100 Operation: 101 Context: 102 Error-specific details: 103 Failure: 104 Error 105 Unknown error 200 Executing Asynchronous Operation 201 Cancel Asynchronous Operation 202 Query Asyncronous Operation 203 Initialize For Backup 204 Initialize For Restore 205 Load XML document 207 Writer Getting Backup State 208 Writer Getting Restore State 209 PrepareForBackup event 210 Abort Backup 211 Instantiating VSS server 212 Gather writers' status 213 BackupComplete Event 214 PreRestore Event 215 PostRestore Event 216 Writer Getting Backup Document 217 Writer Modifying Modifying Backup Document 218 Writer Getting XML Content 219 Writer Exposing its State 220 Writer Exposing its Metadata 221 Processing Writer Data 222 Gathering Writer Data 223 Initializing Writer 224 Aborting Writer 225 Monitoring Freeze Timeout 226 PrepareForSnapshot Event 227 Freeze Event 228 Thaw Event 229 PostSnapshot Event 230 BackupShutdown Event 231 Subscribing Writer 301 Set Snapshot Context 302 Start a Shadow Copy Set 303 Add a Volume to a Shadow Copy Set 304 Take a Shadow Copy 305 Delete Shadow Copies 306 Query Shadow Copies 307 Break a Shadow Copy set 308 Prepare for Fast Recovery 309 Perform Fast Recovery 310 Import Shadow Copies 311 Get Shadow Copy Properties 312 Check If Volume Is Supported by Provider 313 Expose a Shadow Copy 314 Unexpose a Shadow Copy 315 Revert a Shadow Copy 401 Checking whether volume is shadow copied 402 Registering Provider 403 Unregistering Provider 404 Creating instance of hardware provider 405 Processing BeginPrepareSnapshot 406 Processing EndPrepareSnapshots 407 Processing PreCommitSnapshots 408 Processing PostCommitSnapshots 409 Processing PreFinalCommitSnapshots 410 Processing PostFinalCommitSnapshots 411 Processing AbortSnapshots 412 Processing a shadow-copy volume removal 413 Removing auto-release shadow copies 414 Notifying hardware provider to free a drive 415 Removing dynamic disks 416 Locating shadow-copy LUNs 417 Listing the system's hidden volumes 418 Performing a PNP rescan 419 Finalizing shadow-copy import 420 Obtaining provider management interface 421 Query volumes supported by this provider 422 Query shadow copies on the given volume 423 Obtain the minimum diff-area size 424 Automatically choosing a diff-area volume 425 Adding a diff-area association 426 Changing diff-area maximum size 427 Query volumes usable as diff areas 428 Query diff area for this volume 429 Query diff areas on this volume 430 Query diff areas for this shadow copy 431 Upgrading diff-area associations 432 Querying revert status 433 Committing shadow copies 434 Loading provider 435 Unloading provider 436 Obtain a callable interface for this provider 437 List interfaces for all providers supporting this context 500 OnIdentify event 501 PrepareForBackup event 502 PrepareForSnapshot event 503 OnFreeze event 504 OnThaw event 505 OnPostSnapshot event 506 OnAbort event 507 OnBackupComplete event 508 OnBackupShutdown event 509 OnPreRestore event 510 OnPostRestoreEvent 600 Connecting to SQL Server 601 Executing SQL command 602 Locating SQL Server databases 603 Preparing SQL Server for backup 604 Freezing SQL Server 605 Thawing SQL Server 606 Preparing to restore SQL Server 607 Finalizing SQL Server restore 5000 Current State 5001 Writer Instance ID 5002 Writer Class Id 5003 Writer Name 5004 Writer Instance Name 5005 Component Logical Path 5006 Component Name 5007 File Path 5008 File Name 5009 Provider ID 5010 Volume Name 5011 Writer Instance Name 5012 Execution Context 5013 Snapshot Context 5014 Snapshot ID 5015 Class ID 5016 Provider Name 5017 Provider Version 5018 Diff-area volume 5019 Diff-area maximum size 5020 Server Name 5021 Database Name 5022 Instance Name 5023 Command Name 6000 Setting volume protection level to %d 6001 Getting volume protection status 6002 Clearing volume protection fault 6003 Deleting unused diff area files 6004 Break a Shadow Copy set using BreakSnapshotSetEx 6005 Snapshot Set ID 6006 Device 6007 Perform TxF Recovery 6008 None 6009 Exposing Disks 6010 Examining Detected Disk 6011 Exposing Volumes 6012 Examining Detected Hidden Volume 6013 Exposing Recovered Volumes 6014 Examining Detected Volume 6015 Break input flags 6016 Break with LUN mask 6017 Break with signature change and reinstall 6018 Deleting Volume