Lotus BeanMachine Reference


Use the Button to display a common push button.

Button Properties

background color The background color of the button
font The font of the label
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
label The text that is displayed on the button

Button Actions

disable Makes the button inactive
enable Makes the button active
hide Makes the button invisible
show Makes the button visible

Button Events

clicked The button was clicked
got focus The button has gotten focus
lost focus The button has lost focus
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the button
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the button


Use the Checkbox to display a control for turning options on or off.

Checkbox Properties

background color The background color of the checkbox
font The font of the label
foreground color The color of the label
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
label The text displayed in the checkbox
state Is the checkbox checked or not?

Checkbox Actions

disable Makes the checkbox inactive
enable Makes the checkbox active
hide Makes the checkbox invisible
show Makes the checkbox visible

Checkbox Events

got focus The checkbox has gotten focus
lost focus The checkbox has lost focus
clicked The checkbox was clicked, changing its state
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the checkbox
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the checkbox


Use the Choice to display a drop-down list of choices.

Choice Properties

background color The background color of the choice
font The font of the text
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
selected index The position of the selected item in the list
selected item The item selected in the list

Choice Actions

add item Adds an item to the list
disable Makes the choice inactive
enable Makes the choice active
hide Makes the choice invisible
remove item Deletes an item from the list
clear Removes all the items from the list
select item Selects an item in the list
show Makes the choice visible

Choice Events

got focus The choice has gotten focus
lost focus The choice has lost focus
item selected An item was selected
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the choice
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the choice


Use the Label to display a single line of text.

Label Properties

alignment Justification of the text, either left, center, or right
background color The background color of the label
font The font of the text
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
label The text displayed in the label part

Label Actions

hide Makes the label invisible
show Makes the label visible

Label Events


Use the List to display a list of items.

List Properties

background color The background color of the list
font The font of the text
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
multiple selections Does the list allow multiple selections?
selected index The numerical index of the selected item in the list
selected item The text of the selected item in the list

List Actions

add item Adds an item to the list
deselect Deselects an item
disable Makes the list inactive
enable Makes the list active
hide Makes the list invisible
remove index Deletes an item at an index
clear Removes all items from the list
select index Selects an item
show Makes the list visible

List Events

item double-clicked An item was double-clicked
got focus The list has gotten focus
lost focus The list has lost focus
item selected An item was selected
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the list
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the list


Use the Panel to create an area that contains other parts.

Panel Properties

background color The background color of the panel
font The default font of parts in the panel
foreground color The default foreground color of parts in the panel
layout The arrangement of parts inside this part
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part

Panel Actions

disable Makes the panel inactive
enable Makes the panel active
hide Makes the panel invisible
show Makes the panel visible

Panel Events

mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the panel
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the panel
mouse down The mouse was pressed down over the panel
mouse up The mouse was released over the panel

Text Area

Use the Text Area to display and edit more than one line of text.

Text Area Properties

background color The background color of the text area
editable Can the text in this text area be changed?
font The font of the text
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
text The text displayed in the text area

Text Area Actions

append Adds text to the end of the text area
disable Makes the text area inactive
enable Makes the text area active
hide Makes the text area invisible
insert Adds more text to the text area
select all Highlights all the text
show Makes the text area visible

Text Area Events

got focus The text area has gotten focus
lost focus The text area has lost focus
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the text area
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the text area
mouse down The mouse was pressed down over the text area
mouse up The mouse was released over the text area
text changed The text inside the text area has changed

Text Field

Use the Text Field to display and edit one line of text.

Text Field Properties

background color The background color of the text field
echo character The password echo character
editable Can the text in this text field be changed?
font The font of the text
foreground color The color of the text
name The name of this part inside the applet
size and position The size and location of this part
text The text displayed in the text field

Text Field Actions

disable Makes the text field inactive
enable Makes the text field active
hide Makes the text field invisible
show Makes the text field visible

Text Field Events

enter key pressed The enter key was pressed inside the text field
got focus The text field has gotten focus
lost focus The text field has lost focus
mouse enter The mouse cursor moved over the text field
mouse exit The mouse cursor moved away from the text field
mouse down The mouse was pressed down over the text field
mouse up The mouse was released over the text field
text changed The text in the text field has changed