
Intro -- Identifies the feature changes from Motif 1.0 through 1.2


This manual page describes the changes between Motif 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Also covered are the additional changes implemented through Motif 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 and 1.2. This manual page uses this two-stage approach to provide the ability to have a historical record of the modifications to Motif on a release-by-release basis.

New features and changes for Motif 1.1

This section summarizes the new features and changes included in the 1.1 release of Motif.

AES/UE and style guide compliance

Motif 1.1 is compliant with the Revision B of the User Environment Volume of the Application Environment Specification (AES/UE) and with the OSF/Motif Style Guide. This release includes a great many changes; these changes have been incorporated in the AES/UE to achieve compliance.

Enhancements included in the AES

Motif 1.1 implements many enhancements included in Revision B of the AES/UE These enhancements include:

The following services are new in Revision B of the AES/UE (not including previously existing services added in Revision B):

MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy XMStringSimpleCreate
XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight XmStringTable
XmCreateWorkArea XmTextCopy
XmCvtCTToXmString XmTextCut
XmCvtXmStringToCT XmTextGetBaseline
XmFontList XmTextGetInsertionPosition
XmGetColors XmTextGetLastPosition
XmGetPostedFromWidget XmTextGetSelectionPosition
XmListAddItems XmTextGetSource
XmListDeleteAllItems XmTextGetTopCharacter
XmListDeleteItems XmTextInsert
XmListDeleteItemsPos XmTextPaste
XmListGetMatchPos XmTextPosToXY
XmListGetSelectedPos XmTextPosition
XmListItemPos XmTextRemove
XmListReplaceItems XmTextScroll
XmListReplaceItemsPos XmTextSetAddMode
XmListSetAddMode XmTextSetHighlight
XmMainWindowSep3 XmTextSetInsertionPosition
XmProcessTraversal XmTextSetSource
XmString XmTextSetTopCharacter
XmStringCreateSimple XmTextShowPosition
XmStringDirection XmTextXYToPos
XmStringHasSubstring XmTrackingLocate

         MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy      XMStringSimpleCreate 
         XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight   XmStringTable 
         XmCreateWorkArea                 XmTextCopy 
         XmCvtCTToXmString                XmTextCut 
         XmCvtXmStringToCT                XmTextGetBaseline 
         XmFontList                       XmTextGetInsertionPosition 
         XmGetColors                      XmTextGetLastPosition 
         XmGetPostedFromWidget            XmTextGetSelectionPosition 
         XmListAddItems                   XmTextGetSource 
         XmListDeleteAllItems             XmTextGetTopCharacter 
         XmListDeleteItems                XmTextInsert 
         XmListDeleteItemsPos             XmTextPaste 
         XmListGetMatchPos                XmTextPosToXY 
         XmListGetSelectedPos             XmTextPosition 
         XmListItemPos                    XmTextRemove 
         XmListReplaceItems               XmTextScroll 
         XmListReplaceItemsPos            XmTextSetAddMode 
         XmListSetAddMode                 XmTextSetHighlight 
         XmMainWindowSep3                 XmTextSetInsertionPosition 
         XmProcessTraversal               XmTextSetSource 
         XmString                         XmTextSetTopCharacter 
         XmStringCreateSimple             XmTextShowPosition 
         XmStringDirection                XmTextXYToPos 
         XmStringHasSubstring             XmTrackingLocate 

The following previously existing services have been added to the AES/UE in Revision B:

MrmCloseHierarchy XmRemoveProtocols
MrmFetchColorLiteral XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback
MrmFetchIconLiteral XmRemoveWMProtocols
MrmFetchLiteral XmSetProtocolHooks
MrmFetchSetValues XmSetWMProtocolHooks
MrmFetchWidget XmStringBaseline
MrmFetchWidgetOverride XmStringByteCompare
MrmInitialize XmStringCompare
MrmOpenHierarchy XmStringConcat
MrmRegisterClass XmStringCopy
MrmRegisterNames XmStringCreate
Uil XmStringDraw
XmActivateProtocol XmStringDrawImage
XmActivateWMProtocol XmStringDrawUnderline
XmAddProtocolCallback XmStringEmpty
XmAddProtocols XmStringExtent
XmAddWMProtocolCallback XmStringFree
XmAddWMProtocols XmStringHeight
XmConvertUnits XmStringLength
XmDeactivateProtocol XmStringLineCount
XmDeactivateWMProtocol XmStringNConcat
XmFontListAdd XmStringNCopy
XmFontListCreate XmStringSeparatorCreate
XmFontListFree XmStringWidth

            MrmCloseHierarchy          XmRemoveProtocols 
            MrmFetchColorLiteral       XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback 
            MrmFetchIconLiteral        XmRemoveWMProtocols 
            MrmFetchLiteral            XmSetProtocolHooks 
            MrmFetchSetValues          XmSetWMProtocolHooks 
            MrmFetchWidget             XmStringBaseline 
            MrmFetchWidgetOverride     XmStringByteCompare 
            MrmInitialize              XmStringCompare 
            MrmOpenHierarchy           XmStringConcat 
            MrmRegisterClass           XmStringCopy 
            MrmRegisterNames           XmStringCreate 
            Uil                        XmStringDraw 
            XmActivateProtocol         XmStringDrawImage 
            XmActivateWMProtocol       XmStringDrawUnderline 
            XmAddProtocolCallback      XmStringEmpty 
            XmAddProtocols             XmStringExtent 
            XmAddWMProtocolCallback    XmStringFree 
            XmAddWMProtocols           XmStringHeight 
            XmConvertUnits             XmStringLength 
            XmDeactivateProtocol       XmStringLineCount 
            XmDeactivateWMProtocol     XmStringNConcat 
            XmFontListAdd              XmStringNCopy 
            XmFontListCreate           XmStringSeparatorCreate 
            XmFontListFree             XmStringWidth 
The WindowObj service has been removed from the AES/UE in Revision B.

Other enhancements

Motif 1.1 contains a number of enhancements that are not included in the AES/UE. These enhancements include:

The following new manual pages exist in Motif 1.1 for features not included in the AES/UE:

XmCreateSimpleCheckBox XmTextFieldGetMaxLength
XmCreateSimpleMenuBar XmTextFieldGetSelection
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition
XmCreateSimplePopupMenu XmTextFieldGetString
XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu XmTextFieldInsert
XmCreateSimpleRadioBox XmTextFieldPaste
XmCreateTextField XmTextFieldPosToXY
XmFontListCopy XmTextFieldRemove
XmFontListFreeFontContext XmTextFieldReplace
XmFontListGetNextFont XmTextFieldSetAddMode
XmFontListInitFontContext XmTextFieldSetEditable
XmGetColorCalculation XmTextFieldSetHighlight
XmGetDestination XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition
XmResolveAllPartOffsets XmTextFieldSetMaxLength
XmSetColorCalculation XmTextFieldSetSelection
XmSetFontUnits XmTextFieldSetString
XmTextField XmTextFieldShowPosition
XmTextFieldClearSelection XmTextFieldXYToPos
XmTextFieldCopy XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox
XmTextFieldCut XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar
XmTextFieldGetBaseline XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu
XmTextFieldGetEditable XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu
XmTextFieldGetLastPosition XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox

      XmCreateSimpleCheckBox            XmTextFieldGetMaxLength 
      XmCreateSimpleMenuBar             XmTextFieldGetSelection 
      XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu          XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition 
      XmCreateSimplePopupMenu           XmTextFieldGetString 
      XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu        XmTextFieldInsert 
      XmCreateSimpleRadioBox            XmTextFieldPaste 
      XmCreateTextField                 XmTextFieldPosToXY 
      XmFontListCopy                    XmTextFieldRemove 
      XmFontListFreeFontContext         XmTextFieldReplace 
      XmFontListGetNextFont             XmTextFieldSetAddMode 
      XmFontListInitFontContext         XmTextFieldSetEditable 
      XmGetColorCalculation             XmTextFieldSetHighlight 
      XmGetDestination                  XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition 
      XmResolveAllPartOffsets           XmTextFieldSetMaxLength 
      XmSetColorCalculation             XmTextFieldSetSelection 
      XmSetFontUnits                    XmTextFieldSetString 
      XmTextField                       XmTextFieldShowPosition 
      XmTextFieldClearSelection         XmTextFieldXYToPos 
      XmTextFieldCopy                   XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox 
      XmTextFieldCut                    XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar 
      XmTextFieldGetBaseline            XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu 
      XmTextFieldGetEditable            XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu 
      XmTextFieldGetLastPosition        XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox 

Changes to #Include files

The AtomMgr.h, Protocols.h, ProtocolsP.h, and MwmUtil.h #include files have been moved from the /usr/include/X11 directory to the /usr/include/Xm directory. Pointer files to the /Xm directory remain in the /X11 directory for backward compatibility through Motif 1.1. The installation procedure removes these old files from the /usr/include/X11 directory and replaces them with links to these new files in the /usr/include/Xm directory for backward compatibility with Motif 1.0.

The Motif-specific information has been removed from the Vendor.h and VendorP.h #include files in the /lib/Xt directory; it has been moved to the files Vendor.c and VendorE.h in the /lib/Xm directory.

OSF/Motif and the Xt intrinsics

Motif 1.1 uses Version 11, Release 4 of the X Window System, including the X11R4 X Toolkit Intrinsics. This section lists some implications of this change for application programs.

Compound string modifications

The internal implementation of the XmString data type has changed. Applications that used the internals of the opaque data structure are likely to break.

Motif 1.1 has introduced a number of extensions with the intent of providing backward compatibility for the next internationalization release. In particular:

Internal modifications

Changes have been made to the internal Gadget caching code and the clipboard code. These internal changes do not affect the application programming interface.

ANSI C compliance

Motif 1.1 is compliant with ANSI C. All external functions are prototyped.

Resource name modifications

The names of three resources have been changed because of conflicts with resource names in other widgets. In XmPanedWindow, XmNminimum has been renamed to XmNpaneMinimum, and XmNmaximum has been renamed to XmNpaneMaximum. In XmText, XmNtopPosition has been renamed to XmNtopCharacter.

The mwm selectColor icon box resource has been renamed to troughColor.

Default font list modifications

The value of the XmNfontList resource now obtains its default dynamically. The default value is obtained by looking up the parent hierarchy of the widget for an ancestor that is a subclass of the XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell widget class. If such an ancestor is found, the font list is initialized to the appropriate default font list of the ancestor widget ( XmNdefaultFontList for VendorShell and XmMenuShell; XmNbuttonFontList, XmNlabelFontList, or XmNtextFontList for XmBulletinBoard). The three XmBulletinBoard font list resources obtain their defaults in the same way.

Potential XmBulletinBoard modification

The XmNtextTranslations resource in XmBulletinBoard exists in Motif 1.1 but may be removed in a future release. BulletinBoard no longer overrides the KReturn translation for multi-line text.

Help translation additions

Every widget has a translation for KHelp. The Help action calls the XmNhelpCallback callbacks if they exist. If they do not exist, the Help action looks up the parent hierarchy until it finds an XmNhelpCallback and then calls it. Applications no longer need provide translation table entries for <F1>.

Traversal modifications

Traversal for many controls is enabled by default in this release; the XmNtraversalOn resource defaults to True for these widgets. The default value of XmNtraversalOn is False for the following widgets and gadgets:

XmLabel XmSeparator
XmLabelGadget XmSeparatorGadget

               XmLabel                  XmSeparator 
               XmLabelGadget            XmSeparatorGadget 
The default is True for all other widgets (except that it is forced to False in an empty List). This is a change to the following widgets and gadgets:

XmArrowButton XmPushButtonGadget
XmArrowButtonGadget XmToggleButton
XmCascadeButton XmToggleButtonGadget
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmList
XmDrawnButton XmText

               XmArrowButton            XmPushButtonGadget 
               XmArrowButtonGadget      XmToggleButton 
               XmCascadeButton          XmToggleButtonGadget 
               XmCascadeButtonGadget    XmList 
               XmDrawnButton            XmText 
This change can affect the layout of applications, as many controls are larger to accommodate the traversal highlight. In most cases the Motif 1.0 appearance can be restored by setting the following resources:

*traversalOn: false
*highlightOnEnter: false
*highlightThickness: 0

Changes to XmNmnemonic resources

The type of the XmNmnemonic resources in XmLabel, XmLabelGadget, and XmRowColumn has been changed to KeySym. The size of this type is different from that of the Motif 1.0 type, char, for these resources.

Mnemonic underlining

To be underlined when a mnemonic is used, a character in a label string must match the mnemonic exactly. However, to activate the mnemonic, the user can press either the shifted or the unshifted key that corresponds to the mnemonic.

Removal of MrmFetchInterfaceModule

The MrmFetchInterfaceModule routine has been removed in Motif 1.1.

The widget Meta-Language facility

A new widget meta-language (WML) facility generates components of the user interface language (UIL) compiler. The file /usr/lib/X11/tools/wml/motif.wml is a specification based on lex and yacc and is used to describe toolkit classes and resources. The file is a hierarchical description of toolkit widgets, including their inheritance relations. This information is used in generating the UIL compiler and is included for reference only.

Miscellaneous tips

OSF/Motif 1.1.2

The following list describes some of the major changes and bug fixes in Motif 1.1.2:

OSF/Motif 1.1.3

The following are descriptions of changes we have provided for the Motif 1.1.3 release:

OSF/Motif 1.1.4

The following are descriptions of changes we have provided for the Motif 1.1.4 release:

OSF/Motif 1.2

This section describes new functionality and enhancements that affect the Motif Toolkit as a whole.

The following table lists functions new to Motif 1.2 and the manual page on which it discussed.

Function Manual Page
XmChangeColor XmChangeColor(X3mot)
XmCreateDragIcon XmCreateDragIcon(X3mot)
XmCreateTemplateDialog XmCreateTemplateDialog(X3mot)
XmDragCancel XmDragCancel(X3mot)
XmDragStart XmDragStart(X3mot)
XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder(X3mot)
XmDropSiteEndUpdate XmDropSiteEndUpdate(X3mot)
XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder(X3mot)
XmDropSiteRegister XmDropSiteRegister(X3mot)
XmDropSiteRetrieve XmDropSiteRetrieve(X3mot)
XmDropSiteStartUpdate XmDropSiteStartUpdate(X3mot)
XmDropSiteUnregister XmDropSiteUnregister(X3mot)
XmDropSiteUpdate XmDropSiteUpdate(X3mot)
XmDropTransferAdd XmDropTransferAdd(X3mot)
XmDropTransferStart XmDropTransferStart(X3mot)
XmFontListAppendEntry XmFontListAppendEntry(X3mot)
XmFontListEntryCreate XmFontListEntryCreate(X3mot)
XmFontListEntryFree XmFontListEntryFree(X3mot)
XmFontListEntryGetFont XmFontListEntryGetFont(X3mot)
XmFontListEntryGetTag XmFontListEntryGetTag(X3mot)
XmFontListEntryLoad XmFontListEntryLoad(X3mot)
XmFontListNextEntry XmFontListNextEntry(X3mot)
XmFontListRemoveEntry XmFontListRemoveEntry(X3mot)
XmGetDragContext XmGetDragContext(X3mot)
XmGetFocusWidget XmGetFocusWidget(X3mot)
XmGetPixmapByDepth XmGetPixmapByDepth(X3mot)
XmGetTabGroup XmGetTabGroup(X3mot)
XmGetTearOffControl XmGetTearOffControl(X3mot)
XmGetVisibility XmGetVisibility(X3mot)
XmGetXmDisplay XmGetXmDisplay(X3mot)
XmGetXmScreen XmGetXmScreen(X3mot)
XmIsTraversable XmIsTraversable(X3mot)
XmListAddItemsUnselected XmListAddItemsUnselected(X3mot)
XmListDeletePositions XmListDeletePositions(X3mot)
XmListGetKbdItemPos XmListGetKbdItemPos(X3mot)
XmListPosSelected XmListPosSelected(X3mot)
XmListPosToBounds XmListPosToBounds(X3mot)
XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected(X3mot)
XmListReplaceItemsUnselected XmListReplaceItemsUnselected(X3mot)
XmListReplacePositions XmListReplacePositions(X3mot)
XmListSetKbdItemPos XmListSetKbdItemPos(X3mot)
XmListUpdateSelectedList XmListUpdateSelectedList(X3mot)
XmListYToPos XmListYToPos(X3mot)
XmMapSegmentEncoding XmMapSegmentEncoding(X3mot)
XmRegisterSegmentEncoding XmRegisterSegmentEncoding(X3mot)
XmRepTypeAddReverse XmRepTypeAddReverse(X3mot)
XmRepTypeGetId XmRepTypeGetId(X3mot)
XmRepTypeGetNameList XmRepTypeGetNameList(X3mot)
XmRepTypeGetRecord XmRepTypeGetRecord(X3mot)
XmRepTypeGetRegistered XmRepTypeGetRegistered(X3mot)
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(X3mot)
XmRepTypeRegister XmRepTypeRegister(X3mot)
XmRepTypeValidValue XmRepTypeValidValue(X3mot)
XmScrollVisible XmScrollVisible(X3mot)
XmStringCreateLocalized XmStringCreateLocalized(X3mot)
XmTargetsAreCompatible XmTargetsAreCompatible(X3mot)
XmTextDisableRedisplay XmTextDisableRedisplay(X3mot)
XmTextEnableRedisplay XmTextEnableRedisplay(X3mot)
XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFieldGetStringWcs XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFieldGetSubstring XmTextFieldGetSubstring(X3mot)
XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFieldInsertWcs XmTextFieldInsertWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFieldReplaceWcs XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFieldSetStringWcs XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextFindString XmTextFindString(X3mot)
XmTextFindStringWcs XmTextFindStringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextGetSelectionWcs XmTextGetSelectionWcs(X3mot)
XmTextGetStringWcs XmTextGetStringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextGetSubstring XmTextGetSubstring(X3mot)
XmTextGetSubstringWcs XmTextGetSubstringWcs(X3mot)
XmTextInsertWcs XmTextInsertWcs(X3mot)
XmTextReplaceWcs XmTextReplaceWcs(X3mot)
XmTextSetStringWcs XmTextSetStringWcs(X3mot)
XmTrackingEvent XmTrackingEvent(X3mot)
XmTranslateKey XmTranslateKey(X3mot)
XmWidgetGetBaselines XmWidgetGetBaselines(X3mot)
XmWidgetGetDisplayRect XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(X3mot)

| Function                             |  Manual Page                                   | 
| XmChangeColor                        |   XmChangeColor(X3mot)                         | 
| XmCreateDragIcon                     |   XmCreateDragIcon(X3mot)                      | 
| XmCreateTemplateDialog               |   XmCreateTemplateDialog(X3mot)                | 
| XmDragCancel                         |   XmDragCancel(X3mot)                          | 
| XmDragStart                          |   XmDragStart(X3mot)                           | 
| XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder     |   XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder(X3mot)      | 
| XmDropSiteEndUpdate                  |   XmDropSiteEndUpdate(X3mot)                   | 
| XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder         |   XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder(X3mot)          | 
| XmDropSiteRegister                   |   XmDropSiteRegister(X3mot)                    | 
| XmDropSiteRetrieve                   |   XmDropSiteRetrieve(X3mot)                    | 
| XmDropSiteStartUpdate                |   XmDropSiteStartUpdate(X3mot)                 | 
| XmDropSiteUnregister                 |   XmDropSiteUnregister(X3mot)                  | 
| XmDropSiteUpdate                     |   XmDropSiteUpdate(X3mot)                      | 
| XmDropTransferAdd                    |   XmDropTransferAdd(X3mot)                     | 
| XmDropTransferStart                  |   XmDropTransferStart(X3mot)                   | 
| XmFontListAppendEntry                |   XmFontListAppendEntry(X3mot)                 | 
| XmFontListEntryCreate                |   XmFontListEntryCreate(X3mot)                 | 
| XmFontListEntryFree                  |   XmFontListEntryFree(X3mot)                   | 
| XmFontListEntryGetFont               |   XmFontListEntryGetFont(X3mot)                | 
| XmFontListEntryGetTag                |   XmFontListEntryGetTag(X3mot)                 | 
| XmFontListEntryLoad                  |   XmFontListEntryLoad(X3mot)                   | 
| XmFontListNextEntry                  |   XmFontListNextEntry(X3mot)                   | 
| XmFontListRemoveEntry                |   XmFontListRemoveEntry(X3mot)                 | 
| XmGetDragContext                     |   XmGetDragContext(X3mot)                      | 
| XmGetFocusWidget                     |   XmGetFocusWidget(X3mot)                      | 
| XmGetPixmapByDepth                   |   XmGetPixmapByDepth(X3mot)                    | 
| XmGetTabGroup                        |   XmGetTabGroup(X3mot)                         | 
| XmGetTearOffControl                  |   XmGetTearOffControl(X3mot)                   | 
| XmGetVisibility                      |   XmGetVisibility(X3mot)                       | 
| XmGetXmDisplay                       |   XmGetXmDisplay(X3mot)                        | 
| XmGetXmScreen                        |   XmGetXmScreen(X3mot)                         | 
| XmIsTraversable                      |   XmIsTraversable(X3mot)                       | 
| XmListAddItemsUnselected             |   XmListAddItemsUnselected(X3mot)              | 
| XmListDeletePositions                |   XmListDeletePositions(X3mot)                 | 
| XmListGetKbdItemPos                  |   XmListGetKbdItemPos(X3mot)                   | 
| XmListPosSelected                    |   XmListPosSelected(X3mot)                     | 
| XmListPosToBounds                    |   XmListPosToBounds(X3mot)                     | 
| XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected      |   XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected(X3mot)       | 
| XmListReplaceItemsUnselected         |   XmListReplaceItemsUnselected(X3mot)          | 
| XmListReplacePositions               |   XmListReplacePositions(X3mot)                | 
| XmListSetKbdItemPos                  |   XmListSetKbdItemPos(X3mot)                   | 
| XmListUpdateSelectedList             |   XmListUpdateSelectedList(X3mot)              | 
| XmListYToPos                         |   XmListYToPos(X3mot)                          | 
| XmMapSegmentEncoding                 |   XmMapSegmentEncoding(X3mot)                  | 
| XmRegisterSegmentEncoding            |   XmRegisterSegmentEncoding(X3mot)             | 
| XmRepTypeAddReverse                  |   XmRepTypeAddReverse(X3mot)                   | 
| XmRepTypeGetId                       |   XmRepTypeGetId(X3mot)                        | 
| XmRepTypeGetNameList                 |   XmRepTypeGetNameList(X3mot)                  | 
| XmRepTypeGetRecord                   |   XmRepTypeGetRecord(X3mot)                    | 
| XmRepTypeGetRegistered               |   XmRepTypeGetRegistered(X3mot)                | 
| XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter|   XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(X3mot) | 
| XmRepTypeRegister                    |   XmRepTypeRegister(X3mot)                     | 
| XmRepTypeValidValue                  |   XmRepTypeValidValue(X3mot)                   | 
| XmScrollVisible                      |   XmScrollVisible(X3mot)                       | 
| XmStringCreateLocalized              |   XmStringCreateLocalized(X3mot)               | 
| XmTargetsAreCompatible               |   XmTargetsAreCompatible(X3mot)                | 
| XmTextDisableRedisplay               |   XmTextDisableRedisplay(X3mot)                | 
| XmTextEnableRedisplay                |   XmTextEnableRedisplay(X3mot)                 | 
| XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs           |   XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs(X3mot)            | 
| XmTextFieldGetStringWcs              |   XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(X3mot)               | 
| XmTextFieldGetSubstring              |   XmTextFieldGetSubstring(X3mot)               | 
| XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs           |   XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(X3mot)            | 
| XmTextFieldInsertWcs                 |   XmTextFieldInsertWcs(X3mot)                  | 
| XmTextFieldReplaceWcs                |   XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(X3mot)                 | 
| XmTextFieldSetStringWcs              |   XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(X3mot)               | 
| XmTextFindString                     |   XmTextFindString(X3mot)                      | 
| XmTextFindStringWcs                  |   XmTextFindStringWcs(X3mot)                   | 
| XmTextGetSelectionWcs                |   XmTextGetSelectionWcs(X3mot)                 | 
| XmTextGetStringWcs                   |   XmTextGetStringWcs(X3mot)                    | 
| XmTextGetSubstring                   |   XmTextGetSubstring(X3mot)                    | 
| XmTextGetSubstringWcs                |   XmTextGetSubstringWcs(X3mot)                 | 
| XmTextInsertWcs                      |   XmTextInsertWcs(X3mot)                       | 
| XmTextReplaceWcs                     |   XmTextReplaceWcs(X3mot)                      | 
| XmTextSetStringWcs                   |   XmTextSetStringWcs(X3mot)                    | 
| XmTrackingEvent                      |   XmTrackingEvent(X3mot)                       | 
| XmTranslateKey                       |   XmTranslateKey(X3mot)                        | 
| XmWidgetGetBaselines                 |   XmWidgetGetBaselines(X3mot)                  | 
| XmWidgetGetDisplayRect               |   XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(X3mot)                | 


Xlib - C Language X Interface
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.