65264 Loading... 65265 Saving... 65266 Converting... 65267 Rendering... 65268 Copying... 65269 Optimizing... 65280 Invalid GIF data 65281 Image height too small for contained frames 65282 Image width too small for contained frames 65283 Failed to store GIF on clipboard 65284 Image exceeds Logical Screen size 65285 No global or local color table defined 65286 Invalid pixel coordinates 65287 Unsupported PixelFormat 65288 Invalid image dimensions 65289 Image has no DIB 65290 Invalid stream operation 65291 Color not in color table 65292 Color table is empty 65293 Image is empty 65294 Invalid reduction method 65295 GIF Image 65296 Color table overflow 65297 Invalid color index 65298 Unsupported GIF version 65299 Invalid GIF signature 65300 Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor 65301 Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor 65302 Unknown extension type 65303 Invalid extension introducer 65304 Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB 65305 Decoder bit buffer under-run 65306 Circular decoder table entry 65307 Invalid Image trailer 65308 Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label 65309 Unsupported Application Extension block size 65310 Unknown GIF block type 65311 Object type not supported for operation 65312 Clipboard does not support Icons 65313 Cannot open clipboard 65314 Text exceeds memo capacity 65315 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form 65316 Docked control must have a name 65317 Error removing control from dock tree 65318 - Dock zone not found 65319 - Dock zone has no control 65320 Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d. 65321 ANSI 65322 ASCII 65323 Unicode 65324 Big Endian Unicode 65325 UTF-8 65326 UTF-7 65327 Premature end of data 65328 Enter 65329 Space 65330 PgUp 65331 PgDn 65332 End 65333 Home 65334 Left 65335 Up 65336 Right 65337 Down 65338 Ins 65339 Del 65340 Shift+ 65341 Ctrl+ 65342 Alt+ 65343 Value must be between %d and %d 65344 Information 65345 Confirm 65346 &Yes 65347 &No 65348 OK 65349 Cancel 65350 &Help 65351 &Abort 65352 &Retry 65353 &Ignore 65354 &All 65355 N&o to All 65356 Yes to &All 65357 BkSp 65358 Tab 65359 Esc 65360 Cancel 65361 &Yes 65362 &No 65363 &Help 65364 &Close 65365 &Ignore 65366 &Retry 65367 Abort 65368 &All 65369 Cannot drag a form 65370 Metafiles 65371 Enhanced Metafiles 65372 Icons 65373 Bitmaps 65374 Warning 65375 Error 65376 Error creating window device context 65377 Error creating window class 65378 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 65379 Control '%s' has no parent window 65380 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form 65381 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide 65382 Cannot make a visible window modal 65383 %s property out of range 65384 Menu index out of range 65385 Menu inserted twice 65386 Sub-menu is not in menu 65387 Not enough timers available 65388 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex 65389 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 65390 A control cannot have itself as its parent 65391 OK 65392 No topic-based help system installed 65393 Bitmap image is not valid 65394 Icon image is not valid 65395 Metafile is not valid 65396 Invalid pixel format 65397 Scan line index out of range 65398 Cannot change the size of an icon 65399 Unknown picture file extension (.%s) 65400 Unsupported clipboard format 65401 Out of system resources 65402 Canvas does not allow drawing 65403 Invalid image size 65404 Invalid ImageList 65405 Invalid ImageList Index 65406 Failed to read ImageList data from stream 65407 Failed to write ImageList data to stream 65408 Error reading %s%s%s: %s 65409 Stream read error 65410 Property is read-only 65411 Failed to get data for '%s' 65412 Resource %s not found 65413 %s.Seek not implemented 65414 Operation not allowed on sorted list 65415 %s not in a class registration group 65416 Property %s does not exist 65417 Stream write error 65418 Thread creation error: %s 65419 Thread Error: %s (%d) 65420 Unable to find a Table of Contents 65421 No help found for %s 65422 No context-sensitive help installed 65423 No help found for context 65424 Class %s not found 65425 A class named %s already exists 65426 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) 65427 A component named %s already exists 65428 String list does not allow duplicates 65429 Cannot create file "%s". %s 65430 Cannot open file "%s". %s 65431 Invalid stream format 65432 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 65433 Invalid property path 65434 Invalid property value 65435 Invalid data type for '%s' 65436 List capacity out of bounds (%d) 65437 List count out of bounds (%d) 65438 List index out of bounds (%d) 65439 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 65440 Wed 65441 Thu 65442 Fri 65443 Sat 65444 Sunday 65445 Monday 65446 Tuesday 65447 Wednesday 65448 Thursday 65449 Friday 65450 Saturday 65451 Ancestor for '%s' not found 65452 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 65453 Bits index out of range 65454 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 65455 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread 65456 Dec 65457 January 65458 February 65459 March 65460 April 65461 May 65462 June 65463 July 65464 August 65465 September 65466 October 65467 November 65468 December 65469 Sun 65470 Mon 65471 Tue 65472 %s (%s, line %d) 65473 Abstract Error 65474 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p 65475 System Error. Code: %d. \n%s 65476 A call to an OS function failed 65477 Jan 65478 Feb 65479 Mar 65480 Apr 65481 May 65482 Jun 65483 Jul 65484 Aug 65485 Sep 65486 Oct 65487 Nov 65488 Variant or safe array index out of bounds 65489 Variant or safe array is locked 65490 Invalid variant type conversion 65491 Invalid variant operation 65492 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s 65493 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65494 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65495 Variant overflow 65496 Invalid argument 65497 Invalid variant type 65498 Operation not supported 65499 Unexpected variant error 65500 External exception %x 65501 Assertion failed 65502 Interface not supported 65503 Exception in safecall method 65504 Floating point underflow 65505 Invalid pointer operation 65506 Invalid class typecast 65507 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65508 Access violation 65509 Stack overflow 65510 Control-C hit 65511 Privileged instruction 65512 Exception %s in module %s at %p. \n%s%s \n 65513 Application Error 65514 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65515 No argument for format '%s' 65516 Variant method calls not supported 65517 Read 65518 Write 65519 Error creating variant or safe array 65520 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65521 Out of memory 65522 I/O error %d 65523 File not found 65524 Invalid filename 65525 Too many open files 65526 File access denied 65527 Read beyond end of file 65528 Disk full 65529 Invalid numeric input 65530 Division by zero 65531 Range check error 65532 Integer overflow 65533 Invalid floating point operation 65534 Floating point division by zero 65535 Floating point overflow