Getting Started with Lotus BeanMachine

Making a connection

Before we get back to that connection, select the Animation part and set its auto start property to no. When set to yes the auto start property tells the animation to play automatically as soon as the applet starts. In this case, however, we want to play the animation when the button is clicked.

Now, about that connection. First, you'll need to make sure the button is selected. There are three ways to tell which part is currently selected in the Composer. A selected part will display selection handles, its name will be displayed in the title bar of the Details window, and its name will be displayed in the Selected Part drop-down list of the main toolbar. With the rollover button selected, the title bar of the Details window should now read Details - 3LostSoulsButton. Click on the Connections tab. The connection list is empty because you haven't yet connected your rollover button to anything.

You'll create this connection by working from left to right. Select the first cell under When. A drop-down list appears showing you all the events that can be started from the rollover button. Since we want the animation to play when the rollover button is clicked, select clicked from the list.

Next, select the cell under Part. A list appears showing you all the parts currently in the applet that you can connect to your rollover button. Select Animation1 from the list.

The last cell is the Do list. This list shows all the things you can tell the animation part to do when the button is clicked. To make the animation start when the button is clicked, select the start action. That's it -- your connection is complete!

Next we'll learn how to save and test your applet.

saving and testing your applet