13056 Schedule Manager 13057 Version 1.0 13076 Schedule Manager started 13077 Schedule Manager shutdown complete 13078 Error initializing Schedule Manager 13079 SchedMgr: Unknown console command 13080 SchedMgr: Error retrieving from message queue 13081 SchedMgr: Error processing calendar events for database %p 13082 SchedMgr: Error encountered while scanning system for calendar databases 13083 SchedMgr: Error encountered while scanning calendar database %p for events 13084 Can not find calendar profile document 13085 Can not find owner in profile 13086 SchedMgr: Error looking up user %a in Name and Address Book 13087 SchedMgr: Error initializing console command queue 13088 SchedMgr: The Schedule Manager is already running 13089 SchedMgr: Error processing calendar profile document (NoteID: NT%08lx) in database %p 13090 SchedMgr: Error processing appointment document (NoteID: NT%08lx) in database %p 13091 Can't find appointment start time 13092 Can't find appointment end time 13093 SchedMgr: Error processing appointment document (UNID OF%08lx:%08lx-ON%08lx:%08lx) in database %p 13096 SchedMgr: Error checking new database %p for calendar events 13097 SchedMgr: Error retrieving message from new database event queue 13098 Can't find Schedule Database template file 13099 Can't find ($Profiles) view in database 13100 Can't find any CalendarProfile doc in database 13101 Can't find $BusyName item in appointment document 13102 Can not find existing Schedule database %p, creating a new one 13103 Error validating user %a while processing calendar appointment (NoteID: NT%08lx) in database %p 13104 Can't find user in Name and Address Book 13105 SHOW 13106 SchedMgr: Error adding busytime entry to schedule database for user %a 13107 SchedMgr: Error purging old schedule events 13108 SchedMgr: Error validating entries in Schedule Database 13109 SchedMgr: Error validating entry: %a in Schedule Database 13110 VALIDATE 13111 SchedMgr: Validating Schedule Database 13112 SchedMgr: Done validating Schedule Database 13113 SchedMgr: User %a not found in schedule database 13114 SchedMgr: No busy time info for user %a 13115 SchedMgr: %a is busy from %z to %z 13116 SchedMgr: No event scheduled for user %a 13117 SchedMgr: Show Schedule error 13118 $BusyName item in appointment document is empty 13119 Owner item in profile document is empty 13120 Must specify user name 13121 CHECKENTRIES 13122 SchedMgr: Error checking schedule entries for %a 13123 SchedMgr: Done checking entries 13124 SchedMgr: Error checking schedule entries 13125 SchedMgr: Warning: Multiple matches found for %a in Name & Address Book, using 1st one found 13126 SchedMgr: %a is penciled in from %z to %z 13127 SchedMgr: Error validating entry for %a in Schedule Database 13128 SchedMgr: Done validating %a 13129 SchedMgr: %a has %d appointment(s) 13130 SchedMgr: Total of %d users/resources with a total of %d appts/reservations 13131 SchedMgr: Error calculating stats for %a 13132 STATS 13133 SchedMgr: %a has %d reservation(s) 13134 SchedMgr: Total of %d user(s) with a total of %d appointment(s) 13135 SchedMgr: Total of %d resource(s) with a total of %d reservation(s) 13136 Can not open existing Schedule database %p, attempting to delete and recreate it 13256 Initializing 13257 Terminating 13258 Searching for calendar databases 13259 Idle 13260 Checking calendar events in database %p 13261 Validating entry %a in Schedule Database 13262 Checking schedule entries for %a 13263 Calculating statistics for %a