Toolbar has two parts - the first of which is the static component "search", it provides you with the ability to perform textual search through all your eM Client contents.
The second provides you with different quick-access options depending on which section of eM Client you are currently working with. When you are in the email section, the email toolbar is shown which provides you with quick access to various email operations. The same toolbar will provide you with different options to perform different operations when you are in calendar mode or task mode.
The Menu contains seven further option menus- file, edit, view, actions, Instant Messaging, tools,and help.
Menu File has many items:
New - You can create a new email, even, contact and task.
Open - You can open a saved email (an eml file).
Save as - You can save a chosen email to an eml file.
Import - You can import files to eM Client.
Export - You can export data from eM Client.
Work offline - When you choose this setting, your eM Client will work without connecting to Internet. If you send an email, it will be saved and it will be sent after connecting to Internet.
Exit - If you click on this button, eM Client will be closed.
Back to menu.
Menu Edit has many items:
Copy - When you click on this button, it will make a copy of head and body of selected email.
Select all - All emails will be selected.
Find -
Move to folder... - You can move selected item to another folder.
You can select existing folder or create a new folder. It is necessary to choose account when new folder will be created.
Copy to folder... - You can copy selected item to another folder. You have to selected a folder - the same window (as by moving item) is shown.
Delete - The selected item will be deleted.
Empty trash - The emails in trash box will be deleted.
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Menu view has many items:
Columns... - You can select columns which you want to see in the list of emails. You can change the order of columns.
Layout - You can change position of panel with messages - Messages on the bottom, Messages on the right, Messages panel off.
Previous message - The selected item is changed to previous message.
Next message - The selected item is changed to next message.
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Menu Tools has many items:
Send and receive - You can send a receive all, or just receive all or send all for all accounts. You can send and receive all messages just for one account.
Contacts... - You can find the contact with writing some letters from the name of contact.
Rules... - You create a rules here. For example - Emails from Thomas - you don't want to get emails from Thomas, so you can make a filter. You can find more information in topic Rules.
Settings... - When you click on this button, window with setting will be shown. More information about setting you can find in topic Settings.
Accounts... - When you click on this button, window to work with accounts will be shown. Yo u can find more information in the topic Accounts.
IM contact import...
When you have contacts in the server, you can import them by this menu.
IM contact subscription...
In this window, you can authorize a contact or ignore it.
Back to menu.
Menu Actions has many items:
Reply... - When you click on this button, you will reply to select email.
Reply to all... - When you click on this button, you will reply to all people in select email. (for example to people in CC)
Forward... - You can send selected email to another person.
Mark as read... - You can mark your unread email as read.
Mark as unread... - You can mark your email as unread. It is useful when you read an email but you don't have a time to answer it so you can mark it as unread.
Move to folder... - You can move selected item to another folder.
Back to menu.
This section of the menu lists the operations pertaining to the instant messaging module of eM Client. You can find a fuller description of each of these operations in the Instant Messaging chapter.
Back to menu.
Menu Help has many items:
Contents - When you click on this button, window with documentation to eM Client will show.
About - You can click on this button to see more information about eM Client.
Back to menu.
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