vxintro - introduction to Volume Manager utilities
The Volume Manager utilities provide a shell-level interface used by the system administrator and higher-level applications and scripts to query and manipulate objects that are managed through the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM®).
Some of the terms and objects that are used with the Volume Manager are:
- volume:
- A virtual disk device that looks to applications and file systems like a regular disk partition device.
Volumes present block and raw device interfaces that are compatible in their use with disk
partition devices. However, a volume is a virtual device that can be mirrored, spanned
across disk drives, moved to use different storage, and striped using administrative
commands. The configuration of a volume can be changed, using the Volume Manager
utilities, without causing disruption to applications or file systems that are using the
- plex:
- A copy of a volume's logical data address space, also sometimes known as a mirror. A volume can
have up to 32 plexes associated with it. Each plex is, at least conceptually, a copy of the
volume that is maintained consistently in the presence of volume I/O and reconfigurations.
Plexes represent the primary means of configuring storage for a volume. Plexes can have
a striped, concatenated, or RAID-5 organization (layout).
- disk:
- Disks exist as two entities. One is the physical disk on which all data is ultimately stored and which
exhibits all the behaviors of the underlying technology. The other is the Volume Manager
presentation of disks which, while mapping one-to-one with the physical disks, are just
presentations of units from which allocations of storage are made. As an example, a
physical disk presents the image of a device with a definable geometry with a definable
number of cylinders, heads etc. whereas a Volume Manager disk is simply a unit of
allocation with a name and a size.
- subdisk:
- A region of storage allocated on a disk for use with a volume. Subdisks are associated to volumes
through plexes. One or more subdisks are laid out to form plexes based on the plex layout
(striped, concatenated, or RAID-5). Subdisks are defined relative to disk media records.
- disk media record:
- A reference to a physical disk, or possibly a disk partition. This record can be thought of as a
physical disk identifier for the disk or partition. Disk media records are configuration
records that provide a name (known as the disk media name or DM name) that an
administrator can use to reference a particular disk, independent of its location on the
system's various disk controllers. Disk media records reference particular physical disks
through a disk ID, which is a unique identifier that is assigned to a disk when it is initialized
for use with the Volume Manager.
- Operations are provided to set or remove the disk ID stored in a disk media record. Such operations
have the effect of removing or replacing disks, with any associated subdisks being removed
or replaced along with the disk.
- disk access record:
- A configuration record that defines a pathway to a disk. The disk access records most commonly
name a particular controller number, target ID, and logical unit number. The list of all disk
access records stored in a system is used to find all disks attached to the system. Disk
access records do not identify particular physical disks.
- Disk access records are identified by their disk access names (also known as DA names).
- Through the use of disk IDs, the Volume Manager allows disks to be moved between controllers, or
to different locations on a controller. When a disk is moved, a different disk access record
will be used when accessing the disk, although the disk media record will continue to track
the actual physical disk.
- On some systems, the Volume Manager will build a list of disk access records automatically, based
on the list of all devices attached to the system. On these systems, it is not necessary to
define disk access records explicitly. On other systems, disk access records must be
defined explicitly with the vxdisk define operation. Specialty disks (such as RAM disks or
floppy disks) are likely to require explicit vxdisk define operations on all systems.
- disk group:
- A group of disks that share a common configuration. A configuration consists of a set of records
describing objects (including disks, volumes, plexes, and subdisks) that are associated with
one particular disk group. Each disk group has an administrator-assigned name that can be
used by the administrator to reference that disk group. Each disk group has an internally
defined unique disk group ID, which is used to differentiate two disk groups with the same
administrator-assigned name.
- Disk groups provide a method to partition the configuration database, so that the database size is
not too large and so that database modifications do not affect too many drives. They also
allow the Volume Manager to operate with groups of physical disk media that can be
moved between systems.
- Disks and disk groups have a circular relationship: disk groups are formed from disks, and disk
group configurations are stored on disks. All disks in a disk group are stamped with a disk
group ID, which is a unique identifier for naming disk groups. Some or all disks in a disk
group also store copies of the configuration database of the disk group.
- disk group configuration:
- A disk group configuration is a small database that contains all volume, plex, subdisk, and disk
media records. These configurations are replicated onto some or all disks in the disk group,
usually with one copy on each disk. Because these databases are stored within disk groups,
record associations cannot span disk groups. Thus, a subdisk defined on a disk in one disk
group cannot be associated with a volume in another disk group.
- root disk group:
- Each system requires one special disk group, named rootdg, which is generally the default for most
utilities. In addition to defining the regular disk group information, the configuration for
the root disk group (rootdg) contains local information that is specific to a disk group and
that is not intended to be movable between systems.
- private region:
- Disks used by the Volume Manager contain two special regions: a private region and a public region.
Usually, each region is formed from a complete partition of the disk; however, the private
and public regions can be allocated from the same partition.
- The private region of a disk contains various on-disk structures that are used by the Volume Manager
for various internal purposes. Each private region begins with a disk header which
identifies the disk and its disk group. Private regions can also contain copies of a disk
group's configuration, and copies of the disk group's kernel log.
- public region:
- The public region of a disk is the space reserved for allocating subdisks. Subdisks are defined with
offsets that are relative to the beginning of the public region of a particular disk. Only one
contiguous region of disk can form the public region for a particular disk.
- kernel log:
- A log kept in the private region on the disk and that is written by the Volume Manager kernel. The
log contains records describing the state of volumes in the disk group. This log provides a
mechanism for the kernel to persistently register state changes so that vxconfigd can be
guaranteed to detect the state changes even in the event of a system failure.
- disk header:
- A block stored in a private region of a disk and that defines several properties of the disk. The disk
header defines the size of the private region, the location and size of the public region, the
unique disk ID for the disk, the disk group ID and disk group name (if the disk is currently
associated with a disk group), and the host ID for a host that has exclusive use of the disk.
- disk ID:
- A 64-byte universally unique identifier that is assigned to a physical disk when its private region is
initialized with the vxdisk init operation. The disk ID is stored in the disk media record so
that the physical disk can be related to the disk media record at system startup.
- disk group ID:
- A 64-byte universally unique identifier that is assigned to a disk group when the disk group is created
with vxdg init. This identifier is in addition to the disk group name, which is assigned by
the administrator. The disk group ID is used to check for disk groups that have the same
administrator-assigned name but are actually distinct.
- host ID:
- A name, usually assigned by the administrator, that identifies a particular host. Host IDs are used to
assign ownership to particular physical disks. When a disk is part of a disk group that is in
active use by a particular host, the disk is stamped with that host's host ID. If another
system attempts to access the disk, it will detect that the disk has a non-matching host ID
and will disallow access until the first system discontinues use of the disk. To allow for
system failures that do not clear the host ID, the vxdisk clearimport operation can be used
to clear the host ID stored on a disk.
- If a disk is a member of a disk group and has a host ID that matches a particular host, then that host
will import the disk group as part of system startup.
- striped plex:
- A plex that scatters data evenly across each of its associated subdisks. A plex has a characteristic
number of stripe columns (consisting of associated subdisks) and a characteristic stripe unit
size. The stripe unit size defines how data with a particular address is allocated to one of
the associated subdisks. Given a stripe unit size of 128 blocks, and two stripe columns, the
first group of 128 blocks would be allocated to the first subdisk, the second group of 128
blocks would be allocated to the second subdisk, the third group to the first subdisk, again,
and so on.
- concatenated plex:
- A plex whose subdisks are associated at specific offsets within the address range of the plex, and
extend into the plex address range for the length of the subdisk. This layout allows regions
of one or more disks to create a plex, rather than a single big region.
- volboot file:
- The volboot file is a special file (usually stored in /etc/vx/volboot) that is used to bootstrap the root
disk group and to define a system's host ID. In addition to a host ID, the volboot file
contains a list of disk access records. On system startup, this list of disks is scanned to find
a disk that is a member of the rootdg disk group and that is stamped with this system's host
ID. When such a disk is found, its configuration is read and is used to get a more complete
list of disk access records that are used as a second-stage bootstrap of the root disk group,
and to locate all other disk groups.
- plex consistency:
- If the plexes of a volume contain different data, then the plexes are said to be inconsistent. This is
only a problem if the Volume Manager is unaware of the inconsistencies, as the volume can
return differing results for consecutive reads. Plex inconsistency is a serious compromise
of data integrity. This inconsistency can be caused by write operations that start around the
time of a system failure, if parts of the write complete on one plex but not the other. Plexes
can also be inconsistent after creation of a mirrored volume, if the plexes are not first
synchronized to contain the same data. An important part of Volume Manager operation
is ensuring that consistent data is returned to any application that reads a volume. This may
require that plex consistency of a volume be ``recovered'' by copying data between plexes
so that they have the same contents. Alternatively, the volume can be put into a state such
that reads from one plex are automatically written back to the other plexes, thus making the
data consistent for that volume offset.
A number of conventions are used throughout much of the Volume Manager to provide a degree of similarity between the various operations. The following is a list of such conventions:
- Utility syntax
- Most utilities in the Volume Manager provide more than one operation, with operations grouped into
utilities primarily by object type. Utilities that provide multiple operations are typically
invoked with the following form:
utility [ options ] keyword [ operands ]
- Here, utility is the name of the utility and keyword is a name that identifies the specific operation to
perform. Any options that are introduced in the standard -letter form precede the operation
keyword. This is in keeping with standard System V utility syntax, which provides for a
set of options as the first arguments to a command, followed by any non-option operands.
The keyword is considered an operand under standard System V syntax.
- To aid in normal use, all of the utilities provide an extended usage message that lists all the options
and operation keywords supported by the utility. For utilities that are keyword-based, this
extended usage message can be displayed using a keyword of help. Utilities that use
operands for purposes other than operation selection provide a reserved option of -H to
display the extended usage information. These extended messages cannot replace the user
documentation, but can serve as reminders.
- Standard length numbers
- Many basic properties of objects that are managed by the Volume Manager require specification of
lengths, either as a pure object length or as an offset relative to some other object. The
Volume Manager supports volume lengths up to 2,147,483,647 disk sectors (one terabyte
on most systems). Typing such large numbers, or even much smaller numbers, can be
annoying. The Volume Manager provides a uniform syntax for representing such numbers,
which uses suffixes to provide convenient multipliers. Numbers can be specified in
decimal, octal, or hexadecimal. Also, numbers can be specified as a sum of several
numbers, as a convenience to avoid using a calculator.
- A hexadecimal (base 16) number is introduced using a prefix of 0x. For example, 0xfff is the same
as decimal 4091. An octal (base 8) number is introduced using a prefix of 0. For example,
0177777 is the same as decimal 65535.
- A number can be followed by a suffix character to indicate a multiplier for the number. A length
number with no suffix character represents a count of standard disk sectors. The length of
a standard disk sector can vary between systems; it is commonly 512 bytes. On systems
where disks can have different sector sizes, one of the sectors sizes will be chosen as the
``standard'' size. Supported suffix characters are:
- b
- multiply the length by 512 bytes (blocks)
- s
- multiply the length by the standard sectors size (default)
- k
- multiply the length by 1024 bytes (Kilobytes)
- m
- multiply the length by 1,048,576 (1024K) bytes (Megabytes)
- g
- multiply the length by 1,073,741,824 (1024M) bytes (Gigabytes)
- Numbers are represented internally as an integer number of sectors. As a result, if the standard disk
sectors size is larger than 512 bytes, numbers can be specified that will need to be rounded
to a sector. Rounding is always done to the next lowest, not the nearest, multiple of the
sector size.
- Since the letter b is a valid hexadecimal character, there is a special case for the b suffix where a
single blank character can separate a number from the b suffix character. Use of a blank
within a number, when invoking commands from the shell, usually requires quoting the
number. For example:
vxassist make vol01 "0x1000 b"
- Numbers can be added or subtracted by separating two or more numbers by a plus or minus sign,
respectively. A plus sign is optional. As an example, the largest allowed number that can
be represented on a system with a 512 byte sector size can be entered as:
- Note that 1024g-1 cannot be used, because the implementation cannot handle the intermediate
representation of 1024g (which is greater than the largest number that can be represented)
internally. However, 2g-1 can be used to represent the largest volume size that can be used
with most file systems.
- In output, the Volume Manager reports length numbers as a simple count of sectors, with no suffix
- Case is not important in length specification. Hexadecimal numbers and suffix characters can be
specified using any reasonable combination of upper- and lower-case letters.
- Disk group selection
- Most commands operate upon only one disk group per invocation. Each disk group has a separate
configuration from every other disk group and it is possible for two disk groups to contain
two objects that have the same name. This can happen, in particular, if a disk group is
moved from one system to another. However, most utilities make no attempt to ensure that
names between disk groups are unique, so name collisions can occur anyway.
- System administrators who endeavor to avoid name collisions should be able to use most of the
utilities without having to specify disk groups except when creating objects.
Administrators cannot use single-command invocations that reference objects in more than
one disk group, but disk groups will be selected automatically, based on objects specified
in the command.
- The standard rules that most commands use for selecting the disk group for a command are as
- Given a particular set of object names specified on the command, look for the disk group of each
object. If all objects are in the same disk group, use that disk group. If any named object
is not unique between all disk groups, and if one of those object names is not in the rootdg
disk group, then fail.
- To force use of a particular disk group, use -g diskgroup to indicate the group. Non-unique names
do not cause errors when a disk group is specified explicitly. The diskgroup specification
is either a disk group ID or a disk group name.
- A special case is provided for the rootdg disk group. Any set of objects in the rootdg disk group
can be specified without specifying -g rootdg, even if the given object name is used in
another disk group.
- If a set of object names is given on the command line, and if some are unique but some are not
unique, then the command will still fail according to the rules listed above.
Record types
Disk group configurations contain six types of records: volume records, plex records, subdisk records, disk media records, disk group records, and disk access records. Each of these record types are described in the sections that follow. Disk access records are specific to the root disk group and are stored in configurations only because there is no other convenient place to store them; otherwise, they are logically separate from all disk groups. Since they are specific and meaningful to the local system only, the logical place for their storage is the rootdg since that is the only disk group guaranteed to exist on the system.
- Disk group records
- Disk group records define several different types of names for a disk group. The different types of
names are:
- real name
- This is the name of the disk group, as defined on disk. This name is stored in the disk group
configuration, and is also stored in the disk headers of all disks in the disk group.
- alias name
- This is the standard name that the system uses when referencing the disk group. References
to the disk group name usually mean the alias name. Volume directories are
structured into subdirectories based on the disk group alias name. Typically, the
disk group's alias name and real name are identical. A local alias can be useful
for gaining access to a disk group with a name that conflicts with other disk groups
in the system, or that conflicts with records in the rootdg disk group.
- disk group ID
- A 64-byte identifier that represents the unique ID of the disk group. All disk groups on all
systems should have a different disk group ID, even if they have the same real
name. This identifier is stored in the disk headers of all disks in the disk group. It
is used to ensure that the Volume Manager does not confuse two disk groups
which were created with the same name.
- Volume records
- Volume records define the characteristics of particular volume devices. The name of a volume
record defines the node name used for files in the /dev/vx/dsk and /dev/vx/rdsk directories.
The block device for a particular volume (which can be used as an argument to the mount
command [see mount(1M)] has the path:
- where groupname is the name assigned by the administrator to the disk group containing the volume.
The raw device for a volume, typically used for application I/O and for issuing I/O control
operations [see ioctl(2)], has the path:
- For convenience, volumes assigned to the root disk group are accessible under the rootdg
subdirectories of /dev/vx/dsk and /dev/vx/rdsk, but are also under /dev/vx/dsk/volume and
- Reads to a volume device are directed to one of the read-write or read-only plexes associated with
the volume. Writes to the volume are directed to all of the enabled read-write and write-
only plexes associated with the volume.
- During a write operation, two plexes of a volume may become out of sync with each other, due to
the fact that writes directed to two disks can complete at different times. This is not
normally a problem. However, if the system were to crash or lose power during a write
operation, the two plexes could have different contents.
- Most applications and file systems are not written with the presumption that two separate reads of a
device can return different contents without an intervening write operation. Since plexes
with different contents could cause such a situation where two read operations of a block
return different contents, the Volume Manager expends considerable effort to ensure that
this is avoided.
- Volumes have the following fundamental attributes:
- usage type
- Each volume has a usage type, which defines a particular class of rules for operating on the
volume, typically based on the expected content of the volume. Several utilities
can apply extensions or limitations that apply to volumes with a particular usage
type. Several usage types are included with the base release of the Volume
Manager: fsgen, for use with volumes that contain file systems; gen, for use with
volumes that are used as swap devices or for other applications that do not use file
systems; and special root and swap usage types which are specifically for use
with the root file system volume and the primary swap device.
- length
- Each volume has a length, which defines the limiting offset of read and write operations.
The length is assigned by the administrator, and may or may not match the lengths
of the associated plexes.
- volume state
- Each volume is either enabled, disabled, or detached. When enabled, normal read and write
operations are allowed on the volume, and any file system residing on the volume
can be mounted, or used in the usual way. When disabled, no access to the volume
or any of its associated plexes is allowed.
- usage-type state
- Usage types maintain a private state field related to the volume that relate to operations that
have been performed on the volume, or to failure conditions that have been
encountered. This state field contains a string of up to 14 characters.
- plexes
- Each volume has between zero and 32 associated plexes.
- read policy
- A configurable policy for switching between plexes for volume reads. When a volume has
more than one enabled associated plex, the Volume Manager can distribute reads
between the plexes to distribute the I/O load and thus increase total possible
bandwidth of reads through the volume.
- The read policy can be set by the administrator. Possible policies are:
- round-robin
- For every other read operation, switch to a different plex from the previous read
operation. Given three plexes, this will switch between each of the three
plexes, in order.
- preferred plex
- This read policy specifies a particular named plex that is used to satisfy read
requests. In the event that a read request cannot be satisfied by the
preferred plex, this policy changes to round-robin.
- select
- This read policy is the default policy, and adjusts to use an appropriate read policy
based on the set of plexes associated with the volume. If exactly one
enabled read-write striped plex is associated with the volume, then that
plex is chosen automatically as the preferred plex; otherwise, the round-
robin policy is used. If a volume has one striped plex and one non-striped
plex, preferring the striped plex often yields better throughput.
- start options
- This is a string that is organized as a set of usage-type options to apply when starting
(enabling) a volume. See vxvol(1M) for details.
- log type
- A policy to use for logging changes to the volume, which can be assigned by the
administrator. Policies that can be specified are:
- none
- Do not perform any special actions when writing to the volume. Just write the
requested data to all read-write or write-only plexes.
- dirty-region-log
- A volume is divided into regions. A bitmap where each bit corresponds to a region
is maintained. When a write to a particular region occurs, the respective
bit is set to on. When the system is restarted after a crash, this region
bitmap is used to limit the amount of data copying that is required to
recover plex consistency for the volume. The region changes are logged
to special log subdisks associated with each of the plexes associated with
the volume. Use of dirty region logging can greatly speed recovery of a
volume, but it also degrades performance of the volume under normal
- read/write-back recover mode
- This is a mode that applies to the volume, which is managed by utilities as part of plex
consistency recovery. When this mode is enabled, each read operation will
recover plex consistency for the region covered by the read. Plex consistency is
recovered by reading data from blocks of one plex and writing that data to all other
writable plexes. This ensures that a future read operation covering the same range
of blocks will read the same data.
- write-back-on-read-failure mode
- This is a mode that applies to the volume, which can be enabled or disabled by the
administrator using vxedit. If this mode is enabled, then a read failure for a plex
will cause data to be read from an alternate plex and then written back to the plex
that got the read failure. This will usually fix the error. Only if the writeback fails
will the plex be detached for having an unrecoverable I/O failure.
- writecopy mode
- This is a mode that applies to the volume, which can be enabled or disabled by the
administrator using vxedit. This mode takes affect only if dirty region logging is
in effect. When the operating system hands off a write request to the volume
driver, the operating system may continue to change the memory that is being
written to disk. The Volume Manager cannot detect that the memory is changing,
so it can inadvertently leave plexes with inconsistent contents. This is not
normally a problem, because the operating system ensures that any such modified
memory is rewritten to the volume before the volume is closed (such as by a clean
system shutdown). However, if the system crashes, plexes may be inconsistent.
Since the dirty region logging feature prevents recovery of the entire volume, it
may not ensure that plexes are entirely consistent.
- Turning on the writecopy mode (which is normally set by default) often causes the Volume
Manager to copy the data for a write request to a new section of memory before
writing it to disk. Because the write is done from the copied memory, it cannot
change and so the data written to each plex is guaranteed to be the same if the write
- exception policy
- There are several modes that can be set on the volume, by utilities according to the usage
type of the volume. These modes affect operation of a volume in the presence of
I/O failures. Currently only one of these policies, called GEN_DET_SPARSE is
ever used. This policy tracks complete and incomplete plexes in a volume (an
incomplete plex does not have a backing subdisk for all blocks in the volume). If
an unrecoverable error occurs on an incomplete plex, the plex is detached
(disabled from receiving regular volume I/O requests). If an unrecoverable error
occurs on a complete plex, the plex is detached unless it is the last complete plex.
If the plex is the last complete read-write plex, any incomplete plexes that overlap
with the error will be detached but the plex with the error will remain attached.
- This default policy is chosen to ensure that an I/O that fails on one plex will not, in the
future, be directed to that plex again unless that plex is the last complete plex
remaining attached to the volume. In that case, the policy ensures that the volume
will return the error consistently, even in the presence of incomplete plexes.
- comment
- An administrator-assigned string of up to 40 characters that can be set and changed using
the vxedit utility. The Volume Manager does not interpret the comment field.
The comment cannot contain newline characters.
- user, group, and mode
- These attributes are the user, group, and file permission modes used for the volume device
nodes. The user and group are normally root. The mode usually allows read and
write permission to the owner, and no access by other users.
- Plex records
- Plex records define the characteristics of a particular plex of a volume. A plex can be in either an
associated state or a dissociated state. In the dissociated state, the plex is not a part of a
volume. A dissociated plex cannot be accessed in any way. An associated plex can be
accessed through the volume.
- Plexes have the following fundamental attributes:
- plex state
- Each plex is either enabled, disabled, or detached. When enabled, normal read and write
operations from the volume can be directed to the plex. When disabled, no I/O
operations will be applied to the plex. When detached, normal volume I/O will
not be directed to the plex.
- I/O failures encountered during normal volume I/O may move the enabled state for a plex
directly from enabled to detached. See the description of volume exception
policies (earlier in this manual page) for more information.
- I/O mode
- Each plex is in read-write, read-only, or write-only mode. This mode affects read and write
operations directed to the volume, if the plex is enabled. For read-write and read-
only modes, volume read operations can be directed to the plex. For read-write
and write-only modes, volume write operations are directed to the plex.
- Plexes are normally in read-write mode. Write-only mode is used to recover a plex that
failed, and whose contents have thus become out-of-date with respect to the
volume. It is also used when attaching a new plex to a volume. In read-write
mode, writes to the volume will update the plex, causing written regions to be up-
to-date. Typically, a set of special copy operations will be used to update the
remainder of the plex.
- layout
- The organization of associated subdisks with respect to the plex address space. The layout
is striped, concatenated, or RAID-5.
- subdisks
- Each plex has zero or more associated subdisks. Subdisks are associated at offsets relative
to the beginning of the plex address space. Subdisks for concatenated plexes may
not cover the entire length of the plex, in which case they leave holes in the plex.
A plex that is not as long as the volume to which it is associated is considered to
have a hole extending from the end of the plex to the end of the volume. A plex
with a hole is considered incomplete, and is sometimes called sparse.
- log subdisk
- Each plex can have at most one associated log subdisk. A log subdisk is used with the dirty
region logging feature to improve the time required to recover consistency of a
volume after a system failure.
- length
- The length of a plex is the offset of the last subdisk in the plex plus the length of that
subdisk. In other words, the length of the plex is defined by the last block in the
plex address space that is backed by a subdisk. This value may or may not relate
to the length of the volume, depending on whether the plex is completely
contiguously allocated.
- contiguous length
- The offset of the first block in the plex address space that is not backed by a subdisk. If the
plex has no holes, the contiguous length matches the plex length. If the contiguous
length is equal to or greater than the length of the associated volume, the plex is
considered complete, otherwise it is sparse.
- usage-type state
- Volume usage types maintain a private state field related to the the operations that have
been performed on the plex, or to failure conditions that have been encountered.
This state field contains a string of up to 14 characters.
- condition flags
- Various condition flags are defined for the plex that define state which is recognized
automatically, rather than managed by the volume usage type. Defined flags are:
- No physical disk could be found corresponding to the disk ID in the disk media
record for one of the subdisks associated with the plex. The plex cannot
be used until the condition is fixed or the affected subdisk is dissociated.
- One of the disk media records was put into the removed state through explicit
administrative action. The plex cannot be used until the disk is replaced
or the affected subdisk is dissociated.
- A disk for one of the disk media records was replaced or was reattached too late
to prevent the plex from becoming out-of-date with respect to the
volume. The plex requires complete recovery from another plex in the
volume to synchronize the plex with the correct contents of the volume.
- The plex was detached as a result of an I/O failure detected during normal volume
I/O. The plex is out-of-date with respect to the volume, and in need of
complete recovery. However, this condition also indicates a likelihood
that one of the disks in the system should be replaced.
- volatile state
- A plex is considered to have ``volatile'' contents if the disk for any of the plex's subdisks
is considered to be volatile. The contents of a volatile disk are not presumed to
survive a system reboot. The contents of a volatile plex are always considered
out-of-date after a recovery and in need of complete recovery from another plex.
- comment
- An administrator-assigned string of up to 40 characters that can be set and changed using
the vxedit utility. The Volume Manager does not interpret the comment field. The
comment cannot contain newline characters.
- Subdisk records
- Subdisk records define a region of disk, allocated from a disk's public region. Subdisks have very
little state associated with them, other than the configuration state that defines which region
of disk the subdisk occupies. Subdisks cannot overlap each other, either in their
associations with plexes, or in their arrangement on disk public regions.
- Subdisks have the following fundamental attributes:
- disk media name
- The name of the disk media record that the subdisk is defined on.
- disk offset
- The offset, from the beginning of the disk's public region, to the start of the subdisk.
- plex offset
- For associated subdisks, this is the offset (from the beginning of the plex) of the subdisk
association. For subdisks associated with striped plexes, the plex offset defines
relative ordering of subdisks in the plex, rather than actual offsets within the plex
address space.
- length
- The length of the subdisk.
- comment
- An administrator-assigned string of up to 40 characters that can be set and changed using
the vxedit utility. The Volume Manager does not interpret the comment field. The
comment cannot contain newline characters.
- Disk media records
- Disk media records define a specific disk within a disk group. The name of a disk media record (the
disk media name) is assigned when a disk is first added to a disk group (using the vxdg
adddisk operation). Disk media records can be assigned to specific physical disks by
associating the disk media record with the current disk access record for the physical disk.
- Disk media records have the following fundamental attributes:
- disk ID
- A 64-byte unique identifier representing the physical disk to which the media record is
associated. This can be cleared to indicate that the disk is considered in the
removed state. A removed disk has no current association with any physical disk.
- disk access name
- The disk access name that is currently used to access the physical disk referenced by the
disk ID. If the disk ID is defined, but no physical disk with that ID could be found,
the disk access name will be clear. A disk where the physical disk could not be
found is considered to be in the NODAREC, or inaccessible, state. A disk can
become inaccessible either because the indicated disk is not currently attached to
the system, or because I/O failures on the physical disk prevented the Volume
Manager from identifying or using the physical disk.
- A disk media record that has an active association with a physical disk (both the disk ID and the disk
access name attributes are defined), inherits several properties from the underlying physical
disk. These attributes are taken from the disk header, which is stored in the private region
of the the disk. These inherited attributes are:
- public length
- The length of the region of the physical disk that is available for subdisk allocations.
- private length
- The length of the region of the physical disk that is reserved for storing private Volume
Manager information.
- atomic I/O size
- This is the fundamental I/O size for the disk, in bytes, also known as the sector size. All I/
Os destined for this disk must be multiples of this size. Currently, the Volume
Manager requires that all disks have the same sector size. On most systems, this
size is 512 bytes.
- Disk access records
- Disk access records define an address, or access path, that can be used to access a disk. The list of
all disk access records defines the list of all disk addresses that the Volume Manager can
use to locate physical disks. Disk access records do not define specific physical disks, since
physical disks can be moved on a system. When a physical disk is moved, a different disk
access record may be necessary to locate it.
- Disk access records are stored in the rootdg disk group configuration. Unlike all other record types,
the names of disk access records can conflict with the names of other records. For example,
a specialty disk (such as a RAM disk) can use the same name for both the disk access record
and the disk media record that points to it. It is typically advisable to use different names
for the access and media records, to avoid additional confusion if disks are moved.
- Disk access records can be defined explicitly. Some (sometimes all) disk access records may be
configured automatically by the Volume Manager, based on available information in the
operating system. Such automatically-configured disks are not stored persistently in the
on-disk root disk group configuration, but are instead regenerated every time the Volume
Manager starts up.
- Disk access records have the following fundamental attributes:
- disk access name
- The name of the disk access record is typically a disk address of some kind. On Sun
systems, disk access names are usually of the form c#b#t#d#s0, indicating use of
the entire disk on controller c#, with Bus ID b#, SCSI target ID t#, and logical unit
d#. The s0 suffix is used as a convention indicating the use of standard
partitioning. Other systems are likely to have different conventions for the disk
access name.
- type
- Each disk access record has a type, which identifies certain key characteristics of the
Volume Manager's interaction with the disk. Currently available types are: sliced,
simple, and nopriv.
for more information on disk types.
Typically, most or all of the disks will be of type sliced. It may be desirable to
create specialty disks (such as RAM disks) with type nopriv.
If the physical disk represented by the disk access record is currently associated with a disk media
record, then the following fields are defined:
- disk group name
- The name of the disk group containing the disk media record.
- disk media name
- The name of the disk media record that points to the physical disk.
- Additional attributes can be added, arbitrarily, by disk types. See vxdisk for a list of additional
attributes defined by the standard disk types.
Volume usage types
The usage type of a volume represents a class of rules for operating on a volume. Each usage type
is defined by a set of executables under the directory /etc/vx/type/usage_type, where
usage_type is the name given to the usage type. The required executables are: vxinfo,
vxmake, vxmend, vxplex, vxsd, and vxvol. These executables are invoked by the Volume
Manager administrative utilities with the same names. The executables under /etc/vx/type
should not, normally, be executed directly.
Five usage types are provided with the Volume Manager: gen, fsgen, root, swap, and raid5. It is
likely that new usage types will be added in future releases. It is also possible for third-
party products to install additional usage types.
The usage types currently provided with the Volume Manager store state information in the volume
and plex usage-type state fields. The state fields defined for volumes are:
- The volume is not yet initialized. This is the initial state for volumes created by vxmake.
- The volume has been stopped and the contents for all plexes are consistent.
- The volume has been started and is running normally, or was running normally when the
system was stopped. If the system crashes in this state, then the volume may
require plex consistency recovery.
- The volume requires recovery. This is typically set after a system failure to indicate that
the plexes in the volume may be inconsistent, so that they require recovery [see
the resync operation in vxvol(1M)].
- Plex consistency recovery is currently being done on the volume. vxvol resync sets this
state when it starts to recovery plex consistency on a volume that was in the
The state fields defined for plexes are:
- The plex is not yet initialized. This state is set when the volume state is also EMPTY.
- The plex was running normally when the volume was stopped. The plex will be enabled
without requiring recovery when the volume is started.
- The plex is running normally on a started volume. The plex condition flags (NODAREC,
REMOVED, RECOVER, and IOFAIL) may apply if the system is rebooted and
the volume restarted.
- The plex was detached, either by vxplex det or by an I/O failure. vxvol start will change
the state for a plex to STALE if any of the plex condition flags are set. STALE
plexes will be reattached automatically, when starting a volume, by calling vxplex
- The plex was disabled by the vxmend off operation. See vxmend(1M) for more
- This is a snapshot plex that is being attached by the vxassist snapstart operation. When
the attach is complete, the state for the plex will be changed to SNAPDONE. If
the system fails before the attach completes, the plex and all of its subdisks will
be removed.
- This is a snapshot plex created by vxassist snapstart that is fully attached. A plex in this
state can be turned into a snapshot volume with vxassist snapshot. See
vxassist(1M) for more information. If the system fails before the attach
completes, the plex and all of its subdisks will be removed.
- This is a snapshot plex being attached by the vxplex snapstart operation. When the attach
is complete, the state for the plex will be changed to SNAPDIS. If the system fails
before the attach completes, the plex will be dissociated from the volume.
- This is a snapshot plex created by vxplex snapstart that is fully attached. A plex in this
state can be turned into a snapshot volume with vxplex snapshot. See
vxplex(1M) for more information. If the system fails before the attach completes,
the plex will be dissociated from the volume.
- This is a plex that is being associated and attached to a volume with vxplex att. If the
system fails before the attach completes the plex will be dissociated from the
- This is a plex that is being associated and attached to a volume with vxplex att. If the
system fails before the attach completes the plex will be dissociated from the
volume and removed. Any subdisks in the plex will be kept.
- This is a plex that is being associated and attached to a volume with vxplex att. If the
system fails before the attach completes, the plex and its subdisks will be
dissociated from the volume and removed.
Exit codes
The majority of the Volume Manager utilities use a common set of exit codes, which can be used by
shell scripts or other types of programs to react to specific problems detected by the
utilities. For C programmers, these exit status codes are defined in the include file
volclient.h. The number and macro name for each distinct exit code is described below.
Shell script writers must directly compare against the numbers specified.
(0) VEX_OK
- The utility is not reporting any error through the exit code.
- Some command line arguments to the utility were invalid.
- A syntax error occurred in a command or description, or a specified record name is too long
or contains invalid characters. This code is returned only by utilities that
implement a command or description language. This code may also be returned
for errors in search patterns.
- The volume daemon does not appear to be running.
- An unexpected error was encountered while communicating with the volume daemon.
- An unexpected error was returned by a system call or by the C library. This can also
indicate that the utility ran out of memory.
- The status for a commit was lost because the volume daemon was killed and restarted
during the commit of a transaction, but after restart the volume daemon did not
know whether the commit succeeded or failed.
- The utility encountered an error that it should not have encountered. This generally implies
a condition that the utility should have tested for but did not, or a condition that
results from the volume daemon returning a value that did not make sense.
- The time required to complete a transaction exceeded 60 seconds, causing the transaction
locks to be lost. As most utilities will reattempt the transaction at least once if a
timeout occurs, this usually implies that a transaction timed out two or more times.
- No disk group could be identified for an operation. This results either from naming a disk
group that does not exist, or from supplying names on a command line that are in
different disk groups or in multiple disk groups.
- A change made to the database by another process caused the utility to stop. This code is
also returned by a usage-type-dependent utility if it is given a record that is
associated with a different usage type. If this situation occurs when the usage-
type-dependent utility is called from a switchout utility, then the database was
changed after the switchout utility determined the proper usage type to invoke.
- A requested subdisk, plex, or volume record was not found in the configuration database.
This may also mean that a record was an inappropriate type.
- A name used to create a new configuration record matches the name of an existing record.
- A subdisk, plex, or volume is locked against concurrent access. This code is used for inter-
transaction locks associated with usage type utilities. The code is also used for the
dissociated plex or subdisk lock convention, which writes a non-blank string to the
tutil[0] field in a plex or subdisk structure to indicate that the record is being used.
- No usage type could be determined for a utility that requires a usage type.
- An unknown or invalid usage type was specified.
- A plex or subdisk is associated, but the operation requires a dissociated record.
- A plex or subdisk is dissociated, but the operation requires an associated record. This code
can also be used to indicate that a subdisk or plex is not associated with a specific
plex or volume.
- A plex or subdisk was not dissociated because it was the last record associated with a
volume or plex.
- Association of a plex or subdisk would surpass the maximum number that can be associated
to a volume or plex.
- A specified operation is invalid within the parameters specified. For example, this code is
returned when an attempt is made to split a subdisk on a striped plex, or to use a
split size that is greater than the size of the plex.
- An I/O error was encountered that caused the utility to abort an operation.
- A volume involved in an operation did not have any associated plexes, although at least one
was required.
- A plex involved in an operation did not have any associated subdisks, although at least one
was required.
- A volume could not be started by the vxvol start operation, because the configuration of
the volume and its plexes prevented the operation.
- A specified volume was already started.
- A specified volume was not started. For example, this code is returned by the vxvol stop
operation if the operation is given a volume that is not started.
- A volume or plex involved in an operation is in the detached state, thus preventing a
successful operation.
- A volume or plex involved in an operation is in the disabled state, thus preventing a
successful operation.
- A volume or plex involved in an operation is in the enabled state, thus preventing a
successful operation.
- An unknown error was encountered. This code may be used, for example, when the volume
daemon returns an unrecognized error number.
- An operation failed because a volume device was open or mounted, or because a subdisk
was associated with an open or mounted volume or plex.
- Exit codes greater than 32 are reserved for use by usage types. Codes greater than 64 can be reserved
for use by specific utilities.
© 1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.