#include <nwbindry.h> or #include <nwcalls.h>NWCCODE N_API NWReadPropertyValue (NWCONN_HANDLE conn, pnstr8 objName, nuint16 objType, pnstr8 propertyName, nuint8 segmentNum, pnuint8 segmentData, pnuint8 moreSegments, pnuint8 flags);
NWReadPropertyValue iteratively reads property values with more than 128 bytes of data. segmentNum should be set to 1 to read the first data segment of a property. Each subsequent function should increment segmentNum until moreSegments is set to 0 or until NO_SUCH_SEGMENT is returned.
objName, objType, and propertyName must uniquely identify the property and cannot contain wildcard characters.
flags indicates the property's type and whether the property is dynamic. A dynamic property is created and deleted frequently. Dynamic properties are deleted from the bindery when the NetWare server is reinitialized. flags is optional. If the parameter is not desired in the return, a NULL can be substituted.
The property type indicates the type of data a property value contains. The SET property type indicates that the property's value contains a set of bindery object identifications. The bindery attaches no significance to the contents of a property value if the property is of type ITEM.
If the property is of type SET, the data returned in segmentData is an array of bindery object IDs.
The bindery makes no attempt to coordinate activities among multiple stations that concurrently read or write data to a single property. One station might read a partially updated property and get inconsistent data if the property's data extends across multiple segments. If this presents a problem, coordination on Reads and Writes must be handled by application programs. Logical record locks can be used to coordinate activities among applications.
0x2222 | 23 | 61 | Read Property Value |
----------------------------------------- | 0x2222| 23| 61| Read Property Value | |-------|----|----|----------------------|