3100 Display adapters 3300 dispci.dll: 3301 %s failed with error 0x%08lx. 3302 %s failed 3303 %s failed to allocate 0x%x bytes for %s. 3304 ============BEGIN %s============ 3305 ============END %s============== 3306 %s failed for %s with error 0x%08lx. 3310 OnSelectBestCompatDrv: Database did not allow upgrade 3311 OnSelectBestCompatDrv: SetupDiEnumDriverInfo (compat) didn't find any devices 3312 OnSelectBestCompatDrv: Devnode does not exist yet 3320 OnAllowInstall: Devnode is marked to be deleted. Do not allow install. 3321 OnAllowInstall: %s is not an NT compatible inf file 3330 OnInstallDevice: CheckDatabase called on marked devnode, succeeding 3331 OnInstallDevice: Could not find any hardware or compatible IDs for video device 3332 OnInstallDevice: Could not open upgrade database 3333 OnInstallDevice: No entries in %s 3334 OnInstallDevice: Allowing install of video device 3335 OnInstallDevice: Not allowing install of video device 3336 OnInstallDevice: %s, allow upgrade 3337 OnInstallDevice: %s, fail upgrade 3338 OnInstallDevice: Using DriverList %s 3339 OnInstallDevice: Found %d legacy devices 3340 OnInstallDevice: Could not remove all applet extensions 3341 OnInstallDevice: Applet extension removed: %s 3342 OnInstallDevice: Setting DeviceDesc to %s 3343 OnInstallDevice: Setting MFG to %s 3344 OnInstallDevice: Disabling the following service: %s 3345 OnInstallDevice: Removing a devnode without a service 3346 OnInstallDevice: Removing the following devnode: %s 3347 OnInstallDevice: Could not remove the devnode itself, %d 3348 OnInstallDevice: Disabled %d legacy devices in %d tries 3349 OnInstallDevice: Found a match of %s in the upgrade database 3350 DispCISetServiceStartType: No change to the service start required 3351 OnInstallDevice: Installing a null driver. 3451 DisplayClassInstaller: Unrecognized DIF request 0x%x 3452 DisplayClassInstaller: Returning 0x%08lx for DIF 0x%x and device %s 3453 DisplayClassInstaller: Returning 0x%08lx for DIF 0x%x 3501 DispCIGetDriverRankTier: Unknown rank encountered.