Welcome to VistaPE Project!
Current version is v12 RC1 from 21.10.2008.
Please update WinBuilder to latest version (075), you can download it here or here.
Thank you very much Markus Debus and others for assistance with this update! The final version will be available in November!
- Changed: in 01-preconfig.script changed "c:\Program Files" to %ProgramFiles% (will fill in the correct path)
- Fixed: typo in line 36 penetcfg.script (QuickLaunch)
- Fixed: InternetExplorer 7 searches for proxy even if disabled (delays startup of ie7)
- Fixed: you get two ie icons on desktop when the checkbox for the ie icon is set
- Changed: modified some IE7 settings
- Added: in 00-config-base.script added option to set "Screen Resolution" to 0x0 (=keep default resolution)
- Changed: hidden files and extensions were not shown in explorer (and some other settings)
- Changed: Some text in 00-postconfig.script
- Added: Wallpaper script (put the wallpaper you want in %basedir%\Templates\wallpaper and enable script)
- Changed: vmware script to add the option to automatically start booting the VM and to exit VMWare when VM powers off
- Fixed: some Problems when WB and VPE were in a folder with spaces in the name e.g.: "c:\my PE disc"
- Info: screen resolution can be changed by vistapeloader (in the tray) selecting pe tools->display mode
- Updated: link to virtual box in script http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- Changed: WinRE needs some extra files and added check for "common files script" which is needed for WinRE
- Changed: VMWARE script deletes some more settings on vmware start and removed 10 second delay
- Changed: memtest as seperate OtherOs script
- Fixed: InternetExplorer 7 can not open "internet setting" fixed by adding some files to the additional files script that are needed by ie7 and other programs
- Changed: IE7 will only be added if also explorer script is selected
- Changed: "Standard", "Multiboot" or "Direct from cd/DVD" as radio buttons and better info
- Fixed: IE7 favorites bug when including mmc script (error is in classes.reg from mmc script, removed some ie related settings, hope nothing else is effected)
- updated some scripts, removed typos and added some text
- fixed locale script for spanish
- added orientation (from Max_Real Qnx) to wallpaper script
- many small changes and bugfixes
- added onbuildexit function to unmount wim
- Fix some WinRE issue
- Updated: 7-Zip 4.60
- Updated: Recuva 1.19
- Updated: TestDisk 6.11 WIP
- Updated: CubicExplorer (SVN Snapshot)
- Updated: FOXIT PDF Reader 2.3
- Updated: TotalCommander 7.04a
- Added: PartedMagic 3.1
- Added: DiskCryptor 0.4
- Removed: Arora Browser
- fix IE7 desktop icons
- new GRUB Invaders
- updated TestDisk 6.11 WIP
- updated Recuva 1.16
- updated System Info 2008-07-15
- updated Far 1.80 b531
- updated WinSCP 4.1.5
- updated TrueCrypt 6.0a
- updated BGInfo script
- updated Process Explorer
- updated API script
- updated "Basic configuration and tools" script
- updated Explorer Vista
- updated Grub4Dos
- updated PostConfig
- updated "Run ISO in VirtualBox" script
- updated "Run ISO in VMware" script
- updated "Base Files" script
- LAN drivers fixed
- PeNetCfg shortcuts
- Opera 9.50
- new download link for LanSpy script
- updated "PostConfig" script