
XmRowColumn -- the RowColumn widget class


#include <Xm/RowColumn.h> 


The RowColumn widget is a general purpose RowColumn manager capable of containing any widget type as a child. In general, it requires no special knowledge about how its children function and provides nothing beyond support for several different layout styles. However, it can be configured as a menu, in which case, it expects only certain children, and it configures to a particular layout. The menus supported are: MenuBar, Pulldown or Popup MenuPanes, and OptionMenu.

The type of layout performed is controlled by how the application has set the various layout resources. It can be configured to lay out its children in either rows or columns. In addition, the application can specify how the children are laid out, as follows:

In addition, the application has control over both the spacing that occurs between each row and column and the margin spacing present between the edges of the RowColumn widget and any children that are placed against it.

In a MenuBar, Pulldown MenuPane, or Popup MenuPane the default for the XmNshadowThickness resource is 2. In an OptionMenu or a WorkArea (such as a RadioBox or CheckBox) this resource is not applicable and its use is undefined. If an application wishes to place a 3-D shadow around an OptionMenu or WorkArea, it can create the RowColumn as a child of a Frame widget.

In a MenuBar, Pulldown MenuPane, or Popup MenuPane the XmNnavigationType resource is not applicable and its use is undefined. In a WorkArea the default for XmNnavigationType is XmTAB_GROUP. In an OptionMenu the default for XmNnavigationType is XmNONE.

In a MenuBar, Pulldown MenuPane, or Popup MenuPane the XmNtraversalOn resource is not applicable and its use is undefined. In an OptionMenu or WorkArea the default for XmNtraversalOn is True.

If the parent of the RowColumn is a MenuShell, the XmNmappedWhenManaged resource is forced to False when the widget is realized.

The user can specify resources in a resource file for the automatically created widgets and gadgets of an OptionMenu. The following list identifies the names of these widgets (or gadgets) and the associated OptionMenu areas.

Tear-off menus

Pulldown and Popup MenuPanes support tear-off menus, which enable the user to retain a MenuPane on the display to facilitate subsequent menu selections. A MenuPane that can be torn-off is identified by a tear-off button that spans the width of the MenuPane and displays a dashed line. A torn-off MenuPane contains a window manager system menu icon and a title bar. The window title displays the label of the cascade button that initiated the action when the label type is XmSTRING. If the label contains a pixmap the window title is empty. A tear-off menu from a Popup MenuPane also displays an empty title.

The user can tear-off a MenuPane using the mouse or keyboard. Clicking BSelect or pressing KActivate (or KSelect) on the tear-off button, tears off the MenuPane at the current position. Pressing BDrag on the tear-off button tears off the MenuPane, and allows the user to drag the torn-off menu to a new position designated by releasing the mouse button. Tearing off a MenuPane unposts the current active menu. Only one tear-off copy for each MenuPane is allowed. Subsequent tear-off actions of a torn MenuPane unpost the existing copy first.

The name of the tear-off button of a torn-off menu pane is ``TearOffControl''. The name can be used to set resources in a resource file. An application can also obtain the tear-off button itself using XmGetTearOffControl and then set resource values by calling XtSetValues.

The tear-off button has Separator-like behavior. Its appearance can be specified using the following tear-off button resources: XmNbackground, XmNbackgroundPixmap, XmNbottomShadowColor, XmNforeground, XmNheight, XmNmargin, XmNseparatorType, XmNshadowThickness, and XmNtopShadowColor. Refer to the XmSeparator man page for a complete description of each of these resources.

RowColumn resources that affect tear-off menu behavior are XmNtearOffModel, XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback, and XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback.

By default, menus do not tear off; tear off functionality may be enabled by setting the XmNtearOffModel resource to XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED. There is no resource converter pre-registered for XmNtearOffModel. To allow tear-off functionality to be enabled through the resource database call the function XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter.

Tear-off menu focus policy follows standard window manager policy. It is recommended that the following mwm resources are set to True: startupKeyFocus and autoKeyFocus.


RowColumn inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Constraint, and XmManager classes.

The class pointer is xmRowColumnWidgetClass.

The class name is XmRowColumn.

New resources

The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the ``XmN'' or ``XmC'' prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the ``Xm'' prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words). The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

XmRowColumn resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNadjustLast XmCAdjustLast Boolean True CSG
XmNadjustMargin XmCAdjustMargin Boolean True CSG
XmNentryAlignment XmCAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNentryBorder XmCEntryBorder Dimension 0 CSG
XmNentryCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNentryClass XmCEntryClass WidgetClass dynamic CSG
XmNentryVerticalAlignment XmCVerticalAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNisAligned XmCIsAligned Boolean True CSG
XmNisHomogeneous XmCIsHomogeneous Boolean dynamic CG
XmNlabelString XmCXmString XmString NULL C
XmNmapCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNmarginHeight XmCMarginHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNmarginWidth XmCMarginWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNmenuAccelerator XmCAccelerators      
String dynamic CSG    
XmNmenuHelpWidget XmCMenuWidget Widget NULL CSG
XmNmenuHistory XmCMenuWidget Widget NULL CSG
XmNmenuPost XmCMenuPost String NULL CSG
XmNmnemonic XmCMnemonic KeySym NULL CSG
XmNmnemonicCharSet XmCMnemonicCharSet String XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG CSG
XmNnumColumns XmCNumColumns short 1 CSG
XmNorientation XmCOrientation unsigned char dynamic CSG
XmNpacking XmCPacking unsigned char dynamic CSG
XmNpopupEnabled XmCPopupEnabled Boolean True CSG
XmNpostFromCount XmCPostFromCount int 0 CSG
XmNpostFromList XmCPostFromList WidgetList NULL CSG
XmNradioAlwaysOne XmCRadioAlwaysOne Boolean True CSG
XmNradioBehavior XmCRadioBehavior Boolean False CSG
XmNresizeHeight XmCResizeHeight Boolean True CSG
XmNresizeWidth XmCResizeWidth Boolean True CSG
XmNrowColumnType XmCRowColumnType unsigned char XmWORK_AREA CG
XmNspacing XmCSpacing Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNsubMenuId XmCMenuWidget Widget NULL CSG
XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNtearOffModel XmCTearOffModel unsigned char XmTEAR_OFF_DISABLED
XmNunmapCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNwhichButton XmCWhichButton unsigned int dynamic CSG

| Name                            |  Class               |  Type          |  Default               |  Access               | 
| XmNadjustLast                   |  XmCAdjustLast       |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNadjustMargin                 |  XmCAdjustMargin     |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNentryAlignment               |  XmCAlignment        |  unsigned      |  char                  |  XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING| 
| XmNentryBorder                  |  XmCEntryBorder      |  Dimension     |  0                     |  CSG                  | 
| XmNentryCallback                |  XmCCallback         |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNentryClass                   |  XmCEntryClass       |  WidgetClass   |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNentryVerticalAlignment       |  XmCVerticalAlignment|  unsigned      |  char                  |  XmALIGNMENT_CENTER   | 
| XmNisAligned                    |  XmCIsAligned        |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNisHomogeneous                |  XmCIsHomogeneous    |  Boolean       |  dynamic               |  CG                   | 
| XmNlabelString                  |  XmCXmString         |  XmString      |  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNmapCallback                  |  XmCCallback         |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNmarginHeight                 |  XmCMarginHeight     |  Dimension     |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmarginWidth                  |  XmCMarginWidth      |  Dimension     |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmenuAccelerator              |  XmCAccelerators     |                |                        |                       | 
| String                          |  dynamic             |  CSG           |                        |                       | 
| XmNmenuHelpWidget               |  XmCMenuWidget       |  Widget        |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmenuHistory                  |  XmCMenuWidget       |  Widget        |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmenuPost                     |  XmCMenuPost         |  String        |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmnemonic                     |  XmCMnemonic         |  KeySym        |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNmnemonicCharSet              |  XmCMnemonicCharSet  |  String        |  XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG|  CSG                  | 
| XmNnumColumns                   |  XmCNumColumns       |  short         |  1                     |  CSG                  | 
| XmNorientation                  |  XmCOrientation      |  unsigned char |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNpacking                      |  XmCPacking          |  unsigned char |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNpopupEnabled                 |  XmCPopupEnabled     |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNpostFromCount                |  XmCPostFromCount    |  int           |  0                     |  CSG                  | 
| XmNpostFromList                 |  XmCPostFromList     |  WidgetList    |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNradioAlwaysOne               |  XmCRadioAlwaysOne   |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNradioBehavior                |  XmCRadioBehavior    |  Boolean       |  False                 |  CSG                  | 
| XmNresizeHeight                 |  XmCResizeHeight     |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNresizeWidth                  |  XmCResizeWidth      |  Boolean       |  True                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNrowColumnType                |  XmCRowColumnType    |  unsigned char |  XmWORK_AREA           |  CG                   | 
| XmNspacing                      |  XmCSpacing          |  Dimension     |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 
| XmNsubMenuId                    |  XmCMenuWidget       |  Widget        |  NULL                  |  CSG                  | 
| XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback  |  XmCCallback         |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback|  XmCCallback         |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNtearOffModel                 |  XmCTearOffModel     |  unsigned      |  char                  |  XmTEAR_OFF_DISABLED  | 
| XmNunmapCallback                |  XmCCallback         |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                  |  C                    | 
| XmNwhichButton                  |  XmCWhichButton      |  unsigned int  |  dynamic               |  CSG                  | 

Extends the last row of children to the bottom edge of RowColumn (when XmNorientation is XmHORIZONTAL) or extends the last column to the right edge of RowColumn (when XmNorientation is XmVERTICAL). This feature is disabled by setting XmNadjustLast to False.

Specifies whether the inner minor margins of all items contained within the RowColumn widget are forced to the same value. The inner minor margin corresponds to the XmNmarginLeft, XmNmarginRight, XmNmarginTop, and XmNmarginBottom resources supported by XmLabel and XmLabelGadget.

A horizontal orientation causes XmNmarginTop and XmNmarginBottom for all items in a particular row to be forced to the same value; the value is the largest margin specified for one of the Label items.

A vertical orientation causes XmNmarginLeft and XmNmarginRight for all items in a particular column to be forced to the same value; the value is the largest margin specified for one of the Label items.

This keeps all text within each row or column lined up with all other text in its row or column. If the XmNrowColumnType is either XmMENU_POPUP or XmMENU_PULLDOWN and this resource is True, only button children have their margins adjusted.

Specifies the alignment type for children that are subclasses of XmLabel or XmLabelGadget when XmNisAligned is enabled. The following are textual alignment types:

See the description of XmNalignment in the XmLabel(X3mot) man page for an explanation of these actions.

Imposes a uniform border width upon all RowColumn's children. The default value is 0, which disables the feature.

Disables the XmNactivateCallback and XmNvalueChangedCallback callbacks for all CascadeButton, DrawnButton, PushButton, and ToggleButton widgets and gadgets contained within the RowColumn widget. If the application supplies this resource, the XmNactivateCallback and XmNvalueChangedCallback callbacks are then revectored to the XmNentryCallback callbacks. This allows an application to supply a single callback routine for handling all items contained in a RowColumn widget. The callback reason is XmCR_ACTIVATE. If the application does not supply this resource, the XmNactivateCallback and XmNvalueChangedCallback callbacks for each item in the RowColumn widget work as normal.

The application must supply this resource when this widget is created. Changing this resource using the XtSetValues is not supported.

Specifies the only widget class that can be added to the RowColumn widget; this resource is meaningful only when the XmNisHomogeneous resource is set to True. Both widget and gadget variants of the specified class may be added to the widget.

When XmCreateRadioBox is called or when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmWORK_AREA and XmNradioBehavior is True, the default value of XmNentryClass is xmToggleButtonGadgetClass. When XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_BAR, the value of XmNentryClass is forced to xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass.

Specifies the type of vertical alignment for children that are subclasses of XmLabel, XmLabelGadget, and XmText. This resource is invalid if XmNorientation is XmVERTICAL and XmNpacking is XmPACK_TIGHT because this layout preserves variable heights among the children. The vertical alignment types include:

Specifies text alignment for each item within the RowColumn widget; this applies only to items that are subclasses of XmLabel or XmLabelGadget. However, if the item is a Label widget or gadget and its parent is either a Popup MenuPane or a Pulldown MenuPane, alignment is not performed; the Label is treated as the title within the MenuPane, and the alignment set by the application is not overridden. XmNentryAlignment controls the type of textual alignment.

Indicates whether the RowColumn widget should enforce exact homogeneity among the items it contains; ifeTrue, only the widgets that are of the class indicated by XmNentryClass are allowed as children of the RowColumn widget. This is most often used when creating a MenuBar. Attempting to insert a child that is not a member of the specified class generates a warning message.

In a MenuBar the value of XmNisHomogeneous is forced to True. In an OptionMenu the value is forced to False. When XmCreateRadioBox is called the default value is True. Otherwise, the default value is False.

Points to a text string, which displays the label to one side of the selection area when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_OPTION. This resource is not meaningful for all other RowColumn types. If the application wishes to change the label after creation, it must get the LabelGadget ID (XmOptionLabelGadget) and call XtSetValues on the LabelGadget directly. The default value is no label.

Specifies a widget-specific callback function that is invoked when the window associated with the RowColumn widget is about to be mapped. The callback reason is XmCR_MAP.

Specifies the amount of blank space between the top edge of the RowColumn widget and the first item in each column, and the bottom edge of the RowColumn widget and the last item in each column. The default value is 0 for Pulldown and Popup MenuPanes, and 3 pixels for other RowColumn types.

Specifies the amount of blank space between the left edge of the RowColumn widget and the first item in each row, and the right edge of the RowColumn widget and the last item in each row. The default value is 0 for Pulldown and Popup MenuPanes, and 3 pixels for other RowColumn types.

This resource is useful only when the RowColumn widget has been configured to operate as a Popup MenuPane or a MenuBar. The format of this resource is similar to the left side specification of a translation string, with the limitation that it must specify a key event. For a Popup MenuPane, when the accelerator is typed by the user, the Popup MenuPane is posted. For a MenuBar, when the accelerator is typed by the user, the first item in the MenuBar is highlighted, and traversal is enabled in the MenuBar. The default for a Popup MenuPane is KMenu. The default for a MenuBar is KMenuBar. The accelerator can be disabled by setting the XmNpopupEnabled resource to False.

Specifies the widget ID for the CascadeButton, which is treated as the Help widget if XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_BAR. The MenuBar always places the Help widget at the bottom right corner (in a lef to right environment) of the MenuBar. If the RowColumn widget is any type other than XmMENU_BAR, this resource is not meaningful.

XmNmenuHistory Specifies the widget ID of the last menu entry to be activated. It is also useful for specifying the current selection for an OptionMenu. If XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_OPTION, the specified menu item is positioned under the cursor when the menu is displayed.

If the RowColumn widget has the XmNradioBehavior resource set to True, the widget field associated with this resource contains the widget ID of the last ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget to change from unselected to selected. The default value is the widget ID of the first child in the widget.

Specifies an X event description indicating a button event that posts a menu system. The default for XmMENU_POPUP is BMenu Press. The default for XmMENU_OPTION, XmMENU_BAR, and XmWORK_AREA is BSelect Press. The XmNmenuPost resource for pulldowns should be consistent with that of top-level parent menu (although the event type is ignored). Setting this resource to BDrag Press will conflict with drag and drop operations, which use BDrag Press as a default button binding.

This resource is useful only when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_OPTION. Specifies a keysym for a key that, when pressed by the user along with the MAlt modifier, posts the associated Pulldown MenuPane. The first character in the OptionMenu label string that exactly matches the mnemonic in the character set specified in XmNmnemonicCharSet is underlined. The user can post the menu by pressing either the shifted or the unshifted mnemonic key. The default is no mnemonic.

Specifies the character set of the mnemonic for an OptionMenu. The default is XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. If the RowColumn widget is any type other than XmMENU_OPTION, this resource is not meaningful.

Specifies the number of minor dimension extensions that are made to accommodate the entries; this attribute is meaningful only when XmNpacking is set to XmPACK_COLUMN.

For vertically oriented RowColumn widgets, this attribute indicates how many columns are built; the number of entries per column is adjusted to maintain this number of columns, if possible.

For horizontally oriented RowColumn widgets, this attribute indicates how many rows are built.

The default value is 1. In an OptionMenu the value is forced to 1. The value must be greater than 0.

Determines whether RowColumn layouts are row-major or column-major. In a column-major layout, the children of the RowColumn are laid out in columns top to bottom within the widget. In a row-major layout the children of the RowColumn are laid out in rows. XmVERTICAL resource value selects a column-major layout. XmHORIZONTAL resource value selects a row-major layout.

When creating a MenuBar or an OptionMenu, the default is XmHORIZONTAL. Otherwise, the default value is XmVERTICAL. The results of specifying a value of XmVERTICAL for a MenuBar are undefined.

Specifies how to pack the items contained within a RowColumn widget. This can be set to XmPACK_TIGHT, XmPACK_COLUMN or XmPACK_NONE. When a RowColumn widget packs the items it contains, it determines its major dimension using the value of the XmNorientation resource.

When XmCreateRadioBox is called or when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmWORK_AREA and XmNradioBehavior is True, the default value of XmNpacking is XmPACK_COLUMN. In an OptionMenu the value is initialized to XmPACK_TIGHT. Otherwise, the value defaults to XmPACK_TIGHT.

Allows the menu system to enable keyboard input (accelerators and mnemonics) defined for the Popup MenuPane and any of its submenus. The Popup MenuPane needs to be informed whenever its accessibility to the user changes because posting of the Popup MenuPane is controlled by the application. The default value of this resource is True (keyboard input -- accelerators and mnemonics -- defined for the Popup MenuPane and any of its submenus is enabled).

If True, forces the active ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget to be automatically selected after having been unselected (if no other toggle was activated). If False, the active toggle may be unselected. The default value is True. This resource is important only when XmNradioBehavior is True.

The application can always add and subtract toggles from RowColumn regardless of the selected/unselected state of the toggle. The application can also manage and unmanage toggle children of RowColumn at any time regardless of state. Therefore, the application can sometimes create a RowColumn that has XmNradioAlwaysOne set to True and none of the toggle children selected. The result is undefined if the value of this resource is True and the application sets more than one ToggleButton at a time.

Specifies a Boolean value that when True, indicates that the RowColumn widget should enforce a RadioBox-type behavior on all of its children that are ToggleButtons or ToggleButtonGadgets.

When the value of this resource is True, XmNindicatorType defaults to XmONE_OF_MANY for ToggleButton and ToggleButtonGadget children.

RadioBox behavior dictates that when one toggle is selected and the user selects another toggle, the first toggle is unselected automatically. The RowColumn usually does not enforce this behavior if the application, rather than the user, changes the state of a toggle. The RowColumn does enforce this behavior if a toggle child is selected using XmToggleButtonSetState or XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState with a notify argument of True.

When XmCreateRadioBox is called the default value of XmNradioBehavior is True. Otherwise, the default value is False.

Requests a new height if necessary, when set to True. When set to False, the widget does not request a new height regardless of any changes to the widget or its children.

Requests a new width if necessary, when set to True. When set to False, the widget does not request a new width regardless of any changes to the widget or its children.

Specifies the type of RowColumn widget to be created. It is a non-standard resource that cannot be changed after it is set. If an application uses any of the convenience routines, except XmCreateRowColumn, this resource is automatically forced to the appropriate value
by the convenience routine. If an application uses the Xt Intrinsics API to create its RowColumn widgets, it must specify this resource itself. The set of possible settings for this resource are:

This resource cannot be changed after the RowColumn widget is created. Any changes attempted through XtSetValues are ignored.

The value of this resource is used to determine the value of a number of other resources. The descriptions of RowColumn resources explain this when it is the case. The resource XmNnavigationType, inherited from XmManager, is changed to XmNONE if XmNrowColumnType is XmMENU_OPTION.

Specifies the horizontal and vertical spacing between items contained within the RowColumn widget. The default value is 3 pixels for XmOPTION_MENU and XmWORK_AREA and 0 for other RowColumn types.

Specifies the widget ID for the Pulldown MenuPane to be associated with an OptionMenu. This resource is useful only when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_OPTION. The default value is NULL.

Specifies the callback list that notifies the application when the tear-off MenuPane is about to be activated. It precedes the tear-off's map callback.

Use this resource when your application has shared MenuPanes and when the torn-off menu can have two or more parents that can have opposing sensitivity states for the same menu item. This resource enables the application to track whether a menu item is sensitive or insensitive and to set the state to the original parent's menu item state when the torn-off menu is reposted. The application can use XmGetPostedFromWidget to determine from which parent the menu was torn. The callback reason is XmCR_TEAR_OFF_ACTIVATE. The default is NULL.

Specifies the callback list that notifies the application when the tear-off MenuPane is about to be deactivated. It follows the tear-off's unmap callback.

Use this resource when your application has shared MenuPanes and when the torn-off menu can have two or more parents that can have opposing sensitivity states for the same menu item. This resource enables the application to track whether a menu item is sensitive or insensitive and to set the state to the original parent's menu item state when the torn-off menu is reposted. The application can use XmGetPostedFromWidget to determine from which parent the menu was torn. The callback reason is XmCR_TEAR_OFF_DEACTIVATE. The default is NULL.

Indicates whether tear-off functionality is enabled or disabled when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_PULLDOWN or XmMENU_POPUP. The values are: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED or XmTEAR_OFF_DISABLED (default value). This resource is invalid for type XmMENU_OPTION; however, it does affect any pulldown submenus within an OptionMenu. The function XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter installs a resource converter for this resource.

Specifies a list of callbacks that is called after the window associated with the RowColumn widget has been unmapped. The callback reason is XmCR_UNMAP. The default value is NULL.

This resource is obsolete; it has been replaced by XmNmenuPost and is present for compatibility with older releases of 1/Motif.

XmRowColumn constraint resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNpositionIndex XmCPositionIndex short XmLAST_POSITION CSG

| Name             |  Class            |  Type |  Default        |  Access| 
| XmNpositionIndex |  XmCPositionIndex |  short|  XmLAST_POSITION|  CSG   | 

Specifies the position of the widget in its parent's list of children (the value of the XmNchildren resource). The value is an integer that is no less than zero and no greater than the number of children in the list at the time the value is specified. A value of zero means that the child is placed at the beginning of the list. The value can also be specified as XmLAST_POSITION (the default), which means that the child is placed at the end of the list. Any other value is ignored. XtGetValues returns the position of the widget in its parent's child list at the time of the call to XtGetValues.

When a widget is inserted into its parent's child list, the positions of any existing children that are greater than or equal to the specified widget's XmNpositionIndex are increased by one. The effect of a call to XtSetValues for XmNpositionIndex is to remove the specified widget from its parent's child list, decrease by one the positions of any existing children that are greater than the specified widget's former position in the list, and then insert the specified widget into its parent's child list as described in the preceding sentence.

Simple menu creation resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNbuttonAccelerators XmCButtonAccelerators StringTable NULL C
XmNbuttonAcceleratorText XmCButtonAcceleratorText XmStringTable NULL C
XmNbuttonCount XmCButtonCount int 0 C
XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets XmStringCharSetTable NULL C
XmNbuttonMnemonics XmCButtonMnemonics XmKeySymTable NULL C
XmNbuttons XmCButtons XmStringTable NULL C
XmNbuttonSet XmCButtonSet int -1 C
XmNbuttonType XmCButtonType XmButtonTypeTable NULL C
XmNoptionLabel XmCOptionLabel XmString NULL C
XmNoptionMnemonic XmCOptionMnemonic KeySym NULL C
XmNpostFromButton XmCPostFromButton int -1 C
XmNsimpleCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackProc NULL C

| Name                     |  Class                    |  Type                |  Default  |  Access| 
| XmNbuttonAccelerators    |  XmCButtonAccelerators    |  StringTable         |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonAcceleratorText |  XmCButtonAcceleratorText |  XmStringTable       |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonCount           |  XmCButtonCount           |  int                 |  0        |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets|  XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets|  XmStringCharSetTable|  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonMnemonics       |  XmCButtonMnemonics       |  XmKeySymTable       |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNbuttons               |  XmCButtons               |  XmStringTable       |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonSet             |  XmCButtonSet             |  int                 |  -1       |  C     | 
| XmNbuttonType            |  XmCButtonType            |  XmButtonTypeTable   |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNoptionLabel           |  XmCOptionLabel           |  XmString            |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNoptionMnemonic        |  XmCOptionMnemonic        |  KeySym              |  NULL     |  C     | 
| XmNpostFromButton        |  XmCPostFromButton        |  int                 |  -1       |  C     | 
| XmNsimpleCallback        |  XmCCallback              |  XtCallbackProc      |  NULL     |  C     | 

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of accelerators for the buttons created. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of compound strings to display for the accelerators for the buttons created. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies the total number of menu buttons, separators, and titles to create. The value must not be negative.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of character sets with which button mnemonics are to be displayed. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created. The default is determined dynamically depending on the locale of the widget.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of mnemonics for the buttons created. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of compound strings to use as labels for the buttons created. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies which button of a RadioBox or OptionMenu Pulldown submenu is initially set. The value is an integer n indicating the nth ToggleButtonGadget specified for a RadioBox or the nth PushButtonGadget specified for an OptionMenu Pulldown submenu. The first button specified is number 0. The value must not be negative.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a list of button types associated with the buttons to be created. The list contains one element for each button, separator, and title created. If this resource is not specified, each button in a MenuBar is a CascadeButtonGadget, each button in a RadioBox or CheckBox is a ToggleButtonGadget, and each button in any other type of RowColumn widget is a PushButtonGadget. Each button type is of type XmButtonType, an enumeration with the following possible values:

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a compound string for the label string to be used on the left side of an OptionMenu.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a keysym for a key that, when pressed by the user along with the MAlt modifier, posts the associated Pulldown MenuPane for an OptionMenu.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. For a Pulldown MenuPane, it specifies the button in the parent to which the submenu is attached. The menu is then posted from this button. The value is an integer n indicating the nth CascadeButton or CascadeButtonGadget specified for the parent of the Pulldown MenuPane. The first button specified is number 0. The value must not be negative.

This resource is for use with the simple menu creation routines. It specifies a callback procedure to be called when a button is activated or when its value changes. This callback function is added to each button after creation. For a CascadeButtonGadget or a PushButtonGadget, the callback is added as the button's XmNactivateCallback, and it is called when the button is activated. For a ToggleButtonGadget, the callback is added as the button's XmNvalueChangedCallback, and it is called when the button's value changes. The button number is passed in the client_data field.

Inherited resources

RowColumn inherits behavior and resources from the following named superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man page for that superclass.

XmManager resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNbottomShadowColor XmCBottomShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbottomShadowPixmap XmCBottomShadowPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNforeground XmCForeground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNhelpCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNhighlightColor XmCHighlightColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNhighlightPixmap XmCHighlightPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
XmNinitialFocus XmCInitialFocus Widget NULL CSG
XmNnavigationType XmCNavigationType XmNavigationType dynamic CSG
XmNshadowThickness XmCShadowThickness Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNstringDirection XmCStringDirection XmStringDirection dynamic CG
XmNtopShadowColor XmCTopShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNtopShadowPixmap XmCTopShadowPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
XmNtraversalOn XmCTraversalOn Boolean dynamic CSG
XmNunitType XmCUnitType unsigned char dynamic CSG
XmNuserData XmCUserData XtPointer NULL CSG

| Name                 |  Class                |  Type             |  Default             |  Access| 
| XmNbottomShadowColor |  XmCBottomShadowColor |  Pixel            |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNbottomShadowPixmap|  XmCBottomShadowPixmap|  Pixmap           |  XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP|  CSG   | 
| XmNforeground        |  XmCForeground        |  Pixel            |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNhelpCallback      |  XmCCallback          |  XtCallbackList   |  NULL                |  C     | 
| XmNhighlightColor    |  XmCHighlightColor    |  Pixel            |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNhighlightPixmap   |  XmCHighlightPixmap   |  Pixmap           |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNinitialFocus      |  XmCInitialFocus      |  Widget           |  NULL                |  CSG   | 
| XmNnavigationType    |  XmCNavigationType    |  XmNavigationType |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNshadowThickness   |  XmCShadowThickness   |  Dimension        |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNstringDirection   |  XmCStringDirection   |  XmStringDirection|  dynamic             |  CG    | 
| XmNtopShadowColor    |  XmCTopShadowColor    |  Pixel            |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNtopShadowPixmap   |  XmCTopShadowPixmap   |  Pixmap           |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNtraversalOn       |  XmCTraversalOn       |  Boolean          |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNunitType          |  XmCUnitType          |  unsigned char    |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNuserData          |  XmCUserData          |  XtPointer        |  NULL                |  CSG   | 

Composite resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNchildren XmCReadOnly WidgetList NULL G
XmNinsertPosition XmCInsertPosition XtOrderProc default procedure CSG
XmNnumChildren XmCReadOnly Cardinal 0 G

| Name             |  Class            |  Type       |  Default  |  Access| 
| XmNchildren      |  XmCReadOnly      |  WidgetList |  NULL     |  G     | 
| XmNinsertPosition|  XmCInsertPosition|  XtOrderProc|  default  |  CSG   | 
|                  |                   |             |  procedure|        | 
| XmNnumChildren   |  XmCReadOnly      |  Cardinal   |  0        |  G     | 

Core resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtAccelerators dynamic CSG
XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean dynamic G
XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderColor XmCBorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground CSG
XmNborderPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderWidth XmCBorderWidth Dimension 0 CSG
XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap dynamic CG
XmNdepth XmCDepth int dynamic CG
XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNheight XmCHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Boolean True C
XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG
XmNscreen XmCScreen Screen * dynamic CG
XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG
XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations dynamic CSG
XmNwidth XmCWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNx XmCPosition Position 0 CSG
XmNy XmCPosition Position 0 CSG

| Name                         |  Class                        |  Type          |  Default             |  Access| 
| XmNaccelerators              |  XmCAccelerators              |  XtAccelerators|  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNancestorSensitive         |  XmCSensitive                 |  Boolean       |  dynamic             |  G     | 
| XmNbackground                |  XmCBackground                |  Pixel         |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNbackgroundPixmap          |  XmCPixmap                    |  Pixmap        |  XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP|  CSG   | 
| XmNborderColor               |  XmCBorderColor               |  Pixel         |  XtDefaultForeground |  CSG   | 
| XmNborderPixmap              |  XmCPixmap                    |  Pixmap        |  XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP|  CSG   | 
| XmNborderWidth               |  XmCBorderWidth               |  Dimension     |  0                   |  CSG   | 
| XmNcolormap                  |  XmCColormap                  |  Colormap      |  dynamic             |  CG    | 
| XmNdepth                     |  XmCDepth                     |  int           |  dynamic             |  CG    | 
| XmNdestroyCallback           |  XmCCallback                  |  XtCallbackList|  NULL                |  C     | 
| XmNheight                    |  XmCHeight                    |  Dimension     |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNinitialResourcesPersistent|  XmCInitialResourcesPersistent|  Boolean       |  True                |  C     | 
| XmNmappedWhenManaged         |  XmCMappedWhenManaged         |  Boolean       |  True                |  CSG   | 
| XmNscreen                    |  XmCScreen                    |  Screen       |  dynamic             |  CG    | 
| XmNsensitive                 |  XmCSensitive                 |  Boolean       |  True                |  CSG   | 
| XmNtranslations              |  XmCTranslations              |  XtTranslations|  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNwidth                     |  XmCWidth                     |  Dimension     |  dynamic             |  CSG   | 
| XmNx                         |  XmCPosition                  |  Position      |  0                   |  CSG   | 
| XmNy                         |  XmCPosition                  |  Position      |  0                   |  CSG   | 

Callback information

A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback:
   typedef struct 
   	int	reason; 
   	XEvent	* event; 
   	Widget	widget; 
   	char	* data; 
   	char	* callbackstruct; 
   } XmRowColumnCallbackStruct; 

Indicates why the callback was invoked

Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback

The following fields apply only when the callback reason is XmCR_ACTIVATE; for all other callback reasons, these fields are set to NULL. The XmCR_ACTIVATE callback reason is generated only when the application has supplied an entry callback, which overrides any activation callbacks registered with the individual RowColumn items.

Is set to the widget ID of the RowColumn item that has been activated

Contains the client-data value supplied by the application when the RowColumn item's activation callback was registered

Points to the callback structure generated by the RowColumn item's activation callback


XmRowColumn translations depend on the value of the XmNrowColumnType resource.

If XmNrowColumnType is set to XmWORK_AREA, XmRowColumn inherits translations from XmManager.

If XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_OPTION, XmRowColumn inherits traversal, KActivate, and KCancel translations from XmManager and has the additional translations listed below. These translations may not directly correspond to a translation table.

   BSelect Press:          MenuBtnDown() 
   BSelect Release:        MenuBtnUp() 
   KSelect:                ManagerGadgetSelect() 
   KHelp:                  Help() 
The translations for XmRowColumn if XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENU_BAR XmMENU_PULLDOWN, or XmMENU_POPUP are listed below. In a Popup menu system, BMenu also performs the BSelect actions. These translations may not directly correspond to a translation table.
   BSelect Press:          MenuBtnDown() 
   BSelect Release:        MenuBtnUp() 
   KActivate:              ManagerGadgetSelect() 
   KSelect:                ManagerGadgetSelect() 
   MAny KCancel:           MenuGadgetEscape() 
   KHelp:                  Help() 
   KLeft:                  MenuGadgetTraverseLeft() 
   KRight:                 MenuGadgetTraverseRight() 
   KUp:                    MenuGadgetTraverseUp() 
   KDown:                  MenuGadgetTraverseDown() 

Action routines

The XmRowColumn action routines are described below:

Calls the callbacks for XmNhelpCallback if any exist. If there are no help callbacks for this widget, this action calls the help callbacks for the nearest ancestor that has them.

When a gadget child of the menu has the focus, invokes the gadget child's behavior associated with KSelect. This generally has the effect of unposting the menu hierarchy and arming and activating the gadget, except that for a CascadeButtonGadget with a submenu, it posts the submenu.

When a gadget child of the menu has the focus, invokes the gadget child's behavior associated with BSelect Press. This generally has the effect of unposting any menus posted by the parent menu, enabling mouse traversal in the menu, and arming the gadget. For a CascadeButtonGadget with a submenu, it also posts the associated submenu.

When a gadget child of the menu has the focus, invokes the gadget child's behavior associated with BSelect Release. This generally has the effect of unposting the menu hierarchy and activating the gadget, except that for a CascadeButtonGadget with a submenu, it posts the submenu and enables keyboard traversal in the menu.

In a toplevel Pulldown MenuPane from a MenuBar, unposts the menu, disarms the MenuBar CascadeButton and the MenuBar, and, when the shell's keyboard focus policy is XmEXPLICIT, restores keyboard focus to the widget that had the focus before the MenuBar was entered. In other Pulldown MenuPanes, unposts the menu.

In a Popup MenuPane, unposts the menu and, when the shell's keyboard focus policy is XmEXPLICIT, restores keyboard focus to the widget from which the menu was posted. In a TearOff MenuPane that has no submenus posted, dismisses the menu; otherwise, if one or more submenus are posted, unposts the last menu pane.

If the current menu item has a submenu and is in a MenuBar, then this action posts the submenu, disarms the current menu item, and arms the submenu's first traversable menu item.

If the current menu item is in a MenuPane, then this action disarms the current menu item and arms the item below it. This action wraps within the MenuPane. When the current menu item is at the MenuPane's bottom edge, then this action wraps to the topmost menu item in the column to the right, if one exists. When the current
menu item is at the bottom, rightmost corner of the MenuPane, then this action wraps to the tear-off control, if present, or to the top, leftmost menu item.

When the current menu item is in a MenuBar, then this action disarms the current item and arms the MenuBar item to the left. This action wraps within the MenuBar.

In MenuPanes, if the current menu item is not at the left edge of a MenuPane, this action disarms the current item and arms the item to its left. If the current menu item is at the left edge of a submenu attached to a MenuBar item, then this action unposts the submenu and traverses to the MenuBar item to the left, wrapping if necessary. If that MenuBar item has a submenu, it posts the submenu and arms the first traversable item in the submenu. If the current menu item is at the left edge of a submenu not directly attached to a MenuBar item, then this action unposts the current submenu only.

In Popup or Torn-off MenuPanes, when the current menu item is at the left edge, this action wraps within the MenuPane. If the current menu item is at the left edge of the MenuPane and not in the top row, this action wraps to the rightmost menu item in the row above. If the current menu item is in the upper, leftmost corner, this action wraps to the tear-off control, if present, or else it wraps to the bottom, rightmost menu item in the MenuPane.

If the current menu item is in a MenuBar, then this action disarms the current item and arms the MenuBar item to the right. This action wraps within the MenuBar.

In MenuPanes, if the current menu item is a CascadeButton, then this action posts its associated submenu. If the current menu item is not a CascadeButton and is not at the right edge of a MenuPane, this action disarms the current item and arms the item to its right, wrapping if necessary. If the current menu item is not a CascadeButton and is at the right edge of a submenu that is a descendent of a MenuBar, then this action unposts all submenus and traverses to the MenuBar item to the right. If that MenuBar item has a submenu, it posts the submenu and arms the submenu's first traversable item.

In Popup or Torn-off menus, if the current menu item is not a CascadeButton and is at the right edge of a row (except the bottom row), this action wraps to the leftmost menu item in the row below. If the current menu item is not a CascadeButton and is in the bottom, rightmost corner of a Popup or Pulldown MenuPane, this action wraps to the tear-off control, if present, or else it wraps to the top, leftmost menu item of the MenuPane.

When the current menu item is in a MenuPane, then this action disarms the current menu item and arms the item above it. This action wraps within the MenuPane. When the current menu item is at the MenuPane's top edge, then this action wraps to the bottommost menu item in the column to the left, if one exists. When the current menu item is at the top, leftmost corner of the MenuPane, then this action wraps to the tear-off control, if present, or to the bottom, rightmost menu item.

Related behavior

The following menu functions are available.

In any non-popup descendant of a MenuBar's parent, excluding the MenuBar itself, this action enables keyboard traversal and moves keyboard focus to the first item in the MenuBar. In the MenuBar or any menu cascaded from it, this action unposts the menu hierarchy and, when the shell's keyboard focus policy is XmEXPLICIT, restores focus to the widget that had the focus when the menu system was entered.

Pops up the menu associated with the control that has the keyboard focus. Enables keyboard traversal in the menu. In the Popup menu system or any menu cascaded from it, this action unposts the menu hierarchy and, when the shell's keyboard focus policy is XmEXPLICIT, restores focus to the widget that had the focus when the menu system was entered.

Virtual bindings

The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific. For information about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(X3mot).


Composite(X3mot), Constraint(X3mot), Core(X3mot), XmCreateMenuBar(X3mot),
XmCreateOptionMenu(X3mot), XmCreatePopupMenu(X3mot),
XmCreatePulldownMenu(X3mot), XmCreateRadioBox(X3mot),
XmCreateRowColumn(X3mot), XmCreateSimpleCheckBox(X3mot),
XmCreateSimpleMenuBar(X3mot), XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu(X3mot),
XmCreateSimplePopupMenu(X3mot), XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu(X3mot),
XmCreateSimpleRadioBox(X3mot), XmCreateWorkArea(X3mot),
XmGetMenuCursor(X3mot), XmGetPostedFromWidget(X3mot),
XmGetTearOffControl(X3mot), XmLabel(X3mot), XmManager(X3mot),
XmMenuPosition(X3mot), XmOptionButtonGadget(X3mot),
XmOptionLabelGadget(X3mot), XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(X3mot),
XmSetMenuCursor(X3mot), XmUpdateDisplay(X3mot),
XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox(X3mot), XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar(X3mot),
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(X3mot), XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu(X3mot),
XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu(X3mot) and
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.