(For Ventana Communications customers.)
With your copy of HoTMetaL PRO, you receive 30 days of free limited support from Ventana Communications. This support includes help with installing HoTMetaL PRO and getting the product up and running.
You can contact Ventana Support at:
email: help@vmedia.com phone: (919) 942-0220 x400
If you require more detailed technical support, or require support after the free 30-day support period, you can purchase it directly from SoftQuad for only $29 (US). Your $29 gets you unlimited support via voice, fax, or email, free minor product upgrades and bug fixes, and announcements about upcoming releases and events.
To order SoftQuad Support, simply send email to sales@sq.com and mention that you want the special support offer for Ventana customers.
Whether or not you decided to purchase support, we'd appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to fill in this registration `card'. If you're connected to the Web you can submit it to SoftQuad by clicking on the Submit Registration button at the bottom of the form. Otherwise, you can print it with your browser and fax it to SoftQuad at (416) 239-7105.