
filepriv -- set, delete, or display privilege information associated with a file


filepriv [-f priv[, . . .]] [-i priv[, . . .]] file . . .

filepriv -d file . . .


filepriv is used to set, delete, or display the privilege information associated with a file.

Command options

used to delete the privileges associated with the named file; also used to delete non-existent files from the Privilege Data File (PDF).

-f priv,priv, . . .
used to specify the fixed privileges associated with the named file.

-i priv,priv, . . .
used to specify the inheritable privileges associated with the named file.
The following describes the privileges that may be specified:
   priv [ +|-priv_name . . . ] set_name  [ . . . ] 
For each set_name, priv sets or displays the privileges contained in that privilege set. set_name may be either max for the maximum privilege set or work for the working set. priv_name is the name of a privilege. If priv_names are supplied, priv scans the list and turns off thoses privileges that are preceded by a minus sign and turns on those that are preceded by a plus sign in each of the sets listed. If no priv_names are supplied, the priv command prints the current list of privileges for each of the requested sets.

The values for priv_name are:

Represents all possible privileges.

Required to manipulate the security audit mechanisms.

Required to write miscellaneous audit records to the audit trail.

Overrides specific restrictions that are imposed solely for the confinement of covert channels.

Required to dump a core image of a process that is either privileged, setuid, or setgid. This privilege is not required to dump the core image of a process that does not meet the above conditions.

Overrides Discretionary Access Control (DAC) restrictions but only for operations that do not alter objects (that is, read and execute permissions). See ``Access permissions''.

Overrides Discretionary Access Control restrictions but only for operations that alter objects (that is, write permission). See ``Access Permissions''.

Required to set or get device security attributes to change the device level when it is in private state, and to access a device when it is in private state. This privilege is also used for special ioctl for window management and to download trusted software to a terminal driver.

Provides compatibility with device drivers developed by third party vendors. It is used when a sensitive operation needs to be limited to a privileged process.

Required for privileged operations on a filesystem that have relatively low sensitivity, including the creation of links to directories, setting the effective root directory, and making special files.

Override filesystem range restrictions.

Required to perform selective operations associated with loadable modules.

Overrides Mandatory Access Control (MAC) restrictions but only for certain operations that do not alter objects. See ``Access permissions''.

Overrides Mandatory Access Control restrictions that involve the alteration of objects or other MAC-related attributes. See ``Access permissions''.

Allows processes to upgrade (change the existing level to a new dominating level) files.

Mount or unmount a filesystem or set and get the ceiling level of a filesystem.

Required for creation of multilevel directories.

Required to change the attributes of a file (that is, information kept in the file's inode) that is not owned by the effective uid of the calling process. See ``Access permissions''.

Required to lock a process in memory.

Required by processes that do real-time operations.

Required to change the security level of objects (for block or character special files that are in the public state only), subject to some restrictions.

Required to change the security level of a process (including the process's own level), subject to some restrictions.

Administrative privilege required to set the inheritable and fixed privileges on files. This privilege overrides access and ownership restrictions.

Required in order to set the real and effective user and group IDs of a process.

Privilege required for an otherwise unprivileged process to set the inheritable and fixed privileges on a file. This privilege does not override access or ownership restrictions.

Required to perform several general system operations that have only minor security implications.

Required to raise the priority of a time sharing process or to set the user priority limit to a value greater than 0.

Access permissions

Access permissions are associated with the priv_name entries. Access checking is performed whenever a subject (such as a process) tries to access an object (such as a file or directory). Permission to access an object is granted or denied on the basis of mode bits.

The mode bits are known as Discretionary Access Control (DAC). Mandatory Access Control (MAC) privileges are defined; however, they may not be supported on the system you are using.

The standard file access permission bit checks are performed to determine if the process requesting access to the object has permission to access it in the manner (read, write, and/or execute/search) requested. Each access mode requested is checked separately using the following algorithm:

  1. If the effective user ID of the process is equal to the user ID of the owner of the file, and the requested access mode bit is set in the ``owner'' bits of the mode, access is granted; otherwise access checking continues.

  2. If the effective group ID (or any of the supplementary group IDs of the process) matches the owning group of the file and the requested access mode bit is set in the ``group'' bits of the mode, access is granted; otherwise, access checking continues.

  3. If the above checks fail, and the requested access mode bit is set in the ``other'' bits of the mode, access is granted; otherwise, access is denied (EACCES is returned).

  4. These checks are performed on every component of the pathname, including the object itself. If any of the checks fail, the privileges of the calling process are examined to determine if the calling process has the appropriate privilege for the mode requested (dacread for read and execute/search access, dacwrite for write access).

The following example adds owner and audit privileges and deletes dacread privilege from the working set:
   priv +owner +audit -dacread work 
Privilege information is stored in the Privilege Data File (PDF) located in /etc/security/tcb/privs.

filepriv must have the P_SETSPRIV and P_SETUPRIV privileges when setting or deleting file privileges, otherwise permission is denied.

The argument priv is defined as a process privilege name (see Intro(2)). The argument allprivs can be used to set or delete all the process privileges available. The file argument must be an absolute pathname of an executable file when setting or deleting file privileges. There must be at least one file argument specified; otherwise, filepriv exits with an error.

filepriv calls the realpath routine to resolve symbolic links. In this way, when new privileges are entered into the Privilege Data File for a symbolic link on a file that already exists in the PDF, the privileges are associated correctly.

When setting file privileges, all fixed and inheritable privileges on the specified file are removed before those privileges specified by the -f and -i options are applied. Also, filepriv will set only privileges allowed by the maximum set of privileges on the process calling filepriv(2) as defined by the Privilege Data File.

The filepriv command exits with an error if the -f and -i options are specified and the same privilege exists in both.

When deleting privilege information from a file, the -d option is used. However, the -d option is also used to remove a non-existent file from the privilege database. If the file exists, then the -d option deletes privileges. If the file does not exist because it is a spurious file or has been removed from the system without the knowledge of the privilege administrator, then the -d option removes this file from the privilege database.

When no options are specified, filepriv displays the privileges associated with the named file(s).


The file /etc/default/privcmds contains the parameter GEN_CKSUM. If the value of GEN_CKSUM is ``No'', filepriv will not generate a check sum value for the Privilege Data File (PDF) located in /etc/security/tcb/privs; this results in faster performance compared to generating the check sum value each time the command is run. If the value of this parameter is anything other than ``No'' (including NULL, the default), filepriv generates a check sum each time it is run.


The following is an example of the output when filepriv is executed with one file:
   fixed     priv,priv, . . . 
   inher     priv,priv, . . . 
If no fixed privileges exist on the file, the fixed privilege line is not displayed. If no inheritable privileges exist on the file, the inher privilege line is not displayed. The space between the privilege type and privileges is a single tab (\t) character.

If more than one file is specified, then the file name followed by a colon (``:'') and space character is printed before the privileges as follows:

   file1: fixed     priv,priv, . . . 
   file1: inher     priv,priv, . . . 
   file2: fixed     priv,priv, . . . 
   file2: inher     priv,priv, . . . 
   file3: fixed     priv,priv, . . . 
   file3: inher     priv,priv, . . . 


Privilege Data File

defaults file


filepriv exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

If filepriv detects errors, the following messages may be displayed:


filepriv(2), initprivs(1M), Intro(2)
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.