
net.cfg -- per-user NetWare configuration database




The file $HOME/net.cfg allows you to specify defaults for NetWare® connections.

Without a net.cfg in your HOME directory, your default NetWare server and your default NetWare 4 Directory Services (NDS) tree and context are determined by the first available server on the network. Signature and checksum levels (for secure packet transmission over the connections) are set from system-wide defaults.

The scoadmin(1M) NetWare Settings application lets you customize these aspects of NetWare connectivity for your NetWare connections.


This file is created and managed by the scoadmin NetWare Settings utility, found in the NetWare folder. It can also be created and managed from the command line. Using NetWare Settings is preferred, since this avoids mistakes you might make when editing the file.

The following keywords and parameters can be used in the file:

The treename is a preferred NDS tree for default connections. If you have access to more than one NDS tree, you can specify a default for all connections. If you wish to establish a default connection to a server in a specific Directory tree, set this variable to the name of the desired tree. If there are active servers in the specified tree, the default connection will be established to the nearest server in the tree. If both ``Preferred Tree'' and ``Preferred Server'' are specified, a connection to the preferred tree will be attempted first.

The contextname is a preferred NDS context within the default tree. Within the current tree (or the preferred tree, if set), this is a context in which you have a valid NetWare login ID. The default is the root of the tree, which may cause confusion if duplicate NetWare login IDs exist.

The servername is a preferred NetWare server for default connections. This can be any NetWare server in the current context or (for bindery-only networks) any server on the same cabling system. Specify the name of the NetWare server you want to attach to first. If the server specified is active, a default connection will be established to that server. If the specified server is not active, or if this variable is not set, a default connection will be established to the nearest advertising server. If both ``Preferred Tree'' and ``Preferred Server'' are specified, a connection to the tree will be attempted first.

These keywords specify checksum and signature checking. Set the level of packet error checking for connections session on NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) packets (respectively) sent and received over the network. You can specify a higher level than the current system-wide setting for either of these variables, but if you specify a lower level, the system-wide setting is used. See nwsignatures(1Mnuc) and nwcm(1Mipx) for more information on these settings.
Any changes you make in your NetWare configuration will take effect the next time you log in to UnixWare or restart the NUC. To restart the NUC without logging out and then back in to UnixWare (and without affecting other NUC users), close all the open applications you are using that access files on a NetWare server and enter the following commands in the order nwlogout(1nuc) then nwreset(1Mnuc).

Your new NetWare configuration settings in net.cfg are now in effect.


nwcm(1Mipx), nwlogin(1nuc), nwlogout(1nuc), nwreset(1Mnuc), scoadmin(1M)
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.