
pciconsvr.ip -- manage connection between personal computer and host


pciconsvr.ip [-b] [-n data] [-s] [-x] [-D value] [-F file] [-I addr] [-K key]
[-L value] [-S] [-T value]
pciconsvr.ip -V


pciconsvr.ip is a daemon that has two functions: to broadcast the message consvr hostname here periodically, and to connect between the personal computer and the host. The broadcast messages are used by the pcimapsvr.ip daemon to keep the list of available hosts up to date. The connection management process begins when pciconsvr.ip receives a connection request.

When pciconsvr.ip receives a connection request from LOGIN, it assigns a port number for use in subsequent communication with the personal computer and spawns a new process, pcidossvr.ip.

The pciconsvr.ip process is usually started from pcistart for LAN connections. This process recognizes the following commands:

Specify this option to enable local broadcasts of the necessary messages. This option can be used for systems that cannot normally receive broadcast messages on the same host from which they were sent. This can be seen by turning on pcimapsvr logs. If no ``consvr here'' messages from the local host are seen in this log file, but pciconsvr.ip is known to be running (its log file shows the messages being sent), then use this option to enable local broadcasts.

-n data
There are several network addressing options, such as port numbers, broadcast address type, as so forth, that have internal default values. In rare cases, such as a network addressing conflict, it may be necessary to explicitly specify one or more of these options.

Since the possible set of options is dependent on the specific network environment, these options are grouped together under this single flag. In the rare event that you should need to change the default settings for this option, contact your PC-Interface server vendor's support organization.

Specifies that administrator-supplied internet addresses are to supplement the system-supplied configuration, rather than to replace them. (See the -I option.)

Specifies that probe packets are ignored. Normally, when pciconsvr.ip detects that a certain number of probe messages from the client have not arrived, it considers the client to have disconnected and it terminates the pcidossvr.ip process. Using the -x option allows you to test network connections by telling pciconsvr.ip to ignore probe packet loss.

-D value
Turns on the log file, using the specified channels. It should be the first option in the parameter list to pciconsvr.ip, when it is used, so that any faults in the parameter list can be logged.

-F file
Specifies that pciconsvr.ip should use the feature list stored file. It may be useful to specify a feature list other than the list that is compiled into the PC-Interface server, for example, if there is a problem that only affects a few isolated users.

-I addr
Specify an explicit internet address triplet. In rare cases, the network interface configuration as provided by the system is insufficient or invalid. This option allows the user to specify an address explicitly, and multiple instances may be used to specify multiple addresses. When this option is specified, the system-provided configuration is not used unless the -s option is also specified. The format for an address triplet is:


where the local-addr, broadcast-addr, and subnet-mask are the standard notation for local address, broadcast address, and subnet mask, respectively. If either the broadcast address or subnet mask isn't specified, it is interpreted from the local address, which must be specified.

-K key
Specifies a shared memory and lockset key for record locking. It is possible, but highly improbable, for the shared memory and lockset key used for record locking to conflict with a package from another vendor. If that other package doesn't allow a user-specified key, this option can be used. The key value defines the least significant two bytes of the keys used for shared memory and lockset (semaphores).

(If the host also provides Merge, there may be a problem if the Merge product doesn't allow key definition.)

-L value
Turns on the log file for pcidossvr.ip, using the specified channels.

Specifies a single host address for pciconsvr.ip. In some cases, you might not want to provide connection service using the system-provided interface list, but instead by standard host name as provided by /etc/hosts or by a name server.

-T value
Specifies the timing interval for ``consvr here'' broadcasts. When a network has many hosts running the PC-Interface server, the default interval for these broadcasts may actually have a performance impact. Specifying the -T option changes the interval from its default value to value seconds. This also results in a change to the dynamic detection of network topology changes.

Use the -V option to display the internal version number.

30 January 1998
© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.