
XmProcessTraversal -- a function that determines which component receives keyboard events when a widget has the focus


#include <Xm/Xm.h> 

Boolean XmProcessTraversal (widget, direction) Widget widget; XmTraversalDirection direction;


XmProcessTraversal determines which component of a hierarchy receives keyboard events when the hierarchy that contains the given widget has keyboard focus. Using XmProcessTraversal to traverse to MenuBars, Pulldown MenuPanes, or Popup MenuPanes is not supported.

Specifies the widget ID of the widget whose hierarchy is to be traversed. The hierarchy is only traversed up to the top of the shell. If that shell does not currently have the focus, any changes to the element with focus within that shell will not occur until the next time the shell receives focus.

Specifies the direction of traversal.

The direction parameter can have the following values, which cause the routine to take the corresponding actions:


Return values

Returns True if the setting succeeded. Returns False if the keyboard focus policy is not XmEXPLICIT, if there are no traversable items, or if the call to the routine has invalid parameters.


XmGetVisibility(X3mot) and XmIsTraversable(X3mot).
30 January 1998
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