If you're a corporate administrator, the IEAK Profile Manager can help you maintain your versions of Internet Explorer by providing quick and easy access to system settings. You can use the IEAK Profile Manager to create, save, and load .ins files. You can configure user options from a central location.
You can use an automatic configuration URL to automatically point your users' browsers to the IEAK Profile. You can either specify the .ins file, or create and specify an Active Server Page (ASP) file that generates an .ins file automatically. For more information about using .asp files to generate .ins files, see the IEAK Resource Kit.
You can also specify script files in .js, .jvs, or .pac format that enable you to configure and maintain advanced proxy settings. If you specify URLs for both automatic configuration and automatic proxy (auto-proxy), the auto-proxy URL will be incorporated into the .ins file. The correct form for the URL is http://share/test.ins.
In the IEAK wizard, you are prompted for the automatic configuration and auto-proxy script URLs. To enable automatic configuration, carry out the following steps:
To run the IEAK Profile Manager
By default, the .ins file is named Install.ins.
To modify settings, click Wizard Settings or System Policies and Restrictions to display the categories of settings.Enter the path to your .ins file, the URL to your .cab files, and the names of your .cab files if they differ from the defaults provided.
For more information about the settings, see the ISP/INS Reference Guide.
The default location for saving the .ins file is the folder within the Ie4site folder that contains the installation package for your browser. For example, in English versions, the folder is named En. If you want to move the file, you must make sure to specify the correct path to your .cab files, put the Ie4sites.dat file in this location, and make sure the download sites you specified are correct.
If the version number of the .ins file doesn't change, new .cab files will not be downloaded. The version number consists of the date the .ins file was modified and the number of times the file has been revised.