
evgainit -- Extended VGA keyboard/display driver initialization


evgainit card-type


evgainit is used to initialize the keyboard/display driver (see keyboard(7)) if extended VGA graphics modes are being used on certain video cards.

The keyboard/display driver provides the interface to the video card. evgainit informs the keyboard/display driver which video card is installed and should be rerun each time the system is booted.

In many cases the keyboard/display driver can determine which card is being used and therefore this command need not be run. For example, you don't need to run evgainit for the following cards:

evgainit must be run, however, for the following cards before attempting to use resolutions greater than 640x480 pixels. The following list shows the card-type argument value that should be used for each video card:

Card type Video Card(s)
vega Video 7 800x600, Video 7 VEGA VGA Adaptor
stbga STB VGA Extra/EM, Extra/EM-16
sigma/h SIGMA VGA/H
pvga1a Paradise PVGA1A
dell Dell VGA
vram Video 7 VRAM VGA
orvga Orchid Designer VGA, Designer 800 VGA, ProDesigner VGA
tvga Tseng Labs
orvgani Orchid Designer, ProDesigner VGA (non-interlaced)
tvgani Tseng Labs (non-interlaced)
gvga Genoa Super VGA
pega Paradise PEGA2
gega Genoa EGA
fastwrite Video 7 FastWrite VGA
won ATI VGA Wonder
pvga1024 Paradise 1024

 Card type   Video Card(s) 
 vega        Video 7 800x600, Video 7 VEGA VGA Adaptor 
 stbga       STB VGA Extra/EM, Extra/EM-16 
 sigma/h     SIGMA VGA/H 
 pvga1a      Paradise PVGA1A 
 dell        Dell VGA 
 vram        Video 7 VRAM VGA 
 orvga       Orchid Designer VGA, Designer 800 VGA, ProDesigner VGA 
 tvga        Tseng Labs 
 orvgani     Orchid Designer, ProDesigner VGA (non-interlaced) 
 tvgani      Tseng Labs (non-interlaced) 
 gvga        Genoa Super VGA 
 pega        Paradise PEGA2 
 gega        Genoa EGA 
 fastwrite   Video 7 FastWrite VGA 
 won         ATI VGA Wonder 
 pvga1024    Paradise 1024 

The command can only be run with appropriate privilege.


For an STB Extra/EM-16 video card, evgainit should be invoked as:

evgainit stbga

This command can be run automatically from the inittab file (see inittab(4)) or can be run by a user with appropriate privilege after each system reboot.


console(7), inittab(4), keyboard(7)
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.