scohelphttp --
man and scohelp document server
scohelphttp [start | stop |
restart | enable | disable | query |
rotate ]
The scohelp document server is the Netscape FastTrack server.
The server has two parts: scohelphttp
(a daemon start/stop script) and
(the server daemon itself, scohelphttpd).
- /usr/ns-home/bin/httpd/ns-httpd
If enabled, this X server daemon is started
from a script in /etc/rc2.d
when the system enters multiuser mode.
When scohelphttpd is running,
there might be more than one instance of
this binary running.
Once running, scohelphttpd can be stopped and restarted
using scohelphttp.
This client cannot be executed by users.
For details on enabling and disabling scohelphttpd,
- /etc/scohelphttp
Script that allows system administrators to
control the scohelphttpd process.
The scohelphttp script must be run as root.
For details on each script option, see
scohelphttpd is started by root
and checks the configuration files
(in /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/config)
for configuration information.
scohelphttpd then begins listening on port 457 for
incoming help requests from
(the default help viewer),
(the manual page viewer),
or any other document browser using the HTTP protocol.
When it receives a request, scohelphttpd checks
for the requested document in several localized
DocumentRoot directories.
If the requested document is found, scohelphttpd
returns the document to scohelp or another document browser.
If it cannot find the document, scohelphttpd
delivers an error message.
startup script has seven options:
- start
starts the scohelphttpd process and reads
scohelphttpd's configuration files in
(obj.conf, magnus.conf, lang.conf,
and mime.types)
- stop
stops the scohelphttpd process and all processes managed
by scohelphttpd
- restart
restarts scohelphttpd without interrupting HTTP service
(useful for immediately implementing changes to configuration files)
- enable
ensures that scohelphttpd starts when the system reboots
- disable
prevents scohelphttpd from starting when the system reboots
- query
returns the current state of the scohelphttpd process
- rotate
archives the log files (if they exist) in
(errors, access, and startup_errors)
to dated backup files without interrupting the server
If the scohelphttpd process dies without warning
(you see error messages when trying to access the SCOhelp online
documentation), you might need to run scohelphttp stop
before you can restart it (even if scohelphttp query
claims that scohelphttpd is still running).
Configuring scohelphttpd
scohelphttpd uses configuration information
in the /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/config directory:
- magnus.conf
Contains information the server uses to configure itself
(such as the port to bind with, the server name,
the ServerRoot directory, SSL,
and DNS activation).
See the Netscape FastTrack Server Administrator's Guide.
- obj.conf
Contains information on if and how the server services requests
from the browser (such as Netscape Navigator).
See the Netscape FastTrack Server Administrator's Guide.
- lang.conf
``Configuring document location''.
- mime.types
Defines the default document
(MIME -- Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions standard)
types recognized by SCOhelp.
See the Netscape FastTrack Server Administrator's Guide.
Configuration parameters (except for pathnames)
for all types of resource configuration are
case-insensitive and all comment lines begin with a ``#''.
Configuring document location
By default, document locations
are located in
You can set the following variables in this file.
Additional configuration information can be found in
the file itself.
- DocumentRoot
Specifies the directory from which to serve documents
(/usr/lib/scohelp/en_US.ISO8859-1, by default).
By default, all requests are taken from this directory.
If you change DocumentRoot, you might make
the help system unusable.
- LocalizedDocRoot
Sets the language-specific directories out of which documents are served.
If LocalizedDocRoot is set,
send Accept-Language to the scohelphttpd server,
which uses it to determine the language to use when serving
help information.
scohelphttpd searches the corresponding
LocalizedDocRoot directories after passing
through any LanguageAlias settings.
If no language-specific location is specified,
the server looks in DocumentRoot.
See also
``Internationalization and localization''.
Finally, if the document still has not been found,
the server searches the directory specified by
For example, to serve out of the directory containing documents in French,
use the following:
LocalizedDocRoot fr_FR.ISO8859-1 /usr/lib/scohelp/fr_FR.ISO8859-1
- LanguageAlias
Allows you to map one way of defining a locale to another.
This allows you to configure the server to deliver a given set of
localized documents to clients using differing locale strings.
The syntax is:
LanguageAlias aliased_locale system_locale
In this example, the server is set to deliver documents
from system_locale whenever requests are made
for documents from aliased_locale.
For example, to redirect every request with the locale
``fr'' to the locale ``fr_FR.ISO8859-1'',
set LanguageAlias to:
LanguageAlias fr fr_FR.ISO8859-1
See also
``Internationalization and localization''.
- CompatibilityRoot
Provides access to documents from the SCO OpenServer directory structure
by searching /usr/lib/scohelp after
searching the appropriate LocalizedDocRoot and
DocumentRoot directories.
Access control
You can control access to your entire server or any specified
resources in two ways:
by maintaining a database of users and groups and specifying
that only certain people can see certain files,
or that everyone except those people can see certain files
by specifying access for users from particular domains
or IP addresses
To manage the access control user database:
Start the Netscape Administration Server:
nsadmin start
Start the Server Selector by running the
SCOadmin Netscape Server Admin manager.
``Configuring FastTrack servers''.
Select the Netscape FastTrack Server by clicking on
This starts the Server Manager.
Click on the Access Control button.
For more information, see the Netscape FastTrack online documentation,
available by clicking on the Help button on any window
in the Server Manager.
For security reasons, it is a good idea to stop
the Netscape Administration server when you are finished using it.
To do this, run:
/etc/nsadmin stop
See also
Internationalization and localization
scohelphttpd supports internationalization and localization;
scohelphttpd can be adapted to present information in any
language you want.
``Configuring document location''
for information on
Accept-Language and the lang.conf file.
scohelp gets the value of Accept-Language
from the browser resource file;
``Internationalization and localization''
in the
manual page.
- /etc/scohelphttp
configuration script for scohelphttpd
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp
root of the scohelphttpd directory subtree
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/config/obj.conf
contains configuration information for how scohelphttpd
services requests from scohelp
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/config/magnus.conf
defines default document MIME types recognized by SCOhelp
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/config/lang.conf
specifies *root resources
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/logs/access
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/logs/errors
- /usr/ns-home/httpd-scohelphttp/logs/startup_errors
log files for scohelphttpd
- /etc/rc2.d/S93scohelphttp
script that starts scohelphttpd automatically
when the system enters multiuser mode
``Configuring and managing the help server''
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.