(Windowing Korn Shell)
offers a number of extensions to the standard Korn Shell
in order to create and manage graphical user-interface widgets.
There are also a number of commands that allow the programmer to extend
the wksh language by attaching C code dynamically, register
C functions as new built-in commands, register new widget definitions,
and call C functions directly from attached libraries.
All normal ksh commands and features are also supported, wksh
is a true superset of standard ksh.
The following sections give some background information on concepts that
are shared by a number of commands.
A note on toolkits
wksh supports MoOLIT (a superset of OPEN LOOK®), and
OSF Motif widget sets.
This manual page will only cover Motif, because MoOLIT is now considered
Most commands, including all commands from the Xt Intrinsics and Xlib
layers and some convenience functions, apply to all three toolkits.
The programmer must specify which toolkit is being used either by
giving wksh one of the options: -openlook or -motif,
or by setting the variable $WKSHTOOLKIT to either OPENLOOK or
OPENLOOK and -openlook imply the MoOLIT toolkit on systems that support MoOLIT.
Although slightly confusing this was done to maintain compatibility
with older versions of wksh that supported OPEN LOOK.
This manual page cannot possibly explain how to use every widget of
the Motif toolkit, you must refer to reference materials on Motif
for that information.
This manual page assumes basic familiarity with X concepts, see tutorial
materials on wksh if that is not the case.
Widget handles
Most commands that would return a widget
in the C language Xt Intrinsics will
instead set an environment variable to a widget handle in wksh.
A widget handle is an ASCII string
used by wksh to access an actual
widget pointer.
Commands that create widget handles take
as an argument an environment variable name
set to the handle.
For example, the XtCreateManagedWidget
command looks like this:
XtCreateManagedWidget MYWIDGET widget form $TOPLEVEL
After a command like this, $MYWIDGET can be
used to attach children to the newly created form widget.
In the call above, $TOPLEVEL was also set up by another built-in (XtAppInitialize) in an analogous fashion.
This manual page uses the following conventions
in defining arguments to a command:
name of the environment variable set as a side effect of the function
to a returned widget handle
environment variable that was
previously set to a widget handle
by some other wksh command
any legal wksh command string
wksh has internal tables to convert resources,
all conversions are automatic.
Resources are set using the notation:
In this notation, resource is the name of the resource,
value is a string representation of the value.
wksh uses String-to-Type converters on this value,
as appropriate for the resource in question.
Here are some examples of resource setting notation:
When resources are retrieved using XtGetValues,
a similar notation is used:
the resource is the resource name as above.
The variable is the name of an
environment variable that receives
a string representation of the value.
For programmer convenience, a standard set of aliases
are predefined for all of the X Intrinsics built-ins.
These aliases follow a general naming standard:
they always drop the ``Xt'' prefix,
they include just the first
character of each ``word'' in a command.
There are a few exceptions to preserve uniqueness,
but in all cases the aliases were chosen
to be mnemonic and require minimal input.
For example,
XtCreateManagedWidget is aliased cmw,
XtAddCallback is aliased acb.
Each command description lists the aliases available
for that command.
Some commands also have aliases
providing short forms for commonly
used options on that command.
For example, ListOp -a is aliased listadd.
These aliases provide enhanced readability.
The wksh command accepts one new option
GUI mode, either ``motif'' or ``openlook''.
If used, this
option must be the first option to wksh.
The default
is -openlook, although this is now considered an
obsolete toolkit, so users should specify -motif.
Other options available to wksh are the same as ksh
Shell variables
The following environment variables are used by wksh
and its associated commands to set certain defaults:
Default if not set
Use by wksh
Directory where convenience functions, examples, and so on are
Directory where bootstrap executables olwksh (OPEN LOOK) and
xmwksh (MOTIF) are stored
Either OPENLOOK or MOTIF, toolkit to use if command
line option -openlook or -motif is not specified
Overrides $FPATH in the case of wksh execution.
a description of FPATH
Variable Default if not set Use by wkshWKSHLIBDIR/usr/X/lib/wksh Directory where
examples, and so on
are stored
WKSHBINDIR/usr/X/bin Directory where
executables olwksh
xmwksh (MOTIF) are
MOTIF, toolkit to
use if command line
option -openlook or
-motif is not
the case of wksh
execution. See
ksh(1) for a
description of
The following environment variables are set by various commands in
wksh as conveniences to the user.
Full details are given under
the associated command.
Set by command
The handle of the TopLevelShell Widget
The Application's name
Variable Set by command Summary
WKSHAPIXtAppInitialize One of: OPENLOOK,
TOPLEVELXtAppInitialize The handle of the
APPNAMEXtAppInitialize The Application's
Sub-object convenience variables
Some widgets which contain sub-objects
automatically store the widget handle of the sub-object
in a variable when the widget is created.
The variable name which holds the sub-object handle is constructed
by adding a suffix to the parent's variable name.
In the table below,
VAR stands for the parent's widget handle variable.
Convenience variable
Sub object
Cancel button
Default button
Help button
Message label
OK button
Symbol label
Apply button
Default button
Cancel button
Help button
OK button
Filter label
Filter text
Selection label
Separator 1
Separator 2
Widget Convenience variable Sub object
MessageBox $VAR_CAN Cancel button
$VAR_DEF Default button
$VAR_HELP Help button
$VAR_LAB Message label
$VAR_OK OK button
$VAR_SEP Separator
$VAR_SYM Symbol label
FileSelectionBox $VAR_APPLY Apply button
$VAR_DEF Default button
$VAR_CAN Cancel button
$VAR_HELP Help button
$VAR_OK OK button
$VAR_SEP Separator
$VAR_FILTLAB Filter label
$VAR_FILTTXT Filter text
$VAR_SELLAB Selection label
MainWindow $VAR_SEP1 Separator 1
$VAR_SEP2 Separator 2
In addition, for the OPEN LOOK ScrollingList widget
two variables are constantly kept up to date
and $VAR_CURINDEX, which are respectively the number of items in
the list, the text of the current item, and the index of the current item.
Callbacks can be any arbitrary wksh command line.
During execution of the command line,
the environment variable CB_WIDGET will be set to the
handle of the widget on whose behalf the callback is being executed.
OPEN LOOK example programs
Motif example programs
Xlib example programs
bootstrap rc file for OPEN LOOK/MoOLIT
bootstrap rc file for MOTIF
Pixmaps for example programs
bootstrap executable file for OPEN LOOK/MoOLIT
bootstrap executable file for MOTIF
bootstrap executable file for wksh
The wksh executable provides new built-in commands and shell
Built-in commands are built into the shell,
much like other standard ksh built-in commands,
for example echo or cd.
Shell functions are small wksh scripts
pulled into an application the first time referenced.
Text for these shell functions is contained in the directory
It is often useful to take these standard functions
and modify them for slightly different purposes, although by convention the
programmer should change the function name when making such modifications.
Most of them are short (ten to twenty lines).
The following sections
will note when commands are provided using shell functions as opposed to
built-in commands,
although to the programmer there is no visible difference.
The commands will be divided into three sections:
Widget Set Independent Graphics Commands, Motif Graphics Commands,
and C Function Access Commands.
Add a set of buttons to a parent widget.
This shell function is useful for adding
a set of buttons to a menu or RowColumn in a concise manner.
In the first form,
the parent is the first argument to the function,
followed by any number of pairs of arguments specifying
the label on the button and the command to be executed
if the button is selected.
In the second form, with the -w option,
addbuttons takes triplets of
arguments after the parent is specified.
Each triplet specifies the environment variable
to be set to the handle of the newly created button,
the label, and the associated command.
By default, addbuttons creates PushButtonGadgets.
Set the environment variable BUTTONTYPE
to obtain a different kind of button.
This shell function adds a set of captioned text fields to a parent widget.
This command is useful for adding
a set of captioned text fields to a
RowColumn in a concise manner.
The parent is the first argument to the function,
followed by any number of 4-tuples of arguments
specifying the variable to contain the TextField widget
handle, the label,
the verification function called
on the TextField widget,
and the width of the TextField in number of characters.
On return, each variable contains the widget handle
of the corresponding TextField widget.
A variable whose name is the
TextField's variable with _CAP
appended holds the handle of the widget that was created.
One additional environment variable
modifies the initial resources on the created Caption
and TextField widgets:
list of resource definitions passed to
the newly created TextField widgets
The warn, fatal, and confirm
shell functions provide commonly needed functionality for
popping up high priority message windows to the user.
Each creates a DialogShell the first time it is called,
and re-uses it on subsequent calls.
confirm displays message,
and creates two buttons, YES and NO.
If YES is selected, then ycommand is executed.
If NO is selected, then ncommand
is executed.
Both ycommand and ncommand
must be valid wksh commands.
The fatal function is useful in
non-recoverable situations.
It displays message
inside a notice shell with an OK button, and
exits as soon as the OK button is selected.
The warn function
is useful if a non-fatal error has occurred.
It displays message
inside a notice shell with an OK button that does nothing.
DataOp [-prs]$widget
This built-in command prints or resets data throughout widget trees.
This command is useful in a number of situations, for example,
implementing quick databases, implementing property windows,
and easing the implementation of the Reset and Reset to Factory buttons.
This command prints or resets data in Scale, Toggle Button, and Text widgets.
The DataOp options corresponds, respectively,
to the aliases:
dataprint$widget . . .
print data from widget trees.
It recursively descends the $widget
tree and prints to stdout
a set of name=value lines that corresponds
to the
data stored in each data widget.
The name printed is the name
of the widget in question.
datareset$widget data . . .
parse and reset data to widget trees.
It takes a set of pairs of widget trees and data
of the same form as that printed by the dataprint command, and sets
the values on all the widget trees to the named values.
It error checks to ensure consistency
with the name portion of the data.
print data in ``short'' form.
In short form,
each piece of data is printed separated by the ``|'' symbol.
If any widget has the name nodata then the
recursion does not descend that widget.
Thus, a widget hierarchy can be designed
to gather data from some subtrees and not others.
MnemonicOp [-sc] $widget
manipulate mnemonics throughout widget trees.
mnsetup$widget . . .
setup mnemonics on the widget trees
The mnsetup command
sets up all children recursively under $widget
so that mnemonics will appear
on all action widgets and captions.
It first scans the entire tree
of all its arguments looking for children
that already have mnemonics,
keeping track of them.
Then it takes a second pass over the tree and
finds unique single letter keys to use for the mnemonics.
It uses an internal scoring system
to find the ``best'' mnemonic for each item in turn,
preferring letters closer to the front of each ``word''
in each string, capital letters, removing whitespace,
and so on.
It is possible for the command to not find a unique mnemonic,
either because none exists or because finding
a unique set would be too time consuming.
In this case, it prints a warning to stderr.
mnclear$widget . . .
clear all mnemonics on the widget trees
The mnclear command descends
the $widget tree recursively and
clears all mnemonics resources.
under$widget [ pixels ]
over$widget [ pixels ]
rightof$widget [ pixels ]
leftof$widget [ pixels ]
These shell functions add form constraints to the children of
Form widgets.
These functions are automatically included the first time referenced.
Each echos to stdout a set of form constraints to
perform the desired action.
Thus, they are most often used
inside backquotes or $( ... ) in the resource list
of the child be added to the form.
under (over) specify the child should be
placed under (over) another child in the form.
If pixels is not specified,
it defaults to ``0''.
rightof (leftof) places a new child to the
right (left) of another child
a certain number of pixels.
floatbottom (floattop) and
floatright (floatleft)
make a child float along
the bottom (top) edge of the form,
or along the right (left) edge, respectively.
They take no arguments.
floatbottom and floattop may be used in
conjunction with under, over, or spanwidth.
Floatright and floatleft may be used in
conjunction with rightof, leftof or spanheight.
spanwidth and
make the child span the entire
width or height of the form, respectively.
They take no arguments.
spanwidth may be used in
conjunction with under, over, or floatbottom.
spanheight may be used in
conjunction with rightof, leftof, or floatright.
widlist [ -r ] [ args ...]
widlist [-R ] [ args ...]
widlist [-c ] [ args ...]
widlist [-h ] [ args ...]
list information about widgets and their resources to stdout.
widlist is useful for debugging,
quickly finding the exact spelling
of a particular resource name,
or determining what widget classes are
widlist, with no options,
lists currently active widgets
along with information about their parents,
handles, name, and state.
In all cases, if args is not specified,
information for all widgets is listed.
The -r option
lists resources for
each of args,
which may be either widget class names
or widget handles.
The -R option lists constraint resources, if any.
Constraint resources are resources
that a manager class widget imposes
on its children.
The -c option lists all available widget
class names.
The -h option lists all widget handles.
widloadclassname ...
attach customized widgets to the
wksh process.
To use widload,
first attach a dynamic shared object
file to wksh containing the
widget's definition and code using the libload command (see
``C Function Access Commands'' below).
Call widload giving as its arguments
the class record symbol names of
the widgets to attach.
Create an instance of the new widget by specifying
the widget name with an XtCreateWidget
or XtCreateManagedWidget call.
(or follow the normal wksh convention
for gadgets).
wksh searchs for a symbol with the correct name
and considers it the class record constant to use.
When adding customized widgets,
there should be String to Type
and Type to String converters
registered for any resource
accessed by the wkshXtGetValues or
XtSetValues commands that the widget uses.
wksh provides enough converters to handle
most Motif widget resources.
The easiest way to register additional converters
is to write an attachable wksh command
that will do all the registration, or
use the call command to call
an internal subroutine written
to do such initializations.
Better yet, the widget should
register all the converters it needs
when its class initialize function is
invoked, then no special action is needed.
XBell [ volume ]
ring the terminal bell.
volume range -100 and +100,
the default is 0,
which rings the bell at the server
default value.
The alias is bell.
flush the X Event queue.
This command is generally not needed
because the queue is flushed
automatically whenever the client is awaiting user input.
This command is normally explicitly invoked
when the program writes
a message to a widget and
then performs some time
consuming operation.
Unless XFlush is explicitly invoked,
the message will not appear until the operation
has completed and the client again begins processing user input.
For example,
to write ``Please Wait'' to a StaticText widget
and then perform a long operation,
call XFlush right after setting the string
resource so the user sees the message immediately.
XtAddCallback$widget resource ksh-cmd
add the named ksh-command to the callback list
resource on the widget handle $widget.
The alias for this command is acb.
The order callbacks are executed if more
than one callback is registered for the named resource
is undefined.
It is also possible to set a callback list resource
to a ksh-command using XtSetValues
but all other previously registered callbacks are lost.
XtAddCallback simply adds a new callback to the list.
XtCallCallbacks$widget resource
execute all callbacks that are registered with
$widget on resource.
The alias for this command is ccb.
XtRemoveAllCallbacks$widget resource
remove all callbacks associated with the
widget's resource.
The alias for this command is racb.
XtAddInput [ device ] [ ksh-cmd ...]
XtAddInput [-dfile-descriptor ] [ ksh-cmd ...]
register an input source with the X Intrinsics.
The alias for this command is ain.
Whenever an input line is available on the named source,
ksh-cmd is called one by one,
and the arguments to these commands will consist of the
(unquoted) line.
If the ksh-cmd argument is not present,
it defaults to the shell eval command.
Usually a user defined function
is used as the ksh-cmd.
The input source may be a device,
or a fifo pipe.
With the -d option,
a numerical file descriptor may be named.
XtAddTimeOut$TOPLEVEL milliseconds [ ksh-cmd ...]
register a ksh-cmd to be executed milliseconds
in the future.
The alias for this command is ato.
The ksh-cmd may be any arbitrary wksh command line.
Note that the commands are executed only once,
if the command should be executed again
another timeout should be scheduled
within the command itself.
The actual resolution of the internal timer is server and
system dependent,
and a request may be rounded to the nearest
time interval supported on the system.
create a new TopLevelShell widget.
The alias for this command is acs.
variable is the name of an environment variable
receiving the widget's handle.
This handle can be used on other
wksh command calls to operate
on the widget.
wid-name is the name of the widget,
and is used by the X Windows System for resource defaults
and other purposes.
class is one of the supported wksh
shell widget classes such as topLevelShell.
$parent is the handle of the parent widget,
the toplevel widget of the entire application.
After these basic arguments,
there can be any number of pairs of resources
and values separated by colons.
create a new popup shell widget.
The alias for this command is cps.
variable is the name of an environment variable
receiving the widget's handle.
This handle can be used on other wksh command
calls to operate on the widget.
wid-name is the name of the widget,
which is used by the X Windows System for resource defaults
and other purposes.
class is one of the supported wksh
shell widget classes such as popupWindowShell or menuShell.
$parent is the handle of the parent widget,
the toplevel widget of the entire application.
After these basic arguments, there can be any number of pairs of resources
and values separated by colons.
create a new widget.
The alias for these commands is cw and
cmw respectively.
A child created using XtCreateWidget is
not managed by the parent.
If a child is not managed, it will not
appear on the screen initially.
Whether or not a child is managed can be
changed by the XtManageChildren and
XtUnmanageChildren commands.
variable is the name of an environment variable
receiving the widget's handle.
This handle can be used on other wksh command
calls to operate on the widget.
wid-name is the name of the widget,
which is used by the X Windows System for resource defaults
and other purposes.
class is one of the supported wksh
shell widget classes such as popupWindowShell or menuShell.
$parent is the handle of the parent widget,
the toplevel widget of the entire application.
After these basic arguments, there can be any number of pairs of resources
and values separated by colons.
XtDestroyWidget$widget ...
destroy widgets and all their children.
The alias for this command is dw.
XtDestroyWidget takes a list
of widget handles as its arguments,
and destroys them in turn.
Any environment variables holding handles to the widget or their
children become invalid.
Most widgets also have destroyCallback
which will be executed immediately before the widget is
XtGetValues$widgetresource:variable ...
XtSetValues$widgetresource:value ...
take a widget handle
and get or set resource values for that widget.
The alias for these commands are gv
and sv respectively.
The widget handle
presumably comes
from a previous call to
OlInitialize, and so on.
XtGetValues takes a list of
one or more resource:variable pairs and
stores an ASCII version of each resource value
into the corresponding
XtSetValues takes a list of
one or more resource:value pairs and
sets resource value into the corresponding
go into an infinite loop processing X events.
The alias for this command is ml.
It would typically be the final line of an wksh script.
However, while creating widgets interactively,
this command can be interrupted
via the Intr key on the keyboard.
Thus, to make widgets display on the screen,
you can use the XtMainLoop command.
If something looks incorrect,
hit the Intr key,
interactively modify the widgets,
then call XtMainLoop again.
If XtMainLoop is not executing,
no X events for the application are processed,
and so nothing happens on the screen
in response to keyboard, mouse actions,
and so on,
until XtMainLoop is executed again.
XtManageChildren$widget . . .
XtUnmanageChildren$widget . . .
manage or unmanage widget children.
The aliases for these commands are mc and umc respectively.
These commands take any number of widget handles
(presumably from a previous call to
and so on).
All the widgets named in a given
call must have a common parent.
When a widget is ``managed''
its parent will take it into account
when determining screen layout.
Even if the widget is managed,
it will not appear on the screen unless it
is also realized and mapped.
Most widgets by default are mapped when they are managed,
but this behavior is controlled by a boolean resource called
XtMapWidget$widget . . .
XtUnmapWidget$widget . . .
map or unmap widgets.
The aliases for these commands are mw
and umw respectively.
These commands take any number of widget handles
(presumably from a previous call to
and so on).
When a widget is ``mapped'' its
window is displayed on the screen.
In order to be mapped,
a widget must also be realized and managed.
If the widget has children,
they are recursively mapped or unmapped as well.
bring up and down windows
previously created using XtCreatePopupShell.
The aliases for these commands are pu
and pd respectively.
takes a widget handle,
and optionally a grab type,
and brings up the popup window.
The default is GrabNone.
XtPopdown takes a widget handle
as its argument and pops down the widget,
which then disappears from the screen.
XtRealizeWidget$widget . . .
XtUnrealizeWidget$widget . . .
realize or unrealize widgets.
The alias for these commands are rw
and urw respectively.
These commands take any number of widget handles
(presumably from a previous call to
and so on).
When a widget is ``realized''
its window is created on the display
and final initialization of the widget is completed.
If the widget has children,
they are recursively realized or unrealized as well.
XtSetSensitive$widget [true]
XtSetSensitive$widget [false]
set a widget to be sensitive (true) or insensitive (false).
The alias for this command is ss.
This command takes a widget handle
(presumably from a previous call to
and so on.
When a widget is insensitive,
the user is unable to interact with it.
Some widgets change their visual
appearance if they are insensitive as well.
If the widget has children,
they are recursively set to be sensitive or
insensitive as well.
This command should be used rather than simply setting the
sensitive resource of a widget,
since this command correctly takes care
of subwidgets.
These built-ins and functions are available when running
wksh in Motif mode.
ListOp [-adpsgSDitbC] $widget [args]
Operations specific to the Motif List widget.
The aliases, corresponding to the options adpsgSDitbC respectively,
listadd$widget [-Pindex] [item | -ffile] . . .
add new items on the end of the XmList.
After the $widget argument, further arguments can
either be the text of an item to add to the list, or with the -f option
the name of a file each of whose lines will be added as an item to the list,
or with the -P (position) option the index of an existing item which new items
will be inserted after.
If no -P options are given, then
items are added to the end of the list.
For example:
listadd $W -P 4 "Item 1" "Item 2"
will add the strings "Item 1", "Item 2" after the 4th item in the list.
Item indices always start at 1.
Using 0 as the index will add items
to the end of the list.
Using the -f option to add each line
of a file to the list is a highly efficient way to maintain large
listdel$widget [ index ... | all]
delete list items.
After the
$widget argument, the rest of the arguments are a list of
indices of items to delete.
Note that the indices are kept constant
during the life of the command, and after the items are deleted all
remaining items are renumbered so the list of indices
are always consecutive and start at 1.
So, the following two lines
would perform the same function:
listdel $W 1 2
listdel $W 1; listdel $W 1
The first command deletes the first and second items in one operation,
after which the remaining items would be renumbered.
The second line
deletes the first item, after which the remaining items would be
renumbered, then deletes the first item again (thus deleting the second
item of the original list).
You may also use the special keyword "all" instead of a list of items,
in that case all items will be deleted.
listsel$widget index
causes the named items to be selected.
You may use the special
keyword "all" to select all items in the list.
listdesel$widget index ...
causes the named items to become deselected.
You may use the special
keyword "all" to deselect all items in the list.
listget$widget index ...
prints the named items to stdout.
You may use the special keyword "all" to print a list of all items in order
to stdout.
prints a list of all selected items label text to stdout.
prints a list of all selected items indexes to stdout.
listput$widget index string ...
replaces the text of the named index item with the following
Any number of index/string pairs may be specified.
listbot$widget index
Scroll the named item to the bottom of the list.
listtop$widget index
Scroll the named item to the top of the list.
listchange$widget item ...
quickly remove all items and add back the new items.
Faster than calling listdel and listadd separately.
TextOp [-gsrGSCaidl] $widget
Operate on the xmText widget.
Aliases corresponding to each option
-gsrGSCaidl are:
Print the text from a Text widget to stdout.
textset$widget [string]
Set the text of a Text widget.
textreplace$widget from-pos to-pos string
Replace text in a Text widget starting at index from-pos up to and
including character position to-pos with string.
print the selected text in a Text widget to stdout.
textsetsel$widget from-pos to-pos
set selected text in a Text widget starting at character position from-pos
and going up to and including position to-pos.
Clear the selection in a Text widget.
textappend$widget text
append text to the end of a text widget.
textinsert$widget position text
insert text at position, which is an integer starting at 0.
textshow$widget position
Scroll the text in a text widget so that position is in
the viewing area.
Print the index of the last position of the named text widget.
XmCreateWIDGET [-m] var parent name [res:val ...]
For every Motif widget, there is a convenience function defined to
create that widget.
There are also some convenience functions for
creating certain commonly needed composite widget structures.
All of these convenience functions take the same argument structure.
The -m option, if present, indicates that the newly created widget
should be immediately managed.
The default is that they are not
immediately managed and would require a call to XtManageWidget before
The var is the name of an environment variable that will
receive the handle of the newly created widget.
parent is the handle
of the parent of the widget to be created, name is the name of the
newly created widget.
Any number of res:val arguments may be given
that specify initial settings for resources.
There is no room here to discuss all of these commands, see
Motif documentation for complete details.
Here is a list of all
the convenience functions currently supported by wksh, along with
their aliases in parentheses:
These commands are not graphical in nature, instead they allow a
programmer to directly call C functions from wksh.
These commands
support arbitrary structures to be passed to functions, pieces
of memory to be accessed and modified, etc.
As in programming directly in C, it is quite easy to cause wksh to core
dump by using these features.
These features are useful for testing subroutine
libraries without writing extensive C programs, or for accessing
existing library functions from wksh.
For example, it is not
very difficult to make TLI networking calls from shell by using these
call calls a C function with a desired set of arguments.
It puts the return value of func, in hex,
into the environment variable RET.
By default, call returns the return value of the function.
However, the -r option reverses the notion of
success for the function (0 is failure, nonzero is success),
and the -n option returns success if
the function returns a nonnegative value.
The argument func is either the name of a C function,
to be looked up in the internal table of functions, or a hex address.
Due to the danger in calling a function with a misinterpreted address,
a hex address must begin with ``0x''.
A maximum of 10 args is allowed and
each argument is one of three types:
type/value descriptor
arg starts with an ``@''.
This argument types has two parts:
the type descriptor and
the value descriptor.
The type descriptor
is the name of a 'C' data type
(for example,
char *);
if the type is a structure type,
the type will be considered to
be a pointer to that type.
The value descriptor is a
legal value of this type.
arg starts with a number.
Numerical arguments are interpreted as
unsigned long integers and are parsed in that form.
For example, the argument 3 is equivalent to @ulong:3.
arg is a string.
This argument is taken directly from the command line.
Any memory allocated due to the parsing of
the type/value descriptor mechanism
will be freed after func has returned,
unless the -F option has been given.
When you need to free the structure, use strfree.
(The memory for the string or number is not allocated using malloc
and can not be freed or stored, it will be overwritten.)
The set of arguments, arg-modifier
(often referred to as a ``overrides''),
are used to change certain fields of some arguments.
The form of these modifiers is:
field subscript-expression operator=val
refers to a field of one of the arguments.
The argument number or argument type may be used
to limit the search for field.
If the field is left out, this implies an override for
the whole first argument.
optional and of the form '[integer expression]'.
The type of the field must be an array or pointer type.
may only be used if the field is an integer type.
The set of operators
is +, -, &, |, *, /, %, and ^,
interpreted as in C.
val must be a valid value descriptor for the type of the field.
cmdloadcmdname . . .
attach new built-in commands to the wksh process.
Create a dynamic shared object file
containing the cmdname definition
using the libload command.
Then attach it to wksh by executing
the command libload with
only one argument, the path to the shared object.
A full path to the shared object should be used if it does not reside in /usr/lib.
Call cmdload giving the arguments
the names of the built-in commands
as the user should type them.
For each command,
a function is needed
following these interfacing rules:
the name of the function must be the same as the name of the new
built-in command, prepended with b_
the arguments to the function are
int argc and char *argv[],
the same kind of arguments used for a main function.
As usual, argv[0] is set to the name of the command,
the rest of the arguments are the strings
the user passed down on the call.
the function should return int,
return ``0'' on success and
nonzero on failure
in the current version of wksh,
stdin of the command cannot be read,
get information through the argument list
to print to the command's stdout,
use altprintf instead of printf,
use the same arguments as printf
some provided functions allow access to wksh
environment variables or
execute other shell command lines
int altprint(char *format, type arg, ...);
use this rather than printf
void env_set(char *name=value);
set the name environment variable to value
void env_gb1(char *name=value);
set global environmental variable name to value
void env_set_var(char *name, char*value);
same as env_set
char*env_get(chap *name);
get the current value of name environment variable
Depending on the type of variable accessed, the pointer returned
may point to a static buffer whose contents may be
overwritten on a subsequent call.
char * env_get_gbl(char *name);
get the current value of name global environment variable
add a new #define to the list.
name should be a valid 'C' define name;
value must be an integer value.
If name has already been defined, and the -R option is present,
the value will not be re-assigned.
deflist [[-p]name] address
add a new list of #defines to the define list.
These lists are sets of name/value pairs represented by structures of type
symarray, preferably sorted.
struct symarray {
const char *str;
unsigned long addr;
address of an array of symarray structures
tag for this set of define's
deref [-p] [-l] [-len] address [shell-variable]
read the contents of a pointer.
deref will show the contents of the pointer,
address, in hexadecimal,
either byte-by-byte
(where each byte is represented by a pair of hex digits)
or long-by-long.
By default, the output is long-by-long,
with only the first long being printed.
If the -len option
(where len is an integer)
is supplied,
then the output is byte-by-byte for len bytes.
If the -l option is supplied,
the output will be printed long-by-long.
Note that the long-by-long output can look very different
based on the machine's byte ordering.
The -p option will cause the output
to be printed on the standard output,
otherwise, the output will be placed in shell-variable.
If shell-variable is not supplied, RET will be used.
field_comptype address [criterion] . . .
compare internal data at address of the
designated type against criteria supplied to the command.
These criteria are of the form:
type descriptor
address descriptor
a field of type
a legal value for field's type
field_get [-vshell-variable ] type address [ field-name ] ...
print internal data at address,
of the designated type,
selecting fields supplied to the command.
field-name must be a valid field name or a ``.'' for
the whole value.
If shell-variable is given,
the output will be put in the environment;
otherwise, it is printed to stdout.
finddefdefname [ shell-variable ]
find the value of a #define,
(see deflist and define).
It should not be necessary to
use this function frequently,
since the parser will substitute the value
while parsing.
finddef places the value in shell-variable, or,
by default, RET.
findsymsymbol-name [shell-variable]
find the address of a symbol in the running process.
libload [[-p] name] object-name
libload [[-n] name] object-name
access a needed shared object.
If the architecture does not support dynamic shared objects
nothing is actually loaded.
the object.
If there is a symbol accessible by the name name_libinit
or libinit_name, this function will be called.
sizeoftypename [ shell-variable ]
find the size of a C type.
struct [-R] name fld[:type] ...
declare a structure,
with fields fld.
If type is not present for a field,
the type is assumed to be long.
If name has already been defined,
and the -R option is present,
the value will not be re-assigned.
symbolic -m -ttype[ field ] ... symbolic ...
associate symbolic names with a designated
type or a field of a structure of this type.
symbolic must be #define's declared earlier.
Any type assigned symbolic values must be of an integer valued type.
The -m option causes each value to be considered a mask and the
set of values on output should be separated by ``|'' symbols.
typedeftype typename
declare new types.
type must be a valid type descriptor.
typename is the name of the type being defined;
it must be a valid identifier.
dbprlevel command
execute command if the variable DEBUG is greater than or
equal to level.
decltype var
declare an environment variable as representing a pointer to
the designated C type.
use nm to find symbol.
This is only necessary for static variables.
free the memory of a previously allocated and declared
environment variable representing a C data structure.
put the address of the expression into RET,
like getaddr.
help [function]
print out a designated shell function or all, sending the output
through pg.
read in an array of built-in variables, aliases or functions.
malloccount var
allocate space using
and put the pointer in var.
new @type:valuevar
use call to allocate a data structure and put the pointer into
the named variable.
free a data structure allocated by new.
prctl [-vprvar] [-p] [-dsymbol ...] [type]
control the output of strprint/field_get.
The -v option allows capturing the output in a variable,
if there is output.
The -p option forces the current setting to be output.
The normal reset form allows the specifying of print conventions
(names: field names are printed,
hex: integer output is in hex, dec: integer output is in decimal).
The -d option allows for passing the output
captured with a previous prctl back
in as input.
symbol can be PRSYMBOLIC, PRHEX, and so on.
By default, the output setting is PRSYMBOLIC|PRMIXED|PRNAMES
(output will use symbolics when available, will print both hex and decimal
for integer values and will print field names within structures).
reverse failure return codes.
set_special [-ffree-function ] [-Pprint-function ] [-pparse-function ] type [ type ] . . .
designate a new parse, print or free function for a data type.
take out overrides from list of arguments and put them
in specargs array.
addbuttons Example:
This example demonstrates using addbuttons
to create rectButton widgets
inside an Exclusives widget.
The following code would take advantage of
the shell feature whereby a variable can be
set just for the execution of a single command:
cmw EX ex exclusives $TOPLEVEL
BUTTONTYPE=rectButton addbuttons $EX \
"First" do_first \
"Second" do_second
addfields Examples:
if $POP_UCA is the upper control area of a popupWindowShell,
one can add several captioned textFields to it as follows:
When using Motif, use XtAppInitialize instead of OlInitialize:
XtAppInitialize TOPLEVEL myapp Myapp "$@"
widload Example:
Using widload, for example,
if a new widget whose class
record symbol is fancyLookingWidgetClass is contained in
a dynamic shared object named libfancy.so,
the commands would be:
libload /usr/lib/libfancy.so
widload fancyLooking
After this, create an instance of the new widget by specifying
fancyLooking on an XtCreateWidget
or XtCreateManagedWidget call.
If the widget is really a Gadget, then use
normal wksh conventions, fancyLookingGadget in the above example.
XtCreateManagedWidget Example:
An example of a newly created managed
child widget using XtCreateManagedWidget:
XtCreateManagedWidget TEXT1 text1 text $PARENT \
value:"hello world"
XtGetValues and XtSetValues Examples:
XtGetValues $TEXT value:S width:W
would store the current string resource into the environment variable
$S and the current width into the variable $W.
would set the current string resource to the string ``Hello World''
and the current background color to Yellow.
call Examples:
call Example 1:
call malloc 1024 # Allocates a buffer
BUF=$RET # Stores pointer in BUF
echo $BUF
RESPONSE: 0x4581568 # Note that BUF is a pointer
call strcpy $BUF 'hello world' # Copies string into BUF
call altprintf '%s
' $BUF # Print the contents of BUF
RESPONSE: hello world
call free $BUF # Frees the buffer
call Example 2:
call strdup 'a:b:c' # mallocs space for a:b:c
call strtok $BUF : # breaks up string by :
while true
P=$RET # set P to current segment
call altprintf '%s
' $P # Print out current segment
if call strtok 0 : # see if the return is 0
break # break if it is
call free $BUF
This will print out:
call Example 3:
Suppose you have declared (see struct, typedef)
typedef struct hello {
int x;
int y;
} hello_t;
you can say
call hellofunc @hello_t:{1,30}
and get a POINTER to a structure of type hello passed to hellofunc.
call Example 4:
Suppose you have declared:
struct sub {
int subsubx;
struct sub {
int subx;
struct subsub *suby;
struct top {
int x;
struct sub y;
call strprint top '@top:{1,{2,{3}}}'
RESPONSE: { x=1, { subx=2, {subsubx=3 } }
Using an argument modifier:
call strprint top '@top:{1,{2,{3}}}' ++ subsubx=4
RESPONSE: { x=1, { subx=2, {subsubx=4 } }
Or, alternatively (they all do the same thing):
call strprint top '@top:{1,{2,{3}}}' ++ 2.y.suby.subsubx=4
call strprint top '@top:{1,{2,{3}}}' ++ y.suby.subsubx=4
call strprint top '@top:{1,{2,{3}}}' ++ y.subsubx=4
RESPONSE: { x=1, { subx=2, {subsubx=4 } }
define Example:
define X 1
define -R X 2
call strprint -p long '@long:X'
RESPONSE: 0x686920746865726500 # hex equiv. of "hi there"
field_comp Example:
struct strbuf maxlen:int len:int 'buf:char *'
call malloc 4096 # Allocate a character buffer
buf=$RET # Store its pointer in buf
call -F nop "@strbuf:{4096, 0, p$buf }" # Allocates a strbuf
strbuf=$RET # Store pointer in strbuf
call getmsg $FD $strbuf 0 0 # Call getmsg with the strbuf
field_comp strbuf $strbuf len=4 # Before going on, make sure
# the len is 4
field_get Example:
struct strbuf maxlen:int len:int 'buf:char *'
call malloc 4096 # Allocate a character buffer
buf=$RET # Store its pointer in buf
call nop "@strbuf:{4096, 0, p$buf }" # Allocates a strbuf
strbuf=$RET # Store pointer in strbuf
call getmsg $FD $strbuf 0 0 # Call getmsg with the strbuf
field_get strbuf $strbuf len # See the value of len
At this point, the length field is printed to stdout.
symbolic Examples:
symbolic Example 1:
struct mine a b c
define MY_VAL1 1
define MY_VAL2 2
symbolic -t mine.a -t mine.c MY_VAL1 MY_VAL2
call -F nop '@mine:{MY_VAL1, MY_VAL2, 2}'
field_get mine $ptr .
RESPONSE: { a=MY_VAL1, b=2, c=MY_VAL2 }
symbolic Example 2:
struct mine a b c
define MY_VAL1 1
define MY_VAL2 2
symbolic -m -t mine.a -t mine.c MY_VAL1 MY_VAL2
call strprint mine '@mine:{3, MY_VAL2, 2}'
In addition, the Motif manual pages
are essential for programming graphics using wksh,
and the Xt Intrinsics Toolkit Reference Manual is also
very helpful.