to [845] Holin Datentechnik PO Box 1147 65432 Florsheim Germany Fax: +49 6145 941889 R E G I S T R A T I O N : ========================= Yes, I have tested PC-CONFIG and would like to register. Please send the latest version as soon as possible! Prices: Standard version: 39,- DM / 22,- US$ or equivalent in YOUR currency Standard version with Cyrix-Speedup: 49,- DM / 27,- US$ Commercial version: 99,- DM / 55,- US$ Add package 3,- DM / 2,- US$ for shipping in Europe Add package 4,- DM / 3,- US$ for shipping outside Europe No C.O.D.! ( ) I pay by check or cash (checks only in YOUR currency). ( ) Please charge my creditcard: ( ) Visa, ( ) Master/EURO, ( ) Amex ( ) JCB, ( ) Diners Club Credit card #: ............................... Exp. date: ............ The name as it appears on the card: .................................. The signature of its owner authorizing us to debit it for the amount indicated above: .......................... I want ( ) pcs. on 3.5" Disk ( ) send to my email :...................................... ( ) english ( ) german version ( ) standard version ( ) standard version with cyrix-speedup ( ) commercial version (see CONFIG.TXT) Name/Company........................................................ Address: ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ E-Mail/Fax: ........................................................ ........................................................ Date Signature ============================= cut here ==================================== You may also register via compuserve in GO SWREG forum. CONFIG is number 3879. see for the latest version