101 &About verifier... 102 Driver Verifier Manager 103 Cannot load program name. 104 Not enough memory to run this program. 105 Please select some tests before going to the next step. 106 Cannot find system directory. 107 No drivers found. 108 Cannot find current directory. 109 Cannot set current directory to %s. 110 Cannot get active drivers list: status %#x 111 Name 112 Description 113 Loading driver information... 114 Searching for unsigned drivers... 115 The list of unsigned drivers chosen to be verified: 116 The list of drivers built for old versions of Windows chosen to be verified: 117 118 Settings type: 119 Typical 120 Custom 121 Built for old versions of Windows 122 Unsigned 123 All 124 Drivers 125 Verify? 126 Provider 127 Version 128 Drivers to verify 129 Disabled 130 Enabled 131 Click Next to create standard settings.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the drivers to verify. 132 Click Next to create custom settings.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the custom settings and list of drivers to verify. 133 Click Next to display statistics about the currently verified drivers. 134 Click Finish to delete all the existing verifier settings and exit this program. 135 This selection deletes all Driver Verifier settings and ends the program. Do you want to continue? 136 Click Next to verify all unsigned drivers installed on this computer. A list of these drivers will be displayed.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 137 Click Finish to verify all the drivers installed on this computer. The current settings will be saved and this program will exit.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 138 Click Next to manually select the drivers to verify from a list of all the drivers installed on this computer.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 139 Click Next to verify all the drivers installed on this computer that are built for older versions of Windows. A list of these drivers will be displayed.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 140 Click Finish to verify this list of drivers. The current settings will be saved and this program will exit.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings or to select another set of drivers to verify. 141 Click Finish after selecting the drivers to verify. The current settings will be saved and this program will exit.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create or to select another set of drivers to verify. 142 Click Next to enable any checked-off predefined settings.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the drivers or disks to verify. 143 Click Next to manually select verifier settings from a full list.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the drivers to verify. 144 Click Next after you have selected the settings you want to create.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the drivers or disks to verify. 145 Access is denied 146 RegOpenKeyEx('%s') failed: error %u 147 RegSetValueEx('%s') failed: error %u 148 No drivers built for older versions of Windows have been found. 149 No unsigned drivers have been found. 150 RegDeleteValue('%s') failed: error %u 151 Status 152 Never Loaded 153 Unloaded 154 Loaded 155 The coverage for pool allocation verification is only %I64u%%. Adding more physical memory to this computer could improve your coverage. 158 Cannot get verifier information, error %x\n 159 Click Next to display global counters for the currently verified drivers or Back to create or delete verifier settings. 160 /? 161 /reset 162 /log 163 /interval 194 Cannot append to file %s\n 195 Cannot write to file %s\n 196 Error: Cannot get verifier state\n 197 No drivers are currently verified.\n 198 Level: %08X\n 199 RaiseIrqls: %u\n 200 AcquireSpinLocks: %u\n 201 SynchronizeExecutions: %u\n 202 AllocationsAttempted: %u\n 203 AllocationsSucceeded: %u\n 204 AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool: %u\n 205 AllocationsWithNoTag: %u\n 206 AllocationsFailed: %u\n 207 AllocationsFailedDeliberately: %u\n 208 Trims: %u\n 209 UnTrackedPool: %u\n 210 \nVerified drivers:\n 211 Name: %s, loads: %u, unloads: %u\n 212 CurrentPagedPoolAllocations: %u\n 213 CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations: %u\n 214 PeakPagedPoolAllocations: %u\n 215 PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations: %u\n 216 PagedPoolUsageInBytes: %u\n 217 NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes: %u\n 218 PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes: %u\n 219 PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes: %u\n 220 /query 221 /flags 222 /all 223 /volatile 224 /driver 225 /adddriver 226 /removedriver 227 An error occurred while trying to change the system settings. 228 Cannot enable verification for %s.\nThis functionality is not supported in this version of the operating system. 229 Cannot enable verification for %s.\nThis error occurs if this computer was not booted with a list of drivers to verify. 230 Cannot enable verification for %s.\nThis error occurs if the driver is currently loaded. 231 Cannot enable verification for %s: insufficient resources are available. 232 Cannot enable verification for %s: access is denied. 233 Cannot enable verification for %s: error %08X. 234 Cannot disable verification for %s.\nThis error occurs if this computer was not booted with a list of drivers to verify. 235 Cannot disable verification for %s.\nThis error occurs if the driver is currently loaded. 236 Cannot disable verification for %s: insufficient resources are available. 237 Cannot disable verification for %s: access is denied. 238 Cannot disable verification for %s: error %08X. 239 No settings were changed. 240 \nThe changed settings are:\n\n 250 \nThe new settings are in effect until you restart this computer\nor change them again. 255 You must restart this computer for the changes to take effect. 256 Please select at least one driver to verify before continuing. To disable the verifier click the Back button until the first step and select "Delete existing settings". 257 Enabled? 258 Test Type 259 Special pool 260 Pool tracking 261 I/O verification 262 Enhanced I/O verification 263 Force IRQL checking 264 Deadlock detection 265 DMA checking 266 Low resources simulation 267 Yes 268 No 269 /standard 272 RegQueryValueEx('%s') failed: error %u 273 Click Finish to exit this program or Back to create or delete verifier settings. 274 Verify all drivers installed on this computer. 275 Verify these drivers: 276 Counter 277 Value 278 Click Next to display counters specific to each of the currently verified drivers.\n\nClick Back to redisplay the current verifier settings and the list of verified drivers. 279 Pool allocations attempted 280 Pool allocations succeeded 281 Pool allocations succeeded in special pool 282 Pool allocations without tag 283 Pool allocations not tracked 284 Pool allocations failed 285 Faults injected 286 IRQL raises 287 Spinlocks acquired 288 Executions synchronized 289 Trims 290 Paged pool - number of allocations 291 Paged pool - peak number of allocations 292 Paged pool - bytes allocated 293 Paged pool - peak bytes allocated 294 Non paged pool - number of allocations 295 Non paged pool - peak number of allocations 296 Non paged pool - bytes allocated 297 Non paged pool - peak bytes allocated 298 Click Finish to exit this program.\n\nClick Back to redisplay the global verifier counters. 299 "Too many files were selected." 300 Cannot open file(s): error %u 301 The driver %s is already in the list. 302 /querysettings 303 \nVerified drivers:\n 304 \n\nNew verifier settings:\n 305 None 306 Click Next to display the current verifier settings. 307 Disk integrity checking 308 Disk 309 Please select at least one disk to verify before continuing. To disable the verifier click the Back button until the first step and select "Delete existing settings". 310 Click Finish after selecting the disks to verify. The current settings will be saved and this program will exit.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 311 Click Next to verify all the drivers installed on this computer. You will then be asked to select the disks to verify.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 312 Cannot get device list 313 No devices match the name specified (%s) 314 Cannot set device registry properties 315 Cannot get device registry properties 316 Click Next to verify this list of drivers. You will then be asked to select the disks to verify.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings or to select another set of drivers to verify. 317 Click Next after selecting the drivers to verify. You will then be asked to select the disks to verify.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create or to select another set of drivers to verify. 318 /disk 319 \nVerified disks:\n 320 Miscellaneous checks 321 Force pending I/O requests 322 Force pending I/O requests cannot be enabled without Enhanced I/O verification.\n\nWould you like to enable Enhanced I/O verification too? 324 Driver %s will not be verified 325 Driver %s will be verified 326 - disabled from now on.\n 327 - enabled from now on.\n 328 IRP Logging cannot be enabled without Enhanced I/O verification.\n\nWould you like to enable Enhanced I/O verification too? 329 IRP Logging 330 /faults 331 Warning - ignoring unexpected parameter: %s. 332 Cannot set fault injection parameters: status %#x 333 Security checks 334 \nLow Resources Simulation options:\n 335 - Use default fault injection probability. 336 - Fault injection probability: %u/%u. 337 - Allocations using any pool tag can be failed. 338 - Fail only allocations using pool tags: %s. 339 - Simulate low resources conditions in any application. 340 - Simulate low resources conditions only in applications: %s. 341 Click Next to use the current Low Resource Simulation settings.\n\nYou will then be asked to select the drivers to verify.\n\nClick Back to review or change the settings you want to create. 342 System default value 343 Any applications 344 Any tags 345 \nNew Low Resources Simulation options:\n 346 - Boot time delay: %u minutes. 401 Driver Verifier Manager - version %S\n 403 404 verifier /standard /driver NAME [NAME ...] 405 verifier /standard /all 406 verifier [/disk] [ /flags FLAGS ] [/faults [PROBABILITY [TAGS [APPLICATIONS [MINUTES]]]] /driver NAME [NAME ...] 407 verifier [/disk] [ /flags FLAGS ] [/faults [PROBABILITY [TAGS [APPLICATIONS [MINUTES]]]] /all 408 verifier /querysettings 409 verifier /volatile /flags FLAGS 410 verifier /volatile /adddriver NAME [NAME ...] 411 verifier /volatile /removedriver NAME [NAME ...] 412 verifier /volatile /faults [PROBABILITY [TAGS [APPLICATIONS]] 413 verifier /reset 414 verifier /query 415 verifier /log LOG_FILE_NAME [/interval SECONDS] 416 417 FLAGS must be a number in decimal or hex, combination of bits: 418 419 bit 0 - special pool checking 420 bit 1 - force irql checking 421 bit 2 - low resources simulation 422 bit 3 - pool tracking 423 bit 4 - I/O verification 424 bit 5 - deadlock detection 425 bit 6 - enhanced I/O verification 426 bit 7 - DMA verification 427 bit 8 - security checks 428 bit 9 - force pending I/O requests 429 bit 10 - IRP logging 430 bit 11 - miscellaneous checks 431 432 For example, /flags 27 is equivalent with /flags 0x1B 433 434 The /volatile option can be used to change the verifier settings 435 dynamically without restarting the system. Any new settings will be lost 436 when the system is restarted. 437 438 Optional fault injection parameters: 439 440 PROBABILITY - number between 1 and 10,000 specifying the fault injection 441 probability. For example, specifying 100 means a fault injection 442 probability of 1% (100/10,000). If this parameter is not specified 443 then the default probability of 6% will be used. 444 445 TAGS - specifies the pool tags that will be injected with faults, 446 separated by space characters. If this parameter is not specified 447 then any pool allocation can be injected with faults. 448 449 APPLICATIONS - specifies the image file name of the applications that 450 will be injected with faults, separated by space characters. 451 If this parameter is not specified then low resources simulation can 452 take place in any application. 453 454 MINUTES - positive number specifying the length of the period after rebooting, 455 in minutes, during which no fault injection will occur. If this 456 parameter is not specified then the default length of 8 minutes will be used.