenie experiences dotyczy concerns dotyka touchs dowolny drabina ladders annoys dreszczowiec thrillers drewno woods droga roads drugi seconds tears drzewo trees drzwi doors ghosts dwa tygodnie fortnights dwadzie twentys dwana twelves dwukrotnie twices smokes smokes dyrektor szko headmasters dziadek grandfathers dzia actions dzidziu babys dzieci childrens dzieci stwo childhoods dziecko childs dzieli divides dziesi dziewczyna girls dziewi nines thanks dziki wilds dzisiaj todays w nocy tonights wiecz tonights dziura holes wonders dziwny funnys dzwon bells dzwonek bells dzwoni rings sounds sounds efekt effects egzamin exams elektryczno electricitys essays fajka pipes facts faktycznie practicallys fantastyczny fantastics farba paints farma farms farmer farmers figiel tricks fili films filozofia philosophys fizyka physicss forma forms forma czasownika `ride' rodes formalny formals fortepian pianos fraza phrases fryzjer hairdressers funkcja functions furgonetka gabinet studys galeria gallerys twigs branchs garsoniera bedsits gazeta newspapers gdy tylko whenevers gdzie wheres gdziekolwiek anywheres gdzie somewheres geeses thicks gooses deeps hungrys voices louds chieflys mains sillys upiec fools upio foolishlys godzina hours bares gorszy worses gospoda guests gotowa cooks gotowy readys mountains games gracz players plays gramatyczny grammaticals gramatyka grammars granica limits groza terrors gruby grudzie Decembers grupa groups bites gwiazda stars noises asliwy noisys harmonijny consonants herbata herbatnik biscuits historia storys humor humours hydraulik plumbers theirs ignorowa ignores thems imies participles names indyk turkeys indywidualnie individuallys informacja informations informowa informs anothers inteligentny intelligents interwencja interventions inwersja inversions istnie exists apples jacht yachts jadalnia dining-rooms jajko jakikolwiek jaskinia caves swallows jasny brights thems jeden jednuczy unites jedyny uniques jedzenie foods jeszce jeszcze stills jeszcze jeden anothers jezioro lakes rides na nartach languages jutro tomorrows alreadys kaczka ducks kanapka sandwichs kapelusz karetka pogotowia ambulances karmi feeds kartka pocztowa postcards kaszel coughs kaszle coughs coffees kazdy everyones eachs baths kiedy whens kierowa (samoch drives kierowca drivers kiesze pockets kilka severals cinemas clans klasa classs klasyczny classicals klepa claps kneels clubs klucz liars nuisances knajpa kobieta womans kobiety womens kocha loves kolacja suppers kolano knees kolejka queues kolor colours kolorowy colourfuls wheels komedia comedys komenda commands kometka badmintons komik comedians kompetentny competents komputer computers koncentrowa concentrates koncert concerts koniec koniec tygodnia weekends konieczno necessitys konieczny necessarys konserwowa preserves konstrukcja constructions kontaktowa contacts kontekst contexts kontynuowa carry ons horses finishs kopia copys kopiowa copys kosiarka mowers kosztowa costs kosztowny expensives koszula shirts churchs bones countrys krajobraz countrysides steals moles krewny relations paces krowa lestwo kingdoms queens shorts brieflys krzes chairs krzycze shouts krzyk books kszta shapes ktokolwiek anybodys somebodys whichs kucharz cooks kuchnia kitchens kupowa courses dusts tempts kwadrat squares kwadratowy squares kwiat flowers kwiecie Aprils pours lalka dolls lampa lamps forests laska sticks lata siedemdziesi te seventiess latawiec kites summers ledwie hardlys lekarstwo medicines lekarz doctors lekcja lessons leniwy lazys lepszy betters licencja licenses liczba numbers liczba mnoga plurals liczy counts linia lines linijka rulers letters lista lists listonosz postmans literowa spells fridges lokator tenants lotnisko airports likes ludzie peoples lustro mirrors Februarys acina Latins prettys agodzi tempers catchs easys azienka bathrooms joins magazyn magazines majtki pantss malarz painters malowid paintings littles monkeys smalls mamrota mumbles marnowa wastes martwi worrys marzec Marchs marzy dreams butters maszyna machines matka mothers clevernesss clevers flours husbands meble furnitures matchs melodia tunes czyzna foggys miasto citys haves do czynienia deals przyjemno z czego enjoys miejsce places miesi months mieszka lives betweens softs meats miles nices misss minister ministers minuta minutes mleko milks youngs hammers mniej lesss mniejszy lessers plentys mocny strongs modli prays modyfikowa modifys mines mokry moneta coins morze bridges motor motors speechs possibles abilitys probables woulds speakers speaks musie musts muzeum museums muzyka musics my sami ourselvess washs soaps mouses myszy mices thinks na dole downs na pi upstairss naciska presss naczynie dishs nadawa suits nadepn stamps nadzieja hopes urgentlys najdalszy farthests najgorszy worsts najlepszy bests najmniejszy leasts najstarszy (w rodzinie) eldests najwa niejszy primes najwi mosts belongs naoko arounds nape fills tenses drinks naprawa repairs naprawia narkotyk drugs narodowy nationals narta nast thens nexts follows naszyjnik necklaces natychmiastowy instants natycmiast immediatelys naucza teachs nauczyciel teachers nauka sciences nawet evens nawias brackets nazywa calls negocjacje negotiationss nerwowy nervouss nothings nie lubi dislikes nie zgadza disagrees niebezpieczny dangerouss niebieski blues niebo niedziela Sundays bears niejasny vagues niekt somes niemo impossibles niemy mutes nienawidzi detests nienawidzie hates nieobecno absences nieobecny absents nieokre indefinites niepewny uncertains niepoliczalny uncountables nieporz untidys nieprze cigniony superlatives nieprzyjazny unfriendlys nieregularny irregulars niespodzianka surprises niespokojny afraids nieszcz unhappys niewiele niezawodny sures niezgoda disagreements nieznany unknowns niezw ocznie promptlys nigdy nevers nigdzie nowheres nobodys thans lowers nights normalny normals bears knivess yczki scissorss knifes notes abouts stranges obiad dinners obiecywa promises obiekt objects obietnica promises obje tours obowi dutys obrabowac obraca turns obraz paintings obrazi insults obydwaj boths ocean oceans oczekiwa expects oczywisty obviouss froms oddzielny singles sinces odkry discovers odleg distances odleg (na p niej) postpones refuses odnie sukces succeeds odnosi refers odnosz cy si relevants odnowi renews odpoczynek rests odpoczywa rests odpowiada answers odpowiady replys odpowiedni appropriates odpowiednio accordinglys odpowiedzialnie responsiblys odpowiedzialny responsibles odpowied answers relaxs odwaga courages braves odwiedza visits odwrotny reverses ofiarowa offers fires tails generals gardens ojciec fathers okazja opportunitys windows okolica areas okres periods determines okre definites okulary spectacless pencils on sam himselfs ona sama herselfs theys oni sami themselvess ono samo itselfs opdowied replys opiera resists opinia opinions descriptions opisywa describes opowiadanie storys opuszcza leaves skips ordynarny rudes osadzi settles galny availables settles osiem eights osiemna eighteens osoba persons osobisty personals osobno separatelys ostatni finals ostatnio nowadayss ostro nie carefullys ostro carefuls ostry sharps ostrzega warns ostrzy sharpens oszcz saves miela dares wiadcza proposes wiadczenie statements otrzymywa receives otwarty opens sheeps owoce fruits pachn smells pacjent patients paczka parcels padac rains palec fingers palec u nogi burns paliwo fuels memorys remembers ladys panika panics states papier papers papieros cigarettes parasol umbrellas parks parkowa parks paskudny uglys pasowa paszport passports patrze looks patyk sticks paznokie nails peda cycles completes pensja salarys personel staffs pewien somes pewno certaintys pewny certains Fridays drinks piecz stamps piecz stamps gniarka nurses pieni moneys pier rings pierwszy firsts fives dziesi fiftys kny beautifuls pijany drunks balls ka no footballs piosenka songs piosenkarz singers writes na maszynie types pismo r handwritings piszcze screams beers plakat posters plans beachs plecy backs flats aszcz coats aszcz nieprzemakalny mackintoshs flows ynnie fluentlys swims swimmers afters pobyt stays pochodzi comes processions trains poczta mails belows podczas durings podda give ups podejrzenie suspicions podejrzewa suspects podejrzliwie suspiciouslys podej tricks podgrzewa heats podleg subjects floors podmiot subjects podnieca excites podni pick ups podnosi rises podobie similaritys podobny do likes podpisa signs podrapa scratchs cznik textbooks travels travels podskakiwa bounces wietli highlights poduszka pillows podwoi doubles yards podwy rises podziwia admires poeta poets poezja poetrys pogoda weathers pogruchota smashs pojawi appears pojedynczy singles pokaz exhibitions pokazywa shows rooms pokrewie relations poleci recommends policja polices policjant policemans policzalny countables polityka politicss czenie links halfs halvess udnie souths udnie (12 godzina) noons udniowy souths swallows pomidor tomatos betweens pomoc helps pomocniczy auxiliarys mistakes pomys ideas ponad aboves poniedzia Mondays poniewa becauses belts udnie afternoons poprawia corrects poprawny corrects poprzedni previouss popularny popyt requests wnanie comparisons wnywa compares portfel wallets portmonetka purses portret portraits orders posiada dishs pospiesza speeds pospieszy hurry ups pospolity commons postawwi poszukiwa searchs marrys smashs potrzebowa needs potwierdzenie confirmations monsters seriouss powiedze tells powiedzie powierzchnia areas powie novels powietrze powinien oughts powita welcomes reasons returns powtarza repeats aways poza tym besidess pozmywa (naczynia) wash ups pozwala permits pozwoli allows pozwoli sobie na co affords pozycja positions (komu lends (od kogo borrows shelfs midnights noc (kierunek) norths nocny northerns lates praca pracowa works praktycznie practicallys praktyka practices prasa presss prawda truths prawdopodobne likelys prawdopodobnie probablys prawdopodobny probables prawdziwy reals prawid rights prawie almosts prawie wcale hardlys prawo prawy rights precz aways prezentowa presents speeds problem problems procesja processions profesor professors program programmes projekt projects ferrys promocja promotions proponowa proposes prosi ask fors prosto straights prosty simples prosz pleases requests prowadzi leads cz tego elses vains prysznic showers przeciwny contrarys przecz negatives przed befores przedmiot subjects przedstawia presents przedstawienie performances przeformu rewords przejecha run overs przej passs przek snacks przekona persuades przekroczy crosss przekszta transforms przelotny deszcz showers przemys industrys przepisa rewrites przepisywa copys przeprasza apologizes przera horrors przerwa breaks przerwa breaks przerywa interrupts przeskakiwa skips przesta stops przestraszony afraids przestraszy frightens przestrze spaces przesz pasts przewozi transports przez acrosss fronts przybycie arrivals przyby arrives przyczepka przygoda adventures przygotowa prepares przyimek prepositions przyjaciel friends przyjemny fines przyj partys przyj comes przyk examples przymierzy try ons przymiotnik adjectives przynie brings przypadek cases przypomina reminds przypomina sobie recollects przypuszcza supposes przypuszczenie suppositions przys adverbs przystanek stops przysz futures przyzna admits birds knocks punkt points pusty emptys pytaj interrogatives pytanie questions racja reasons raczej rathers advices radio radios radzi (komu advises radzi consults mornings raport reports onces regularny regulars rules reporter reporters restauracja restaurants reszta rests hands kawiczka gloves rodzaj kinds rodzajnik articles rodzice parentss rodzina familys years ropucha toads grows plants rower bicycles rozczarowa disappoints rozdzia chapters rozkazuj imperatives rozlewa spills rozlu relaxs rozmawia talks rozmiar sizes rozmowa conversations rozpocz starts rozpoznawa recognizes rozpu solves distinguishs sensibles rozskazywa commands rozszerzy extends rozumie understands rozwa considers rozwi solves rozwodzi divorces corners equals roses ny differents pinks traffics gingers rusza moves rutyna routines fishs rysowa draws ryzyko risks ryzykowa risks rices rzadki rares d goverments governs rzecz things rzeczownik nouns rzeka rivers butchers rzuca throws rzutki (gra) dartss sagan kettles parlours alones samog vowels samolot aeroplanes samotny lonelys siad neighbours siedztwo neighbourhoods schemat schedules schludny tidys schody stairss sciszy turn downs safes sekret secrets sleeps senses cheeses serce hearts sezon seasons shopa sheds siada siebie themselvess siedem sevens siedzenie seats siedzie reachs silnik engines forces siostra sisters skaka skarpeta socks complains sklep shops consists jumps czony completes shortens skrzynia trunks skrzypce violins skrzy owanie crossings weaks famouss sweets odycze sweetss straws elephants ownik dictionarys words listens uszno rights uszny rights serves hears tastes smakowa tastes smutny sobota Saturdays juices spacerowa walks sleeps spalony burnts specyfikowa specifys spends spieszy speeds spodnie trouserss spokojnie quiets spokojny calms sport sports manners usages spostrze remarks spotka meets spotkanie meetings dnica skirts conjunctions oska consonants spragniony thirstys sprawa matters sprawozdanie reports springs sprytny clevers sprz cleaners sprzedawa sells stacja stations stands stalowy steelys stanowczy firms starszy (w rodzinie) elders start starts stary ponds stolica capitals stopa feets stopie degrees piles stosowa applys stosowny relevants stosunek relations stosunkowy relatives tables strach dreads strasznie terriblys straszny awfuls stroi tunes strona pages strzela shoots student students studiowa studys studium studys stwa becomes stwierdzenie statements stycze Januarys styczno contacts substancja substances suchy sugerowa suggests sugestia suggestions sukces successs sukienka dresss super supers supermarket supermarkets swoisty specifics sypialnia bedrooms sytuacja situations szachy chesss szafa wardrobes szanta blackmails szczeg singulars happys szczodry generouss szczotka brushs szczotkowa brushs szczyt szeroki wides szesna sixteens glasss szkoda damages schools shocks szpieg szpiegowa szpital hospitals sztab staffs sztuczka tricks sztuka szuka owa w s owniku) look ups szybki fasts szybko quicks ciana walls paths liwka plums laughs niadanie breakfasts dreams snows snows songs piewa sings piewak singers roda Wednesdays rodek centres rodkowy medials worlds lights thiss suchs taki sam sames taxis alsos theres tamte thoses cheaps taniec dances dances theses teatr theatres tekst texts telefon phones telefonowa phones telewizja televisions temat subjects thiss tenis tenniss teraz termin terms tests testowa tests rainbows misss crowds crowds umaczy translates uszcz drowns torba towarzystwo companys towarzyszy accompanys traci loses transport transports transportowa transports trawa grasss trawnik lawns onia) trunks troch trudno difficultys trudny difficults continues trzaska claps trzeci thirds threes trzydzie thirtys trzyma holds tours tutaj heres twardy hards twarz faces twierdz affirmatives tworzywo staffs yours ty sam yourselfs tydzie weeks tylko onlys types typowy typicals titles ubranie clothess uciec escapes uczciwy honests pupils uczucie feelings teachs uczy learns udawa pretends uderzy udowadnia proves trusts arrangements ukrywa hides reliefs ulica streets ulubione zaj hobbys ulubiony favourites umawia agrees umowa agreements enables umrze minds unions unikalny uniques uniwersytet universitys upada falls uporz dkowa tidys uprzejmy kinds drops uroczy charmings urodziny birthdays urodzony borns spells services usposobienie tempers usprawiedliwia apologizes ustali removes uszkodzi damages miech smiles miecha smiles uwaga attentions look outs uwolni releases uwoni frees uzupe completes yteczny usefuls pregnants po schodach upstairss dzyczasie meanwhiles w poprzek acrosss w przeciwnym przypadku otherwises wakacje holidays walizka suitcases worths warunek conditions ny importants smells narrows tpliwy doubtfuls snakes earlys wczoraj yesterdays enters louses insides wiadomo newss wiatr winds relates widok views widzie wiecz evenings wiedzie knows witchs wiele manys Wielkanoc Easters wielki greats wiersz poems wierzch wierzy believes wiesza hangs countrys wietrzny windys wietrzy towers mores zienie prisons blames blames wines wios wiosna springs wizyta visits soons rulers adza authoritys amywacz burglars asnie justs ciciel owners propers switch ons hairs waters wills prefers wolny slows calls worek wprowadzaj introductorys wprowadzi introduces wraca returns easts rises wskaz hints wskazywa indicates wspania y excellents wspina climbs wspomina recollects wspomnie mentions czesny moderns czucie sympathys pracownik colleagues wstawa rises wstawa get ups wstawi inserts ribbons everywheres lices wszystek wszystko wtedy thens wtorek Tuesdays uncles wy sami yourselvess wybacza forgives wybaczy excuses wybiera chooses choices wybrze seasides wyczerpa exhausts wydarzenie events wydawa spends wydawa seems wygodny comfortables wygra explains tek exceptions wyje leaves exits lectures wykszta cenie educations cznik switchs switch offs wymaga demands invents wynik results wypadek accidents formularz fill ins fulfils wyrazi expresss wyra expressions wyrzuca throw aways poczt posts wysoki talls wysoko highs wysoko heights wystarczy enoughs wystartowa (samolot) take offs sends wyszczeg specifys races slips alongs relatives hills formulas froms z powrotem backs z wyj tkiem excepts afters za granic abroads zabawka zabawny funnys zabroni forbids encourages zachowa preserves zachowywa wests begins zaczyna begins zadanie domowe homeworks zadowolony fonds zagadka riddles zagniewany angrys zagraniczny foreigns zaimek pronouns zainteresowanie interests busys zakaz prohibitions zakupy shoppings depends zamek castles zamiar intentions zamiast insteads zamierza intends zamrozi freezes zamyka close_1s zanieczyszcza pollutes zanika fades zaopatrzy supplys zapach smells zapala lights zapasowy spares acone paids zapomina forgets zaprosi invites zaproszenie invitations zaprzecza denys zarz manages zasada rules replaces zastosowanie zatrzyma stops zaufanie trusts zauwa notices zawiera contains zawstydzony ashameds zawsze alwayss tooths zdanie sentences zdarza happens zdawa spraw reports zderzy crashs photos zdolno abilitys zdolny ables zegar clocks zegarek watchs zepsu break downs teams zezwolenie permissions teeths zgadza agrees zgasi put outs zgina bends zgina crouchs turn ups zgoda agreements zgodnie z tym accordinglys zielony greens ziemia grounds winters zimno colds zimny colds amany brokens evils odziej thiefs spites golds compounds zmartwiony sorrys tires zmiana changes zmienia changes zmienia kierunek reverses senses zmywarka do naczy dishwashers znaczek pocztowy stamps znaczy means signs znale finds znika vanishs znosi bears znowu agains znudzony boreds zobowi zania obligations zobowi obliges zorganizowa arranges zosta stays zrani hurts wears unions zwierz animals tricks brieflys zwolni slow downs zwraca refers zwraca do kogo addresss zwrot phrases zwyczaj habits ordinarys gains neithers agiel sails regrets jokes claims danie demands thats eglowa sails elazo irons nierz soldiers wifes wivess lifes yczenie wishs (sobie) wishs lives wrongs spring 6|8qa *4L A VhQ%7P vmwPY 5j Aj $'mSL }`$$o ( ;ES H-. .] ''EQkW, rNzQI: k2m = *{H&0 s0(lp }H&RJ kU+4B @14} Uk[Vi1 []yD% jI_TI `G@]I}C#< ]9i* > >d. +B$LB% A*D@& Q(eT) RjMTc %K9DTnM o(?~L /mk|C LYiUG =ls$~ D{yd;2A pF8_rG:d, @Xk`# h'rd> !pV=W %|YVyf xe|)2 !"vHIX(+ .+)2VQ B4$ i (6v-M` 6 [J5 ?m\9) UC,Tt R`FMy. p`bQQD FU?]5e) @m]Z6 P+ICX\, MCh#W 7@='0 H[/Z" T[5Lg] 5|8$* 32Z, 8 2R|&*c W5&WB MN!5Y tz&zz Tr%T_ g=\N} Wq-Xe x"Xy]+ bhB*^{3 Gl#EVN f]kD(cd ;l2b.d xS1+1gC kf@6] ##(k; 3S&EZ D][WJ J5ekg~ Fk/ 9Fncn Fc]va `zB ^+^w& !b;JM (>q%2 c"-YG _0sQ$ g/_Sz hE+b) > '{2sR Ga$vA -&hj] #uiY7, *C\fz 2!w( 995zY ,~ 6r WJ4hQ svO~/ I7Yv9 Ga{SJW ]qNIi O.A~# x&``C9 q \xB u)@opr } 1 57vl` 78G>,p (A3p0 wj%C" p NriO 0V}(% Nryy& &THq G b (@& ]j+"x NV8#yMV 2}&x` )6YIS 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