#include <nwnet.h> or #include <nwdsdsa.h>NWDSCCODE NWDSBackupObject (NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 objectName, pnint32 iterationHandle, pBuf_T objectInfo);
NWDSBackupObject is used to back up the attributes and attribute values for one object at a time. To back up the entire Directory, NWDSBackupObject must be called for each object in the Directory.
iterationHandle is used to control retrieval of results that are larger than the result buffer supplied by objectInfo.
Before the initial call to NWDSBackupObject, set the contents of the iteration handle pointed to by iterationHandle to NO_MORE_ITERATIONS.
When NWDSBackupObject returns from its initial call, if the result buffer holds the complete results, the location pointed to by iterationHandle is set to NO_MORE_ITERATIONS on return. If the iteration handle is not set to NO_MORE_ITERATIONS, use the iteration handle for subsequent calls to NWDSBackupObject in order to obtain further portions of the results. When the results are completely retrieved, the contents of the iteration handle will be set to NO_MORE_ITERATIONS.
The information returned in objectInfo must be stored so it can be passed to NWDSRestoreObject in the manner it expects. NWDSRestoreObject expects an nuint32 array pointer and an nuint8 pointer specifying the length of the information to be restored.
Each time NWDSBackupObject is called, save the number of bytes returned by objectInfo->curLen starting from the address pointed to by objectInfo->data. objectInfo must be worked with directly; there are no Directory Services functions that will retrieve this information.
It is the developer's responsibility to decide how to store the information so it can be restored by calling NWDSRestoreObject.
The results of NWDSBackupObject are not ordered. Attribute information might not be stored in the result buffer in alphabetical order.