
keyboard -- system console keyboard


The system console has two separate parts: the keyboard and the display (see display(7)).

The keyboard is used to type data, and send certain control signals to the computer. UNIX system software performs terminal emulation on the console screen and keyboard, and, in doing so, makes use of several particular keys and key combinations. These keys and key combinations have special names that are unique to the UNIX system, and may or may not correspond to the keytop labels on your keyboard.

When you press a key, one of the following happens:

When a key is pressed (a keystroke), the keyboard sends a scancode to the computer. This scancode is interpreted by the keyboard driver. The actual code sequence delivered to the terminal input routine (see termio (7)) is defined by a set of internal tables in the driver. These tables can be modified by software (see the discussion of ioctl calls below). In addition, the driver can be instructed not to do translations, delivering the keyboard up and down scan codes directly.

Changing meanings

The action performed by a key can be changed by using certain keys in combination. For example, the <Shift> key changes the ASCII values of the alphanumeric keys. Holding down the <Ctrl> key while pressing another key sends a control code (such as <Ctrl>-d, <Ctrl>-s, and <Ctrl>-q). Holding down the <Alt> key also modifies a key's value. The <Shift>, <Ctrl>, and <Alt> keys can be used in combination.

Switching screens

To change screens (virtual terminals), first run the vtlmgr command (see vtlmgr(1)). Switch the current screen by typing <Alt><SysReq> (also labeled <Alt><Print Screen> on some systems) followed by a key that identifies the desired screen. Any active screen can be selected by following <Alt><SysReq> with Fn, where Fn is one of the function keys. <F1> refers to the first virtual terminal screen, <F2> refers to the second virtual terminal screen, and so on. <Alt><SysReq> h (home) refers to the main console display (/dev/console). The next active screen can be selected with <Alt><SysReq> n, and the previous screen can be selected with <Alt><SysReq>.

The default screen switch enable sequence <Alt><SysReq> is configurable. The SYSREQ table entry (see the ``Keyboard Map'' section above) can be changed using ioctl calls (see the section ``Ioctl Calls'' below). If the screen switch enable sequence is changed from the default, you must use the newly set sequence to switch virtual terminals. The default keyboard mapping can be restored using the mapkey(1M) command.

Special keys

The following table shows which keys on a typical console correspond to UNIX system keys. In this table, a hyphen (-) between keys means you must hold down the first key while pressing the second. The mapping between characters that generate signals and the signal generated is set with stty(1), and may be changed (see stty(1)).

Name Keytop Action
INTR <Del> Stops current action and returns to the shell. This key is also called the RUB OUT or INTERRUPT key.
BACKSPACE LEFT ARROW Deletes the first character to the left of the cursor.
Note that the ``cursor left'' key also has a left arrow (LEFT ARROW) on its keytop, but you cannot backspace using that key.
<Ctrl>-d <Ctrl>-D Signals the end of input from the keyboard; also exits current shell.
<Ctrl>-h <Ctrl>-H Deletes the first character to the left of the cursor. Also called the ERASE key.
<Ctrl>-q <Ctrl>-Q Restarts printing after it has been stopped with <Ctrl>-s.
<Ctrl>-s <Ctrl>-S Suspends printing on the screen (does not stop the program).
<Ctrl>-u <Ctrl>-U Deletes all characters on the current line. Also called the KILL key.
<Ctrl>-e <Ctrl>-E Quits current command and creates a core
    file, if allowed. (Recommended for debugging only.)
ESCAPE <Esc> Special code for some programs. For example, changes from insert mode to command mode in the vi(1) text editor.
<Return> [Enter] (down-left
arrow) or
Terminates a command line and initiates an action from the shell.
Fn <Fn> Function key n. <F1>-<F12> are unshifted, <F13>-<F24> are shifted <F1>-<F12>, <F25>-<F36> are <Ctrl>-<F1> <F1>-<F12> and <F37>-<F48> are <Ctrl>-<Shift>-<Shift> <F1>-<F12>.
The next Fn keys (<F49>-<F60>) are on the number pad (unshifted):
<F49> ``7''
<F50> ``8''
<F51> ``9''
<F52> ``-''
<F53> ``4''
<F54> ``5''
<F55> ``6''
<F56> ``+''
<F57> ``1''
<F58> ``2''
<F59> ``3''
<F60> ``0''

 Name        Keytop               Action 
 INTR        <Del>                Stops current action and returns to the shell. 
                                  This key is also called the RUB OUT or INTERRUPT 
 BACKSPACE   <-                   Deletes the first character to the left of the 
                                  Note that the ``cursor left'' key also has a left 
                                  arrow (<-) on its keytop, but you cannot backspace 
                                  using that key. 
 <Ctrl>-d    <Ctrl>-D             Signals the end of input from the keyboard; also 
                                  exits current shell. 
 <Ctrl>-h    <Ctrl>-H             Deletes the first character to the left of the 
                                  cursor.  Also called the ERASE key. 
 <Ctrl>-q    <Ctrl>-Q             Restarts printing after it has been stopped with 
 <Ctrl>-s    <Ctrl>-S             Suspends printing on the screen (does not stop the 
 <Ctrl>-u    <Ctrl>-U             Deletes all characters on the current line.  Also 
                                  called the KILL key. 
 <Ctrl>-e    <Ctrl>-E             Quits current command and creates a core 
                                  file, if allowed. (Recommended for debugging only.) 
 ESCAPE      <Esc>                Special code for some programs.  For example, 
                                  changes from insert mode to command mode in the 
                                  vi(1) text editor. 
 <Return>    [Enter] (down-left   Terminates a command line and initiates an action 
             arrow) or            from the shell. 
 Fn          <Fn>                 Function key n.  <F1>-<F12> are unshifted, <F13>- 
                                  <F24> are shifted <F1>-<F12>, <F25>-<F36> are 
                                  <Ctrl>-<F1> <F1>-<F12> and <F37>-<F48> are <Ctrl>- 
                                  <Shift>-<Shift> <F1>-<F12>. 
                                  The next Fn keys (<F49>-<F60>) are on the number 
                                  pad (unshifted): 
                                  <F49>   ``7'' 
                                  <F50>   ``8'' 
                                  <F51>   ``9'' 
                                  <F52>   ``-'' 
                                  <F53>   ``4'' 
                                  <F54>   ``5'' 
                                  <F55>   ``6'' 
                                  <F56>   ``+'' 
                                  <F57>   ``1'' 
                                  <F58>   ``2'' 
                                  <F59>   ``3'' 
                                  <F60>   ``0'' 

Keyboard map

The keyboard mapping structure is defined in /usr/include/sys/kd.h. Each key can have ten states. The first eight states are:


The two remaining states are indicated by two special bytes. The first byte is a special state byte whose bits indicate whether the key is special in one or more of the first eight states. The second byte is one of four codes represented by the characters ``C'', ``N'', ``B'', or ``O'' which indicate how the lock keys affect the particular key.

The following table describes the default keyboard mapping. All values, except for special keywords (which are described later), are ASCII character values.

Scan code
The scan code generated by the keyboard hardware when a key is pressed. There are no table entries for the scan code generated by releasing a key.

The normal value of a key press.

The value of a key press when <Shift> is also being held down.

The value of a key press when <Ctrl> is also being held down.

The value of a key press when <Alt> is also being held down.

Indicates which lock keys affect a particular key:

<Caps Lock>

<Num Lock>

both <Caps Lock> and <Num Lock>

locking is off

This entry provides a simple index of the default virtual terminal key selectors to the scan code to which it is assigned. The actual SRQTAB table is a stand-alone table which can be read or written using the KDGKBENT and KDSKBENT ioctl calls.

The remaining columns are the values of key presses when combinations of the <Ctrl>, <Alt>, and <Shift> keys are also held down.

1 esc esc esc esc esc esc esc esc O nop
2 '1' '!' '1' '1' escn escn nop nop O nop
3 '2' '@' '2' nul escn escn nop nop O nop
4 '3' '#' '3' '3' escn escn nop nop O nop
5 '4' '$' '4' '4' escn escn nop nop O nop
6 '5' '%' '5' '5' escn escn nop nop O nop
7 '6' '^' '6' rs escn escn nop nop O nop
8 '7' '&' '7' '7' escn escn nop nop O nop
9 '8' '*' '8' '8' escn escn nop nop O nop
10 '9' '(' '9' '9' escn escn nop nop O nop
11 '0' ')' '0' '0' escn escn nop nop O nop
12 '-' '_' '-' ns escn escn nop nop O nop
13 '=' '+' '=' '=' escn escn nop nop O nop
14 bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs O nop
15 ht btab ht btab ht btab ht btab O nop
16 'q' 'Q' dc1 dc1 escn escn nop nop C nop
17 'w' 'W' etb etb escn escn nop nop C nop
18 'e' 'E' enq enq escn escn nop nop C nop
19 'r' 'R' dc2 dc2 escn escn nop nop C nop
20 't' 'T' dc4 dc4 escn escn nop nop C nop
21 'y' 'Y' em em escn escn nop nop C nop
22 'u' 'U' nak nak escn escn nop nop C nop
23 'i' 'I' ht ht escn escn nop nop C nop
24 'o' 'O' si si escn escn nop nop C nop
25 'p' 'P' dle dle escn escn nop nop C K_PREV
26 '[' '{' esc nop escn escn nop nop O nop
27 ']' '}' gs nop escn escn nop nop O nop
28 cr cr cr cr cr cr cr cr O nop
29 lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl lctrl O nop
30 'a' 'A' soh soh escn escn nop nop C nop
31 's' 'S' dc3 dc3 escn escn nop nop C nop
32 'd' 'D' eot eot escn escn k_dbg nop C nop
33 'f' 'F' ack ack escn escn nop nop C K_FRCNEXT
34 'g' 'G' bel bel escn escn nop nop C nop
35 'h' 'H' bs bs escn escn nop nop C K_VTF
36 'j' 'J' nl nl escn escn nop nop C nop
37 'k' 'K' vt vt escn escn nop nop C nop
38 'l' 'L' np np escn escn nop nop C nop
39 ';' ':' ';' ':' escn escn nop nop O nop
40 '´' '"' '´' '"' escn escn nop nop O nop
41 '`' '~' '`' '~' escn escn nop nop O nop
42 lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift O nop
43 '\\' '|' fs '|' escn escn nop nop O nop
44 'z' 'Z' sub sub escn escn nop nop C nop
45 'x' 'X' can can escn escn nop nop C nop
46 'c' 'C' etx etx escn escn nop nop C nop
47 'v' 'V' syn syn escn escn nop nop C nop
48 'b' 'B' stx stx escn escn nop nop C nop
49 'n' 'N' so so escn escn nop nop C K_NEXT
50 'm' 'M' cr cr escn escn nop nop C nop
51 ',' '<' ',' '<' escn escn nop nop O nop
52 '.' '>' '.' '>' escn escn nop nop O nop
53 '/' '?' '/' ns escn escn nop nop O nop
54 rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift O nop
55 '*' '*' '*' '*' escn escn nop nop O nop
56 lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt lalt O nop
57 ' ' ' ' nul nul escn escn nop nop O nop
58 clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock O nop
59 fkey1 fkey13 fkey25 fkey37 fkey1 fkey13 fkey25 fkey37 O K_VTF+1
60 fkey2 fkey14 fkey26 fkey38 fkey2 fkey14 fkey26 fkey38 O K_VTF+2
61 fkey3 fkey15 fkey27 fkey39 fkey3 fkey15 fkey27 fkey39 O K_VTF+3
62 fkey4 fkey16 fkey28 fkey40 fkey4 fkey16 fkey28 fkey40 O K_VTF+4
63 fkey5 fkey17 fkey29 fkey41 fkey5 fkey17 fkey29 fkey41 O K_VTF+5
64 fkey6 fkey18 fkey30 fkey42 fkey6 fkey18 fkey30 fkey42 O K_VTF+6
65 fkey7 fkey19 fkey31 fkey43 fkey7 fkey19 fkey31 fkey43 O K_VTF+7
66 fkey8 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 fkey8 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 O K_VTF+8
67 fkey9 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 fkey9 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 O K_VTF+9
68 fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 O K_VTF+10
69 nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock nlock O  
70 slock slock slock slock slock slock slock slock O  
71 fkey49 '7' fkey49 '7' fkey49 escn nop nop N  
72 fkey50 '8' fkey50 '8' fkey50 escn nop nop N  
73 fkey51 '9' fkey51 '9' fkey51 escn nop nop N  
74 fkey52 '-' fkey52 '-' fkey52 escn nop nop N  
75 fkey53 '4' fkey53 '4' fkey53 escn nop nop N  
76 fkey54 '5' fkey54 '5' fkey54 escn nop nop N  
77 fkey55 '6' fkey55 '6' fkey55 escn nop nop N  
78 fkey56 '+' fkey56 '+' fkey56 escn nop nop N  
79 fkey57 '1' fkey57 '1' fkey57 escn nop nop N  
80 fkey58 '2' fkey58 '2' fkey58 escn nop nop N  
81 fkey59 '3' fkey59 '3' fkey59 escn nop nop N  
82 fkey60 '0' fkey60 '0' fkey60 escn nop nop N  
83 del '.' del '.' del escn rboot nop N  
84 fkey60 fkey26 fkey60 nop sysreq sysreq sysreq sysreq O  
85 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 O  
86 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 O  
87 fkey11 fkey23 fkey35 fkey47 fkey11 fkey23 fkey35 fkey47 O K_VTF+11
88 fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 O K_VTF+12
89 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
90 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
91 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
92 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
93 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
94 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
95 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
96 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
97 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
98 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
99 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
100 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
101 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
102 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
103 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
104 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
105 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
106 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
107 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 fkey53 O  
108 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
109 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
110 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
111 fkey51 fkey51 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
112 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
113 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
114 ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt ralt O K_NOP
115 rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl rctrl O K_NOP
116 slock slock brk brk slock slock brk brk O nline
117 '/' '/' nop nop escn escn nop nop O K_NOP
118 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
119 slock slock brk brk slock slock brk brk O K_NOP
120 fkey50 fkey50 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
121 del del del del del del rboot del O K_NOP
122 fkey57 fkey57 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
123 fkey60 fkey60 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
124 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
125 fkey55 fkey55 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
126 fkey59 fkey59 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP
127 fkey49 fkey49 nop nop nop nop nop nop O K_NOP

| Scan|  Base  |  <Shift>|  <Ctrl>|  <Ctrl> |  <Alt> |  <Alt>  |  <Alt> |  <Alt>  |  Lock|  SRQTAB   | 
| code|        |         |        |  <Shift>|        |  <Shift>|  <Ctrl>|  <Ctrl> |      |           | 
|     |        |         |        |         |        |         |        |  <Shift>|      |           | 
| 1   |  esc   |  esc    |  esc   |  esc    |  esc   |  esc    |  esc   |  esc    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 2   |  '1'   |  '!'    |  '1'   |  '1'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 3   |  '2'   |  '@'    |  '2'   |  nul    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 4   |  '3'   |  '#'    |  '3'   |  '3'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 5   |  '4'   |  '$'    |  '4'   |  '4'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 6   |  '5'   |  '%'    |  '5'   |  '5'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 7   |  '6'   |  '^'    |  '6'   |  rs     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 8   |  '7'   |  '&'    |  '7'   |  '7'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 9   |  '8'   |  '*'    |  '8'   |  '8'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 10  |  '9'   |  '('    |  '9'   |  '9'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 11  |  '0'   |  ')'    |  '0'   |  '0'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 12  |  '-'   |  '_'    |  '-'   |  ns     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 13  |  '='   |  '+'    |  '='   |  '='    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 14  |  bs    |  bs     |  bs    |  bs     |  bs    |  bs     |  bs    |  bs     |  O   |  nop      | 
| 15  |  ht    |  btab   |  ht    |  btab   |  ht    |  btab   |  ht    |  btab   |  O   |  nop      | 
| 16  |  'q'   |  'Q'    |  dc1   |  dc1    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 17  |  'w'   |  'W'    |  etb   |  etb    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 18  |  'e'   |  'E'    |  enq   |  enq    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 19  |  'r'   |  'R'    |  dc2   |  dc2    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 20  |  't'   |  'T'    |  dc4   |  dc4    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 21  |  'y'   |  'Y'    |  em    |  em     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 22  |  'u'   |  'U'    |  nak   |  nak    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 23  |  'i'   |  'I'    |  ht    |  ht     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 24  |  'o'   |  'O'    |  si    |  si     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 25  |  'p'   |  'P'    |  dle   |  dle    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  K_PREV   | 
| 26  |  '['   |  '{'    |  esc   |  nop    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 27  |  ']'   |  '}'    |  gs    |  nop    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 28  |  cr    |  cr     |  cr    |  cr     |  cr    |  cr     |  cr    |  cr     |  O   |  nop      | 
| 29  |  lctrl |  lctrl  |  lctrl |  lctrl  |  lctrl |  lctrl  |  lctrl |  lctrl  |  O   |  nop      | 
| 30  |  'a'   |  'A'    |  soh   |  soh    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 31  |  's'   |  'S'    |  dc3   |  dc3    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 32  |  'd'   |  'D'    |  eot   |  eot    |  escn  |  escn   |  k_dbg |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 33  |  'f'   |  'F'    |  ack   |  ack    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  K_FRCNEXT| 
| 34  |  'g'   |  'G'    |  bel   |  bel    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 35  |  'h'   |  'H'    |  bs    |  bs     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  K_VTF    | 
| 36  |  'j'   |  'J'    |  nl    |  nl     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 37  |  'k'   |  'K'    |  vt    |  vt     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 38  |  'l'   |  'L'    |  np    |  np     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 39  |  ';'   |  ':'    |  ';'   |  ':'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 40  |  '´'   |  '"'    |  '´'   |  '"'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 41  |  '`'   |  '~'    |  '`'   |  '~'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 42  |  lshift|  lshift |  lshift|  lshift |  lshift|  lshift |  lshift|  lshift |  O   |  nop      | 
| 43  |  '\\'  |  '|'    |  fs    |  '|'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 44  |  'z'   |  'Z'    |  sub   |  sub    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 45  |  'x'   |  'X'    |  can   |  can    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 46  |  'c'   |  'C'    |  etx   |  etx    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 47  |  'v'   |  'V'    |  syn   |  syn    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 48  |  'b'   |  'B'    |  stx   |  stx    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 49  |  'n'   |  'N'    |  so    |  so     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  K_NEXT   | 
| 50  |  'm'   |  'M'    |  cr    |  cr     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  C   |  nop      | 
| 51  |  ','   |  '<'    |  ','   |  '<'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 52  |  '.'   |  '>'    |  '.'   |  '>'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 53  |  '/'   |  '?'    |  '/'   |  ns     |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 54  |  rshift|  rshift |  rshift|  rshift |  rshift|  rshift |  rshift|  rshift |  O   |  nop      | 
| 55  |  '*'   |  '*'    |  '*'   |  '*'    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 56  |  lalt  |  lalt   |  lalt  |  lalt   |  lalt  |  lalt   |  lalt  |  lalt   |  O   |  nop      | 
| 57  |  ' '   |  ' '    |  nul   |  nul    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  nop      | 
| 58  |  clock |  clock  |  clock |  clock  |  clock |  clock  |  clock |  clock  |  O   |  nop      | 
| 59  |  fkey1 |  fkey13 |  fkey25|  fkey37 |  fkey1 |  fkey13 |  fkey25|  fkey37 |  O   |  K_VTF+1  | 
| 60  |  fkey2 |  fkey14 |  fkey26|  fkey38 |  fkey2 |  fkey14 |  fkey26|  fkey38 |  O   |  K_VTF+2  | 
| 61  |  fkey3 |  fkey15 |  fkey27|  fkey39 |  fkey3 |  fkey15 |  fkey27|  fkey39 |  O   |  K_VTF+3  | 
| 62  |  fkey4 |  fkey16 |  fkey28|  fkey40 |  fkey4 |  fkey16 |  fkey28|  fkey40 |  O   |  K_VTF+4  | 
| 63  |  fkey5 |  fkey17 |  fkey29|  fkey41 |  fkey5 |  fkey17 |  fkey29|  fkey41 |  O   |  K_VTF+5  | 
| 64  |  fkey6 |  fkey18 |  fkey30|  fkey42 |  fkey6 |  fkey18 |  fkey30|  fkey42 |  O   |  K_VTF+6  | 
| 65  |  fkey7 |  fkey19 |  fkey31|  fkey43 |  fkey7 |  fkey19 |  fkey31|  fkey43 |  O   |  K_VTF+7  | 
| 66  |  fkey8 |  fkey20 |  fkey32|  fkey44 |  fkey8 |  fkey20 |  fkey32|  fkey44 |  O   |  K_VTF+8  | 
| 67  |  fkey9 |  fkey21 |  fkey33|  fkey45 |  fkey9 |  fkey21 |  fkey33|  fkey45 |  O   |  K_VTF+9  | 
| 68  |  fkey10|  fkey22 |  fkey34|  fkey46 |  fkey10|  fkey22 |  fkey34|  fkey46 |  O   |  K_VTF+10 | 
| 69  |  nlock |  nlock  |  nlock |  nlock  |  nlock |  nlock  |  nlock |  nlock  |  O   |           | 
| 70  |  slock |  slock  |  slock |  slock  |  slock |  slock  |  slock |  slock  |  O   |           | 
| 71  |  fkey49|  '7'    |  fkey49|  '7'    |  fkey49|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 72  |  fkey50|  '8'    |  fkey50|  '8'    |  fkey50|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 73  |  fkey51|  '9'    |  fkey51|  '9'    |  fkey51|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 74  |  fkey52|  '-'    |  fkey52|  '-'    |  fkey52|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 75  |  fkey53|  '4'    |  fkey53|  '4'    |  fkey53|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 76  |  fkey54|  '5'    |  fkey54|  '5'    |  fkey54|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 77  |  fkey55|  '6'    |  fkey55|  '6'    |  fkey55|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 78  |  fkey56|  '+'    |  fkey56|  '+'    |  fkey56|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 79  |  fkey57|  '1'    |  fkey57|  '1'    |  fkey57|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 80  |  fkey58|  '2'    |  fkey58|  '2'    |  fkey58|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 81  |  fkey59|  '3'    |  fkey59|  '3'    |  fkey59|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 82  |  fkey60|  '0'    |  fkey60|  '0'    |  fkey60|  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 83  |  del   |  '.'    |  del   |  '.'    |  del   |  escn   |  rboot |  nop    |  N   |           | 
| 84  |  fkey60|  fkey26 |  fkey60|  nop    |  sysreq|  sysreq |  sysreq|  sysreq |  O   |           | 
| 85  |  fkey58|  fkey58 |  fkey58|  fkey58 |  fkey58|  fkey58 |  fkey58|  fkey58 |  O   |           | 
| 86  |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  O   |           | 
| 87  |  fkey11|  fkey23 |  fkey35|  fkey47 |  fkey11|  fkey23 |  fkey35|  fkey47 |  O   |  K_VTF+11 | 
| 88  |  fkey12|  fkey24 |  fkey36|  fkey48 |  fkey12|  fkey24 |  fkey36|  fkey48 |  O   |  K_VTF+12 | 
| 89  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 90  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 91  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 92  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 93  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 94  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 95  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 96  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 97  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 98  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 99  |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 100 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 101 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 102 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 103 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 104 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 105 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 106 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 107 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  fkey53|  fkey53 |  O   |           | 
| 108 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 109 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 110 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 111 |  fkey51|  fkey51 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 112 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 113 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 114 |  ralt  |  ralt   |  ralt  |  ralt   |  ralt  |  ralt   |  ralt  |  ralt   |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 115 |  rctrl |  rctrl  |  rctrl |  rctrl  |  rctrl |  rctrl  |  rctrl |  rctrl  |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 116 |  slock |  slock  |  brk   |  brk    |  slock |  slock  |  brk   |  brk    |  O   |  nline    | 
| 117 |  '/'   |  '/'    |  nop   |  nop    |  escn  |  escn   |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 118 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 119 |  slock |  slock  |  brk   |  brk    |  slock |  slock  |  brk   |  brk    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 120 |  fkey50|  fkey50 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 121 |  del   |  del    |  del   |  del    |  del   |  del    |  rboot |  del    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 122 |  fkey57|  fkey57 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 123 |  fkey60|  fkey60 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 124 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 125 |  fkey55|  fkey55 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 126 |  fkey59|  fkey59 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 
| 127 |  fkey49|  fkey49 |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  nop   |  nop    |  O   |  K_NOP    | 

The following table lists the value of each of the special keywords used in the preceding tables. The keywords are used only in the preceding tables for readability. In the actual keyboard map, a special keyword is represented by its value with the corresponding special state bit being set.

Name Value Meaning
nop 0 No operation - no action from keypress
lshift 2 Left-hand shift
rshift 3 Right-hand shift
clock 4 Caps lock
nlock 5 Numeric lock
slock 6 Scroll lock
alt 7 Alt key
btab 8 Back tab key - generates fixed sequence (ESC[ Z)
ctrl 9 Control key
lalt 10 Left-hand alt key
ralt 11 right-hand alt key
lctrl 12 Left-hand control key
rctrl 13 Right-hand control key
agr 14 ALT-GR key (European keyboards only)
fkey1 27 Function key #1
... ... ...
fkey96 122 Function key #96
sysreq 123 System request
brk 124 Break key
escn 125 Generate an ESC N x sequence, where x is the un-alt'ed value of the scan code
esco 126 Generate an ESC O x sequence, where x is the un-alt'ed value of the scan code
escl 127 Generate an ESC L x sequence, where x is the un-alt'ed value of the scan code
rboot 128 Reboot system
debug 129 Invoke kernel debugger
NEXT 130 Switch to next virtual terminal on queue
PREV 131 Switch to previous virtual terminal on queue
FNEXT 132 Forced switch to next virtual terminal on queue
FPREV 133 Forced switch to previous virtual terminal on queue
VTF 134 Virtual Terminal First (VT00)
... ... ...
VTL 148 Virtual Terminal Last (VT14)
MGRF 149 Virtual Terminal Manager First. Allows assigning special significance to key sequence for actions by virtual terminal layer manager. Used in SRQTAB table.
... ... ...
MGRL 179 Virtual Terminal Manager Last. Used in SRQTAB table.

 Name     Value   Meaning 
 nop          0   No operation - no action from keypress 
 lshift       2   Left-hand shift 
 rshift       3   Right-hand shift 
 clock        4   Caps lock 
 nlock        5   Numeric lock 
 slock        6   Scroll lock 
 alt          7   Alt key 
 btab         8   Back tab key - generates fixed sequence (ESC[ Z) 
 ctrl         9   Control key 
 lalt        10   Left-hand alt key 
 ralt        11   right-hand alt key 
 lctrl       12   Left-hand control key 
 rctrl       13   Right-hand control key 
 agr         14   ALT-GR key (European keyboards only) 
 fkey1       27   Function key #1 
 ...      ...     ... 
 fkey96     122   Function key #96 
 sysreq     123   System request 
 brk        124   Break key 
 escn       125   Generate an ESC N x sequence, where x is the un- 
                  alt'ed value of the scan code 
 esco       126   Generate an ESC O x sequence, where x is the un- 
                  alt'ed value of the scan code 
 escl       127   Generate an ESC L x sequence, where x is the un- 
                  alt'ed value of the scan code 
 rboot      128   Reboot system 
 debug      129   Invoke kernel debugger 
 NEXT       130   Switch to next virtual terminal on queue 
 PREV       131   Switch to previous virtual terminal on queue 
 FNEXT      132   Forced switch to next virtual terminal on queue 
 FPREV      133   Forced switch to previous virtual terminal on queue 
 VTF        134   Virtual Terminal First (VT00) 
 ...      ...     ... 
 VTL        148   Virtual Terminal Last (VT14) 
 MGRF       149   Virtual Terminal Manager First.  Allows assigning 
                  special significance to key sequence for actions by 
                  virtual terminal layer manager.  Used in SRQTAB 
 ...      ...     ... 
 MGRL       179   Virtual Terminal Manager Last.  Used in SRQTAB 

The following table lists names and decimal values for ASCII characters in the preceding table. Names are used in place of numeric constants to make it easier to read the scan code table. Only the decimal values are placed in the ioctl buffer. These values are taken from ascii(5).

Name Value
Name Value
nul 0
soh 1
stx 2
etx 3
eot 4
enq 5
ack 6
bel 7
bs 8
ht 9
nl 10
vt 11
np 12
cr 13
so 14
si 15
dle 16
dc1 17
dc2 18
dc3 19
dc4 20
nak 21
syn 22
etb 23
can 24
em 25
sub 26
esc 27
fs 28
gs 29
rs 30
ns 31
del 127

 Name   Value 
 nul           0 
 soh           1 
 stx           2 
 etx           3 
 eot           4 
 enq           5 
 ack           6 
 bel           7 
 bs            8 
 ht            9 
 nl           10 
 vt           11 
 np           12 
 cr           13 
 so           14 
 si           15 
 dle          16 
 dc1          17 
 dc2          18 
 dc3          19 
 dc4          20 
 nak          21 
 syn          22 
 etb          23 
 can          24 
 em           25 
 sub          26 
 esc          27 
 fs           28 
 gs           29 
 rs           30 
 ns           31 
 del         127 

The string mapping table is an array of 512 bytes (typedef strmap_t) containing null-terminated strings that redefine the function keys. The first null-terminated string is assigned to the first function key, the second string is assigned to the second function key, and so on.

There is no limit to the length of any particular string; however, the whole table can not exceed 512 bytes, including nulls. To make a string a null, add extra null characters. The following table contains default function key values.

Default function key values

key #
Function <Shift>
<Ctrl> <Shift>

 Function   Function   <Shift>    <Ctrl>     <Ctrl> 
 key #                 function   function   <Shift> 
 1          ESC OP     ESC Op     ESC OP     ESC Op 
 2          ESC OQ     ESC Oq     ESC OQ     ESC Oq 
 3          ESC OR     ESC Or     ESC OR     ESC Or 
 4          ESC OS     ESC Os     ESC OS     ESC Os 
 5          ESC OT     ESC Ot     ESC OT     ESC Ot 
 6          ESC OU     ESC Ou     ESC OU     ESC Ou 
 7          ESC OV     ESC Ov     ESC OV     ESC Ov 
 8          ESC OW     ESC Ow     ESC OW     ESC Ow 
 9          ESC OX     ESC Ox     ESC OX     ESC Ox 
 10         ESC OY     ESC Oy     ESC OY     ESC Oy 
 11         ESC OZ     ESC Oz     ESC OZ     ESC Oz 
 12         ESC OA     ESC Oa     ESC OA     ESC Oa 

This call gets the current keyboard mode. It returns one of the following values, as defined in /usr/include/sys/kd.h:
#define	K_RAW		0x00	/* Send row scan codes */ 
#define	K_XLATE		0x01	/* Translate to ASCII */ 

This call sets the keyboard mode. The argument to the call is either K_RAW or K_XLATE. By using raw mode, the program can see the raw up and down scan codes from the keyboard. In translate mode, the translation tables are used to generate the appropriate character code.

This call gets the keyboard type. It returns one of the following values, as defined in /usr/include/sys/kd.h:
#define	KB_84		1	/*84 key keyboard*/ 
#define	KB_101		2	/*101 key keyboard*/ 
#define	KB_OTHER	3	/*Other type keyboard*/ 

This call reads one of the entries in the translation tables. The argument to the call is the address of one of the following structures, defined in /usr/include/sys/kd.h, with the first two fields filled in:
struct kbentry { 
	unchar	kb_table;	/* Table to use */ 
	unchar	kb_index;	/* Entry in table */ 
	ushort	kb_value;	/* Value to get/set */ 

Valid values for the kb_table member are:

#define	K_NORMTAB     0x00 /* Base */ 
#define	K_SHIFTTAB    0x01 /* Shifted */ 
#define	K_ALTTAB      0x02 /* Alt */ 
#define	K_ALTSHIFTTAB 0x03 /* Shifted alt */ 
#define	K_SRQTAB      0x04 /* Select sysreq table */ 

The ioctl will get the indicated entry from the indicated table and return it in the third field.

The K_SRNTAB value for the kb_table member allows access to the scancode indexed table which allows assignment of a given virtual terminal selector (K_VTF--K_VTL) or the virtual terminal layer manager (K_MGRF--K_MGRL) specialkey assignments.

The virtual terminal selector (K_VTF) is normally associated with /dev/tty00, on which the user login shell is commonly found. The following terminal selectors also are used to select virtual terminals:

K_VTF+1 for the 1st virtual terminal (/dev/vt01)
K_VTF+2 for the 2nd virtual terminal (/dev/vt02)
. . .
K_VTF+12 for the 12th virtual terminal (/dev/vt12)

This call sets an entry in one of the translation tables. It uses the same structure as the KDGKBENT ioctl, but with the third field filled in with the value that should be placed in the translation table. This can be used to partially or completely remap the keyboard. This ioctl does not work for all keycodes.

The kd driver provides support for virtual terminals. The console minor device, /dev/vtmon, provides virtual terminal key requests from the kd driver to the process that has /dev/vtmon open. Two ioctls are provided for virtual terminal support:

The VT_GETSTATE ioctl returns global virtual terminal state information. It returns the active virtual terminal in the v_active field, and the number of active virtual terminals and a bit mask of the global state in the v_state open field, where bit x is the state of vt x (1 indicates that the virtual terminal is open).

The VT_SENDSIG ioctl specifies a signal (in v_signal) to be sent to a bit mask of virtual terminals (in v_state).

The data structure used by the VT_GETSTATE and VT_SENDSIG ioctls is:

struct vt_stat { 
     ushort v_active;  /* active vt */ 
     ushort v_signal;  /* signal to send (VT_SENDSIG) */ 
     ushort v_state;   /* vt bit mask 
                       (VT_SENDSIG and VT_GETSTATE) */ 
and is defined in /usr/include/sys/vt.h .

The VT_OPENQRY ioctl is used to get the next available virtual terminal. It inquires if this vt is already open. This value is set in the last argument of the ioctl (2) call.

This call gets the entire keyboard mapping table from the kernel. The structure of the argument is given in /usr/include/sys/kd.h.

This call sets the entire keyboard mapping table. The structure of the argument is given in /usr/include/sys/kd.h.

This call gets the function key string mapping table from the kernel. The structure of the argument is given in /usr/include/sys/kd.h.

This call sets the function key string mapping table. The structure of the argument is given in /usr/include/sys/kd.h.

Extended character codes are disabled. This is the default mode.

Allows extended characters to be transmitted to the user program when the extended keys are enabled. Then the keyboard is said to be fully enabled. The extended characters are transmitted as a null byte followed by a second byte containing the character's extended code. When a true null byte is sent, it is transmitted as two consecutive null bytes.

When the keyboard is fully enabled, an 8-bit character code can be obtained by holding down the <Alt> key and entering the 3-digit decimal value of the character from the numeric keypad. The character is transmitted when the <Alt> key is released.

Some keyboard characters have special meaning. Under default operations, pressing the <Del> key generates an interrupt signal that is sent to all processes designated with the associated control terminal. When the keyboard is fully enabled, holding down the <Alt> key and pressing the 8 key on the home keyboard (not on the numeric keypad) returns a null byte followed by 0x7F. This will produce the same effect as the <Del> key (0x7F) unless you have executed the stty(1) command with the -isig option.

If the keyboard is fully enabled (TIOCKBON), a non-zero value will be returned. If the keyboard is not fully enabled (TIOCKBOF), a value of zero will be returned.

Obtains the current definition of a function key. The argument to the call is the address of one of the following structures defined in /usr/include/sys/kd.h:
   struct fkeyarg { 
        unsigned short keynum; 
        unchar keydef [MAXFK]; /* from ioctl.h via comcrt.h */ 
        char   flen; 

The function key number must be passed in keynum (see arg structure above). The string currently assigned to the key will be returned in keydef and the length of the string will be returned in flen when the ioctl is performed.

Assigns a given string to a function key. It uses the same structure as the GETFKEY ioctl. The function key number must be passed in keynum, the string must be passed in keydef, and the length of the string (number of characters) must be passed in flen.




ascii(5), console(7), display(7), ioctl(2), mapkey(1M), stty(1), termio(7), vtlmgr(1)


The autoreboot caused by pressing the sequence <Ctrl>-<Alt>-<Del> is tunable. The tunable is in space.c for kd, the keyboard driver.

30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.