
SAPAdvertiseMyServer -- advertise/stop advertising service of specific type on internetwork


#include <sap_app.h> 

int SAPAdvertiseMyServer(uint16 ServerType, char *ServerName, uint16 Socket, int Action);


SAPAdvertiseMyServer causes the named server to be advertised by the SAP daemon. To start the advertising process, this call needs to be made once only.

NOTE: This function is supported only when the SAP daemon is running.

This function does not use mapped memory, but sends a message via the protocol stack to the SAP daemon. The message is acknowledged by the SAP daemon to ensure that it was received.

Only the root user has permission to advertise using the SAP_ADVERTISE_FOREVER flag, and only root can unadvertise a server advertised with this flag.

When a server is advertised with the SAP_ADVERTISE_FOREVER flag, the server description is written to /etc/netware/sapouts. When NetWare® services are started, this file is read and the services are automatically re-advertised. Servers can be removed from sapouts only via a SAPAdvertiseMyServer call with the Action flag set to SAP_STOP_ADVERTISING.

To obtain a list of servers that are permanently advertised, use the SAPListPermanentServers(3sapd) function.


(IN) ServerType
Specifies the type of server assigned for the server's service class.

(IN) ServerName
Pointer to the NULL-terminated name of the server to be advertised (maximum of 48 characters including NULL).

(IN) Socket
Specifies the socket number at which the advertised service may be accessed.

(IN) Action
Specifies the type of action the SAP daemon is to perform.


If SAP_ADVERTISE is set in Action, the SAP daemon places the PID of the advertising process in the advertise table entry.

If SAP_ADVERTISE_FOREVER is set in Action, the SAP daemon places its own PID in the table.

The kill(2) system call with arguments ``(pid, 0)'' is used to determine if the process that made the SAPAdvertiseMyServer call is still active. As long as the process is active, the services for that process will be advertised. When the process terminates, the services for that process will be marked as HOPS = 16, or down.

The ServerType argument specifies the type of server to be advertised. See the table below for some common values.

Defined Constants for SAP daemon Value Server Type
FILE_SERVER_TYPE 0x0004 NetWare Server
PRINT_SERVER_TYPE 0x0047 Print Server
BTRIEVE_SERVER_TYPE 0x004B Btrieve Server
ACCESS_SERVER_TYPE 0x0098 NetWare Access Server
OLD_NVT_SERVER_TYPE 0x009E NVT over NVT protocol
I386_SERVER_TYPE 0x0107 386 NetWare (3.x)
SPX_NVT_SERVER_TYPE 0x0247 NVT2 over SPX/SPXII protocol
TIME_SYNC_SERVER_TYPE 0x026B Time Synchronization
DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE 0x0278 Directory Server

| Defined Constants for SAP daemon|  Value          |  Server Type              | 
| FILE_SERVER_TYPE                |  0x0004         |  NetWare Server           | 
| PRINT_SERVER_TYPE               |  0x0047         |  Print Server             | 
| BTRIEVE_SERVER_TYPE             |  0x004B         |  Btrieve Server           | 
| ACCESS_SERVER_TYPE              |  0x0098         |  NetWare Access Server    | 
| OLD_NVT_SERVER_TYPE             |  0x009E         |  NVT over NVT protocol    | 
| I386_SERVER_TYPE                |  0x0107         |  386 NetWare (3.x)        | 
| SPX_NVT_SERVER_TYPE             |  0x0247         |  NVT2 over SPX/SPXII      | 
|                                 |                 |  protocol                 | 
| TIME_SYNC_SERVER_TYPE           |  0x026B         |  Time Synchronization     | 
| DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE           |  0x0278         |  Directory Server         | 
The ServerName argument specifies the NULL-terminated name of the server to be advertised. If the name contained in ServerName is not less than SAP_MAX_SERVER_NAME_LENGTH, the request to advertise the server will be rejected.

The Socket argument is the socket number to which clients may make service requests. If Socket is zero (0), however, the effect of the SAPAdvertiseMyServer call is a notification to the network without providing real service.

The Action argument specifies the type of action the SAP daemon is to perform. Three values are valid:

Flag Description
SAP_ADVERTISE Advertise my server while my process lives or until it is discontinued
SAP_ADVERTISE_FOREVER Advertise my server until it is discontinued
SAP_STOP_ADVERTISING Discontinue advertising my server

| Flag                 |  Description                        | 
| SAP_ADVERTISE        |  Advertise my server while my       | 
|                      |  process lives or until it is       | 
|                      |  discontinued                       | 
| SAP_ADVERTISE_FOREVER|  Advertise my server until it is    | 
|                      |  discontinued                       | 
| SAP_STOP_ADVERTISING |  Discontinue advertising my server  | 

Return values

If successful, the function returns a zero (0); otherwise, it returns a negative number which is the negative of the error code.


invalid Action flag

unable to obtain NetWare configuration file path

not supported (SAP daemon not running)

service in use; try again

unable to allocate local memory

server to unadvertise not found

no permission to advertise/unadvertise server


   strcpy (ServerName, "MY_SERVER"); 
   Socket = 0; 
   ServerType = UNIXWARE_TYPE; 
   ret=SAPAdvertiseMyServer(ServerType, ServerName, Socket, Action); 


30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.