info --
return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
info option [arg arg ...]
This command provides information about various internals
of the Tcl interpreter. The legal options (which
may be abbreviated) are:
- info args procname
Returns a list containing the names of the arguments to
procedure procname, in order. procname
must be the name of a Tcl command procedure.
- info body procname
Returns the body of procedure procname.
procname must be the name of a Tcl command
- info cmdcount
Returns a count of the total number of commands that have
been invoked in this interpreter.
- info commands [pattern]
If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of
names of all the Tcl commands, including both the built-in
commands written in C and the command procedures defined
using the proc command. If pattern is
specified, only those names matching pattern are
returned. Matching is determined using the same rules as
for string match.
- info complete command
Returns 1 if command is a complete Tcl command in
the sense of having no unclosed quotes, braces, brackets or
array element names: if the command doesn't appear to be
complete then 0 is returned. This command is typically
used in line-oriented input environments to allow users to
type in commands that span multiple lines; if the command
isn't complete, the script can delay evaluating it until
additional lines have been typed to complete the command.
- info default procname arg varname
Procname must be the name of a Tcl command
procedure and arg must be the name of an argument
to that procedure. If arg doesn't have a default
value then the command returns 0. Otherwise it returns 1
and places the default value of arg into variable
- info exists varName
Returns 1 if the variable named varName exists in
the current context (either as a global or local variable),
returns 0 otherwise.
- info globals [pattern]
If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of all
the names of currently-defined global variables. If
pattern is specified, only those names matching
pattern are returned. Matching is determined
using the same rules as for string match.
- info level [number]
If number is not specified, this command returns
a number giving the stack level of the invoking procedure,
or 0 if the command is invoked at top-level. If
number is specified, then the result is a list
consisting of the name and arguments for the procedure call
at level number on the stack. If
number is positive then it selects a particular
stack level (1 refers to the top-most active procedure, 2
to the procedure it called, and so on); otherwise it gives
a level relative to the current level (0 refers to the
current procedure, -1 to its caller, and so on). See the
uplevel command for more information on what
stack levels mean.
- info library
Returns the name of the library directory in which standard
Tcl scripts are stored. The default value for the library
is compiled into Tcl, but it may be overridden by setting
the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable. If there
is no TCL_LIBRARY variable and no compiled-in
value then an error is generated. See the
manual entry for details of the facilities provided by the
Tcl script library. Normally each application will have
its own application-specific script library in addition to
the Tcl script library. Each application should consider
setting a global variable with a name like
$app_library (where
app is the application's name) to hold the
location of that application's library directory.
- info locals [pattern]
If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of all
the names of currently-defined local variables (including
arguments to the current procedure, if any). Variables
defined with the global and upvar
commands will not be returned. If pattern is
specified, only those names matching pattern are
returned. Matching is determined using the same rules as
for string match.
- info patchlevel
Returns a decimal integer giving the current patch level
for Tcl. The patch level is incremented for each new
release or patch, and it uniquely identifies an official
version of Tcl.
- info procs [pattern]
If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of all
the names of Tcl command procedures. If pattern
is specified, only those names matching pattern
are returned. Matching is determined using the same rules
as for string match.
- info script
If a Tcl script file is currently being evaluated (that is,
there is a call to Tcl_EvalFile active or there
is an active invocation of the source command),
then this command returns the name of the innermost file
being processed. Otherwise the command returns an empty
- info tclversion
Returns the version number for this version of Tcl in the
form x.y, where changes to x represent
major changes with probable incompatibilities and changes
to y represent small enhancements and bug fixes
that retain backward compatibility.
- info vars [pattern]
If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of all
the names of currently-visible variables, including both
locals and currently-visible globals. If pattern
is specified, only those names matching pattern
are returned. Matching is determined using the same rules
as for string match.
30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.